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      고종대 궁궐 내 현왕 어진봉안처의 변화와 ‘규장각’ 계승 = Changes in the King’s Portrait House and the Succession of ‘Kyujanggak’ under Gojong



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      다국어 초록 (Multilingual Abstract)

      King Sukjong(肅宗) was the first king to build the King’s portrait house. After that, the tradition of erecting the King’s portrait house continued with King Gojong(高宗). King Gojong wanted to rule directly against Heungseon Daewongun(興宣...

      King Sukjong(肅宗) was the first king to build the King’s portrait house. After that, the tradition of erecting the King’s portrait house continued with King Gojong(高宗).
      King Gojong wanted to rule directly against Heungseon Daewongun(興宣大院君). In the process, Geoncheonggung(乾淸宮) was built to enshrine the portraits of the king. Geoncheonggung was a building that advocated the succession of ‘Kyujanggak(奎章閣)’. ‘Kyujanggak’ was a building built by King Jeongjo(正祖) in the backyard of Changdeokgung(昌德宮) Palace to enshrine the records of the previous kings. King Jeongjo enshrined his portrait here. And the Kyujanggakshin(奎章閣臣) took care of them. ‘Kyujanggak’ also served as a king’s library. For this reason, King Jeongjo kept the latest books in Kyujanggak. Since then, Kyujanggak has grown into an organization for the reformation of King Jeongjo.
      King Gojong continued to build houses with the same characteristics as ‘Kyujanggak’ in Changdeokgung(昌德宮) Palace and Gyeongbokgung(景福宮) Palace. Gwanmungak(觀文閣) and Jibokjae(集玉齋) were all houses that kept the portraits of the king. Also, these were the libraries that kept the latest books.
      King Gojong built Gwanmungak, a Western-style building, and Jibokjae, a Chinese- style building. This showed King Gojong’s will to enlighten. In this way, the foreign- style building that inherited ‘Kyujanggak’ connected the authority of the previous kings with the political orientation of King Gojong.
      Built during the Korean Empire(大韓帝國), Suokheon(漱玉軒) was the first Western- style building in Gyeongungung(慶運宮) Palace. This was also the building that succeeded ‘Kyujanggak’. Since then, many Western-style buildings have been built within Gyeongungung Palace.
      In addition, King Gojong enshrined a portrait of the emperor at the Punggyeonggung(豐慶宮) Palace in Pyongyang. The portrait of the emperor, produced in a traditional way, was enshrined in Pyongyang, a space that reveals the uniqueness of Korea through the history of Giza Joseon(箕子朝鮮).
      Through this, King Gojong wanted to have two capitals just like the modern western countries. In this way, King Gojong accepted the external form of Western civilization based on the tradition represented by the ‘Seonwang(先王)’. In this way, King Gojong wanted to show absolute imperial power.
      The king’s portrait and the building for the portrait symbolizes the king itself. From the time when King Gojong himself began to rule, he erected a building to enshrine his portraits. Through this, King Gojong showed his will to lead the operation of the state and for enlightenment.
      Even after the establishment of the Korean Empire, Gojong built the emperor’s portrait house. Through this, it was intended to show that the Korean Empire was equal to the modern Western state. At the same time, the people of the Korean Empire could see the divine emperor. However, fires continued to occur, politics was chaotic, and the international situation was unstable.
      However, Gojong built new buildings within the palace and built a new palace. Gojong continued to carry out civil works. It is difficult to say that this was an appropriate response to the crisis. Excessive attention and expense for the emperor's status only fueled national chaos in the end.


      다국어 초록 (Multilingual Abstract)




      참고문헌 (Reference)

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      2 서명수, "조선후기 對淸認識의 변화와 中國風 건축요소의 유행" 26 (26): 2006

      3 오수창, "조선정치사(1800~1863) 상" 청년사 84-, 1990

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      13 고려대학교아세아문제연구소, "구한국외교문서 17 俄案(1889-1893)" 고려대학교출판부 216-222, 2010

      14 김윤정, "광무 6년의 평양 풍경궁 창건공사에 관한 연구" 대한건축학회 25 (25): 177-186, 2009

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      20 "高宗實錄"

      21 연갑수, "高宗 初中期(1864~1894) 정치변동과 奎章閣" 규장각한국학연구원 (17) : 57-75, 1994

      22 문화재청, "集玉齋 修理調査報告書" 116-118, 2005

      23 金泰中, "開化期 宮廷建築家 사바찐에 관한 硏究: 雇傭經緯와 經歷 및 活動環境을 중심으로" 12 (12): 1996

      24 이영호, "鄕人에서 平民으로 - 평안도 향인체제의 구조와 그 해체과정 -" 규장각한국학연구원 (63) : 61-98, 2013

      25 Allen Horace Newton, "近世 東亞細亞 西洋語 資料叢書 138" 경인문화사 210-, 2001

      26 金炳始, "蓉庵集 권6, 集玉齋 上梁文"

      27 "英祖實錄 권60"

      28 "肅宗實錄 권29"

      29 김지영, "肅宗ㆍ英祖代 御眞圖寫와 奉安處所 확대에 대한 고찰" 규장각한국학연구원 (27) : 55-76, 2004

      30 "續陰晴史 권10"

      31 韓章錫, "眉山集 권9, 正善堂上梁文"

      32 "玉軒失火"

      33 "正祖實錄"

      34 "梅泉野錄 권2"

      35 吳洙彰, "朝鮮後期 平安道 社會發展 硏究" 一潮閣 41-42, 2002

      36 "春官通考 권68, 嘉禮"

      37 "日省錄"

      38 "承政院日記"

      39 "帝國新聞 1901년 2월 26일 잡보"

      40 서울학연구소, "宮闕志" 79-80, 1994

      41 "官報 663호"

      42 "官報 3책(4368)"

      43 "宗簿寺謄錄 권1"

      44 정옥자, "奎章閣의 지식기반사회적 의의와 동아시아문화" 규장각한국학연구원 (29) : 93-120, 2006

      45 이세열, "奎章閣志 上" 한국학술정보(주) 126-, 2011

      46 薛錫圭, "奎章閣 硏究(下)" 29 : 1984

      47 薛錫圭, "奎章閣 硏究(上)" 29 : 1984

      48 "國朝寶鑑 권60"

      49 장영숙, "『集玉齋書目』 분석을 통해 본 고종의 개화서적 수집 실상과 활용" 한국근현대사학회 (61) : 7-39, 2012

      50 "The Korea Review 1901년 11월호"

      51 "The Independent 1897년 10월 23일"

      52 김태웅, "<대한국국제(大韓國國制)>의 역사적 맥락과 근대 주권국가 건설 문제" 24 : 2013

      53 강상규, "19세기 동아시아의 패러다임 변환과 한반도" 논형 127-, 2008

      54 김지영, "19세기 眞殿 및 御眞奉安處 운영에 대한 연구" 한국학중앙연구원 (26) : 162-187, 2011

      55 박준형, "1899년 평양개시 이후 평양성 외성 공간의 재편 과정" 한국학연구소 (39) : 111-144, 2015

      56 박준형, "1890대 후반 언론의 ‘자주독립’과 韓淸關係의 재정립" 54 : 2008

      57 "(高宗)御眞圖寫都監儀軌 권1"


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