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      The Effects of Personality Characteristics of Consumer on Repurchase Intention and Brand Loyalty Towards IT Products



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      다국어 초록 (Multilingual Abstract)

      This study examines the effects of personality traits of e-commerce users on IT product repurchase intention and brand loyalty by extending the Expectation Disconfirmation Theory (EDT) based on the Five-Factor Model. The proposed model is tested by a ...

      This study examines the effects of personality traits of e-commerce users on IT product repurchase intention and brand loyalty by extending the Expectation Disconfirmation Theory (EDT) based on the Five-Factor Model. The proposed model is tested by a path analysis by using AMOS 18.0 based on the data from 398 survey respondents in Seoul, Korea who had experience in purchasing an IT product through e-commerce. According to the empirical analysis, among personal characteristics, 'agreeableness' was found to have an indirect impact in repurchase intention through satisfaction, but a direct impact on brand loyalty. As for 'conscientiousness', it had a direct impact on repurchase intention due to perceived usefulness. The implications of this study lie in its contribution to the extension of EDT, which is widely utilized in service marketing, by applying personal characteristics in understanding customer sentiment.


      참고문헌 (Reference)

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      2 조성의, "서비스상품 전자상거래에서 고객의 구매영향요인 연구: 지각된 위험과 고객구매의도에 초점" 한국서비스경영학회 12 (12): 83-107, 2011

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