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        Les notions de vieillissement et de vieillesse dans la littérature contemporaine, première approche : Simone de Beauvoir

        Jean?Charles Jambon 프랑스문화예술학회 2010 프랑스문화예술연구 Vol.33 No.-

        프라이 왁스먼은 성장소설 혹은 교양소설Bildungsroman에 대립되는 성숙소설Reigfunsroman 이라는 새로운 장르를 제안했다. 영미의 페미니스트들과 더불어 왁스먼은 시몬 드 보부아르를 여성의 나이듦과 노년에 대한 연구에 있어 선구자로 간주한다. 영미와 캐나다의 몇몇 소설가들은 보부아르가 여성의 노년에 대해 자신의 작품에서 제기했던 문제에 대해 나름으로 답하고 있다. 사실, 인생의 각 시기에 마주치게 되는 문제에 관심을 가진 사람에게 보부아르의 저서 『노년』은 중요한 준거이다. 『노년』과 늙음의 관계는 『제2의 성』이 프랑스와 미국에서(미국에 미친 영향이 더 지대 했음은 주지의 사실이다) 페미니즘의 발전에 대해 가졌던 관계와 동일하다. 본 연구에서 우리는 자서전으로 간주되는 보부아르의 작품을 중심으로 인생의 각 시기에 대한 문제제기가 어떻게 전개되는지 살펴보았다. 보부아르가 오랫동안 노년을 혐오했다는 사실은 널리 알려져 있다. 늙음에 대한 이러한 공포와 거부는 실존주의 철학에 닻을 내리고 있는 죽음에 대한 그녀의 관계를 분석할 때 어렵지 않게 설명된다. 사르트르의 철학에 있어 그리고 보부아르에게 있어 주목해야 할 것은 죽음의 부조리성이다. 죽음은 전적으로 외부로부터 오는 어떤 사실, 추문이다. 오랫동안 보부아르의 사유에서 늙음과 죽음은 서로 분리되지 않았다. 이후 그녀의 생각은 서서히 성숙되어, 사르트르가 병으로 생명이 위협받게 되었을 때 그녀는 죽음이 단지 형이상학적인 추문일 뿐만 아니라 《동맥의 한 특징》이며, 무(無)일 뿐만 아니라 어떤 내밀한 현존이라는 생각을 하게 된다. 모친 사망 후 그녀는 『아주 달콤한 어떤 죽음』이라는 주목할만한 작품을 출판한다. 이 작품은 그녀가 죽음뿐만 아니라 늙음에 대해 다르게 보기 시작했음을 보여준다.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        조선조 연시조의 발전과 수용 양상

        김상진(Kim, Sang-Jean) 한국시조학회 2014 시조학논총 Vol.40 No.-

        조선조 연시조는 四時歌, 五倫歌, 六歌 등의 유형으로 발전하며 각각의 계열을 형성하게 된다. 이렇듯 일련의 시조가 계열을 형성한다는 것은 그들 간에 영향관계가 있음을 의미한다. 본고는 이 가운데서 대표격이라 할 수 있는 육가계 연시조가 시대에 따라 어떻게 변모하고 있는가를 고찰하기로 한다. 이를 위해 육가의 성격에 대하여 먼저 규명하였다. 사시가와 오륜가가 그 명칭에서부터 작품의 성격을 의미하는 것과는 달리 육가는 그렇지 못하다. 더욱이 최초의 작품인 李鼈의 〈藏六堂六歌〉와 최고의 작품으로 꼽히는 退溪의 〈陶山十二曲〉이 〈장육당육가〉를 비판, 수용함으로써 육가의 성격을 모호하게 한다. 이에 본고에서는 兩者를 아우르는 육가의 성격을 ‘處의 공간에서 물러난 시기에 부르는 노래’로 정의하였다. 본격적인 논의에서는 〈도산십이곡〉을 중심으로 논의를 진행하였다. 왜냐하면 이후의 작품들이, 〈도산십이곡〉이 표방하는 溫柔敦厚의 정신과 형식을 본받아 작품을 창작하면서 〈도산십이곡〉이 육가계 연시조의 대표작이 되었기 때문이다. 즉 〈도산십이곡〉이 취하고 있는 육가의 형식과 온유돈후의 정신이 16세기말에서부터 18세기에 창작된 육가계 시조에 어떻게 수용되고 있느냐의 문제이다. 〈도산십이곡〉은 세 가지 유형으로 수용된다. 첫째는 긍정적 수용 양상이다. 이들은 〈도산십이곡〉과 근접한 시기에 창작된 것으로, 그것의 정신과 내용 모두 〈도산십이곡〉을 효방한다. 둘째는 變容的 수용 양상으로, 17세기적 상황을 반영한다. 이것은 기본적으로는 〈도산십이곡〉에 근접하고자 하였지만 작가의 의식세계나 그가 처한 상황에 따라 적절하게 변화시켜 수용한 경우이다. 셋째는 18세기에 창작된 작품에서 볼 수 있는 異形的 수용 양상이다. 이 시기의 작품들은 전반적인 맥락에서 본다면 〈도산십이곡〉이 지향하는 틀을 수용하지만, 그 구체적인 면모는 그와 다르거나 오히려 상반되게 수용하고 있는 경우이다. 이상과 같이 육가계 연시조를 통시적으로 조망함으로써, 낱낱의 작품만을 봤을때 놓치게 되는 작품들 간의 ‘관계’에 주목하고자 하였다. 요컨대 이들 작품이 모두 유기성을 지닌 연시조라는 사실을 간과하지 않았다. 그럼으로써 총체적으로는 작품의 실체에 근접하고자 하였다. Joseon Yeonsijo is a type of development such as Sasiga (四時歌), Oryunga (五倫歌), Yukga (六歌). And each line was formed. This means that the relationship between the effect of the same lines. In this paper, Yukga-line Yeonsijo is the target. Because, this is among the Yeonsijo. In order to do this, first identify the nature of the Yukga. The name alone Yukga does not know character of work. This is different from Sasiga and Oryunga. And, the first work is Li-Byeol(李鼈)’s 〈Jangyukdanoyukga (藏六堂六歌)〉 and The best works Toegye(退溪)’s 〈Dosansibigok (陶山十二曲) character is different. Therefore, the character of Yukga is ambiguous. Thus, in this paper, stipulates as follows that ‘Yukga is singing in the space of retreat’. In a real discussion, specifically focuses on Toegye’s 〈Dosansibigok〉. Becau se, later creative works is 〈Dosansibigok〉 was seen. In other words, 〈Dosansibigok〉’s the spirit of Onyudonhu (溫柔敦厚) and form. So 〈Dosansibigok〉 was the representative of the Yeonsijo. 〈Dosansibigok〉 to accommodate the three types of patterns. First, it is a acceptance of positive. This is creative the closest period from 〈Dosansibigok〉. So were imitated all spirit and form. Second is the acceptability of transformation. This reflects the situation in the 17th century. This is essentially a 〈Dosansibigok〉 attempt seen. However, the situation was because of transformation. Third is, it can see the 18th century. It is the acceptability of allogeneric. There are the overall context of generally oriented to 〈Dosansibigok〉. However, looking specifically to it is different, or the opposite. So, this paper was diachronic study as a Yukga-line Yeonsijo. In doing so, pay attention to the ‘relationship’ between the works. In addition, it is important that this work is Yunsijo in accordance with the organic. In short, the study was close to the reality of work.

      • 韓國言語의 合成과 分析에 관하여 : A Consideration for Digital Signal Processing of Speech Recognition 音聲信號 認識을 爲한 디지탈信號 處理에 對한 考察

        陳庸玉 光云大學校 1979 論文集 Vol.8 No.-

        This paper presents a consideration for digital signal processing method of Korean speech recognition. First, the concepts of digital signal processing techniques are introduced, then we are discussed several speech recognition methods, especially, LPC (linear pridicted cofficients), ZCR (zero crossing rate), dynamic time warping algorithm etc. For voice/unvoice detection, ZCR algorithm are appropriated, then, for the formant frequency dicision, LPC method are very powerful and precisely. Resultly, we know that a few parameter for speech recognition are required, also necissitated for newly simple speech recognition algorithm, lastly, we are acknowoledged a necissity of very high speed microprocessor, as like ECL bit slice.

      • 교란 대기를 통한 Speckle 전파에서 3중 코바리안스 함수의 이론적 해석

        鄭鎭豪 건국대학교 1987 論文集 Vol.25 No.1

        The extended Huygens-Fresnel principle has been used to make an analysis of the first-, second-, third-order statistics of the received intensity for speckle propagation through the turbulent atmosphere. The treatment includes the effects of the turbulent atmosphere on the laser beam as it propagates to the target and on the speckle as it propagates back to the receiver. Under the assumption that the field statistics at the receiver are jointly Gaussian, theoretical formulation for the time-delayed covariance at three point detector is developed. Also, this formulation includes the effects of the log-amplitude covariance as well as the wave structure function. The present analysis is confined to the case of a TEM oo laser source. Formulation has been developed for both the focused and collimated cases. In addition, methods for numerical evaluation of the triple covariance function are discussed, and some numerical results are shown.

      • 實生活 問題解決에 關한 自己評價尺度의 開發

        朴鎭玹,羅東晉,宋在鴻 全北大學校 學生生活硏究所 1987 學生生活硏究 Vol.15 No.-

        Only a few studies have explicitly attended to the personal problem-solving process within the counseling literature, perhaps due in part to the dearth of relevant assessment instruments. An individual's self-appraisal of his or her problem-solving ability will affect his or her problem-solving performance. This study examines the dimensions underlying the applied problem-solving process and describes the development of a Real-life Problem Solving Instrument (RPSI) based on factor-analysis results. In addition, the study delineates initial reliability and validity estimates of the instrument. Data were collected from three samples of students (ns=123, 33, and 22). The factor analysis revealed three distinct constructs : approach vs. avoidance style, problem-solving confidence and will, and compulsiveness vs. self-control style. Although previous research has focused on stages within problem solving, these results suggest the existence of underlying dimensions across stages within people's perceptions of their real-life, personal problem solving. Reliability estimates of the 32 items revealed that the constructs were internally consistent and stable over time. Initial estimates of validity suggest that the instrument is measuring constructs that are (1) related to general perceptions of problem-solving skills, except for satisfaction with the present problem-solving ability, (2) related in part to intelligence, most notably verbal ability, (3) unrelated to social desirability, (4) related to personality variables, most notably locus of control, and (5) amenable to change through specific skill training in problem solving. The investigation has implications for future research on the personal problem-solving process and provides a research instrument that is easily administered and scored.

      • 大學生의 思考技能의 診斷과 改善에 關한 硏究 : It's Diagnosis and Improvement

        朴鎭玹,金武吉,金祥源,朴敬玉,羅東晋 全北大學校 學生生活硏究所 1988 學生生活硏究 Vol.16 No.-

        Cognitive psychologists have taken a growing interest in reasoning skills as a primary goal of education. This study was accomplished as a part of elementary research on reasoning skills that have been pointed out as short comings of teaching of thinking. This study was composed of two substudies : one was to explore the ways to analyzing and diagnosing strategies for college students to apply to reasoning and problem solving, and the other was to examine the teachability of a normative strategy of thinking. In the first part of this study, we explored three alternatives to analyze thinking skills : cognitive process analysis, cognitive structure analysis, and cognitive style analysis ; and suggested the integrative use of them in diagnosing the cognitive skill of reasoning and problem solving. Model of cognitive process analysis was to devide the executive process of a specific task into several subtasks or components, measure the amount of effort, response time, and achievement level for each of them, and thereby analyze the strategies of thinking. Model of cognitive structure analysis was to present subject a specific task, instruct him to think aloud those ideas that came into his head during this solution, and analyze his cognitive structure on the base of his thinking-aloud. Finally, model of cognitive style analysis put more stress on tendency in thinking rather than ability in problem solving. In this regard, a alternative presented in this study was to analyze the strategies of thinking according to Baron's cognitive style model, in which process of thinking activity was devided into four phases : search of goal, search of possibility, search of evidence, and use of evidence. For each of them, the amount of time and effort that the indevidual invested and patterns of value that he grant would become criteria for judging the strategies that would become criteria for judging the strategies that he might use in the process of thinking activities for reasoning and problem solving. In result, this should correspond to measure biases on thinking. In general, main biases on thinking could be referred to insufficient search, search biased toward affirmative evidence, and oversensitivity to supporting evidence, which corresponded to compulsiveness vs. reflectiveness, dogmatism vs. open-mindedness, and authoritarianism, from a point of view on cognitive style, respectively. In the second part of this study, we examined the general principles of teaching thinking skills, based on human informations processing, and several training programs that have been developed with the purpose of improvement in thinking and reasoning skills. These programs were discussed into five categories: (1) cognitive operations approaches, (2) heuristics oriented approaches, (3) formal thinking approaches, (4) symbolic facility approaches, and (5) thinking-about-thinking approaches. Within these programs, the expansion of strategies and control of cognitive styles in reasoning and problem solving have become the main targets for improving of thinking skills. Therefore, this study was attempted to develop two training programs―referred to as Problem-Solving Training Program and Reasoning Skill Training Program respectively― for the purpose of improving these skills, and to test the effectiveness of these programs with college students. This study has shown the following facts : 1) It is necessary to teach the basic strategies for solving cognitive tasks of subject matters such as writing and mathematical problem for the purpose of improving thinking skills. 2) It is necessary to change the relatively general tendency in thinking process such as cognitive styles, in parallel with training of strategies. 3) Also, the training programs must consider indevidual defferences in activity parameters such as self-knowledge about problem solving, motivation, belief, etc. These facts seemed to imply the necessity of multi-dimensional approach to training the thinking skills.

      • 인터넷 신문의 그래픽 인터페이스 구조에 관한 연구 : 신문사 레이아웃 중심으로 centering on the newspaper companies' layouts

        최진선,장순석 동덕여자대학교 디자인연구소 2002 디자인포럼21 Vol.5 No.-

        본 논문에서는 정보전달매체로서의 효율성에 초점을 맞춰 인터넷 신문에 대한 디자인 기준들을 제안하고 이에 따른 주요 인터넷 신문 디자인에 대한 비교 분석을 함으로써 현 인터넷 신문 디자인의 문제점 및 개선되어야 할 방향을 모색하는데 목적이 있다. 인터넷 신문은 그래픽을 정보전달의 표현수단으로 사용하는 GUI이다. 매체가 다르다고 해서 그래픽 디자인의 기준이 변하는 것이 아니며, 새로운 인터페이스의 차이점을 파악하고 이에 가장 적합한 방식으로 정보를 시각화시켜 전달함으로써 정보이용의 효율성을 극대화시켜야 한다. 특히 시각디자인 적인 면에서의 사용자 인터페이스 측면에서 정보전달이 용이한지에 중점을 두었는데, 이러한 기준으로 현재 운영되고 있는 국내?외 인터넷 신문들의 디자인을 분석해 본 결과, 국내의 온라인 신문 사이트들은 대부분 몇 가지 공통된 특징을 가지고 있었다. 엄청난 정보의 제공을 위해서 공간의 구성을 비효율적으로 할 뿐만 아니라 배너 광고 등의 부수적인 요소에 현란한 플래시 기법을 사용함으로써 독이성을 떨어뜨려 사용자의 입장을 충분히 배려한 편안한 컨텐츠의 구성이 아쉬웠다. 또한 각 신문마다 오프라인에서 갖고 있는 자신들의 특성을 염두에 두지 않고 천편일률적인 구조로 사이트를 운영하고 있다는 점이다. 물론 구성에서 약간의 차이는 있지만, 디자인적인 조정이 미흡하다는 것이다. 인터넷 신문 디자인은 화려한 그래픽의 제작에 대한 것이 아니라, 사용자의 입장에서 효율적인 네비게이션을 고려하여 인터페이스 요소들을 이해하고 보다 적합하게 제시하는 것이다. 계속적으로 성장하고 변모하고 있는 인터넷 신문 디자인을 위해서 현 인터넷 신문 디자인을 분석하고 개선점을 파악하는 것은 의의가 있는 것으로 앞으로의 인터넷 신문 디자인 방향 모색에 도움이 될 것이다. The purposes of this study is to propose the criteria to design internet newspapers that are focused on their efficiencies as information transferring media, to compare and analyze the major internet newspapers' designs, to identify the problems of current internet newspapers' designs, and to explore the direction for their improvements. An internet newspaper is a GUI(Graphic User Interface) which uses graphic as a tool to express the transferred informations. No matter what is the selected medium, the criteria of graphic design are not changed. And, it is necessary to maximize the efficiency of using information by understanding the difference of new interface and by visualizing and transferring in the most appropriate manners to it. Particularly, this study focused on whether information can be easily transferred in the aspect of visual design of user interface. The designs of domestic and foreign internet newspapers were analyzed by these criteria. It was found that most domestic online newspaper sites had several common characteristics. They organized spaces inefficiently to provide enormous informations. They used dizzy flash techniques on the incidental elements such as banner advertisement, which hampered easy reading. The researcher felt the lack of comfortable contents organization in which users could be cared. Additionally, it was found that all the researched newspaper companies operated monotonously structured web sites without thinking their own characteristics. Although there were some difference of organization, they lacked adjustments in design. In the design of internet newspaper, it is required not to produce splendid graphics but to understand and provide interface which is appropriate to users with consideration of efficient navigation. It is significant to analyze the designs of internet newspapers and to identify the required improvements for the continuously growing and changing internet newspapers' designs. It will be helpful to explore the future direction of internet newspapers' design.

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