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      • KCI등재후보

        소아 굴절검사방법에 따른 차이 비교 및 생활양식이 근시에 미치는 영향

        최영호,최윤영,Young-Ho Choi,Yun-Young Choi 대한안과학회 2005 대한안과학회지 Vol.46 No.11

        Purpose: We examined the several refractive errors and measured the axial length of child patients who visited Fatima Hospital and then assessed the distribution of refractive error and axial length. We also compared the patients` life-styles with refractive error and axial length. Methods: We examined automated refraction, manifest refraction, 1% Cyclogyl refraction, 1% atropine refraction and axial length with an A-scan in patients between 5 and 15 years old. We asked their parents to provide information about the life-style of the patients using a questionnaire. Results: The difference between manifest refraction and 1% Cyclogyl refraction was significant in patients under 9 years of age, but not significant in patients over 10 years of age. We found that the greater degree of myopia the patient had, the longer the total length and vitreous length. Patients who played outdoors for less than 2 hours per day, read more than 2 books per week and had 1 or more parent with myopia, had greater degrees of myopia. Conclusions: We found that 1% Cyclogyl refraction with manifest refraction is necessary for refraction examination in children, and the degree of myopia is closely related with an indoor life-style, the amount of reading books and the parents myopia.

      • KCI등재
      • 슬관절 테이핑이 정상인의 근 피로와 고유수용성 감각에 미치는 효과

        최영호,정호발,유병규,김경미,Choi Young Ho,Joung Ho Bal,Yu Byong-Kyu,Kim Kyeong-Mi 대한물리치료학회 2002 대한물리치료학회지 Vol.14 No.4

        This study purposes at applying knee joint taping to preventing muscle fatigue. Twenty six subjects between the ages of 20s and 30s were randomly sampled among healthy males, with an average age of 26yr(range, 22 to 31yr). None of the subjects had a recent or remote history of significant lower extremity injury, No subjects had a history of central nervous system equilibrium problems. To develop muscle fatigue, Isokinetic exercise, which is a repetition of flexion and extension knee joint to $180^{\circ}$/sec, was performed 50 times per person. During the exercise, change of proprioception were measured by applying taping on both knee joints. Analysis has carried out by means of one-way ANOVA with repeated measures and independent t-test at the significance level of $\alpha$=0.05 to detect statistic significance. The results of this study were as follows: First, it was found that the generation of lower extremity muscle fatigue significant affects on proprioception (p < 0.05). Second, the application of taping to knee joint after the generation of lower extremity muscle fatigue significant affect proprioception (p < 0.05). Third, while continual exercise after the generation of muscle fatigue, taping group was significant differences in proprioceptive loss than non-taping group(p < 0.05).

      • KCI등재후보

        특발성 황반원공에서 내경계막 제거함에 있어 인도사이아닌그린 염색 사용여부에 따른 수술 결과

        최영호,박준우,조영욱,Young-Ho Choi,Joon-Woo Park,Young-Wook Cho 대한안과학회 2005 대한안과학회지 Vol.46 No.8

        Purpose: In this study, the outcome of internal limiting membrane (ILM) peeling in idiopathic macular hole surgery with or without indocyanine green (ICG) was investigated. Methods: Thirty eyes of 28 patients with idiopathic macular hole stage 3 or 4 who underwent vitrectomy were included. Follow-up duration in all cases was longer than 6 months. We analyzed the anatomical and functional results of macular hole surgeries using ILM peeling with (15 eyes) and without ICG (15 eyes). Results: There were no significant differences in sex, age, symptom duration, hole size, preoperative corrected visual acuity, or follow-up duration between the two groups. Anatomical success rates were 93.3% (14/15 eyes) in ILM peeling with ICG and 80.0% (12/15 eyes) in ILM peeling without ICG. In the cases of anatomical success, there was a statistically- significant difference between the functional success rates of 50.0% (7/14 eyes) in ILM peeling with ICG and 91.7% (11/12 eyes) in ILM peeling without ICG. Conclusions: While there was no statistically-significant difference in the anatomic success rate for idiopathic macular hole surgery with and without ICG, our results suggest the ILM peeling using ICG might produce a negative effect on functional success. Further studies are necessary to evaluation the toxicity of ICG in the context of macular hole surgery.

      • KCI등재

        1957년 한일 억류자 상호석방 각서의 경위와 결과

        최영호(Choi Young Ho)(崔永鎬) 한일민족문제학회 2017 한일민족문제연구 Vol.32 No.-

        This article focuses on political backgrounds and substantial outcomes of the diplomatic memorandum on mutual liberation for detained people between Korea and Japan in 1957 which was an opportunity to open the 4th negotiation for amity between Korea and Japan. It reveals the Korean people in Japan or Korean stowaways detained in Omura camp comparing to the Japanese fishermen detained in Busan camp in 1950 s. This memorandum was the symbolistic event in Korea-Japan relation under the U.S engagement and was the momentum to reopen the negotiation between Korea and Japan which had stopped since Kubota Kanichiro, Japan’s delegate had insisted to justify the colonial Chosun’s rule of Japanese empire. As well as its diplomatic result was so poor that relations was in disarray between Korea and Japan then, the negotiation stopped soon after the reopen because Korea confirmed that she would reject it. In spite of that, this diplomatic memorandum was advisable diplomatic agreement to release 922 Japanese fishermen detained in Busan camp as well as 474 Korean secret passengers in Omura camp including Koreans residents in Japan. According to it, 65 fishermen of Kafuri, Fukuoka prefecture came back to Shimonoseki from Busan when the reporters of RKB Mainichi TV collected news materials soon after the post office opened in Fukuoka city. Discovery of the film in the Resources Center in RKB Station guided my research to a series of study about the ‘Peace Line’ and detained people. According to the mutual diplomatic memorandum, Japanese government revealed that 474 Korean people had been residing in Japan were released from Omura camp until 11th February 1958 as well as that Korean government released 922 Japanese fishermen from Busan Foreigner’s camp until on 18th May 1958. In this paper, I try to reveal the absurdities through the entangled resources that the ordinary people, both Korean and Japanese were interned under governmental power in 1950’s, focusing on that official delegations of two nations didn’t concern deeply about the people’s detainment but they had long interruption negotiation on the ground of claim rights related to prewar colonial rule. I direct in this research my attention to American interpretation ‘relevant clause’ which Korea and Japan had asked her in relation to the claim rights. And I want to point out there was a discrimination against new Korean government and liberated Korean people in Japanese society in 1950’s. And yet I want to emphasize the diplomatic memorandum was agreed by both sides because all delegations of Korea and Japan dimly recognized and felt easing the international sentiment in due to the inhumane detainment of the poor people. この論文は、第4次韓日会談の開始の切っ掛けになった、1957年の韓国·日本政府の抑留者相互釈放に関する覚書について、その外交的背景と実質的効果を再検討している。と同時に、相互釈放の対象になった、1950年代の大村収容所の在日韓人問題と、釜山外国人収容所の‘平和線’侵犯日本人漁民問題を、人道的次元で再検討している。1957年の外交覚書は、米国を中心とする韓·日関係を象徴するものでありながら、久保田発言によって中断された国交正常化交渉の再会を促すものであり、1950年代韓·日関係の複合性や乱脈像を表すものであった。覚書は交換されたものの、予定通り会談の再会に至ることができず、第4次会談の開始直後に「北送問題」を口実に再び交渉は頓着状態に入った。 にもかかわらず、この覚書によって両国に抑留されていた、474名の在日韓人·‘密航者’や922名の日本人漁民がおおぜい釈放されるに至った。釈放された漁民の中には、福岡県加布里の漁民65人も属していた。筆者は、2014年福岡市のRKB-TV放送局の映像資料室で、下関港に着いた加布里漁民の送還に関する映像などを発見したことを契機に、「平和線」に関する研究調査を行ってきている。1957年の相互釈放覚書の結果として、日本政府は1958年2月11日まで、474人の在日朝鮮人を大村収容所から釈放し、韓国政府は同年5月18日まで922人の日本人漁夫を釜山外国人収容所から釈放し、日本に送還した。もちろん、覚書の履行中にも新しく「密航者」の抑留や「平和線侵犯者」の抑留は続いており、予定されていた第4次会談は一月半遅れて1958年4月15日になって開かれた。主な理由は、日本側が韓国の日本人漁夫に関する覚書の履行を怠っているとの理由をもって延期してきたからである。第4次会談は、1960年4月の韓国での政変勃発によって再び中断し、在日韓人法的地位委員会などの分化委員会は討議段階にも入らず、扉を閉めてしまった。 以上、この論文は、1950年代における日本人漁民の釜山収容所抑留の実態や在日朝鮮人と「密航者」の大村収容所抑留の実態を、関連資料で実証してきた。また、非人道的な民間人相互抑留の問題が請求権問題をめぐる韓·日間外交の攻防の中に埋まってきた状況を、国民国家の不条理として取り上げ調査してきた。この論文で両国会談の請求権の争点に関して、米国の有権解釈としての「relevant clause」を浮彫りにしつつ、1950年代に日本社会において新生韓国政府や韓国人に対して差別意識が存在していたことを明らかにした。しかしたとえ請求権問題をめぐる外交的葛藤があった中でも、両国の代表者が非人道的な民間人抑留やこれに伴う国際世論を認識しつつ、外交的が合意に漕ぎ着ける必要性を感じていたことを、私は改めて強調したい。

      • KCI등재

        한국 해양소설의 기호학적 해석 가능성 - 이청준, 김용성, 유홍종 소설을 중심으로

        최영호 ( Choi Young Ho ) 한국문학이론과 비평학회 2009 한국문학이론과 비평 Vol.44 No.-

        The possibility of semiological interpretations of Korean sea novels is boundlessly open. However, discussions developed thus far on this subject have been the opposite. This is because discussions of these novels put too much significance on whether or not the experiences embodied by the authors truly existed. As a result, the chance that maritime experience can itself be an object of recognition has been excluded, and the ocean as the basis of such novels has been read only as the visible ocean itself, without its hidden meanings being detected. The problem with such myopic interpretations is that it is inevitable that authorial experiences and reproductions in novels concerning the sea need to be open and candid. Moreover, the ocean groundings in these novels cannot be intact oceans. Instead, they are interpreted and recreated oceans. This study began from an awareness of this issue and analyzed maritime novels through the semiological interpretations of Lacan, Saussure, and Perice. This analysis makes it possible for us to not only pay attention to the overlooked lives around us, but also to find out what the literary contribution of maritime novels are, particularly in Korean literature. For this, I completely accept Deleuze's contention that a "symbol is not an object of contemplation, but an object which stimulates the mental system to initiate our thinking." Care was taken, however. Efforts were made to make sure that inducing semiology into studies on sea stories reconsidered and inproved upon the shortsightedness of old research rather than bolster-up an excessive theory for interpretation. The ultimate goal of this research is to scrutinize the relationships between the ocean, maritime experiences, and other things in life, and to discover the various meanings found in sea novels through the use of some semiology theories.

      • KCI등재

        ‘속도’에서 ‘깊이’로 - 蔣光慈의 『野祭』를 새롭게 읽는 몇 가지 讀法 (1)

        최영호(Choi, Young-Ho)(崔瑛祜) 대한중국학회 2020 중국학 Vol.70 No.-

        1928년 벽두 좌익문단을 뜨겁게 달군 이른바 ‘속도’와 ‘정서’의 이슈는 혁명문학에 대한 근본적인 질문을 던지며 폭발적인 반응을 일으켰다. 논쟁의 도화선이 된 蔣光慈의 『현대중국문학과 사회생활』은 혁명을 ‘속도전’이 아닌 모종의 감정 상태로 규정한 점에서 문제적이다. 여기서 蔣光慈는 理性만으로 환원되지 않는 혁명의 또 다른 양상을 포착하고, 혁명은 일거에 판을 바꾸는 데서 끝나지 않으며, 일상에서 그 情緖를 꾸준히 길러 舊習을 무력화하는 데까지 나가야 한다는 점을 역설한다. 숙성의 시간이 담보될 수 없는 속전속결의 시대에 蔣光慈의 진단은 매우 흥미롭다. 그것은 물론 기성의 프로문학과는 차별화된 ‘또 하나의 프로문학’으로 자리매김할 것이다. 본고는 蔣光慈의 시도가 어떻게 기성 문단과는 차별화된 혁명을 연출했는지 評論과 作品을 함께 읽어가면서 새로운 논의의 불씨를 지펴보고자 한다. The issues associated with “speed” and “emotion” that heated up the left-wing literary world at the very beginning of 1928. They caused an explosive reaction while asking fundamental questions about revolutionary literature. “Contemporary Chinese Literature and Social Life”, written by Jian Guang Ci, triggered this dispute. The article defined revolution as an emotional state rather than a “speed battle”. It is meaningful to review it since it put the brakes on the revolution as an ideology and the movements followed the “Grant recit”. Here, we can capture another aspect of the revolution that cannot be returned by only using rationality. The revolution does not end by changing everything upside down at one stroke, but it should continue until it incapacitates the old habits by cultivating the sentiment continuously. Is that the reason? Jiang Guang Ci’s gaze reaches to the abyss through the e-motion towards the e-out. In the “dimension of affection”, the revolution is implied by the changes in “trust” and “sympathy” deep down inside where numerous clues of emotion are condensed. “Additionally, pluralistic values and worldviews exist in the space where these emotions operate and conflicts between them are inevitable. Therefore, these conflicts are always associated with emotional elements such as commitment, attachment, involvement, and loyalty to a value or a worldview. It does not try to divide politics into ‘public ration’ and ‘private emotion’ dichotomically. Moreover, it supports the idea that we cannot understand it in this way.” “The knowledge of revolution emotion”, a process to find clues of feelings regarding the revolution in a myriad of emotions and cultivate them appropriately, is thus attrition warfare rather than temporary entertainment or collective excitement. While living in the era of a blitzkrieg where the time requiring for maturity cannot be guaranteed, the diagnosis of Jiang Guang Ci is extremely interesting. It will, of course, be established as another “professional literature”, different from the established professional literature. This article aims to discuss how Jiang Guang Ci’s attempt led to a revolutionary situation, separated from the conventional literary world, using individual works.

      • KCI등재

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