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        중국의 동북진흥계획 추진성과와 전망

        진병진 한국동북아학회 2008 한국동북아논총 Vol.13 No.2

        According that 5 years have already been passed since the Northeast Revitalization Plan was performed, the promoting results of concerned plan are being gradually visualized. The Northeast Revitalization Division announced the results of the Northeast Revitalization Plan on May, 2007. In the said report, the Chinese government evaluates that the larger share of economic conditions of Northeast 3 provinces which have been noticed as the relative backward region for the meanwhile were improved from the promotion of Northeast Revitalization Plan. On the other hand, also there are remarkably the negative opinions on the results and the prospects of the Northeast Revitalization Plan as mentioning the case that the performance of economic development in the Northeast 3 provinces is not to have achieved the extraordinarily high growth in being compared with the advanced regions like Guangzhou Province, etc, However, despite of these negative opinions, the fact that the Northeast Revitalization Plan still contains a few of possibilities seems to be obvious. As noted. the Northeast Revitalization Plan is not the sporadic plan which aims to create the results in the short period, but the full-scale revolution including the conscious conversions of government officials and residents who are familiar to the planned economy system as well as the improvement of economic structure over the middle and long period. And the point that the central government and the local simultaneously continue to announce the new improving policies with the intention of policy execution, the operations for the enlargement of infra and for decreasing the weight of state-owned economies which are presently performed have not been completed and, in the process that these operations are being progressed, the effects will be gradually started to be appeared in future may be the factors making the possibility of the success of the Northeast Revitalization Plan judged positively. 동북진흥계획이 실시된 지 이미 5년이 경과함에 따라 동 계획의 추진성과가 점차 가시화되고 있다. 동북진흥판공실은 2007년 5월 동북진흥계획 추진성과를 발표하였는데, 동 보고서에서 중국 정부는 동북진흥계획의 추진으로 인해 그간 상대적 낙후지역으로 지목되어 온 동북3성의 경제여건이 상당부분 개선되었다고 평가하고 있다. 그러나 이와는 반대로 동북3성 지역의 경제발전 성과가 광동성 등 발전지역들과 비교해 볼 때 특별히 높은 성장을 달성한 것이 아니라는 점 등의 사례를 들어 동북진흥계획의 추진성과나 전망에 대한 부정적 견해도 상당수 존재하고 있다. 하지만 이러한 부정적 견해에도 불구하고 동북진흥계획이 여전히 많은 가능성을 내포하고 있다는 사실은 분명해 보인다. 주지하는 바와 같이 동북진흥계획은 단기간에 성과를 창출해 내고자 하는 단발성 계획이 아니라, 중장기에 걸쳐 경제구조의 개선은 물론 계획경제체제에 익숙해져 있는 관료와 주민들의 의식전환을 포괄하는 전면적인 개혁을 이루고자 하고 있다. 또한 중앙과 지방이 동시에 정책수행의지를 갖고 지속적으로 새로운 개선책들을 발표하고 있으며, 현재 시행되고 있는 인프라 확충 및 국유경제의 비중을 낮추는 작업들이 완료되지 않았고, 이들 사업들의 시행목적이 동북지역 경제의 건전화와 발전기반 구축에 있음을 감안해 볼 때 향후 동 사업들이 완료되어 가면서 상당한 효과가 발생하게 될 것이라는 점 또한 동북진흥계획의 성공 가능성을 낙관적으로 판단할 수 있는 근거로 제시될 수 있을 것이다.

      • KCI등재

        지방 중소도시 마을정비형 공공주택사업 활성화 방안 연구

        강동렬,안정근,배민철 한국농촌계획학회 2022 농촌계획 Vol.28 No.2

        Since the village maintenance type public housing project was introduced in 2015, the resident needs for regional revitalization and pleasant living conditions are not being met due to the poor performance of the public housing complexes that reflect the surrounding area maintenance plan (village plan) and regional characteristics. The purpose of this study is to suggest a plan to revitalize the village maintenance type public housing project in consideration of regional characteristics as a result of analyzing the needs of local residents through the problems of the village maintenance type public housing project being promoted so far and resident satisfaction. As a result of the analysis based on the public housing project implementation status analysis and resident satisfaction, the plans to activate the village maintenance type public housing project are as follows. First, in order to secure the effectiveness of the village plan, it is desirable to promote the public housing project and the village plan at the same time. It is necessary to secure a budget according to the selection of public offering projects in the village plan, such as promoting public housing projects without setbacks by prioritizing land purchases for public housing sites and establishing specialized strategies considering regional characteristics. Second, a public housing project that responds to local demand is required. The evaluation factors such as continuous promotion of the urban architecture integration plan and strengthening of regional linkage plans such as specialization of regionally tailored designs should be supplemented so that regional resources and village plans are linked with the public housing specialization plan. Third, surrounding area maintenance plan (village plan) should be secured by the strengthen of the legal status or establishing related provisions. It is also necessary to promote system improvement for area maintenance plan (village plan) when selecting a publicly funded public project.

      • KCI등재

        협력적 계획과정으로서 도시재생활성화계획의 의의와 한계

        김지은(Kim Ji eun) 한국공간환경학회 2018 공간과 사회 Vol.28 No.3

        이 연구는 도시재생활성화계획이 법적 계획 수립 주체인 행정과 다양한 이해당사자 간의 협력과 배제의 양상이 표출·조정된 결과물이라고 상정하고, 그 기저에서 작동하는 유무형의 제도적 환경과의 연관성을 고찰했다. 사례 연구 대상지인 창신·숭인 도시재생 선도지역은 활성화계획 수립 초기에는 행정과 주민들이 원만한 협력 관계를 유지하다가, 이후 국토부의 승인을 받은 활성화계획에 주민들의 의견이 반영되지 않은 것이 밝혀지면서 행정과 주민, 주민과 주민 간에 잠재되어있던 갈등 요인이 불거진 곳이다. 창신·숭인 사례에 비추어볼 때, 제한된 기간 안에 정부에서 배정한 예산을 집행해야 하는 도시재생사업의 구조가 지속된다면 계획 수립 주체인 행정이 주민을 배제하는 양상이 반복될 것으로 보인다. 또한 계획과정에서 드러난 이해당사자인 주민들 간에 표면화되었던 갈등을 조정할 기회도없이 적극적 참여 집단을 형성한 주민에 의해 다른 주민들이 배제될 가능성도 높다. 재생사업에서 활성화계획 수립 단계는 주민들의 관심도가 가장 높은 시기이며, 다양한 이해당사자의 명시적·암묵적 갈등과 배제가 표면화되고 해소될 수 있는 기회다. 국비의 적기 집행을 이유로 활성화계획 과정을 무리하게 단축시켜야 하는 현재의 제도적 틀에 대한 재검토가 필요한 시점이라고 생각된다. The study aims to investigate the dynamic relationship between various stockholders in the neighborhood revitalization planning process and the underpinning institutional conditions. In the early stage of Changsin-Sungin Revitalization planning, the Seoul Metropolitan Government and residents maintained cooperative relationship as the former were open to residents’ opinions and tried to assign revitalization budget to projects that embracing their needs. But Seoul City submitted the Revitalization Plan to the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport for official plan approval, without properly informing residents. Afterwards dormant conflict between Seoul City and multiple stakeholder emerged. The Changsin-Sungin case shows that if the urban revitalization program retains current structure, which requires central government budget be allocated within a limited period of time, exclusion of residents by local government will inevitably persist. It is also likely that there would be little time to address explicit or implicit conflict of interest between various resident groups. In the neighborhood revitalization project, the planning stage is the period when residents are most interested. In that sense, planning is an opportunity to expose and resolve conflict between local stakeholder. The author argues that it is time to review the current intuitional framework of neighborhood revitalization policy which focuses on timely execution of the national budget and therefore forces to shorten the timeframe of the neighborhood revitalization plan.

      • KCI등재

        노후산업단지 경쟁력강화사업을 통한 산업단지 재생계획의 효율적 추진전략 분석

        박환용(Park, Hwan Yong),박지호(Park, Ji Ho),장승일(Jang, Seung Il) 한국주거환경학회 2018 주거환경(한국주거환경학회논문집) Vol.16 No.3

        This paper focuses on the analysis of Regeneration Plan of the old industrial complex, using the various projects proposed through the aging industrial competitiveness strengthening program. In order to do this, the proposals of the nine industrial complexes supported by the industrial competitiveness enhancement project in 2015 were deeply reviewed and classified into five business types. Based on this, we sought to analyze what kind of problems are encountered in the planning stage of Regeneration Plan to the businesses that need to change their land use. For this purpose, the administrative procedure of the Regeneration Plan was compared with the Designation and Development Plan of the industrial complex. On the other hand, an attempt was made to compare the Regeneration Plan with the Structural Upgrade Plan. In addition, an in-depth analysis of the changes in the industrial park Rehabilitation Plan was conducted to analyze what changes should be recognized as important factors. Based on the results of the analysis, we proposed a systematic improvement for the Regeneration Plan of industrial complexes. Major changes are suggested such as procedural modifications in multiple-use development and the activation zone, important changes in the Regeneration Plan and the activation zone, and simplifying the administrative system. We believe that it is confident that the proposed contents will contribute to the revitalization of old industrial complexes. Some proposals that have reached some level of skeptical description in this study will be intensively analyzed through further study. The result of this study is expected to be utilized as a direction to contribute to the creation of jobs and to revitalize the local economy by efficiently implementing the Regeneration Plan of the old industrial complex.

      • Quechua Language Revitalization Policies and Planning in Peru, Bolivia, and Ecuador

        Tuba Yilmaz(Tuba Yilmaz ) 전남대학교 교육문제연구소 2023 New Horizons of Educational Research Vol.3 No.1

        The Quechua language, spoken by indigenous Quechuans, faced endangerment due to the widespread use of Spanish. This paper explored the language revitalization policies for Quechua language in South American countries, particularly Peru, Bolivia, and Ecuador. The paper began by presenting a concise overview of Quechua and the Quechuan community, elucidating the factors contributing to Quechua's endangered status and the prevalence of Spanish monolingualism. Subsequently, it delved into an exploration of language revitalization policies and challenges within each country, framed by corpus planning, status planning, acquisition planning, and prestige planning. The paper concluded with a discussion on the outcomes of Quechua revitalization efforts. This paper offered valuable insights for countries adopting a 'language as a resource approach,' and particularly those endeavoring to implement additive policies for their extinct, endangered, or threatened languages.

      • KCI등재

        해양도시 수변공간의 활성화를 위한 건축계획적 특성 분석 - 독일 하펜시티, 일본 미나토미라이21 사례분석을 중심으로 -

        서대열,정성문 한국문화공간건축학회 2023 한국문화공간건축학회논문집 Vol.0 No.81

        Recently, maritime cities such as Busan, Incheon and Changwon are promoting large-scale complex development tocreate waterfronts as water-friendly spaces for citizens. Based on this background, this thesis tries to approach waterfrontresearch from an architectural planning perspective by limiting the scope more than the current urban planning perspective. Thisis because, in order to revitalize the waterfront space, macroscopic urban planning and detailed architectural planning must becarried out simultaneously. Therefore, what characteristics should be planned for waterfront buildings and external spaces werederived through case study. For this purpose, Hafencity in Germany and Minato Mirai 21 in Japan were selected for thisanalysis. As a case analysis framework, the characteristics of the waterfront were drawn, compared, and analyzed by dividingthem into three areas: building layout plan, exterior form plan, and external space plan. Through this, the following conclusionswere drawn. First, in the building layout plan of the waterfront, it is necessary to divide the approach into a block near thewaterfront and an internal block in consideration of the characteristics of the ocean. Second, in the exterior form plan,systematic building height and mass planning are crucial to create a distinctive urban image of the region. Lastly, in externalspace planning, a strategy to vitalize the street for pedestrians is important, and in open space planning, a three-dimensionaldesign is needed to ensure water-friendly for citizens.

      • KCI등재

        고속도로 일반도로화 주변지역 활성화를 위한 지구단위계획의 실효성에 관한 연구-경인고속도로 일반도로화 주변지역 지구단위계획을 중심으로

        엄상호,고진수 한국도시부동산학회 2022 도시부동산연구 Vol.13 No.1

        This study examines the effectiveness of the district unit plan established to revitalize the area around the Gyeongin Expressway as a general road. In detail, this study examines the number of building permits/reports within and outside the district unit plan area before and after the decision of the district unit plan in the area, and changes in official land prices were analyzed. It turns out that there was no significant difference in the number of building permits/reports in the target areas before and after the district unit planning. Despite the fact that the floor area ratio increased, many lots within the district unit planning area did not show a differentiated rate of increase compared to the lots that did not receive density relief within the district unit planning area or lots outside the district unit planning area, As urban regeneration becomes increasingly important, it is necessary to introduce the district unit plan for urban regeneration and the more practical and regenerative guideline.

      • KCI등재

        A Study on Rural Revitalization Planning and Design - A case of the Peach Garden sharing farmstead -

        Xiao, Shan-Shan,고정훈 한국상품문화디자인학회 2019 상품문화디자인학연구 Vol.58 No.-

        In this paper, the planning and design of the Peach Garden sharing farmstead in Hainan is taken as an example, according to the regional characteristics, advantageous resources, as well as industrial layout and so on. The application of the planning is stated in details from the aspects. They are policy basis, rural revitalization philosophy, sales of construction, as well as contents of construction. and this study is conducted through analysis and summarizing. The project of the Peach Garden, firstly, conforms the national industrial policies to promotes the industrial integration and development. Secondly, fully drives the primary industry and the secondary industry and positively makes the tertiary industry bigger and stronger. That is, finally, beneficial for developing the rural economy, push farmers to transfer into service industry and processing industry, and get the rural revitalization.

      • 도시재생전략계획 기준 선정에 관한 탐색적 연구

        김종득(Jong-duek Kim),최광범(Kwang-beom Choi),박태원(Tae-won Park) 한국도시부동산학회(구.도시정책학회) 2020 도시정책학회 학술대회 Vol.2020 No.-

        Urban regeneration projects are in the spotlight as new urban countermeasures that go beyond the existing era of urban development, redevelopment and reconstruction. Urban regeneration, which made full use of regional context, past heritage and history, and local resources, has a clear distinction from urban development and redevelopment strategies that have created uniform landscapes. The Seoul-type urban regeneration project, which used to be centered on Seoul City, was implemented, and the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport also spread to nationwide projects through the urban renewal New Deal project. Urban regeneration projects are carried out in several types. It refers to the classification of neighborhood units, central urban units, and economic-based units, which can be called an attempt to reflect the key characteristics, spatial hierarchy and uses as much as possible. In particular, in the case of metropolitan and provincial governments, basic and strategic plans are needed to ensure that urban regeneration projects within local governments have interconnection and organic cooperation systems, which is the urban regeneration strategy plan. In this study, Uijeongbu City, which is connected with Seoul Metropolitan Government and is being revitalized, will be selected as a research site to reconstruct urban renewal planning elements based on relatively important planning elements and to use them as a practice model for strategic planning. Through this, the research will be conducted to reflect the narrow process so that urban regeneration in Uijeongbu can be a practical plan considering the importance of policy. I would like to propose a basic urban regeneration model that reflects the demand for urban regeneration by various entities that make up Uijeongbu City, including citizens, government officials, experts and politicians.

      • KCI등재

        중심지 재생사업을 통한 농촌지역 청소년의 리더십 양성 - 일본 오이타 미에마치(三重町) 중심가로 재편계획을 사례로 -

        정재훈 한국농촌계획학회 2022 농촌계획 Vol.28 No.3

        The study is to analyze the role of highschool youth group in a rural regeneration project. The process of youth group becoming subjective in resident participation plan was classified into isolation reduction, self-awareness, perspective-taking, subjectivity practice, and opinion expression. Isolation reduction is a stage in which youth group is gradually drawn into the community from a limited society of home and school, self-awareness is a stage in which they discover their thoughts, and view perspective-taking is a stage in which they objectify themselves and surroundings through communication with other members of the region, social experiment was analyzed as a practice of subjectivity that experiences leadership guiding the local community independently, and expressing opinions is a stage of representing the region and giving responsibility for the specific issue of the implementation plan. The study is also an analysis of how residents committee, local governments, and local research institutes perform both regeneration and community revitalization in rural areas. Therefore, the analysis of the cooperative organization of these institutions was conducted simultaneously. The leadership program was effectively linked to the project of rural regeneration. Since high school students themselves are family members of the local people, the process of accepting the project is unaffected, and the feasibility of the project is also increased, such as forming a positive atmosphere for the project and easing resistance to minority opinions.

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