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        일반논문 : 국가브랜드 가치 제고를 위한 무궁화의 활용 방안 연구

        김영만 ( Young Mann Kim ) 한민족문화학회 2010 한민족문화연구 Vol.32 No.-

        본 연구는 우리나라의 국가브랜드 가치를 높이기 위해 무궁화를 활용하는 방안에 관한 연구이다. 국가브랜드가 국가 경쟁력의 원천으로 인식되고 있어 국가브랜드 가치 제고를 위한 세계 각국의 노력이 치열하다. 이에 국가브랜드의 개념적 접근을 통해 국가브랜드 구축에서 국가의 문화정체성이 중요하고 문화적 요소가 핵심적 가치로 작용하는 것을 확인할 수 있었다. 이런 관점에서 `국가문화브랜드` 개념을 새로이 제시하고, 국가브랜드 평가지표에서 문화적 요소들을 추출하여 국가문화브랜드 영역으로 8개 기본영역을 설정하였다. 이 영역들은 문화를 통한 국가브랜드 가치를 제고하는 데 있어서 우선 고려되어야 할 요소로서 국가 정체성을 원천으로 하는 국가 이미지와도 맥락을 같이하고 있을 뿐 아니라 접근성과 수용성, 그리고 문화콘텐츠와 같은 문화산업과 접목될 경우 높은 확산성을 가질 수 있어 활용 가치가 높다고 판단하였다. 무궁화는 국내적으로 우리의 대표적 문화 원형질로서 상징성을 확보하고 있으며, 대외적으로는 세계인들의 호감적 정서와 더불어 전 세계에 걸쳐 고르게 분포되어 있어 세계화를 위한 기반이 조성되어 있는 것을 확인할 수 있었다. 또한 무궁화는 생명체인 꽃으로 탈이데올로기·탈정치적 성격, 그리고 아름다움이라는 보편성과 다양한 이야기 소재를 갖고 있어 문화콘텐츠로 개발이 용이하다는 것도 확인할 수 있었다. 그리고 이와 같은 국가브랜드로서 무궁화의 유용성을 기저로 국가문화브랜드 기반구축 추진체계 모형과 8개 기본영역별로 관련 사업을 탐구하여 국가브랜드 가치를 높이기 위한 문화적 요소화로 무궁화를 활용하는 방안을 제시하였다. The purpose of this study is to pursue a plan for utilizing rose of Sharon to enhance our country`s national brand value. National brand is being recognized as the origin of national competitiveness. Thus, an effort in each country of the world to reinforce value of national brand is fierce. In implementing national brand through concept-based approach to national brand, the nation`s cultural identity is important. The cultural element could be confirmed to function as the core value. Accordingly, a concept of `National Cultural Brand` was newly suggested. The cultural elements were extracted from the evaluation index of national brand. Then, 8 basic spheres were suggested as the national cultural brand sphere. These spheres are those that will need to be preferentially considered in reinforcing value of national brand through culture. And, these spheres were judged to be high in the application-based value not only because of having the same context even as national image, which has the national identity as the origin, but also because of having accessibility, acceptance, and high pervasiveness when being integrated with cultural industry like cultural contents. The rose of Sharon is securing symbolism as our typical cultural protoplasm domestically, and is evenly distributed internationally over the whole world along with favorable emotion to the global people, thereby having been able to be confirmed to be formed foundation for globalization. Also, the rose of Sharon is a flower as living creature, thereby having de-ideological and de-political character, and having universality called beauty, and diverse story materials. So, the development into cultural content could be confirmed to be easy. And, it inquired into a model of a driving system, which implements the foundation of the national cultural brand, based on usefulness in the rose of Sharon as this national brand, and into a relevant project by 8 basic spheres. Thus, a plan for utilizing the rose of Sharon was suggested as cultural element for enhancing value of national brand.


        Effy Zalfiana Rusfian,Ixora Lundia Suwaryono 글로벌지식마케팅경영학회 2016 Global Marketing Conference Vol.2016 No.7

        Fashion has become a major thing worldwide. In Indonesia, especially in big cities like Jakarta, Bandung and Surabaya, fashion is quite evolving. Jakarta is a bustling modern city with international interaction and professional working environment. This atmosphere influences the inhabitants to dress in modern, professional look; as fashion may be seen as visible identity for a person. As a country with more than 300 tribes, Indonesia is also very rich in culture (Tamindael, 2011). Each area has its own traditional clothes, house, food, custom, art, and language. In big cities, those cultural differences have somewhat blend together or rather invisible in the capital city of Jakarta. Despite the modern environment, traditional clothing and religious clothing tried to get substantial segment as well. However, cultural or traditional costume seem to face the adversity to stand out. Traditional costume can be seen as an identity for a country or specific culture. Like Kimono in Japan or Sari in India, Indonesia actually has kebaya as national costume for women. Kebaya is actually a tight fitting blouse known as originated from Java. Nowadays, with the many modern women seems to wear kebaya only for special occasion, such as wedding reception, national day, or official ceremony. As it was meant for special moment, the kebaya these days are more elaborated, mostly adorned with embroidery and glittery embellishment. Still, whether modest or modern, kebaya is perceived as complicated, out-of-date, and inflexible. This national costume might face the threat of extinction, although the rise of patrimonial awareness made kebaya get more attention these days. Despite kebaya has been appointed as national costume for Indonesian women, many of them, especially youngsters, seem reluctant to wear it in many occasion. This phenomenon evokes the need for research, how Indonesian youngsters perceived the kebaya as national identity? This research will relate the brand identity with kebaya. Kebaya itself may be considered as a brand, attached to Indonesia as a country. Within the brand identity framework, kebaya would be seen as a brand. However, a brand should be known among its target and how the people or target consumers perceive it. As an initial research, this paper aimed to explore how youngsters in Indonesia perceived kebaya as national outfit. This research will rely on theories about branding. Kebaya is actually a product. However, the term of kebaya can be considered as a brand in the context of Indonesian national costume. This research measures the brand identity and brand imagery within the theory of brand identity from from Aaker (1996) and Keller (2013). The brand identity will be measured using the indicators of brand awareness, and the brand meaning will be measured using the brand associations. The survey has been conducted to 30 youngsters, from 17 to 25 years old. Whereas two interviews have also been conducted to a founder of Perempuan Berkebaya (Women in kebaya) community and a bussinesswoman who start to wear kebaya everyday. To raise the awareness of kebaya, this community has made some efforts. There was some news coverage on the national medias and outdoor events to show that kebaya is suitable for any occassion. As this research will explore how these young ladies perceived the kebaya, most of them can be assumed to be aware of kebaya. However, they might have different perception and comprehension about it. All of the respondents from the survey claimed they the national costume of Indonesia. However, the answer were varies when they recall the object. Batik is also mentioned alongside with kebaya. Many people are more accustomed to wear batik clothes, as it can be transformed into different kinds of outfit, such as shirt or dress. Athough all respondents agree for kebaya to be one of national identity, most of them claimed kebaya is not suitable for everyday wear. They argued that kebaya is impractical, and not convenient for day-to-day activities. Some of them believed kebaya is only for wedding or other special occasions, thus will lessen their exclusivity or prestige if they wear it everyday. The second part of the questionnaire is about the association; how kebaya as a brand would match or associate to certain group of user, usage situation, experience, and values. Many people seen women wearing kebaya in rural areas, worn by grandmothers and door-to-door jamu (herbal drink) sellers, thus have an ancient or traditional look. This is in line with result from the survey. This kind of association is actually in contrast to the image of kebaya for special occasion. Thus, to outsmart the out-of-date association, many modern women avoid humble kebaya to wear in many occasions; they rather opt for more expensive kebaya to wear at special events. How the youngsters perceive may be arguable. They see kebaya as something unique which they don’t see, let alone wear it, every day. This explain how they value kebaya as an exclusive outfit that may elevate the look of the wearer. The excuses whether to wear or not-to-wear kebaya as daily outfit seems endless. There may be a slight hesitation toward the kebaya which associated to old fashion or outdated, but some would opt for modern cut of kebaya. In the end, kebaya should build strong image as national identity; where every Indonesian women, no matter their age nor social class, will be proud to wear it.

      • KCI등재

        국립무용단 <코리아 환타지(Korean Fantasy)>를 통해서 본 한국춤 브랜드화 연구

        이송 한국무용연구회 2007 한국무용연구 Vol.25 No.2

        '브랜드’라는 단어는 앵글로 색슨(Anglo-Saxon)족이 불에 달군 인두로 자기 소유의 가축에 낙인을 찍어 소유물을 확인하는 데서 유래되었다고 한다. 이러한 브랜드의 자산 형성은 독자적인 ‘내 것’이라고 하는 소유의 권한과 차별성을 갖게 되는 것이다. 하나의 브랜드를 창출하기 위해서는 많은 시간과 물적 자원이 필요하다. 어떤 비슷한 동류의 제품이 있다 하더라도 브랜드화 한 제품은 타의 추종이 힘들다. 그래서 브랜드의 인지도는 무엇보다 중요하다. 국립무용단〈코리아 환타지〉는 미약하나마 한국춤의 브랜드화 된 작품이라 할 수 있다. 국립무용단〈코리아 환타지〉 브랜드화의 성공 외적요인으로 네 가지로 정리해 볼 수 있다. 첫째. 누가 춤추는가? 국립무용단의 대표성을 들 수 있다. 우리나라 최고의 전문 무용단체라는 ‘국립’의 유일성이 바로 그것이다. 둘째. 누가 만들었는가? 안무자의 지명도이다. 국립무용단의 예술 감독의 지명도가 작품의 가치를 부가시키는 윈원(winwin) 효과를 가져온다. 셋째, 공연의 양적인 수치이다. 한 작품이 연 10회 내외의 공연 실적을 갖기란 거의 불가능한데, 2002년부터 거의 매년 해외공연과 우리나라 각 지방의 문예회관, 야외공연 등올 통해 많은 관객과 만나고 있다. 넷째, 언론 홍보를 통한 국립무용단과 〈코리아 환타지〉의 인지(認知) 향상을 꾀했다는 점이다. 다음은 내적 요인으로 국립무용단 〈코리아 환타지〉를 분석하면 국립무용단 〈코리아 환타지〉는 여러 가지 한국적 전통의 춤과 의미 층이 쌓여있는 결정체이다. 가장 많은 대중이 알고 있는 춤으로 구성되어 있고 이해하기 쉽고 많은 사람들이 함께 즐길 수 있는 춤으로 구성되어 있다. 국립무용단 〈코리아 환타지〉는 이러한 요소들에 의해 한국뿐 아니라 세계적인 브랜드로 거듭날 수 있는 가능성이 있음을 알 수 있다. 앞으로 이러한 한국충의 브랜드화가 구축되어 춤 시장이 활성화 될 수 있기를 바란다. The word of ‘brand’ originated from the historical fact that the Anglo-Saxons marked their own livestock with the hot iron to make it known to people whom it belonged to. The formation of the assets of this brand comes to have the authority and differentiation of ownership of original ‘mine’. Plenty of time and material resources are needed to create one brand. Though there may be a certain similar kind of product, it has difficult keeping up with the branded product. So brand awareness is more important than anything else. The ‘Korean Fantasy’ of the National Dance Company is thought of as the branded work of Korean dance though it may be minimal. The external success factor of the branding of “Korean Fantasy” of the Korean Dance Company can be summarized as four. First, who dances? It suggests the representativeness of the National Dance Company, It is the very ‘National’ that it indicates the best professional dance organization in Korea. Second, who produces the work of dance? The recognition of the work of the art director of the National Dance Company brings about the win-win effect that adds to the value of the work of dance. Third, how many performances has it has? It is almost impossible that one work of dance has the actual records of performance ten times a year. The Korean Dance Company has provided public performances for the large audience through overseas performance, performance at the local art hall, and outdoor performances almost every year since 2002. Fourth, an attempt has been made to improve the recognition of the National Dance Company and ‘Korean Fantasy’ through the media publicity. An attempt was made to investigate the internal success factor of ‘Korean Fantasy’ of the National Dance Company. The ‘Korean Fantasy’ of the National Dance Company is the crystal that has the layers of dances and meanings of Korean tradition accumulated. Made up of the dances which are composed of the dance familiar to the general public, easily intelligible, and enjoyable by many people together, it can be seen that the ‘Korean Fantasy' of the National Dance Company has the possibility of being reborn as the national and world-class brand by these elements. It is expected that the dance market will be revitalized as the branding of this Korean dance is constructed in the future.


        Haesung Whang,Ting Zhang,Eunju Ko,Ik Choi 글로벌지식마케팅경영학회 2014 Global Marketing Conference Vol.2014 No.7

        The world has changed dramatically, and the concern with regard to environmental and social impacts of economic activity have become hot issues that have been extensively discussed. Many marketers are applying sustainability as the part of their CSR and consumers are becoming more involved in ethical value of sustainable issues. However, yet, most people still perceive sustainable products as “alternatives” due to various reasons like price, design or simply unfamiliarity with the brand (Niinimaki, 2010). In a current situation where more and more brands are coming to the market offering the variety of choice of sustainable product, brand popularity can be a signal, or cue that help consumers to decide those of unfamiliar sustainable brand because brand popularity can influence the evaluation and decision in the sense that consumers perceive popular brand not only as trustworthy, but also superior to others (Dean, 1999).In terms of brand popularity, “popular” brands tend to acquire more favorable evaluations and larger user shares with, rather than without the popularity component. However, with such characteristics, brand popularity concept can be used within a cue utilization theory, which suggests that products consist of an array of cues (extrinsic and intrinsic) that serves as indicators of quality for consumers when they make decisions related to the product (Olsen, 1972), delivering brand popularity by extrinsic cue through advertising. In addition, the signaling theory suggests that when brand is ranked as popular, consumers assume there are trust and confidence behind the brand, which reduce their level of uncertainty (Dean, 1999). As such, while it has been argued that this cue could be useful as it provides a certain value to consumers and influence their opinion about the brand and, consequently, purchase decision, up to now, there are little studies that use the brand popularity concept as extrinsic cue.Along with the issue of brand popularity, although different consumers around the world make their decisions based on their own mental or physiological orientation, and the difference among consumer behavior has been widely studied and reported, yet, most of sustainable marketing campaigns are made in the similar fashion, without adapting them to specific traits of consumers in different countries. However, in order for sustainable The world has changed dramatically, and the concern with regard to environmental and social impacts of economic activity have become hot issues that have been extensively discussed. Many marketers are applying sustainability as the part of their CSR and consumers are becoming more involved in ethical value of sustainable issues. However, yet, most people still perceive sustainable products as “alternatives” due to various reasons like price, design or simply unfamiliarity with the brand (Niinimaki, 2010). In a current situation where more and more brands are coming to the market offering the variety of choice of sustainable product, brand popularity can be a signal, or cue that help consumers to decide those of unfamiliar sustainable brand because brand popularity can influence the evaluation and decision in the sense that consumers perceive popular brand not only as trustworthy, but also superior to others (Dean, 1999). In terms of brand popularity, “popular” brands tend to acquire more favorable evaluations and larger user shares with, rather than without the popularity component. However, with such characteristics, brand popularity concept can be used within a cue utilization theory, which suggests that products consist of an array of cues (extrinsic and intrinsic) that serves as indicators of quality for consumers when they make decisions related to the product (Olsen, 1972), delivering brand popularity by extrinsic cue through advertising. In addition, the signaling theory suggests that when brand is ranked as popular, consumers assume there are trust and confidence behind the brand, which reduce their level of uncertainty (Dean, 1999). As such, while it has been argued that this cue could be useful as it provides a certain value to consumers and influence their opinion about the brand and, consequently, purchase decision, up to now, there are little studies that use the brand popularity concept as extrinsic cue. Along with the issue of brand popularity, although different consumers around the world make their decisions based on their own mental or physiological orientation, and the difference among consumer behavior has been widely studied and reported, yet, most of sustainable marketing campaigns are made in the similar fashion, without adapting them to specific traits of consumers in different countries. However, in order for sustainable brand to become main stream it is important to understand how the traits of consumers from other countries differ. Thus, it is important to understand the cultural difference in terms of marketing.Therefore, this study adapts brand popularity concept as an extrinsic cue that serves as a certain indicator for consumers (Dean, 1999) and consumer decision making styles as mental characteristics for shopping orientation (Sproles & Kendall, 1986) in order to see cross-cultural difference in consumers’ perception of sustainability brand among 3 countries: Korea, China and Russia. Choice of countries is not only resulting from the difference in behavior and attitudes towards sustainable consumption of Greendex (National Geographic & Globescan, 2013), but also, the difference among countries even when belonging as a part of Asia. Thus this study investigates overall consumers’ decision making style among three countries of South Korea, China, and Russia to find the effect of brand popularity on brand evaluation. Additionally, the moderating effect of fashion leadership and sustainability involvement was preceded. From this, it aims to provide implication for positioning and marketing sustainable brand in accordance to the difference consumer segmentation. A study was designed to determine which dimensions of consumer style inventory of country are most frequently associated in accordance to countries and whether brand popularity had affect on purchase intention of sustainable brand. The hypotheses were tested with a data set developed form field survey. The study was conducted cross-nationally in Korea, China, and Russia using online and offline survey. The survey questionnaire reflected a quasi-experimental design. The between-subjects design employed consisted of two between-subject factors of brand popularity and consumer decision-making style. The factor brand popularity had two levels: one provided with a brand popularity ranking as an extrinsic cue and one without. The resultant questionnaire was pretest by natives before distributing. No discrepancies among the surveys were reported. The consumer decision making style had three levels of Korea, China, and Russia. The questionnaire was pretest by 30 fashion marketing researchers before distributing. Of the 376 samples collected, 6 were returned incomplete. An additional 18 samples were deleted for further analysis as the answers were unusable. In total 352 samples – 113, 121 and 118 samples from Korea, China and Russia respectively – were subjected for final analysis.A one-way MANOVA revealed a significant multivariate main effect for consumer decision making style of the nation (Pillai’s trace = .23, F (10, 676) = 9, p <. 000). Given the significance of the overall test, the univariate main effects were examined. Significant univariate main effects for consumer decision making style of nation were obtained for quality (F = 6.95, p <.01), for uniqueness (F =7.54 , p <.01), for favorability (F =6.94 , p <.01), and for purchase intension (F =4.33 , p <.05). Significant nation pairwise differences were obtained in popularity among Korea, China, and Russia. In case of Korea, the effect of brand popularity yielded significantly higher mean score when it was presented. However, for China, the effect of brand popularity was significant as well (Pillai’s trace = .10, F (5, 114) = 2.45, p <. 05). Meanwhile, the outcome of Russia had different aspect to the prior two countries with no significant difference at all. The t-test provides evidence to support the claim that the effect of brand popularity differs according to the consumer decision making style of nations. Participants were placed into high or low fashion leader groups on the basis of previously obtained attitude. The group was divided according to the mean value (?X = 2.98). Significant nation pairwise differences were obtained in fashion leadership among Korea, China, and Russia. In case of Korea, the effect of fashion leadership was not shown significant. However for China, the effect of fashion leadership was significant (Pillai’s trace = .31, F (5, 114) = 10.27, p <. 001). Russia also had dramatic effect of fashion leadership (Pillai’s trace = .12, F (5, 110) = 3.03). Significant nation pairwise differences were obtained in sustainability involvement among Korea, China, and Russia. The significant dependent variables appear differed by nations. In case of Korea, the effect of sustainability involvement was significant (Pillai’s trace = .17, F (5, 105) = 4.33, p <. 01). Similarly, the effect of sustainability involvement in China was significant (Pillai’s trace = .20, F (5, 114) = 5.82, p <. 001). The result of Russian was not significant. This study examines the overall effect of brand popularity and consumer decision making styles among three countries: South Korea, China, and Russia on customer evaluation of sustainable brand with the moderate role of fashion leadership and sustainability involvement. This study found that the effect of brand popularity differs according to the consumer decision making style of nations, fashion leadership, and sustainability involvement. Thus, consumer culture should be considered when applying such communication strategy. The result revealed that first hypothesis that brand popularity will affect consumer evaluation on the sustainable brand was denied. This can be explained due to the experimental condition of this study where it applied a virtual brand and the virtual institutions for evaluation. However, in more specific, this can be described as due to the cross national method of this study. The previous studies only focus on proceeding study in one country (Kim & Chung,1997; Rao & Monroe, 1988). It was found that Koreans tend to be more recreational, impulsive, confused by overchoice, brand conscious, and habitual whereas China brand conscious, impulsive, and less confused by overchoice. Russia was scored significantly low on all above mentioned criteria. The moderating effect of consumer decision making style of nation was investigated. The result indicated significant difference of consumer decision making style of nation. Whereas Korean had positive effect of brand popularity on brand evaluation when presented, China showed negative influence, and Russia had no significant impact. This can be due to the Korean consumers’ tendency to value trust and reputation. Individual Korean consumers tend to buy products of large we The third hypothesis of fashion leadership negatively affecting the effect of brand popularity was also partially supported. The significant dependent variables appear differed by nations. In case of Korea, the effect of fashion leadership did not shown significant, yet China and Russia did. However, while China had positive effect of brand popularity, especially to those with high fashion leadership, Russia had negative effect of brand popularity. The difference on consumer decision making style in between high and low fashion leadership groups was investigated. For Korea, involved subjects were significantly more novelty conscious, hedonic shopper, habitual. In case of China, involved subjects were significantly more perfectionism, brand conscious, novelty conscious, impulsive, confused by overchoice, and habitual Lastly, for Russia, involved subjects were significantly less brand conscious novelty conscious, hedonic, impulsive, and habitual. The result of Korea can be inferred as the high trend sensitivity of Koreans. With less difference in consumer decision making style in between high fashion leaders and low fashion leaders, compared to the other two countries, the effect may have not been clearly shown. The result of China and Russia can be interpreted as that the Chinese fashion leaders being more brand conscious caused higher result when the brand popularity was provided. Yet, in Russian fashion leaders who are less brand conscious and less impulsive may have affected the rigid attitude towards the well-known sustainable brand. Lastly, the effect of sustainability involvement was examined. In case of Korea, the effect of sustainability involvement was significant. Similarly, the effect of sustainability involvement in China was significant. The result of Russian was not significant. high and low fashion leadership groups differed in their decision making style by nation. For Korea, involved subjects were significantly more novelty conscious, hedonic shopper, and more habitual. In case of China, involved subjects were significantly more perfectionist, brand conscious, novelty conscious, hedonic, impulsive, confused by overchoice, and habitual. Lastly, for Russia, involved subjects were significantly more perfectionist. The difference of the result can be explained through the distinctive culture of each country along with the result of the consumer decision making style of the highly involved groups from each country. Koreans, as mentioned above, the effect popularity cue works stronger than other countries. The tendency of preferring products with powerful brand name would have affected the result as expected. However in case of China, along with that Chinese having suspicious perception on institutional documents, significantly being brand apathy may also explain the result. In addition, Russia overall had a high score of sustainability, which can relate to the fact that although slight decrease in its Greendex recently, it has been ranked for several years now, the sustainability value itself may have worked as a intrinsic value of the brand rather than brand popularity cue.ll-known companies rather than small and unfamiliar ones (Kim & Zhang, 2009). The result of China can be explained with Chinese consumers’ characteristics of having suspicious perception on transparency of the enterprise information (Brandvista, 2013). Especially distrust on official data or the governmental exists. With Russians result, this finding are supported by several previous research that suggests that new brands coming to Russian market at the very high speed and disappears quickly due to complexity of the market, thus consumers don’t have time to strongly attach to one brand (Peskova, 2007).

      • 해외 주요국의 국가 브랜드 관리 사례 연구

        신철호(Cheol Ho Shin),강민정(Kang Min Jeong),최영진(Choi Yeong Jin) 성신여자대학교 경영연구소 2009 경영관리연구 Vol.2 No.2

        현재 국가브랜드 가치 제고는 세계적인 추세이다. 국가브랜드 인지도가 높은 미국, 영국, 일본, 프랑스 등 선진국은 물론이고 개발도상국들도 경쟁적으로 국가브랜드 가치 제고 전략을 추진 중에 있다. 선진국들은 오래 전부터 ‘국가 이미지가 국력’이라는 인식 아래 범국가적인 차원에서 홍보 전략을 수행해 왔다. 따라서 선진국으로의 도약을 준비하는 한국도 이를 효과적으로 홍보할 수 있는 국가 브랜드 가치 제고 전략이 필요한 상황이다. 이에 본 연구에서는 정기적으로 진행되고 있는 다양한 국가브랜드 연구결과에 대한 문헌조사를 토대로 한국의 국가브랜드 가치의 현황 및 실태에 대해 구체적으로 살펴봄으로써 한국 국가브랜드의 현황을 살펴보고, 미주, 아시아, 유럽 및 오세아니아 등 해외 각국의 국가브랜드 관리 사례를 고찰함으로써 이들의 성공요인과 실패요인에 대해 알아보고, 이를 바탕으로 실효성 있는 국가브랜드 관리 전략의 방향성을 제시하고자 하였다. Improving the value of a national brand is a global trend. Some developing nations as well as developed nations such as the United States, Britain, Japan, and France are promoting competitive strategies to enhance the value of their national brands. Developed nations have implemented strategies under the perspective that "national image is national power." Therefore, Korea, a nation that is preparing to ascend up to the level of advanced nations, needs to implement efficient strategies in order to enhance the value of its national brands. In this research, we have examined the national brand management and value of Korea through the review of various regular research on Korea’s national brand image. Furthermore, we have investigated cases of national brand management of major advanced countries including the U.S., Japan, Singapore, the U.K., Germany, New Zealand, and France and identified these countries’successful key factors. Finally, we propose several national brand management strategies for Korea.

      • 한국의 국가브랜드 향상을 위한 외교전략 연구

        차재훈 국가안보전략연구원 2012 신안보연구 Vol.- No.173

        The national brand which involves the image and reputation of a specific nation, is nonmaterial resources and a kind of soft power to the extent that it is not coercive. The national brand is one of easier soft powers for small-medium nations to enhance and exercise, as a major soft power open to them. Korea ranked the 27th at the NBI evaluation by Anholt-GfK in 2011, and ranked the 19th~20th at the self-developed index by the Korea National Brand Committee, showing the serious gap between the hard powers and the national brand. It has been found that the Korea National Brand Committee is likely to take a business-level approach that includes excessive PRs and marketing activities, rather than treating the national brand as a soft power. Furthermore, its framework is based on vulnerable legal system, difficult to secure authority, accountability and sustainability. It is indicated that efforts to elevate Korea’s national brand should involve conducive diplomacy, such as expansion of ODA, active participation in PKO,initiation of development experience. But, such efforts to expand international contribution are not necessary and sufficient conditions for it. In addition to the expansion of conducive diplomacy, it is suggested that the area for post-division peace diplomacy should be broadened in order to overcome the image as a divided nation in ongoing conflict between two Koreas, the most disadvantageous cause to damage the national brand image. Besides, in consideration that public diplomacy is a key means to raise brand awareness and preference for Korea, through communication and network, it is urgent to lay out dramatic measures to reinforce it, including setting up a public diplomacy headquartersaffiliated to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade. In terms of more fundamental consideration for the argumentative traits of the national brand, it is necessary to exploit ‘identity diplomacy’ to move forward diplomatic branding that certainly reflects our strategic status and benefits, as well as actively involved in production and distribution of the national brand image. 특정국가에 대한 이미지와 평판을 의미하는 국가브랜드는 비물질적 자원이며 강제하지 않는다는 점에서 소프트 파워의 일종이라고 할 수 있다. 국가브랜드는 소프트 파워 중에서도 비교적 중소국이 증진하거나 행사하기에 용이한 범주에 속하며 중소국에게 열려 있는 대표적 소프트 파워이다. 한국은 2011년 기준으로 Anholt-GfK사의 NBI 평가에서 27위로 나타났을 뿐만 아니라 국가브랜드위원회가 자체 개발한 지수에서도19~20위를 기록하는 등 하드 파워와 국가브랜드 사이에 심각한 괴리 현상이 나타나고 있다. 국가브랜드위원회는 국가브랜드를 소프트 파워 차원에서 다루기보다는 지나치게 PR과 마케팅 등 비즈니스적 차원에서 접근하는 경향이 발견된다. 또한, 법제도적 기반의 취약성으로 인해 권한과 책임, 지속성을 담보하기 어려운 구조이다. 한국의국가브랜드 향상을 위해서는 ODA 확대, PKO 적극 참여, 발전경험의 전수 등 주로 기여외교를 강화해야 한다고 지적된다. 그러나 국제적 기여 확대가 우리의 국가브랜드제고를 위한 필요충분조건은 아니다. 기여외교의 확대 이외에 한국의 국가브랜드 저하의 최대 요인으로 지적되는 분단국과 남북대결 이미지를 극복하기 위한 탈분단 평화외교의 영역을 확대해야 한다. 또한, 공공외교(public diplomacy)는 한국에 대한 인지도와 선호도를 제고할 수 있는 소통과 네트워크의 핵심적 수단으로서 외교부 산하에 공공외교본부의 설치 등 이를 강화하기 위한 획기적 방안의 마련이 시급하다. 보다 근본적으로는 국가브랜드의 담론적 속성에 착안하여 그 생산과 유통에 적극적으로관여하는 한편, 우리의 전략적 지위와 이익을 정확히 반영할 수 있는 외교 브랜딩을추진하는 ‘정체성 외교’의 개척이 필요하다.

      • KCI등재

        글로벌 스포츠인재 육성과 국가브랜드 강화

        이미숙(Lee, Mi-Sook),김예성(Kim, Ye-Sung),김형호(Kim, Hyeong-Ho) 한국체육과학회 2013 한국체육과학회지 Vol.22 No.2

        Korea has become the 7th country to join the 20-50 club, while achieving economic growth. And the research also showed the Korea’s Nation Brand is improving every year. However, there is a gap between the Korea’s economic strength and Korea’s Nation Brand. Moreover, the image of the Nation Brand differs from the hypostasis of it. Therefore, there has to be steps to reduce a gap between the image and the hypostasis of the Nation Brand, as well as strengthening the Korea’s Nation Brand consistently. There are various measures to improve a country’s Nation Brand. This study analysed that investigating sports fields and elite performers is still in effect to improve the Nation Brand. Particularly, outstanding achievement in Olympics is attributed to curriculum of the Korea National Sport University. And the achievement is one of the main factors to improving the Korea’s Nation Brand. This study suggests that training and educating elite athletes will be the one of measures to strengthen the Korea’s Nation Brand. The study also offers insight concerning the Korea’s Nation Brand. First, a sportsman should be perceived as a diplomat in global sports field, as well as the star player should behave like a public figure. Second, training and education should be systematic and well organized by establishing an educational institution such as the Korea National Sport University. Training and education will help strengthening the Nation Brand naturally. Along with an educational institution, programs to dig out and bring up rising stars should be developed. Finally, national support is needed urgently. Although sports stars and elite performers are in charge of strengthening the Nation Brand, they bear expenses hiring coaches and training cost by themselves. Thus, training and education system should be supported by national budget.

      • KCI등재

        2030세대 도시와 국가 브랜드 인식* : 지각된 적합성과 관계성에 대한 탐색

        문현지,안순태 한국광고PR실학회 2024 광고PR실학연구 Vol.17 No.1

        본 연구는 도시브랜드 전략 수립에 있어 국가브랜드와의 관계를 활용한 커뮤니케이션 효과를 확인하는데 그 목적이 있다. 이에 장소 브랜드구조를 기반으로 실행한 도시 브랜딩이 강력한 브랜드 자산을 구축할 수 있다는 선행연구들의 논의를 실증적으로 검증하였다. 검증을 위해 브랜드확장 전략의 ‘지각된 적합성’ 요인을 적용하여 국가-도시 브랜드 간 중첩된 연상 이미지의 영향력을 확인하였다. 나아가 브랜드 간 위계 구조를 인지하고 있는지 여부에 따른 도시 브랜딩의 효과를 확인하기 위해 ‘관계성’ 요인과의 상호작용효과를 확인하였다. 연구는 방한 관광객 중 주요 소비 타깃으로 떠오르고 있는 2030 세대 중국인을 대상으로 대한민국과 서울 브랜드에 대한 광고 실험물의 효과 검증으로 진행되었다. 연구 결과, 대한민국-서울 브랜드 간 지각된 적합성 요인이 서울 브랜드 평가에 주요한 영향을 미치는 것으로 검증되었다. 특히 두 요인 간 상호작용효과가 확인되어, 대한민국-서울 간 관계성을 인지하고 있을 때 지각된 적합성 요인이 태도 형성에 더욱 긍정적인 영향을 주는 것으로 나타났다. 이는 장기적 관점에서 장소 브랜드구조를 구축하여 위계 브랜드 간 일관성 있는 전략을 수립하는 것이 더욱 효과적임을 실증적으로 밝힌 결과이며, 무엇보다 대한민국 브랜드구조 내에서 서울 브랜드의 개성과 포지셔닝을 고려한 전략이 유기적으로 실행되어야 함을 시사하고 있다. The purpose of this study is to identify the effect of perceived fit between National brand and City brand as well as Relationship with National brand on City brand evaluation. To establish and implement more effective strategy in the context of place brand structure, the present study focuses on coherence between national brand’s and city brand’s concept recognized by stakeholder. This study applied the factor of ‘perceived fit’ in brand extension strategy for confirming this effect on city brand evaluation. A between-subjects experiment using 2 (Relationship with national brand: High/Low) X2 (Perceived fit: High/Low) factorial design was used to test interaction effect on city brand evaluation. This study was able to demonstrate empirically the influence of coherence between parent and sub brands on the sub-brand evaluation within a place brand structure using perceived fit factors in brand extension strategy. Also, by confirming the interaction effect between the perceived fit and the relationship with the parent brand, it was found that reminding the relationship between the brands could serve as a communication cue for the brand evaluation. This study will be meaningful in that it provided a practical basis for establishing an efficient communication strategy in place brand management in Korea.

      • KCI등재후보

        국가브랜드를 통한 국제경쟁력 강화 방안 모색―한‧일 국가브랜드를 중심으로―

        송선영 동서대학교 일본연구센터 2011 次世代 人文社會硏究 Vol.7 No.-

        The purpose of this study is to investigate in the world competitiveness, how it can be enhanced most effectively by the nation branding that is differentiated from image of nation, preferences of nation in the remarkable change of global economic environment. Nation branding operates similar to world competitiveness's strength : inducement of tourists, invigorates the inward investment, increases export and then currency stabilizes, continues buildup of national strength and benefits from nation branding. But, it is not applied to the nation branding enhancement, following brand management policy in Korea is a problem within a government, a private enterprise and the general public are under-appreciated than korean good economy. Thus, we can see that Korean merchandises are discounted in the global market's comparing to the same quality goods manufactured in the other countries. As the national brand of Korea rises in standing, Koreans and Korean companies will have greater respect and prestige, and its products and services will command a higher premium. With the mission to enhance Korea’s national brand in a systematic, strategic, and comprehensive way, the method of brand strengthening has just acquire the Korea's premium.

      • KCI등재

        국가 브랜드 이미지 제고를 위한 K-컬처 콘텐츠의 전략 자산화 제안

        오지연,이도훈 한국상품문화디자인학회 2022 상품문화디자인학연구 Vol.70 No.-

        Korea's unique culture has originated from Hongik people as an important resource to enhance Korea's status along with the rise of economic power and globalization. Recently, as Korean cultural content projects have been spotlighted around the world with K-POP, K-Movie, K-Drama, and K-Game of Korean culture, it is a reality that more efforts should be made to develop Korean culture. This soon leads to the revitalization of the national brand, which can be seen as the peak of a big leap forward that can further boost Korea's image. Historically, just as a place that has made many people around the world experience through elegant buildings, famous paintings, art and culture scents becomes a global tourist destination, the place that has been the center of culture and art becomes a brand. As the status of Korean culture and K-content is increasing worldwide in the 21st century, Korea should lead to the center of world culture and new brands and images. Therefore, this study aims to establish a K-culture content strategy through the analysis of Korea's national image status and integrated (IMC) management system, and to this end, it aims to analyze various overseas cases of national brands and propose a strategy to form a new national brand of Korea and turn it into a global asset. In accordance with the purpose of this study, we analyzed the importance of K-culture contents by analyzing overseas success stories, the market status of K-culture contents in Korea, and the future prospects, and when we could raise the value of Korea's national brand. In addition, private collaboration according to the composition of the National Image Commission and the implementation of government pledges at the national brand level, such as presenting branding of content, was suggested. Due to this study, it can be a sample that can lead the new market in Korea. Furthermore, based on this, it will be possible to raise the developmental expected effect of enhancing the image of Korea as a national brand. 한국 고유의 문화는 경제력의 상승, 세계화와 함께 한국의 위상을 높이는 중요한 자원으로써 홍익인간으로부터 시작되어왔다. 최근에는 한국문화의 K-POP, K-Movie, K-Drama, K-Food 등으로 한국의 문화 콘텐츠 사업이 전 세계적으로 각광받게 됨으로써 한국문화의 발전에 더 큰 힘을 쏟아야 하는 게 현실이다. 이는 곧 국가 브랜드 활성화로 이어져 한국의 이미지를 한층 더 끌어올릴 수 있는 큰 도약의 정점에 와 있다고 볼 수 있다. 역사적으로 보았을 때 품격있는 건조물, 명화, 예술과 문화의 향기 등으로 세계인의 많은 사람들을 경험하게 한 장소가 세계적인 관광지가 되듯이 문화예술의 중심이었던곳은 곧 브랜드가 된다. 21세기에 세계적으로 한국문화 및 K-콘텐츠의 위상이 높아지고 있는 시점으로써 한국은 세계문화의 중심지로 새로운 브랜드와 이미지로 이끌어야 할 것이다. 이에 본 연구에서는 한국의 국가이미지 현황 및 통합관리 체계를 통하여 K-컬처 콘텐츠 전략을 제안 하는데에 목적이 있으며, 이를 위해 국가 브랜드의 다양한 해외 사례들을 분석하고, 한국의 새로운 국가 브랜드를 형성시켜 세계적으로 자산화 할 수 있는 전략을 제안하고자 한다. 본 연구목적에 맞게해외 국가 브랜드 성공사례 분석 및 한국의 K-컬처 콘텐츠의 시장현황과 앞으로의 전망에 대한 분석을 통하여 K-컬처 콘텐츠를 배경으로 한 대한민국의 국가 브랜드의 가치를 끌어올릴 수 있는 시점을 분석하였다. 또한 콘텐츠에 대한 브랜딩화제시 등 국가 브랜드 차원에서 국가 이미지 위원회 구성 및 새 정부 공약의 실천에 따른 민간 협업화를 제시하였다. 본 연구로 인하여 한국의 신시장을 주도할 수 있는 표본이 될 수 있다고 본다. 나아가 이를 바탕으로 한국의 국가 브랜드로의이미지 제고에 전세계적으로 발전적인 기대효과를 끌어올릴 수 있을 것이다.

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