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      • KCI등재

        온라인 타인사칭(Online Impersonation)의 법적책임에 대한 연구

        정완 ( Wan Choung ),안아름 ( Areum An ) 홍익대학교 법학연구소 2018 홍익법학 Vol.19 No.2

        온라인상에서 전자 메일, 인스턴트 메시지, 문자메시지 또는 소셜 네트워크 서비스(SNS)등을 통해 타인의 허락 없이 의도적으로 타인을 흉내 내거나 타인인 것처럼 행동하는 불법행위를 온라인 타인사칭(Online impersonation)이라고 한다. 온라인 타인사칭은 정보통신망을 통한 각종 커뮤니케이션 서비스에서 발생하는데, 특히 SNS에서 주로 일어나고 있다. 우리나라 법제에서는 이를 명문화하여 규제하고 있지 않은데, 기본권상 표현의 자유를 과하게 제한할 수 있다는 비판이 있음에도 불구하고, 사칭된 인격의 본인이 재정적 피해뿐만아니라 명예 훼손 혹은 이로 인한 정신적 고통을 받고, 가족 또는 지인들에게까지 피해가 가며 심하면 자살에 이를 수도 있다는 위험성 때문에 규제가 필요하다는 목소리가 계속되고 있다. 본지에서는 온라인 타인사칭 및 그와 관련된 개념을 정리하고, 명문상 규정을 통해 제재를 하고 있는 미국의 입법례를 살펴본 후, 우리나라 현행 법률 중 온라인 타인사칭과 관련된 규정을 파악·분석함으로써 구체적인 조항을 새롭게 재정할 필요성에 대하여 설명하고자 한다. 온라인 타인사칭의 방법으로는 크게 두 가지로 나눌 수 있다. 하나는 실제로 존재하는 타인의 신상정보를 사칭하여 그 타인인양 행세하는 프로파일 스쿼팅(Profile squatting)이며, 다른 하나는 존재하지 않는 가공의 인물을 설정하여 실제로 존재하는 것처럼 행세하는 캣피싱(Catfishing)이다. 미국에서는 각 주 형법전마다 온라인 타인사칭 조항을 별도로 제정한 경우, 일반 타인사칭조항의 하위 항에서 규제하고 있는 경우, 관련 규제 조항이 존재하지 않는 등 규제여부가 상이하다. 규제조항이 존재하는 경우에도 사기죄에 가까운지, 컴퓨터범죄에 가까운지의 판단기준에 따라서 조항의 위치에 차이가 있다. 우리나라에서는 온라인 타인사칭을 규제하는 법률 내지 조항이 없기 때문에 온라인 타인사칭과 관련된 각 행위를 규제하는 각각의 규정을 적용하고 있다. 이러한 번거로움을 해소하고 온라인 타인사칭을 규제하고 있다는 사실을 분명히 하기 위하여 정보통신망법을 개정하는 의안이 2015년 이후로 계속해서 제출되고 있다. 그런데 각 의안들을 살펴보면 헌법상 표현의 자유와 충돌될 우려가 있는 부분도 있고, 사칭하는 대상을 ‘사람’으로만 한정하여 온라인 타인사칭의 다른 경우의 수를 다수 배제하는 형식이 되어버렸다. 기존 조문에 하나의 항을 추가하는 기존 개정안의 형식에서 벗어나, 다수의 항으로 구성된 하나의 조를 신설하는 방향으로 새로운 개정안을 제안하고자 한다 Online impersonation is an illegal act that intentionally imitates others or act like other people through e-mail, instant messaging, text messaging or social network services (SNS) in online without permission of others. Online impersonation occurs in various communication services through information communication network, especially in SNS. Although there is criticism that the freedom of speech can be overly restricted, the legal system in Korea does not regulate it. So, as a result of the risk that not only financial damage but also defamation or mental suffering, damage to family or friends, and even severe suicide, there is a voice that regulation is necessary. In this paper, After I summarize the concept of online impersonation and related matters and examine the legislation of the United States, I will explain the necessity of redefining specific provisions by grasping and analyzing the regulations related to online impersonation among current laws in Korea. There are two main methods of online impersonation. One is profile squatting, pretending to be someone else's actual information and pretending to be someone else. The other is a cat phishing that sets a non-existent character and pretends to exist. In the United States, each state's penal code has different regulations, such as the provision of the online impersonation clause separately, and the restriction under the subparagraph of the criminal impersonation clause. Even in the presence of regulatory provisions, there is a difference in the position of the provision, depending on whether it is close to a fraud or whether it is close to a computer crime. Since there are no laws or provisions governing the online impersonation in Korea, each regulation that regulates each act related to online impersonation is applied. To ameliorate this hassle and to make it clear that it is regulating the sonline impersonation, proposals to revise the Information and Communication Network Act have been submitted continuously since 2015. However, there is the possibility of conflict with the freedom of speech in constitutional law, and it has become a form to limit the number of other cases of online impersonation by limiting the impersonation object to 'person' only. I am going to propose a new amendment in the direction of creating a single section consisting of a number of terms out of the existing form of amendment that adds one clause to the existing clause.

      • KCI등재

        젠더사칭에 의한 간음의 형사법적 함의

        김종구(Kim, Jong Goo) 원광대학교 법학연구소 2021 圓光法學 Vol.37 No.4

        미국, 영국, 이스라엘 등 외국에서는 젠더사칭(gender impersonation)에 의한 간음 또는 친밀한 성적 접촉이 다양하게 나타나고 있으며, 실제 형사처벌의 대상이 되고 있다. 미국의 경우 기망에 강간으로 처벌되거나, 이스라엘의 경우 행위의 본질(nature of act)이나 행위자의 아이덴티티(actor’s identity)의 기망에 의한 강간으로 처벌된다. 우리의 경우 일반성인 상대 위계에 의한 간음은 비범죄화 되어 피해자가 일반성인인 경우 젠더사칭에 의한 간음은 형사처벌 대상이 아니다. 그러나, 미성년자나 심신장애자에 대한 젠더사칭에 의한 간음은 인공성기의 삽입도 간음에 포함된다면, 형법과 아청법상 위계에 의한 간음으로 처벌될 수 있다. 문제는 일반성인 상대 젠더사칭에 의한 간음을 범죄화 할 것인지 여부이다. 여기에서는 무엇을 기준으로 범죄화와 비범죄화를 결정할 것인지가 관건이다. 행위자의 죄책(culpability)과 피해자에 대한 성적 자율성(sexual autonomy)의 침해, 해악(harm)의 발생 여부가 일응의 기준이 될 것이다. 이러한 관점에서 보면, 젠더사칭에 의한 간음은 원하는 사람과 원하는 방식의 성관계를 자유로운 의사에 따라 결정할 수 있는 개인의 성적 자기결정권(right to sexual self-determination)을 침해한다는 점에서 범죄화의 필요성이 있다. 젠더사칭에 의해 피해자로부터 얻은 동의(consent)는 유효한 동의가 아니라는 점에서 성관계에 대한 유효한 동의가 있다고 보기도 어렵다. 한편, 젠더사칭에 의한 간음의 범죄화는 젠더를 둘러싼 여러 가지 논쟁적인 쟁점과도 연관성을 갖고 있다. 젠더사칭에 의한 간음을 형사처벌하는 경우 동성애를 부정하고 이성애를 규범에 합치하는 것으로 보는 전통적인 젠더규범(gender norm)을 강제하는 결과가 된다는 비판도 있다. 따라서, 젠더사칭에 의한 간음의 범죄화 문제는 피해자의 성적 자율성의 보호의 관점에 더하여 새로운 변화하는 젠더규범의 존중이라는 관점도 고려되어야 할 것이다. 젠더사칭의 사례의 특수한 문제의 하나는 간음이 남자의 성기와 여자의 성기의 결합이라고 할 때, 젠더사칭 사례에서는 인공성기(prosthetic penis)에 의한 삽입이 일어난다는 점에서 간음으로 보기 어렵다는 점이다. 따라서 위계에 의한 간음죄가 성립하기 어렵다. 또한 폭행・협박이 아니라 위계를 수단으로 하는 점에서 유사강간(quasi rape)으로 보기도 어렵다. 따라서, 이러한 사례를 규율하기 위하여 젠더사칭 같은 위계를 수단으로 성기가 아닌 사람의 신체의 일부나 기타 물건을 삽입하는 행위를 처벌하는 조항의 입법도 검토해 보아야 할 것이다. 또한 형법상 일반성인 상대 위계에 의한 간음은 비범죄화 되어 있으므로, 일반성인 상대의 위계에 의한 간음의 처벌도 생각해 보아야 할 것이다. In foreign countries such as the United States, United Kingdom, and Israel, rape or intimate sexual contact by impersonation of gender is occurring in a variety of ways, and is subject to actual criminal punishment. In the case of the United States, it is punished as rape by deception, or in the case of Israel, it is punished as rape by deception of the nature of the act or the identity of the perpetrator under the criminal law. Under the Korean Criminal Code, there is a question as to whether or not to criminalize sexual assault based on gender impersonation. The key here is to decide on what basis to determine criminalization and decriminalization. Whether or not the sexual autonomy of the victim is violated will be the standard of the decision. From this point of view, there is a need to criminalize adultery by impersonating gender in that it infringes on an individual’s right to sexual self-determination and the person’s free will to have sex with the person he or she wants. Some critics have criticized that if criminal punishment for sexual intercourse based on gender impersonation is the result of denial of homosexuality and forcing traditional gender norms that view heterosexuality as conforming to the norm. Therefore, in the criminalization of sexual intercourse by gender impersonation, the viewpoint of respecting the new and changing gender norms should also be considered. One of the specific problems with the case of gender impersonation is that rape is the combination of a male and female genitals. In the case of gender impersonation, it is difficult to see it as rape in that the insertion by the artificial genital organs occurs. Therefore, it is difficult to recognize the rape by fraud. Also, it is difficult to see it as a quasi rape in that deception is different from force or coercion. Therefore, in order to regulate such cases, legislation is needed to punish such act of inserting parts of a person s body or other objects other than the genitals by fraud.

      • KCI등재

        1887년 朝鮮境內 淸國官員 사칭사건

        권인용 명청사학회 2023 명청사연구 Vol.- No.60

        In 1887, there was an incident in Joseon impersonating a Qing official. The culprit was Ning Beiran. He was a man of no shortage in the crime. He was not only brazen and sly, but also had a variety of careers suitable for various frauds. He came to Seoul from Shandong in his late teens. For the next 5-6 years, he served in the military, consulate and stores of Chinese merchants stationed in Joseon. This career seems to have been exploited for crime. The crime began after arriving in Wonsan. After receiving the travel certificate through trickery, he went to Hamheung to do business. There he organized an impersonation group with his sympathizers. He manipulated the letters on the travel certificate and pretended to be a Qing official. It was around May-June 1887. At the end of June, he headed north and entered Pyeonganbuk-do. The crime has become bolder. While traveling around, he deceived local officials of Joseon and forced them to entertain him. He dared to threaten a local official. He also fabricated false certificates and defrauded merchants of the border. This action has caught the tail of the crime. At the end of July, he was arrested by Qing soldiers in a city along the Yalu River. The spectacular fraud finally came to an end. Ning's impersonation case had a historical background. At that time, there were quite a few civilians, soldiers and merchants who were illegally wandering in Joseon. Ning fabricated the contents of the certificate, saying he was tasked with patrolling their illegal activities in Joseon. The manipulation was plausible for local officials in Joseon. There was also a precedent for impersonation. In August 1886, it was a fraud case in Jeonla-do that impersonated a bureaucrat dispatched by Yuan Shikai. This was the first case in Joseon to impersonate a Qing official. However, this case had a limitation that the criminal did not have a travel certificate. The Ning's case succeeded this case. Ning took a step forward in fraud. It was the presentation of a forged travel certificate. Local officials in Joseon did not doubt it. The criminal's identity was discovered by a Qing local official who sensed something strange. There was a movement by the Qing Dynasty to prevent the recurrence of impersonation cases. Yuan Shikai promised to send an arrest team directly in the event of a similar incident. In particular, it reminded Joseon that there is a procedure to notify it in advance when dispatching its officials. It was a practical preventive measure against forgery of travel certificates. This is because the presentation of the certificate will have no effect if not notified in advance. Related measures have also been taken. It was a enhancing of guarantee procedures when issuing certificates. When issuing a certificate to a merchant, it was stipulated to obtain a guarantee from the head of the merchant organization and a great merchant. It was Yuan's idea. It is unclear how effective the above direct and indirect measures were. It is clear that it is not at the level of groundbreaking measures to eradicate recurrence. However, as a result of the review of related data, no similar cases were found for a considerable period of time after the Ning's incident. The reason for this should be considered comprehensively in many aspects, but it is not necessary to deny that these countermeasures had a certain alert effect. At least, I think the will of the legation to prevent recurrence itself is recognizable.

      • KCI등재후보

        사이버 명예훼손죄에 관한 법제 개선방안 -허위조작정보(이른바 페이크뉴스) 및 온라인 타인사칭을 중심으로-

        고명수 법제처 2020 법제 Vol.691 No.-

        This study deals with the measures to improve the current defamation legal system. Disinformation and online impersonation cannot be punished, although they are defamatory behaviors in cyberspace. The tension between punishment and freedom of expression, as well as specific defamatory aspects of cyberspace must be taken into account to justify the punishment for defamation. The current defamation rules only protect the reputation of the 'person'. Defamation against corporation or other organization is recognized by Dogmatic. However, this should be explicitly stipulated in defamation rules. Posting links or clicking the 'Like'button for defamatory expression on Facebook could be punished as an accomplice. Since the illegality of the defamatory expression in SNS remains until it is completely deleted, and if it is shared, the illegality of principal offender is strengthened. It is not clear to distinguish between statement of fact and expression of opinion, and between objective truth and falsity. Therefore, when determining the strength and scope of the sanctions for fake news, it is important to clearly define the subject of regulation, taking into account the principle of legality and freedom of expression.: The subject of regulation should be 'disinformation' that has been intentionally manipulated for a specific purpose. A specific purpose such as public interest, public order or national security assurance is proposed for punishing disinformation, but this is against the principle of legality. In view of this, it would be desirable to have individual punishment rules in individual laws (「Framework Act on the management of disasters and safety」, 「Act on the Prevention and Management of Infectious Diseases」, 「Counterterrorism Act for Citizen Protection and Public Safety」), such as the 「Public Election Act」, rather than having general punishment rules for disinformation. And in order to enact rules to block or delete disinformation, freedom of expression should be scrutinized more carefully than punishment rules, since the information is still within the scope of freedom of expression. It is suggested that the possible time frame for blocking or deleting disinformation be limited to when specific risks arise or are at a sufficiently anticipated stage: during wartime, civil war, incidents, terrorism, hostility; after declaring a state of alert in a disaster crisis; a few days before election day. Only then could freedom of expression be guaranteed as far as possible, democracy protected and this preemptive measure justified. Online impersonation is an act of intentionally impersonating another person using his or her personal information without permission in cyberspace. There is no punishment for defamation if the facts in defamatory expression were not dealt with directly with the impersonated person, so the need for a separate punishment rule is pointed out. Since impersonation in itself is not enough to be punished, the punishment must be justified by limiting the subject of punishment and the type of behavior. The purpose of impersonation should be directed towards a crime, particularly defamation, fraud and persistent harassment. Regarding defamation, legislation may be considered that punishes defamation based on continuous activity in SNS, not based on giving specific facts related to the victim. Then, whether or not other users in SNS misrecognize the actor as an impersonated person should be judged according to objective criteria, and whether or not there is a defamatory expression should be judged comprehensively.

      • KCI등재

        학생유도선수가 지각한 코치-선수관계가 운동탈진에 미치는 영향 : 운동스트레스의 매개효과검증

        강현(Kang, Hyeon),박성배(Park, Sung-Bae) 한국체육과학회 2020 한국체육과학회지 Vol.29 No.6

        The study aims to verify the effect of coach-player relationship on athletic exhaustion, and to verify the mediated effect of stress in the relationship of two variables. Students from high schools and universities registered with the Korea Judo Association were surveyed using the significance extraction method from July 2019 to 09. Frequency analysis, positive factor analysis, reliability verification, correlation analysis, and structural model analysis were performed using Stata 14.0ver. The final effective sample, 250 copies, was applied to determine significance. The final conclusions drawn are as follows: First, the relationship between the coach and the judo player had a negative impact on mental and physical loss and impersonation. Second, sports stress was found to have negative effects on mental and physical loss and impersonation, which are sub-factors of exhaustion, and fourth, as a result of verifying the mediated effect, the relationship between coach and player had negative effects on the athletic stress of student judo players. Fourth, the relationship between the coach and the judo player had a negative effect on the exercise stress, and the subfactor of exhaustion had no significant effect, and the exercise stress had a negative effect on the mental and physical loss and impersonation of the exhaustion. Results showed that there was only a full-scale effect.

      • RISS 인기논문

        메타버스 시대 온라인 타인사칭의 형사법적 함의 : 명예훼손과 성범죄를 중심으로

        김종구(Kim, Jong-Goo) 4차산업혁명융합법학회 2021 4차산업혁명 법과 정책 Vol.3 No.-

        현실 세계와 가상공간을 넘나드는 메타버스(metaverse) 시대에 IT 기술과 디지털 기술의 발달에 따라 새로운 법적 현상이 다양하게 출현하고 있다. SNS 등 온라인상에서 타인을 가장하는 수단으로 범죄를 야기하는 사례도 빈번하게 나타난다. 온라인 타인사칭(online impersonation)은 타인사칭 행위 자체의 가벌성뿐 아니라 이를 수단으로 한 범죄도 문제이다. 과거 타인사칭은 현실 세계에서도 문제였지만, 온라인 또는 가상공간에서의 타인사칭은 위험성이 더 크다. 인터넷 기술과 디지털 기술의 발달에 따라 새로운 범죄현상이 출현하고 기존의 형법규정으로 대처하는 데 한계가 있는 경우도 많다. 새로운 입법으로 이러한 현상에 대응하지만, 과학기술의 발달에 따른 사회현상과 기존의 실정법 사이의 괴리는 항상 있기 마련이다. 온라인상 타인 사칭으로 인한 범죄가 늘고 있지만, 이를 규제할 법은 제대로 마련되어 있지 않다. 본 논문에서는 온라인 타인사칭을 수단으로 하는 명예훼손죄와 성범죄 중 위계에 의한 간음죄 또는 기망에 의한 강간죄를 우리 대법원판례와 미국법원의 판례를 중심으로 살펴보았다. 이 경우 죄형법정주의에 입각하여 기존의 형법규정을 엄격해석하여 제한적으로 적용할 것인지, 아니면 온라인 시대의 새로운 범죄현상에 형법규정의 적극적인 해석으로 대응할 것인지가 문제이다. 과학기술의 발전에 따른 새로운 범죄현상과 기존의 입법 사이에는 괴리가 발생할 수밖에 없다. 이러한 간극은 죄형법정주의를 훼손하지 않는 범위에서 형법규정의 합리적인 적극 해석으로 메워갈 필요가 있을 것이다. 형법의 해석에 의한 대응이 한계에 부딪치는 경우 신속한 입법적 방안이 마련되어야 할 것이다. 온라인 타인사칭을 수단으로 하는 범죄를 예방하기 위해서, 온라인 타인사칭 자체를 규제하기 위한 입법도 필요한 것으로 판단되며, 이러한 입법의 참고자료가 될 수 있는 미국의 입법례와 판례도 함께 검토하였다. In the metaverse era that crosses the real world and virtual space, various new legal phenomena are appearing according to the development of IT and digital technologies. There are also frequent cases of crimes caused by means of impersonating others online, such as through SNS. Online impersonation is a problem not only for the criminality of impersonation itself, but also for crimes using it as a means. In the past, impersonating others was also a problem also in the real world, but impersonating others online or in virtual space is more dangerous. With the development of Internet technology and digital technology, a new criminal phenomenon appears, and there are many cases where there is a limit to dealing those cases with the existing criminal law. Although new legislation responds to this phenomenon, there is always a gap between the social phenomenon caused by the development of science and technology and the existing positive law. Although crimes caused by impersonating others online are increasing, there is no proper law to regulate them. Not only the criminality of impersonating others online, but also crimes using impersonation as a means are a problem. This paper discusses the crimes of defamation and sexual offenses using online impersonation, focusing on the precedents of the Korean Supreme Court and the US courts. The question is whether to strictly interpret and restrict the application of the existing criminal law based on the principle of legality, or to respond to the new criminal phenomenon in the online era with an active interpretation of the criminal law. There is inevitably a gap between the new criminal phenomenon caused by the development of science and technology and the existing criminal law. Such a gap will need to be filled with a rational and positive interpretation of the criminal law provisions within the scope of not undermining the principle of criminal justice. If the response based on the interpretation of the criminal law encounters a limit, prompt legislative measures should be prepared. In order to prevent crimes that use online impersonation as a means, legislation to regulate online impersonation itself is also necessary. In this paper, we also reviewed examples of legislation in the United States that can serve as reference materials for such legislation.

      • Stolen-Verifier 공격과 Impersonation 공격에 안전한 개선된 OSPA 프로토콜

        곽진 ( Jin Kwak ),오수현 ( Soo Hyun Oh ),양형규 ( Hyung Kyu Yang ),원동호 ( Dong Ho Won ) 한국정보처리학회 2004 정보처리학회논문지 C : 정보통신,정보보안 Vol.11 No.4

        In the Internet, user authentication is the most important service in secure communications. Although password-based mechanism is the most widely used method of the user authentication in the network, people are used to choose easy-to-remember passwords, and thus suffers from some innate weaknesses. Therefore, using a memorable password is vulnerable to the dictionary attacks. The techniques used to prevent dictionary attacks bring about a heavy computational workload. In this paper, we describe a recent solution, the Optimal Strong-Password Authentication (OSPA) protocol, and that it is vulnerable to the stolen-verifier attack and an impersonation attack. Then, we propose an Improved Optimal Strong-Password Authentication (I-OSPA) protocol, which is secure against stolen-verifier attack and impersonation attack. Also, since the cryptographic operations are computed by the processor in the smart card, the proposed I-OSPA needs relatively low computational workload and communicational workload for user.

      • KCI등재

        금융 보안 서버의 개인키 유출 사고에 안전한 키 교환 프로토콜

        김선종(Seon Jong Kim),권정옥(Jeong Ok Kwon) 한국정보보호학회 2009 정보보호학회논문지 Vol.19 No.3

        세계적으로 통용되고 있는 키 교환 프로토콜은 TLS/SSL 등의 공개된 암호 통신프로토콜인 반면에 국내 금융권에서는 공인인증과 더불어 금융권에 적합한 공개키 기반 구조(PKI: Public Key Infrastructure)를 이용한 키 교환프로토콜을 민간 주도로 개발하여 사용하고 있다. 하지만 금융권에서 사용하고 있는 키 교환 프로토콜은 클라이언트 위장공격(client impersonation attack)과 기지 키 공격(known-key attack)에 취약하며, 전방향 안전성(forward secrecy)을 제공하지 않는다. 특히, 암호문과 서버 측 개인키(예: RSA 개인키)만 있으면 쉽게 과거의 세션키(session-key)를 알아내 암호화된 메시지를 복호화 할 수 있기 때문에, 만약 내부 관리 등의 문제로 인해 금융보안 서버의 개인키 유출 시 막대한 개인정보와 금융정보가 노출될 우려가 있다. 본 논문에서는 금융권에 사용 중인 암호 통신 프로토콜의 취약점을 분석하고, 국내 환경에 적합하도록 프로토콜 교체 비용을 최소화하면서 클라이언트 위장공격과 세션키 노출 및 개인키 유출 사고에도 안전한 두 개의 키 교환 프로토콜을 제안한다. 또한 제안하는 두 번째 프로토콜이 HDH(Hash Diffie-Hellman) 문제가 어렵다는 가정 하에 증명 가능한 전방향 안전성을 제공함을 보인다. The world's widely used key exchange protocols are open cryptographic communication protocols, such as TLS/SSL, whereas in the financial field in Korea, key exchange protocols developed by industrial classification group have been used that are based on PKI(Public Key Infrastructure) which is suitable for the financial environments of Korea. However, the key exchange protocols are not only vulnerable to client impersonation attacks and known-key attacks, but also do not provide forward secrecy. Especially, an attacker with the private keys of the financial security server can easily get an old session-key that can decrypt the encrypted messages between the clients and the server. The exposure of the server's private keys by internal management problems, etc, results in a huge problem, such as exposure of a lot of private information and financial information of clients. In this paper, we analyze the weaknesses of the cryptographic communication protocols in use in Korea. We then propose two key exchange protocols which reduce the replacement cost of protocols and are also secure against client impersonation attacks and session-key and private key reveal attacks. The forward secrecy of the second protocol is reduced to the HDH(Hash Diffie-Hellman) problem.

      • KCI등재

        KBS 공포드라마 ‘전설의 고향’ 을 통한 성격분장 이미지연구

        이상은(Sang-Eun Lee),박윤희(Yun-Hee Park) 한국인체미용예술학회 2013 한국인체미용예술학회지 Vol.14 No.2

        This study investigated the form of ghosts as shown in the new TV one-act drama "Hometown of the Legend" begun in 2008 and the horror effect expressed in the impersonation of characters in this drama. This study attempted to analyze via five genres the constitution of and solution to rancor as shown in the legends or folktales based on the eight pieces of "Hometown”, which was revived as a horror drama over nine years. This study investigates how the horror shown through the screen according to the script was expressed according to the response of the viewing audience. This study sought to investigate several methods of expression with a focus on the presented works in order to inquire into how far the screen treatment using the special effects expressed through character impersonation and computer graphics contributed to the completion of the drama. Finally, this study offers data regarding the posture that the impersonator should take in creating character impersonation and directions for development.

      • KCI등재

        사물의인화의 Friendship과 친밀성의 전이

        정학섭 동양사회사상학회 2017 사회사상과 문화 Vol.20 No.4

        퇴계 이황(1501-1570)이 지은 시는 거의 3,000수에 이른다. 이 중에 퇴계 자신이 57세부터 66세까지 도산서당에 거처하면서 작시한 시집이 <도산잡영陶山雜詠>이다. 서당의 곳곳 모습과 주변 풍광을 읊었던 시 40제題 92수首만 스스로 뽑아서 만든 일종의 자선시집이다. 그가 퇴계退溪라는 마을에서 지은 시만 모은 자선시집 <퇴계잡영退溪雜詠>과 함께 <계산잡영溪山雜詠>이라는 이름으로 편집한 책의 일부분이다. 퇴계는 57세 때부터 지금의 도산서원 자리에 서당을 짓기 시작하여 61세 때 완성한 후 자신의 연구에 전념하며 제자들을 본격적으로 가르친다. 그는 계곡 가에 독서 공간을 어렵게 마련하여 자강불식自强不息의 세계를 지향하고 있다. 이것은 쉼 없이 학문에 매진하려는 자의 열정과 단호함이다. 수양공부하기의 형이상학적 차원을 떠나 퇴계 특유의 문학적 접근에서 우리는 생성론적 관점을 확인할 수 있다. 그것은 존재 내지 현상의 본질을 초월적 실체에서 찾지 않고 가까운 자연과 사물에서 탐구하려는 이의 접근(approach)이라 볼 수 있다. 홀로 산창에 기대선 시인의 ‘홀로 있음(Einsamkeit)’과 외로운 처지는 매화나무, 그 가지 끝의 둥근 달, 산들바람으로부터 위무慰撫받고 있다. 벼슬살이와 정파 싸움의 소용돌이에서 탈출하여 수양공간에 오롯이 선 자의 고독孤獨은 매화, 달, 바람과 함께 하는 신독愼獨이다. 이들 사물은 부부 가족생활에서 크게 안락하지 못한 자의 친밀성의 투사投射(projection) 대상이기도 하다. 매화 향기 가득한 뜨락에서 시인과 사물은 물아일체적 친밀성을 향유하고 있는 것이다. 새로운 친밀성을 공유하는 공간에서 시인은 달과 함께 산책한다. 매화꽃 언저리를 서성대며 시인이 회억回憶하고 궁리窮理하는 것은 무엇인가. 성리학적 도학체계를 구상하고 시적 감수성을 가다듬으며 그는 밤 깊도록 달빛 속에 유유자적한다. 그러한 그에게 스며드는 향내와 드리우는 꽃그늘은 시인으로 하여금 지상 삶의 고달픔과 서글픔을 벗어나 한순간의 황홀경(ecstasy)에 사로잡히게 한다. 이것은 시인이 갖는 새로운 차원의 친밀성의 경험이자 Friendship의 소유이기도 하다. 퇴계는 천지만물의 성정性情과 조화를 자연 속에서 자연과 함께 일체가 되어 체득體得한다.자연에 몰입하여 자연 현상 내지 사물과 자신이 하나되는 물아일체物我一體의 세계를 지향한다. 이러한 지향은 사물에 대한 물아일체적 친밀성과 그 Friendship으로 나타난다. 이처럼 그는 사랑을 추구함으로써 물아일체의 인식으로 나아가게 된다고 본다. 이러한 물아일체의 인식을 통해 사랑의 실현을 제대로 할 수 있게 된다는 것이다. 퇴계는 공허하게 천지. 만물과 일체라는 추상적 관념의 물아일체론을 경계하고 있다. 자아의 실존론적 진정성 없이 관념론적 물아일체 의식 습성에 젖는 병통을 경고하고 있다. 자아와 만물의 분별을 인식하면서도 양자가 상호 소통함으로써 일체감을 획득하는 물아일체를 통해 사랑의 실현을 추구하려 했던 것이다. Toegye Lee Hwang(退溪 李滉, 1501-1570) wrote nearly 3000 poems. The book of poetry called <Dosanjabyeong(陶山雜詠)> had been written when he was staying in DosanSeodang(陶山書堂) from 57 to 66 years old. This book is kind of selected poems that describe the scene of Seodang and surroundings. It is part of a book edited under the name of <Gyesanjabyeong(溪山雜詠)> along with the book <Toegyejabyeong(退溪雜詠)>: collection of poetry which only had been written in the village called Toegye. From the age of 57, Toegye started to build Seodang in the present-day DosanSeowon(陶山書院) and completed it at the age of 61. After that he devoted himself to his study and taught his disciples in earnest. He got his own space for reading near the valley and aimed the world of Jagangbulsig(自强不息): the stage of ceaseless endeavors. This is the enthusiasm and determination of those who are willing to continue to study without hesitation. We can identify the existential perspective with Toegye’s unique literary approach, apart from the metaphysical level of mental training. It can be seen as an approach to explore the nature of existence or phenomenon in the nearest nature and objects, not in transcendental reality. The solitude(Einsamkeit) of poet who is standing by the window and lonely situation are being comforted by plum tree, round moon at its end, and the breeze. The solitude of a man who is getting away from the political chaos and an official life is like being with plum, moon and the breeze. These objects are also projections of the intimacy of those who are not very comfortable in family life. In a yard with full of scent of plum, the poet and the object are enjoying intimacy. In a space that shares a new intimacy, the poet walks with the moon. What does the poet remember and devise while standing on the edge of the plum blossoms? As considering the Confucian ethics system and composing poetic sensibility, he walked alone deep into the night. Such a lingering odor and the lingering gloom of the flowers enthroned the poet to escape from the exhaustion of earthly life and sadness. This is a new level of experience of intimacy and property of Friendship at the same time. Toegye acquired the nature of all creation and the harmony in the nature with the nature. He aimed the world of Mulailche(物我一體: the state of becoming one with the object) by immersing himself in nature or objects. This orientation had been presented as fully immersed intimacy and the Friendship. He believed that pursuing love will lead to a sense of accomplishment. This means that the perception of love can be realized through the recognition of these objects. Toegye is wary of the abstract ideologies of the universe and everything are in a body. He warned falling into an ideological materialism without the existential authenticity of the ego. He sought to pursue the realization of the fulfillment of his love by gaining recognition by acknowledging himself as an understanding of the self and everything.

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