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        약정에 기한 형성권 행사기간의 법적 성질에 관한 고찰 - 대법원 2022. 7. 14. 선고 2019다271661 판결 (공2022하, 1588)을 계기로

        양승우 사법발전재단 2024 사법 Vol.1 No.67

        The legal nature of the exercise period for the right is broadly distinguished between the extinctive prescription(erlöschende Verjährung or Verjährung) and the exclusion period(Ausschlussfrist or Präklusivfrist). In the context of the formative right which alters legal relations by the unilateral expression of the rights holder's intent, a similar exercise period can be conceptualized. In Korean Civil Law, the exercise period of the formative right is generally considered as the exclusion period, in legal theories and the case law altogether. The Subject Case by the Supreme Court of Korea also determined that the exercise period of the formative right, specifically the right to demand the purchase of shares granted to a venture capital in a venture investment contract, falls under the exclusion period. A venture capital refers to a capital group that invests in early-stage ventures or startups in the form of adventure capital, with the primary goal of capital gains. To achieve their objectives and preferences, a venture capital enters into venture investment contracts with the target company as well as controlling shareholders or other stakeholders. Such venture investment contracts, aimed at protecting the interests of the venture capital, include various clauses to prevent dilution of capital and facilitate the recovery of the venture capital investment. Granting the right to demand the purchase of shares to the venture capital in case of a breach of obligations by the target company or controlling shareholders during the venture investment is also one of these clauses. Meanwhile, the extinctive prescription and the exclusion period differ in several aspects, including the purpose of the system, the occurrence of effects, the retroactivity, the recognition of interruption/suspension, the discretionary judgment, the waiver of rights, and more. However, opinions have emerged questioning whether the extinctive prescription and the exclusion period are fundamentally different. Some argue that legal principles related to the extinctive prescription can be analogically applied to the exclusion period. The case law also shows instances where legal principles related to the extinctive prescription were analogically applied to the exclusion period in individual cases. Nevertheless, the generally accepted legal theory in Korea, as well as in the Japanese legal scholarship, is that the legal nature of the exercise period for the formative right is generally considered to be the exclusion period even though there are cases in the Japanese jurisprudence where the exercise period of the formative right was treated as the extinctive prescription. However, in the case of the formative right, especially those based on contracts, there are sparse logical grounds for categorizing the exercise period as the extinctive prescription. Additionally, interruption reasons such as the approval can be applied to the formative right in contracts, and there are situations where such interruption is necessary. Considering the purpose of the extinctive prescription, which prioritizes the protection of the legal expectation and the legal stability based on it over the swift confirmation of legal relations, it may be more appropriate to determine the legal nature of the exercise period by assessing whether it corresponds to the extinctive prescription or abandonment in light of the explicit wording of the agreement, the circumstances of the agreement, the purpose intended through the formative right, and the interests of the parties and third parties involved. In making such a determination, the presence of an explicit and specific agreement on the exercise period of the formative right, or whether the occurrence of the formative right is based on objective facts or subjective behaviors/the breach of obligations, and other criteria can be considered. However, adopting such an approach may lead to some ambiguity in determining the legal nature of... 권리행사기간의 법적 성질은 크게 소멸시효와 제척기간으로 구분된다. 권리자의 일방적인 의사표시에 의하여 법률관계를 변동시키는 형성권에 있어서도 그와 같은 행사기간을 관념할 수 있다. 나아가 우리 민법에서 형성권 행사기간은 원칙적으로 제척기간에 해당한다는 것이 통설이자 판례로서, 대상판결은 벤처투자계약에 기하여 벤처캐피탈에 부여된 형성권인 주식매수청구권의 행사기간 또한 제척기간으로 판단하였다. 모험자본의 형태로 초기 벤처기업 또는 스타트업에 투자하여 자본이익을 얻는 것을 주목적으로 하는 자본집단을 벤처캐피탈이라 한다. 벤처캐피탈은 자신의 목적과 선호를 달성하기 위하여 투자대상회사는 물론 지배주주 등 이해관계인과 주주 간 계약의 일종으로서 벤처투자계약을 체결하게 된다. 이와 같은 벤처투자계약은 벤처캐피탈의 이익 보호를 목적으로 자본의 희석화 방지, 벤처캐피탈의 투자금 회수를 위하여 여러 조항을 포함하게 되는데, 투자대상회사 및 지배주주 등 이해관계인의 의무 위반이 있는 경우 벤처캐피탈에 주식매수청구권을 부여하는 것 또한 이에 해당한다. 한편 소멸시효와 제척기간은 그 제도의 취지, 효과의 발생, 소급효, 중단·정지 인정 여부, 직권판단 여부, 이익 포기 가부 등 여러 점에서 차이가 있다. 그러나 소멸시효와 제척기간이 근본적으로 서로 다른 것인지에 관하여 의문을 제기하는 견해 및 제척기간에도 소멸시효에 관한 여러 법리를 유추적용할 수 있다는 견해가 등장하였고, 판례 또한 개별 사안에서 제척기간에 소멸시효에 관한 법리의 유추적용을 인정한 사례가 있다. 그럼에도 형성권 행사기간의 법적 성질 자체는 원칙적으로 제척기간이라는 것이 우리나라의 통설과 판례이다. 일본의 학설 또한 이와 같이 보고 있으나, 일본 판례의 경우 오히려 여러 사안에서 형성권의 행사기간을 소멸시효로 본 사례가 있다. 그런데 형성권, 특히 약정에 기한 형성권의 경우, 그 행사기간을 소멸시효로 관념하지 못할 논리필연적 근거가 희박한 점, 승인 등의 중단사유를 약정에 기한 형성권에도 적용할 수 있고 또 그와 같은 중단이 필요한 경우가 있는 점, 당사자의 의사에 비추어 법률관계의 신속한 확정보다는 상대방의 신뢰 보호 및 이를 기초로 형성된 법적 안정성의 중시라는 소멸시효의 제도적 취지에 보다 부합하는 경우가 있는 점 등을 고려하면, 형성권이라는 이유로 일률적으로 그 행사기간을 제척기간으로 볼 것은 아니고 약정의 명시적인 문언, 당사자의 약정 경위 및 해당 형성권을 통하여 달성하고자 하는 목적, 당사자 및 제3자의 이해관계 등에 비추어 그 행사기간의 법적 성질이 소멸시효와 제척기간 중 무엇에 해당하는지를 판단함이 타당하다. 이는 앞서 본 소멸시효와 제척기간의 접근 경향을 고려하더라도 그러하다. 그리고 그와 같은 판단에 있어서는 당사자가 형성권의 행사기간을 명시적·구체적으로 약정하였는지 여부, 형성권의 발생이 객관적인 사실 또는 주관적인 행태나 의무 위반 중 무엇을 요건으로 하는지 등을 기준으로 삼을 수 있을 것이다. 다만 이와 같이 볼 경우 개별 사안에서 약정에 기한 형성권 행사기간의 법적 성질을 어떻게 보아야 하는지가 다소 불분명하여짐에 따라 계약당사자에게 법적 불안정이 야기된다는 문제가 제기될 수 있다. 약정에 기한 형성권의 여러 사례를 수집한 다음 그에 대한 실...

      • KCI등재

        골신장술시 휴지기간과 골편의 신장방향이 신생골 형성에 미치는 영향

        장건택,오정환,김여갑 대한악안면성형재건외과학회 2004 Maxillofacial Plastic Reconstructive Surgery Vol.26 No.6

        This study was designed to investigate the effect of latency period and direction of applied forces on the new bone formation during distraction osteogenesis. For this study 7 beagle dogs weighing 9-11 kg (mean 10 kg) were used. The vertical osteotomy on the left side of mandible, the step osteotomy on the right side were performed and the segments were fixated with 4 screws (2.0-mm diameter and 18.0-mm length) and. prefabricated distractors made with orthodontic palatal expansion screws. Distraction was initiated after a 3-day latency period or 7-day latency. Lengthening was achieved by distraction at a rate of 1.0 mm/day (0.5 mm every 12 hours) for 6 days, followed by a 3-week or 5-week consolidation period. After consolidation, histologic technique-Goldner's modified Masson trichrome method- was used to estimate the new bone formation between the groups. The 7-day latency groups showed clinically more stable, less infection rate, and more new bone formation than the 3-day latency groups. So it was recommended that 7-day latency is favorable in maxillofacial distraction and Histologic findings also revealed that the distracted site were filled with fibrous callus showing fibro-osseous metaplasia. Many osteoblasts were observed around new bone deposition. Intramembraneous and endochondral bone formation could be observed in the gap distraction groups. The stability and initial callus formation in the 7-day latency groups are better than that in the 3-day latency groups. Lateral force as well as tensile force could also accelerate the new bone formation and bone formation occurred parallel to the direction of distraction.

      • KCI등재

        20세기 중국 여성시에 나타난 여성의식의 변천과정 고찰

        정동매 한중인문학회 2012 한중인문학연구 Vol.37 No.-

        20세기 중국 여성시는 그 변천과정에 따라 계몽기, 발생기, 성장기, 침체기, 부흥기, 번영기 등 여섯 단계로 나눌 수 있다.20세기 초부터 5․4운동 전까지는 계몽기로, 근대적 의미의 여성운동이 활발히 전개되고 여성의식이 대두되기 시작했다. 秋瑾 등 선각자들에 의해 여성시는 전통적 규방문학으로부터 여성해방과 민족구원의 실현으로 전환되었고, 여성시의 발생을 위한 정신적 기반이 마련되었다.5․4 이후부터 20세기 20년대까지는 발생기로, 氷心을 비롯한 신세대 여성시인들이 대거 등단하여 자유, 민주, 평등을 주장하였다. 그들은 ‘개성해방’, ‘인간문학’ 등 문학사조를 계승하여 여성의식의 형성 및 각성을 보여주었고 20세기 여성시의 발전방향을 제시하였다.30년대에서 40년대까지는 성장기로, 이 시기 여성시는 革命詩歌와 知性詩歌로 나뉜다. 關露 등 혁명시인들은 시대적 사명감을 지니고 抗日救國, 민족독립과 해방을 고취하였고, 鄭敏등 知性시인들은 새로운 여성 정체성 탐색에 치중하는 한편 시의 예술성에 관심을 기울임으로써 여성시를 진정한 서정문학의 궤도에 들어서게 하였으며 중국 현대 여성시의 무한한 발전가능성을 보여주었다. 50년대에서 70년대 중기까지는 침체기로, 新中國의 成立, 大躍進, 文化大革命 등 중대한역사적 사건과 밀접한 관계를 가지고 새 정권과 그 지도자에 대한 직접적인 찬송을 목적으로한 정치서정시 창작이 주류를 이루었고 단일화되고 도식화된 ‘無性別 글쓰기’ 경향이 두드러진다.70년대 말에서 80년대 초까지는 부흥기로, 舒婷을 비롯한 여성시인들이 5․4전통을 계승하는 한편 여성의 독특한 시각으로 여성문제를 바라보면서 여성의 독립적 인격과 권리를 주장하는 등 남자와 동등한 인간으로서의 자각을 보여준 동시에 ‘여성적 글쓰기’를 정립시켰다. 80년대 중기부터 90년대까지는 번영기로, 개인화와 다양화의 양상을 띤다. 翟永明을 비롯한 여성시인들이 남권에 대한 반대와 비판, 여성 자신의 화두에 대한 재구성을 통해 여성으로서의 자각을 보여주면서 여성의식을 초월한 ‘超性別’이라는 의식적 변화를 보여주었다. There are six stages in the historical evolution of the female poetry in China in the twentieth century, namely the enlightenment period, the formation period, the maturity period, the depression period, the revival period and the flourishing period. The enlightenment period started from the beginning of the new century until the May 4th Movement, when female poetry in China originated with the prosperity of female movement and strong sense of self awareness. Actively initiated by such pioneers as Qiu Jin, it served as a vital part in the female and national liberation, which also laid the foundation of contemporary female poetry. The formation period was from the May 4th Movement until the 1920s with there presentative poets of the new generation such as Bing Xin. Poems during this period indicated the historical process of the formation of female consciousness, which implied the new direction of female literature in the new century with stresses on female liberation, liberty, democracy and freedom. The maturity period was between the 1930s and the 1940s, when the female poetry could be divided into two categories: revolutionary and intellectual. The former was represented by poets such as Guan Lu, who shouldered the sacred historical mission, strongly advocating anti-Japanese and national liberation as well as independence. The latter, on the other hand, was led by Zheng Min, who focused on the pursuit of femal integrity and the artistic expression of poems, which was a useful exploration for the evolution of poems into lyric literature. From the 1950s to the 1970s, female poetry in China stepped into the depression period, when poems were mostly related to the historical events like the founding of new China, the Big Leapforward Movement and the Cultural Revolution. With the majority of the poems focusing on praising the great leaders of the time, poetry during this period displayed characteristics of being political and asexual. Female poetry in China experienced a period of revival between the end of 1970s and the beginning of 1980s. Represented by Shu Ting, female poets in this period inherited the cultural traditions of the May 4th Movement. Meanwhile, female-related problems were analyzed from their own perspectives. Notions such as gender equality of rights and women consciousness were put forward, on the basis of which the particular artistic form of female poetry was constituted. Female poetry in China boomed from the mid-1980s to the 1990s, which displayed features like individualism and pluralism. Led by Zhai Yongming, femal poets in China posed challenges and criticisms on the male-dominated society. Female consciousness was clearly sensed which indicated brand new traits of so-called transcending genderness in the poems during this period.

      • KCI등재

        성견하악골의 신연 부위에서 골형성에 대한 혈소판-풍부 혈장의 효과

        류수장,이충국,최병호,Ryu, Soo-Jang,Yi, Choong-Kook,Choi, Byung-Ho 대한구강악안면외과학회 2001 대한구강악안면외과학회지 Vol.27 No.6

        Distraction osteogenesis refers to the biological process responsible for new bone formation between bone segments by gradual distraction after osteotomy. For the past several years, various inconveniences including a protracted consolidation period that requires patients to wear a distractor frame longer, as well as higher medical costs, have not been remedied by improvements in osteotomy, distraction rate and monitoring system. Furthermore, side effects such as pin tract infections and soft tissue swelling may arise due to the long treatment period. These drawbacks form the rationale of this study which purports to seek a method by which the consolidation period can be reduced. This paper examines how platelet-rich plasma(PRP), known to facilitate osteogenesis, influences bone formation when applied in distracted area. Ten mongrel dogs, which were made to wear external distractor frames after osteotomy in both sides of the mandible, were used as subjects. After a 7day period of latency, distraction was carried out at a rate of 1mm/day for 14 consecutive days. After the onset of distraction, 2ml of PRP and a mixture of calcium gluconate and thrombine were injected into the center of the distracted callus on the left side of the mandible. The left was injected with PRP while the right side was set as the control site without PRP treatment. Execution at the onset of distraction and in 2 weeks, 4 weeks and 8 weeks after the consolidation period, clinical and radiographic tests, bone mineral density examination, histological examination and histomorphometric analysis were conducted to compare both sides. The results are summarized as follows: 1. Based on the clinical examination at two weeks, more remarkable cortical bone formation was found on the buccal and lingual side of the distracted area in the PRP treatment site than in the control site. No visual difference was found between the PRP treatment site and the control site at four eight weeks. 2. Based on the radiological examination, a distinct increase in the radiopaque appearance of the PRP treatment site was revealed at two weeks, but this increase appeared to slow down at four and eight weeks. 3. Examination of bone mineral density revealed a significant difference at two weeks with the PRP treatment site yielding density two times higher than the control site. This difference lessened after four weeks, and disappeared at eight weeks. 4. The histomorphometric examination revealed that about 20% more bony trabeculae area(20%, higher) was formed in the PRP treatment site than in the control site. In conclusion, it can be said that PRPs effect on stimulating bone formation in the PRP treatment site manifest as early as two weeks. Trabeculae formation likewise increased throughout the whole period. If this result can be applied to humans, the consolidation period can be reduced by injecting PRP into the distracted area.

      • KCI등재

        요녕 조선족문학이 걸어 온 발자취에 대한 통시적 고찰

        이화,오상순 한중인문학회 2017 한중인문학연구 Vol.55 No.-

        본고는 통시적 시각에서 중국 요녕 조선족문학이 걸어 온 발자취에 대하여 크게 맹아기(1950년대〜1977년), 형성기(1978〜1980년대), 저조기(1990년대), 부활기(2000년대) 네 단계로 나누어 고찰하려 한다. 20세기 50〜60년대 요녕 지역 조선족문학은 아직 맹아상태로 개간되지 않은 처녀지나 다름없었다. 1978〜1980년대는 요녕 조선족문학의 형성기이다. 요녕인민출판사, 심양시조선족문화관, 『요녕조선문보』가 문학창작회의 조직, 작품집 출간, 문예란 설치 등으로 요녕 조선족문단 형성에 큰 역할을 하였다. 그 결실로 요녕의 첫 한글 시집 『꽃피는 새봄』, 첫 단편소설집 『딸의고민』을 출간하고 1981년에 문학지 『군중문예』, 1982년에 종합간행물 『새마을』을 창간, 『요녕조선문보』 ‘압록강’ 문예란을 개설하여 요녕 문인들이 작품을 발표할 수 있는 장을 마련해주었다. 1987년, 심양시문화관 산하에 심양시조선족문학회가 설립되는데, 이는 요녕 조선족문단의 형성을 의미한다. 1990년대는 요녕 조선족문단의 저조기라 할 수 있다. 종합지 『갈매기』, 내부간행물 『서탑』, 『갈피리』 등 요녕의 한글 잡지들이 선후하여 폐간되고 『요녕조선문보』의 ‘압록강’ 문예란 밖에 남지 않는다. 적지 않은 중견문인들이 붓을 꺾고 시장경제 속으로 뛰어들었고 1980년대에비해 작품수가 줄어들었다. 하지만 주제적 의미나 예술적 기교에서 보다 세련되고 성숙된 모습을 보인다. 2000년대에 들어서면서 요녕 조선족문단은 심양시조선족문학회를 중심으로 다시 활기를띠기 시작한다. 2001년에 『요동문학』이 창간되어 년 2회씩 2017년 현재까지 도합 28집을 출간하였다. 2000년대 요녕 문인들은『요동문학』과 『요녕조선문보』 ‘압록강’ 문예란을 주요한활동무대로 소설ㆍ시ㆍ수필ㆍ평론ㆍ구비문학ㆍ아동문학 등 다양한 장르의 작품을 발표하면서 활약상을 보였다. 2000년대에 수십 종의 단행본을 출간하고 성 내외 뿐 아니라 국내외에서다양한 문학상을 수상하고 한국 및 타 지역과의 문학 교류를 활성화하면서 큰 성과를 거두었다. The paper attempts to divide the development of Liaoning Korean nationality literature into four periods: the embryonic period (1950s - 1977), the formative period (1978 〜 1980), the low-tide period (1990s) and the recovery period (after 2000). And then the paper conducts a phased study. In the 1950s and 1960s, the Korean literature in the Liaoning area was in its infancy period, just as an undeveloped virgin land. The period from 1978 to 1980 is the period of the formation of Liaoning Korean literature. Liaoning People's Publishing House, Shenyang City's Chosun Cultural Center, Liaoning Chosun Munbo, played an important role in the formation of the organization of literary creative meetings, publication of works, and installation of literary arts. As a result of this, Liaoning published his first poetry book, “Flower Blooming Newborn,” and his first short story book, “The Problem of Daughter” . Literary magazine “mass art” was founded in1981, and in 1982 the comprehensive publication “new countryside” was founded.The “Yalu River” literary column was set up, and the Liaoning Provincial Literature was given a place to present the writers' works. In 1987, Shenyang City Korean-Chinese Literary Society was established under the Shenyang City Cultural Center, which means the formation of the Liaoning Chinese-language paragraphs. The 1990s can be said to be the underestimation of the Liaoning Provincial Parish. The Korean nationality literature magazines such as the comprehensive paper “Seagull”, the internal publications “Seo Tower”, and “Galpiri” were closed after the 90s in the 20th century, leaving only the “Yalu River” literary column of “Liaoning Joseon Munbo”. Many literary men broke the wall and jumped into the economic market. The number of works was reduced compared to the 1980s. However, it shows more sophisticated and mature in thematic meaning and artistic craftsmanship. In the early 2000s, the Liaoning korean literary texts began to revive around Shenyang's Korean-Chinese Literature Association. In 2001, “Liaodong Literature” was founded and had published 28 books twice a year until 2017. In the 2000s, Liaoning writers showed works of various genres such as novels, poetry, essays, criticism, oral literature, children's literature, etc. In the 2000s, in the main activity stage of “Liao Dong literature”, “Liaoning Joseon Munbo”, the literary men of Liaoning Korean nationality literature had published dozens of books, won various literary awards both at home and abroad, and achieved great achievements by promoting literary exchanges with Korea and other regions.

      • KCI등재

        한국 민족주의의 반공 국가주의적 성격에 관한 연구: 식민지 시기 "부르주아 우파" 국가형성 초기 "이승만 세력"을 중심으로

        전재호 ( Jae Ho Jeon ) 전북대학교 사회과학연구소 2011 지역과 세계 Vol.35 No.2

        이 글은 반공 국가주의가 한국 민족주의의 주요한 특징이 되는 과정을 식민지 시기 국내 부르주아 우파와 국가형성 초기 이승만 세력을 중심으로 고찰한다. 식민지 초기 조선의 민족주의는 국권을 상실한 탓에 민권보다 국권을 더 강조했고, 이 경향은 이후에도 지속되었다. 1920년대 초 사회주의의 확산으로 조선 민족주의는 좌우파로 분열되었고, 우파는 민족개조론, 물산장려운동, 자치운동 등을 전개했고, 사회주의자들과 대립하면서 반공주의를 포괄하게 되었다. 1920년대 후반 사회주의자와의 연합을 둘러싸고 우파는 다시 부르주아 우파와 부르주아 좌파로 분열되었다. 전자는 1930년대 조선 민족주의의 헤게모니를 장악했으나 파시즘과 일본 전체주의의 영향으로 점차 국가주의에 경도되었고, 그 결과 1930년대 후반 조선 민족주의를 포기하고 조선 민족의 일본 민족으로의 해소를 주장했다. 해방 직후 이승만 세력을 포함한 우파는 신탁통치를 둘러싼 갈등을 계기로 민족주의의 헤게모니를 장악했다. 그들은 좌파 탄압을 민족주의로 정당화하면서 한국 민족주의에 반공주의를 결합시켰다. 또한 통일이라는 민족적 열망을 무시하고 분단정부의 수립을 주도했고, 그 결과 좌익을 포함한 여러 세력들의 도전에 직면했다. 그러나 그들은 이 위기를 빌미로 대한민국에 최고의 가치를 부여하는 국가주의를 동원했다. 당시 그들이 내세운 일민주의는 반공주의와 국가주의를 결합시킨 민족주의 담론이었다. 결국 식민지 시기와 국가형성 초기 한국 민족주의는 국권 상실, 사회주의와의 투쟁, 그리고 분단정부 수립을 둘러싼 위기를 경험하면서 반공 국가주의를 주요한 특징으로 갖게 되었다. This paper studies the process in which anti-communist statism became a major element in Korean nationalism, by examining the bourgeois rightist movement of the colonial period and the Syngman Rhee group of the early state-formation period. Because Korea lost its sovereignty during colonial period, Korean nationalism in early colonial period emphasized national sovereignty rather than civil rights, and this tendency continued after the liberation of the country. With the introduction of socialism in the 1920`s, Korean nationalism divided into two, i.e. leftist and rightist, camps. The rightist camp pursued such movements as the Reconstruction of the Nation Movement, the Encouragement of Corporation Movement, and the Self-government Movement during the 1920`s. Also, in opposition to socialists, rightist nationalists introduced anti-communist rhetoric into their brand of nationalism. Towards the end of the 1920`s, the rightist nationalists again divided into two camps, i.e. the bourgeois leftists and the bourgeois rightist, as a result of their opposing positions towards the united front with socialists. The bourgeois rightists that took control of the hegemony within the Korean nationalist movement during the 1930`s gradually tilted towards statism, influenced by fascism and Japanese totalitarianism. As a result, Korean bourgeois rightists gave up Korean nationalism during the second half of the 1930`s and became the proponent of Korean people`s dissolution into Japanese people. Soon after the liberation of the country, Korean rightists including the Syngman Rhee group took control of the hegemony within the Korean nationalist movement, taking advantage of the national confusion and conflict regarding the issue of the country`s trusteeship. Using nationalism in their persecution of the leftists, they united anti-communism with Korean nationalism. As a result of their pursuit of establishing a separate government in the south and ignoring national hope for unification, they faced defiance from other nationalists including leftists. Taking advantage of this challenge to their legitimacy, however, rightists in power mobilized statism, the highest value of the times. Ilminjuui (One-nation-ism) that rightists put forward at the time was nationalist discourse that combined anti-communism with statism. Due to the loss of national sovereignty, struggles with socialists, and crises regarding the establishment of separate governments in the peninsula, Korean nationalism during the colonial and early liberation periods took on anti-communist statism as its major character.

      • KCI등재

        Development of Social Complexity and First Generation States in the Korea-Manchuria Region

        Mark E. Byington 서울대학교 규장각한국학연구원 2019 Seoul journal of Korean studies Vol.32 No.1

        Early societies of the Korean peninsula experienced a variety of developmental forms ranging from simple social configurations to state-level organizations, with stark regional variation. Research on the social and political history of the peninsula prior to the tenth century must account for these regional variations, which frustrate attempts to create a general periodization applicable to the entire peninsula. This study advocates an approach that focuses on social development from the simple to the complex, and finally to the state-level organizations, using a variety of analytical indexes and taking into account the strong variability of social structures in different regions of the peninsula. Employing both archaeological and textual data as a basis, a provisional general periodization would first delimit the lithic periods (characterized by uniformity and simple social structures) from the so-called bronze period (in which social complexity begins to appear). The following phase from the third century BC to the third century CE was a period of accelerating social change and of first-generation state formation. Then from the fourth century we see a period of competing first-generation states. With the fall of Silla in 935, subsequent peninsular polities can be understood as regime transitions of nth-generation states, with more sophisticated modes of historiography now providing the mainstream analytical data.

      • KCI우수등재

        사비도성 내 묘역의 조성과 확장

        장재원 한국고고학회 2020 한국고고학보 Vol.0 No.115

        Until now, studies on the stone chamber tombs of the Sabi Period have focused on Royal Tombs, represented by the Neungsan-ri Tombs of Buyeo and the Twin Tombs of Iksan, and stone chamber tombs found throughout Sabi Capital City and its environs. These studies have tried to identify changes in stone chamber tomb architecture, the identity of the deceased buried in the tomb, the government official ranking system (including rank grade), and the nature of the local ruling system. This study tries to restore the social aspects that can be identified in terms of the process of cemetery formation and expansion by examining the cemeteries of the Sabi Period found throughout Sabi Capital City. For this purpose, a radius of about 5km was drawn around the site of Gwanbuk-ri site, where major buildings of the capital city were located, and this was established as the range of Sabi Capital City. The way in which numerous stone chamber tombs were constructed within cemeteries, as well as how densely the cemeteries were located, was examined. Next, This study undertook a formal classification of the stone chamber tombs by extracting attributes reflecting temporal elements, among the various attributes of stone chamber tombs of the Sabi Period. The stone chamber tombs of the Sabi Period were resultingly classified into 10 types. This study regards that the formal changes of stone chamber tombs of the Sabi Period resulted from new construction techniques, such as the use of door frames and hexagonal type ceilings. Moreover, changes in perceptions of burial were seen to have resulted in the transition from double burials to single burials which was accompanied by the scaling down of the stone chamber. Based on this perspective, three phases were established based on changes in the stone chamber tombs of the Sabi Period. The first phase, which is characterized by the use of opening type door structures and tunnel ceilings, came to an end with the appearance of complete door frames and hexagonal type ceilings. The second phase is characterized by the use of complete door frames and hexagonal type ceilings. The third phase experienced changes in ideas about burial, which led to a scaling down in the real width of the stone chamber. With this, structure simplification occurred in the third phase. Lastly, on the basis of changes in the stone chamber tombs of the Sabi Period and the characteristics of each phase, this study was able to identify that the cemeteries distributed throughout Sabi Capital City were formed at different times, and that they had expanded or had been newly formed with the flow of time. First, this study inferred that cemeteries could have been formed at an early time in cases when their locations were geographically adjacent to the Capital City or were advantageous when travelling by road. Cemeteries located in areas associated with the local power base or which were deemed important prior to the establishment of Sabi Capital City could also be attributed to early dates. Next, this study identified that the expansion of earlier cemeteries and newly formed cemeteries was directly related to the rise of stone chamber tombs. This study proposes that the reformation of the government official ranking system which took place during the reformation of national ruling system during the reign of King Wideok (威德王) provided the background for the rise of stone chamber tombs, since the reformation expanded the ranks that could build stone chamber tombs. Also, aspects of expansion between ridges within the same cemetery and newly formed cemeteries accompanying the rise of stone chamber tombs were inferred to be related to the phenomenon of new clans advancing into the center, as a consequence of the branching of clans based on blood relations and reformation of the government official ranking system.

      • KCI등재

        인천 화단 형성과 전개 : 해방에서 전후(1945-1959) 시기를 중심으로

        공주형 한국기초조형학회 2018 기초조형학연구 Vol.19 No.1

        In 2016, the Incheon Metropolitan City announced 'Culture Sovereignty Declaration' in line with 3 million on of population. As it is a long-dream of Incheon, local societies and art world make various voices on the tasks and direction of Incheon Museum of Art. Nonetheless, it seems that people underestimate the possibility that the opening of Incheon Museum of Art would take a new momentum for the local art study which has been relatively underdeveloped compared with other regions. With a hope that the foundation of Incheon Museum of Art would be an important starting point for activating local art study, this study attempted to review the formation and progress of Incheon artist group after the Korean War. For this purpose, this study defined the period from the liberation and the post-war as the formation period of forming basic framework of Incheon artist group. In the first place, the study examined the situation of the domestic art circle at a time when the independent activity hub was prepared in the Korean art world. In the next place, the study examined various Incheon artist group and artists who were from Incheon, settled in Incheon or stayed temporarily in Incheon playing various roles. And this study also examined art exhibition spaces and main exhibitions. This study found out that while the Incheon artist group was influenced by the art circle in Seoul, they also developed autonomous activities including start of art circles, activities of artists who were from Incheon or who settled in Incheon leading the development of calligraphy, western painting and art critics, large commemorating and association exhibitions in special exhibit spaces such as Museum of Incheon and Incheon Woori Museum of Art and small size solo and group exhibitions in exhibition compatible spaces such as small sized cafes, which demonstrated dual systems of exhibit. Through the survey of the above matters, the study reviewed individuality and peculiarity of Incheon artist group in its formation period. 2016년 인천광역시는 인구 300만 시대 개막에 맞추어 ‘문화주권선언’을 발표하고, 인천시립미술관 건립 계획을 공표한 바 있다. 오랜 염원이었던 만큼 지역 사회와 미술계는 인천시립미술관의 과제와 지향에 다양한 목소리를 쏟아내고 있다. 그럼에도 인천시립미술관 개관이 다른 지역에 비해 상대적으로 일천했던 지역 미술 연구의 전기를 마련할 것이라는 기대는 간과되고 있는 것으로 생각된다. 이에 본 연구는 인천시립미술관 건립이 지역 미술 연구 활성화를 위한 중요한 시발점이 되길 기대하며 인천 화단 성립과 전개의 과정을 검토하고자 하였다. 이를 위해 본 연구는 해방부터 6.25전쟁 이후를 인천 화단이 기본 골격을 마련한 형성의 시기로 한정하고, 우선 해당 시기 인천 화단에 영향과 자극을 주었던 서울 화단의 정황 살펴보았다. 그 다음 인천 화단 형성기 인천에서 출범했던 미술단체와 다각적 역할을 모색했던 미술인들, 운영되었던 전시공간과 개최되었던 주요 전시를 살펴보았다. 이상을 통해 본 연구는 인천 화단 형성기 출범한 미술단체는 미학적 촉매 혹은 권력의 재편성 기제로 작용하기 보다는 인천 미술인의 지속적 활동 기반으로 의의가 있었으며, 해당 시기 인천 연고 인천 정착 미술인들이 주도적 역할을 하였음을 확인하였다. 또한 인천 화단 형성기 예술적 지향과 세대별 차이에 따른 미술 장 내 투쟁은 활발하지 않았으며, 대규모 기념협회전과 소규모 개인단체전으로 이원화 되었던 주요 전시에서 약진을 보였던 서예와 서양화는 인천 화단 형성과 전개를 주도했던 미술인의 활동 분야였음을 확인하였다. 본 연구는 그동안 인천 미술 통사 중 부분으로 다루어졌던 인천 화단 형성기의 개별성과 특수성 고찰을 시도해 보았다는 점에서 의의를 찾을 수 있다.

      • KCI등재

        조선시대와 에도시대 기생의 화장 문화에 나타난 조형성 분석

        박인애(In-Ae Park),전현진(Hyun Jin Jeon) 한국인체미용예술학회 2018 한국인체미용예술학회지 Vol.19 No.3

        This study comparatively analyzed the formative aspects of makeup techniques in the cosmetology culture of gisaeng (Korean geisha), who led the cultural trends during the Joseon and Edo periods. In terms of the scope of this study, it was assumed that the grounds for the history of cosmetology culture were formed during the Joseon and Edo eras. Specifically, the Joseon period was limited to from the time of the first king, Taejo (1392), to the 25th king, Cheoljong (1863), while the period from the 1st shogun, Tokugawa Ieyasu, to the 15th shogun, Tokugawa Yoshinobu, was covered for the Edo era. The analysis of makeup techniques during both periods based on a general theory of formality found the following: In terms of shape, thin crescent eyebrows and lips and small and round lips were found in Joseon while almost straight-lined arched eyebrows and small and unnaturally rounded lips were found in the Edo period. In terms of color, rouge and red lips were found in both countries. Specifically, a style known as sasa-iro beni (bamboo grass red) was applied to the lower lip in green based on a metallic green beetle. In addition, a unique makeup technique called ‘heukchi’ was used to create the color black. In both countries, the eyebrows were expressed in black and a whitened face was created. In terms of texture, a natural and fuzzy texture was expressed with powder in Joseon while the face was painted with white makeup, creating a dry texture, during the Edo period.

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