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        박광호,이재철,윤석철,Park, K.H.,Lee, J.C.,Yun, S.C. 국립한국농수산대학교 교육개발센터 2001 현장농업연구지 = Journal of practical agricultural resear Vol.3 No.1

        This research was performed to develope a stable direct seeding method in rice cultivation using by a direct seeder with soil application. A principle of this methodology was introduced from seeding nursery system of machine transplanting enable to increase high seeding establishment direct seeding method with soil application was high of 89-95% while that of water seeding was 68%. During seeding growth plant height was ralatively small but seeding health was high. A total soil consumption of this methodology was 145kg/10a in dirll seeding and 26kg/10a in hill seeding respectively, there was 100% erected in direct seeding with soil application while water seeding was 45% in erected seeding stand. In direct seeding method with soil application total carbohydrate content was higher than that of water seeding. This machine was manufactured to attach and/or detach to a machine transplanter with riding type and machine cultivator with multipurpose. In the farmer's demonstrated rice field this method was well performed like machine transplanting in terms of rice growth and development. There was highly cost reduction for rice production like other direct seeding methods.

      • KCI등재

        대형유통사업자의 상거래행위를 특별히 규제하는 입법 방식과 적용범위에 대한 비교연구 - 프랑스 상법, EU directive와 대규모유통업법 -

        박세환 한국상사법학회 2019 商事法硏究 Vol.38 No.2

        Afin de lutter contre les pratiques commerciales déloyales vis-à-vis des fournisseurs par les grandes distributions, le Code français de commerce, Directive UE et la loi sur la grande distribution adoptent les moyens particuliers mais différents. Avant tout, le champ dʼapplication de chaque instrument semble le plus basic et important. Normalement, les règles du ʻTITRE Ⅳʼ du Livre IV du Code de commerce ne limite pas son champ dʼapplication. Pourtant, elles sont conçues pour lutter contre les abus de grandes distributions. et la plupart de leurs sanctions sont effectuées à lʼégard de la grande distribution. Ensuite, Directive UE 2019/633 du 17 avril 2019 sʼappliquera aux relations interentreprises au sein de la chaîne dʼapprovisionnement alimentaire. Cette directive vise aux relations ʻʻde ferme à supermarchéʼʼ. À la différence de la proposition de directive de la Commission européenne au Parlement européen en avril 2018 qui sʼapplique seulement aux relations entre un fournisseur qui se trouve être une petite ou moyenne entreprise et un acheteur qui nʼappartient pas à cette catégorie, le champ dʼapplication de de la directive 2019 adoptée par le parlement européen étend son champ dʼapplication en fonction de chiffres dʼaffaire. Quant à la loi sur la grande distribution qui vise particulièrement et manifestement aux relations entre les grands distributeurs et leurs fou rnisseurs en fonction des chiffres dʼaffaire et de la surface dʼun magasin du distributeur, il faut attention au fait que le contrôle par la loi spécifique ne soit pas une panacée et puisse provoquer les effets secondaires. Également, il semble nécessaire augmenter le seuil pour ʻle grand distributeurʼ et faire lʼattention à la concentration entre les distributeurs en détail. 프랑스 상법, EU directive와 대규모유통업법이 대형유통사업자의 불공정 상거래행위를 통제하는 방안은 적용대상의 측면에서 뚜렷한 특징이 있다. 먼저 일반법인 프랑스 상법상의 불공정 상거래행위 관련 규정들은 적용범위를 한정하지 않는 경우가 많지만 실질적으로는 대형유통사업자의 납품업자에 대한 남용행위를 겨냥해서 만들어진 것이다. 그리고 EU의 최신 directive는 식품 공급 채널상 모든 단계에서 발생하는 불공정한 상거래행위를 규율대상으로 하면서 구매자와 공급자의 연 매출액을 기준으로 적용대상을 한정하고 있다. 이와 달리 특별법인 대규모유통업법은 매출액과 매장면적 기준을 충족하는 대규모유통사업자와 그의 납품업자 등과의 거래로서 적용대상을 한정하고 있다. 본 논문은 프랑스 상법과 EU directive의 예를 살펴봄으로써 불공정거래행위로부터 보호하려는 대상을 특정하고 수치화된 기준에 따라서 적용범위를 한정하는 특별법 체계의 장단점을 검토하고, 이를 토대로 현행 대규모유통업법에 대한 개선방안을 제시한다. 요컨대 대형유통사업자에 대한 행위규제만으로는 해당 분야의 불공정거래 문제를 해결하는데 한계가 있고, ʻ시장ʼ의 측면에서도 이를 바라볼 필요가 있어 보인다. 즉, ʻ대규모유통사업자ʼ 여부를 판가름하는 매출액과 매장면적 기준을 상향하는 방안도 고려해볼 만하고, 이와 더불어 소매유통사업자간의 기업결합에 대한 공정위의 통제를 강화함으로써 초대형유통사업자가 지역, 중소 유통사업자를 인수하여 지역독점을 가져오는 현상도 경계하여야 한다. 마지막으로 유통사업자의 지위남용행위를 규제함에 있어서 특별법 만능주의로 흐르지 않도록 유의할 필요가 있다고 생각한다.

      • KCI등재

        중/고등학생의 자기 주도적 학습을 위한 체육교과 어플리케이션 개발

        김봉수(Bong Su Kim),류민정(Min Jeong Lyu) 한국스포츠교육학회 2015 한국스포츠교육학회지 Vol.22 No.1

        본 연구의 목적은 학교체육 현장에서 자기 주도적인 학습역량을 향상시키기 위한 방안으로 스마트 폰 체육교과 교육용 어플리케이션을 개발하고 그 개발 과정을 탐구하는데 있다. 체육교과 어플리케이션 개발의 본연구는 Richey, Klein, Nelson(2004)가 제안한 직접 프로그램을 개발하는데 초점을 두고, 개발 전체 과정을 탐구하는데 관심을 두는 개발 연구 유형Ⅰ을 토대로 이루어졌다. 이를 위해 중등체육교과연구회에서 활동하는 전문가 집단(스포츠 교육학 전공자 및 현장 체육교사)을 구성하여 체육교과 어플리케이션 개발 과정(분석-콘텐츠 내용 결정-자료 수집 및 제작-앱 설계 및 구성)을 함께 토의하였다. 이를 기초로 자기 주도적인 체육학습의 교육용 어플리케이션을 개발하였으며, 다음과 같은 결론을 도출하였다. 첫째, 자기 주도적학습을 위한 체육교과 어플리케이션 개발의 필요성과 개발 과정을 제시하였다. 둘째, 효과적인 자기 주도적학습을 위한 모바일 어플리케이션의 특징과 구현 모습을 제시하였다. 완성된 어플리케이션의 콘텐츠 내용은 건강활동의 줄넘기, 도전활동의 이어달리기, 경쟁활동의 농구와 축구, 표현활동의 대나무 춤, 여가활동의 스포츠 스태킹으로 구성되어 있다. 이처럼 자기 주도적 학습을 위한 체육과 어플리케이션을 통해 학습자가 혼자 또는 동료들과 함께 체육 내용을 언제, 어디서든 연습할 수 있는 학습 환경을 구축하고자 하였다. 또한 체육수업, 방과 후 체육활동, 스포츠클럽시간 등 학교 현장에 폭 넓게 활용되어 체육 교과지식 습득과 함께 자기 주도적 학습 역량이 향상되기를 기대해 본다. Physical education curriculum is striving to help students to become self-directed sportsmen who participate in lifetime sports activities on an ongoing basis for living a healthy and vibrant life. In this study, its purpose was to develop and explore the development process of the smart phone application for physical exercise. It can be used as a measure to foster the ability of the learner``s self-leadership in the field of school physical education. Also, the learners can obtain information about motion events that they are interested in at any time, anywhere by using the application on the smart phone. In particular, it is a modern society under the influence of the information age as represented by the computer and the Internet, and various learning forms are made at present; thus, physical education must keep pace with the flow and changes in society and it must further recognize the need for the development of education efficient medium. Therefore, this study attempted to develop P.E. Curriculum applications to improve the ability of self-directed learners. In the course of the study, we derived the following conclusion. First, I presented the need and the development process for physical education curriculum application development for learning in a self-directed manner. Second, I presented the execution features and appearance of mobile applications for physical education for the effective learning of physical education. Content of the physical education application were the followings: Sport Stacking for leisure, bamboo dance for expression reinforcement, football and basketball for competition, continued running for challenge, and jump rope for health. Motor function and knowledge of each activity was available on the smart phone application. In particular, it was designed and constructed by presenting the successful model of learners of the same age. Auditory elements such as narration and fun music were added to increase the confidence of the task performance and interest of the learner.

      • KCI등재

        중국 상사중재에서 CISG의 적용에 관한 연구 - CIETAC 중재사례를 중심으로 -

        한나희,LU YINGCHUN,이갑수 한국중재학회 2019 중재연구 Vol.29 No.1

        This study analyzed some cases of the China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commision (CIETAC) related to the application of the Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG). As a contracting party of the CISG, China has accumulated a considerable amount of experience in applying CISG through commercial arbitrations. This study sought to understand how CISG is operated in commercial arbitration in China. By analyzing actual cases in China, Korean commercial arbitration can avoid mistakes and further improve. This study of Chinese cases will give some useful information for Korean companies. As defined by the CISG, the applicability can be divided into direct application and indirect application. When China joined the CISG, it made a reservation out of Article 1(1)(b). Korea and China are contracting parties to CISG and CISG is, therefore, directly applied. It is beneficial for Korea to understand how CIETAC is indirectly applied in China then. Some of the results of this study are as follows: First, CIETAC made a correct judgment most of the time on the direct application of CISG. However, there were mistakes in the judgment of the nationality of the parties in a few cases. The parties must clearly define applicable laws when entering into a contract. Secondly, the 2012 “CIETAC Arbitration Rules” was revised so that the “party autonomy” was introduced into Chinese commercial arbitration concerning indirect application. Therefore, the principle of autonomy of the parties was not fully recognized in the past judgments. Instead, the domestic law of China was applied in accordance with the reservation of Article 1(1)(b). Thirdly, China did not explain the application of CISG in Hong Kong, which led to ambiguity in concerned countries. Therefore, it is necessary to confirm the status of CISG in Hong Kong. In addition, Korean companies should clearly define the applicable laws when dealing with Hong Kong companies. 지금까지 CISG의 적용과 관련한 중국 CIETAC의 판정사례들을 살펴보았다. 중국은 CISG가 발효된 시점부터 체약국으로서 국제물품매매에 관한 분쟁을 발생시 상사중재를 통하여 CISG를 많이 적용해 오면서 일정한 경험을 축적하여왔다. 하지만 중국은 영역의 다양화, 기준에 있는 법률체제의 충돌 등 측면에서 실제로 물품매매분쟁에 관한 사례에 CISG를 적용에 대해서 부족한 부분 및 문제도 많이 존재한다. CISG에서 규정한 바와 같이 적용여부는 직접적용과 간접적용으로 나눌 수 있으나 중국의 경우 CISG 가입당시 간접적용 즉, CISG 제1조 제b항을 유보하였다. 물론 한국과 중국은 CISG체약국으로 CISG가 직접적용 되지만 중국의 CIETAC이 간접적용을 어떻게 운용하고 있는지 살펴보는 것 또한 중국의 국내법을 이해하는데 유용하리라 본다. 특히 본 연구에서는 홍콩의 경우를 별도로 살펴봄으로써 중국의 입장을 파악하는데 필요한 기초 자료가 될 수 있을 것이다. 본 연구를 통하여 얻은 다음의 몇 가지 결론은 다음과 같다. 먼저, 직접적용과 관련하여 CIETAC이 전반적으로 CISG의 적용과 관련하여 적합한 판단을 내리고 있는 것으로 보인다. 한지만 일부사례에서 당사자의 국적을 검토하는 등의 오류를 범한 사례도 존재하므로 계약당시 준거법을 명확히 명시하도록 하여야 한다. 다음으로, 간접적용과 관련하여 중국의 CIETAC은 사실 당사자자치원칙을 수용한지가 얼마 되지 않았다. 이전의「CIETAC 중재규칙」은 계약의 조건에 근거하여 법률을 참조한다는 내용만 있었으나, 2012년「CIETAC 중재규칙」제49조 제2항에 ‘당사자의 합의에 따른다’는 당사자자치원칙을 새로이 도입하였다. 때문에 과거의 CIETAC 판정에서는 당사자자치원칙이 인정되지 않고 CISG 제1조 제b항의 유보선언에 따라 중국 국내법을 적용해왔다. 2012년 이후의 판정에서 당사자자치원칙을 적용하고 있는지는 추후에 검토할 필요가 있다. 또한 CISG 제1조 제b항의 유보선언과 관련하여 이를 철회하자는 중국 국내학자들의 회의적인 시각이 존재한다. 끝으로, 홍콩과 관련하여 중국에 홍콩이 편입되었던 1997년에 UN에 제출한 ‘홍콩에 적용할 수 있는 법제’에 관한 성명서에 CISG에 관한 어떠한 설명도 없이 각 국가가 혼선을 빗고 있다. 따라서 CISG는 홍콩의 지위를 명확히 하여야 할 필요가 있고, 국내기업들은 홍콩과의 거래시 명시적으로 준거법을 지정하여야 할 것이다.

      • KCI등재

        Nitrogen Management with Split Application of Urea for Direct-Seeding Rice in Wet Paddy

        Ho Jin Lee,Jun Han Seo,Jung Sam Lee,Yong Sang Jung,Fred E. Below 韓國作物學會 1998 Korean journal of crop science Vol.43 No.1

        Direct-seeding has major advantages such as labor and cost saving by eliminating preparation of seed bed and transplanting. But, it required increased input of fertilizers and pesticides because of the extended paddy period. Direct seeding in wet paddy (DSWP) gives faster growth and more uniform seedling emergence than direct-seeding in dry paddy. This research had an objective to develop an efficient N management practices for DSWP with split application of N fertilizer. A paddy field experiment was conducted to evaluate effects of starter N and N-topdressing which was delayed N application until 5-leaf stage, with comparison to transplanting (TP). Total amount of N application were two levels; 110kg and 77kg/ha. The N applications were split four times during rice growth stages; starter, topdressing at 5-leaf stage, top dressing at tillering stage, and topdressing at panicle initiation stage. DSWP had more tillers/m2 than TP, but with the delayed heading. The DSWP plots which received N-topdressing at 5-leaf stage without starter N had higher leaf area index (LAI) and leaf greenness than the TP plot. Also, these DSWP plots had high leaf-N concentration at the heading stage, as calculated from leaf chlorophyll meter readings. Rice yield in DSWP with N-topdressing at 5-leaf stage was significantly higher than that in TP and in DSWP with starter N. Energy and N use efficiency were improved in DSWP with N-topdressing at 5-leaf stage. But, there were no significant differences in grain yield between the two levels of total amounts of N applications, 77kg and 110kg/ha. We concluded that starter N could not be used effectively by rice seedlings, but topdressing N at 5-leaf stage was an efficient N management for rice growth and yield in DSWP system.

      • KCI우수등재

        외국인직접투자가 혁신에 미치는 영향

        임정대,김석진,정세진 한국무역학회 2018 貿易學會誌 Vol.43 No.2

        We investigate the effects of inward foreign direct investment on innovation in Korean industries from 1998 to 2015 by first dividing FDI into greenfield and M&A (mergers and acquisitions). Furthermore, we use the number of patent applications as the proxy of innovation. Our empirical results are as follows: First, inward foreign direct investment has a significantly positive effect on the number of patent applications. This result suggests that the transfer of technology or knowledge through the inward foreign direct investment has a positive impact on innovation in Korean industries. Second, the greenfield investment has a positive impact on patent applications. This result is consistent with Liu and Zou (2008)’s assertion that greenfield investment has a positive impact on innovation by increasing facilities or plants. The M&A investment, however, has no significant effect on patent applications. This result is consistent with Stiebale and Reize (2011) who argue that the host countries do not benefit from technology transfer through M&A investments. In addition, this supports Liu and Zou (2008) and Garcia et al. (2013)’s hypothesis that foreign parent firms do not influence the innovation of host countries by employing strategies to increase market power rather than R&D activities through M&A investments. It is meaningful that this study first analyzes the impact of foreign direct investment on innovation in Korean industries and uses the number of patent applications as a proxy of innovation. Our empirical evidence provides policy implications for innovation and attraction of inward foreign direct investments. 본 연구는 1998년부터 2015년까지 해외로부터 한국으로의 외국인직접투자를 그린필드형 투자와 M&A형 투자로 구분하여 혁신에 미치는 영향을 분석하였다. 분석 결과 첫째, 외국인직접투자는 특허출원건수에 유의한 양(+)의 영향을 미쳤다. 둘째, 그린필드형 투자는 특허출원건수에 유의한 양(+)의 영향을 끼쳤으나, M&A형 투자는 특허출원건수에 유의한 영향이 없었다. 본 연구는 처음으로 외국인직접투자를 두 유형으로 구분하여 혁신에 미치는 영향을 분석했다는 점, 설문조사 자료가 아닌 특허출원건수를 혁신의 대용변수로 사용하여 혁신에 미치는 영향을 분석했다는점, 그리고 M&A형 투자보다 그린필드형 투자가 특허출원건수에 유의한 양(+)의 영향이 있다는것을 보인 점에서 의의가 있다. 본 연구 결과는 한국 산업의 혁신과 외국인직접투자 유치를 위한 정책적 시사점을 제공한다.

      • KCI등재

        Optical Simulation of Direct-type Backlight Unit for Medical Application

        한정민,한진우,서대식 한국전기전자재료학회 2008 Transactions on Electrical and Electronic Material Vol.9 No.1

        In this study, it was investigated about optical simulation in direct-type backlight design. Direct-type backlight has been used high-brightness backlight such as medical LCD application. The key parameter in designing direct-type backlight was consists of three geometrical dimension such as the distance of two lamps, the gap of lamp and reflection plate and the number of lamps. It has many of variations in optical design and it causes the different properties in backlight system. It shows the best values of above parameters; 26 mm of the distance of two lamps, 4.5 mm of the gap of lamp and reflection plate and 16 lamps. And we produced the specimen as above condition, and acquired good result in backlight such as the value of the brightness is 6423 nit in center of emission area and less than 5 % in brightness uniformity. It shows the effective ways of designing backlight system using optical simulation method for medical LCD application.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        Optical Simulation of Direct-type Backlight Unit for Medical Application

        Han, Jeong-Min,Han, Jin-Woo,Seo, Dae-Shik The Korean Institute of Electrical and Electronic 2008 Transactions on Electrical and Electronic Material Vol.9 No.1

        In this study, it was investigated about optical simulation in direct-type backlight design. Direct-type backlight has been used high-brightness backlight such as medical LCD application. The key parameter in designing direct-type backlight was consists of three geometrical dimension such as the distance of two lamps, the gap of lamp and reflection plate and the number of lamps. It has many of variations in optical design and it causes the different properties in backlight system. It shows the best values of above parameters; 26 mm of the distance of two lamps, 4.5 mm of the gap of lamp and reflection plate and 16 lamps. And we produced the specimen as above condition, and acquired good result in backlight such as the value of the brightness is 6423 nit in center of emission area and less than 5 % in brightness uniformity. It shows the effective ways of designing backlight system using optical simulation method for medical LCD application.

      • KCI등재

        스마트 무용교육을 위한 모바일 애플리케이션 개발의 필요성과 방향

        윤지은 ( Yun Ji-eun ),한혜원 ( Han Hae-won ) 한국무용교육학회 2020 韓國舞踊敎育學會誌 Vol.31 No.1

        This study sought to discuss the necessity of developing mobile applications for smart education in step with the change of the time as well as its directions. Particularly, smartphones take up much proportions in our daily lives, and the development of mobile applications usable for dance education by downloading from smartphones is in line with the direction of smart education propelled by the Ministry of Education since 2011 with the vision of ‘Classroom revolution via Smart education'. Apart from that, individualized curriculums tailored to each student's ability and the field of interest would cause the shift to new educational methods complying with the current curriculums and macroscopically contribute to popularization of dance. From the result of discussing the need and directions of development of mobile apps for smart dance education, the study was able to identify the need and urgency to pay more attention to smart dance education and conduct research more actively in the future. Development of diverse educational apps that can exert educational value to the maximum in the field of dance, wasteland of app development to date, and their educational use would expand the scope of participants, contributing to the vitalization of the dance field. The study expects that cases where a teacher directly develops an app and applies it to the lessons like 'Learn Motif Writing-Movement Preference' could take place often and research applicable to the actual educational field continues to be conducted.

      • 中國觀賞草的硏究進展

        조서청 ( Shu Qing Zhao ),박영길 ( Yong Ji Piao ),안승원 ( Seoung Won Ann ),왕진 ( Zhen Wang ) 한국녹지환경디자인학회 2006 녹지환경학회지 Vol.2 No.2

        With the great development of economy and landscape institutions, ecological environment and landscape application will need more materials. The ornamental grasses that have special shapes, colors, flowers, leaves, and can be cultured easily are gradually realized and appreciated. Ornamental grasses have many species and superior characteristics in China, but the research about them are not effective recently. So the category in ornamental grasses and application in landscape need to be researched. This article reviews the recent research and reveals the study of ornamental grasses from two aspects of foundations and landscape applications. To put forward the problems in these research aspects and the directions of their developments, the majority resources of ornamental grasses in China, including the category, botanical characteristics, resource evaluation, etc. were investigated. This article also summarizes the methods of landscape application in grasses. In the end we put out deficiency in current research methods, and give some advices in resource category and landscape application in ornamental grasses. The authors mainly summarized other authors` conclusions in ornamental grasses category and landscape application. In landscape application area: firstly, ornamental grasses can be used to form a garden with many species; secondly, they can be used for soil-covered garden; thirdly, because of their easily cultured and beauty value, they can be used in bare hill and roadside; fourthly, they can be used as a separable area to different views. Those investigations will provide application methods and data to landscape application on plant arrangement.

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