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        고전소설 속 여․당 참전 중국인의 형상화 방식과 시대적 의미

        서혜은(Seo Hye eun) 한국고전연구학회 2017 한국고전연구 Vol.0 No.36

        <설인귀전>․<당태종전>․<울지경덕전>은 중국 장편소설 <설인귀정동>․<서유기>․<당진연의>의 일부 서사를 개작한 작품이다. 조선 후기 강성했던 고구려 국력에 대한 갈망과 설인귀 서사가 유입되어 대중성을 확보하고 당태종․설인귀․울지경덕이 신격화된 고사가 전승되면서 <설인귀전>․<당태종전>․<울지경덕전>이 간행된다. <설인귀전>․<당태종전>․<울지경덕전>에서 설인귀는 귀족적 영웅에서 민족적 영웅으로 역행하는 모습으로, 당태종은 정복욕에 충실한 군주의 표상으로, 울지경덕은 충절의 화신으로 형상화된 것으로 보인다. 하지만 당태종과 울지경덕의 형상은 <설인귀전>과 <울지경덕전>의 이본에 따른 차이가 있다. <설인귀전>․<당태종전>․<울지경덕전>에 형상화된 당태종의 모습에는 비판적 시각이 부각되어 있지만 설인귀와 울지경덕의 경우에는 우호적인 시각이 형성되어 있다. 세 작품에 형상화된 설인귀․당태종․울지경덕의 모습에는 조선 시대 요동 회복에 대한 염원과 한민족의 역량에 대한 자긍심 그리고 용맹과 충절을 갖춘 이상적 통치자가 부재하는 조선의 현실과 이상적 통치자의 출현을 염원하는 대중의 요구가 반영되어 있다. This paper is a study on imagery method and meaning of that times about Chinese participated in war between the Goguryo and Dang in <Seol-In-Gui-Jeon>, <Dang-Tae-Jong-Jeon>, <Ul-Ji-Gyeong-Deg-Jeon>. These three novels are adaptation of <Seol-In-Gui-Jeog-Dong>․<Seo-Yu-Gi>․<Dang-Jin- Yeon-Ui>. These are Chinese long novel and flowed in Jo-Seon Dynasty. And Seol-In-Gui, Dang-Tae-Jong, Ul-Ji-Gyeong-Deg were participated in war between the Goguryo and Dang. A Manchu war repeatly broke out in Jo-Seon Dynasty. Therefore national power was weaken. So people of Jo-Seon Dynasty longed for national power of Goguryo. And narrative of Seol-In-Gui was flowed from China. Besides Seol-In-Gui, Dang-Tae-Jong, Ul-Ji-Gyeong-Dege were deified and the story was transmitted. Therefore <Seol-In-Gui-Jeon>․<Dang-Tae-Jong-Jeon>․<Ul-Ji-Gyeong-Deg-Jeon> were able to published. Seol-In-Gui only come on stage in <Seol-In-Gui-Jeon>. Seol-In-Gui was embodied aristocratic hero in Seoul block novels and national hero in printed books. Seoul block novels earlier were published than printed books. And Seol-In-Gui was embodied national hero in Chinese Seol-In-Gui narrative. Accordingly Seol-In-Gui was changed from aristocratic hero to national hero in Jo-Seon Dynasty. Dang-Tae-Jong come on stage <Seol-In-Gui-Jeon>․<Dang-Tae-Jong- Jeon>․<Ul-Ji-Gyeong-Deg-Jeon>. Dang-Tae-Jong was jointly embodied that he had thirst for conquest. His behavior was justified in <Ul-Ji- Gyeong-Deg-Jeon>. But his war of conquest was criticized in <Seol- In-Gui-Jeon>․<Dang-Tae-Jong-Jeon>. Ul-Ji-Gyeong-Deg also come on stage <Seol-In-Gui-Jeon>․<Dang- Tae-Jong-Jeon>․<Ul-Ji-Gyeong-Deg-Jeon>. His loyalty about Dang-Tae- Jong jointly was stood out in three novels. Besides loyalty about Yu-Mu-Ju was stood out in <Ul-Ji-Gyeong-Deg-Jeon>. But Ul-Ji-Gyeong-Deg was lacked of problem solving and judgement in <Seol-In-Gui-Jeon>. And he is effeminate and narrow-minded. Seol- In-Gui, Dang-Tae-Jong, Ul-Ji-Gyeong-Deg s shape is revealed desire getting back of Yodong and the Han race s capability. Seol-In-Gui and Ul-Ji-Gyeong-Deg are generals of the enemy. But their dauntlessness and loyalty was exemplified public of Jo-Seon Dynasty. Therefore amicable perspective about Seol-In-Gui and Ul-Ji-Gyeong-Deg is revealed that ideal rulers are not in Jo-Seon Dynasty and public want ideal rulers.

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