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        개별논문 : 20세기 초 서양인의 한국어 글쓰기 연구 -한국어 교수,학습 자료 생성 전략으로서 글쓰기 양상을 중심으로-

        고예진 ( Ye Jin Ko ) 한국작문학회 2014 작문연구 Vol.0 No.20

        본고는 20세기 초 한국어 교재에 나타나는 서양인의 한국어 글쓰기 양상을 고찰하였다. 한국어 교수학습 자료 생성 전략으로서 수행되었던 서양인의 글쓰기 활동 양상을 고찰한 것이다. 20세기 초 서양인들의 한국어 글쓰기 활동은 크게 3단계로 나타났다. 첫 번째 단계는 ``문장 쓰기 활동`` 이었다. 문장 쓰기는 번역,대체 수준의 초보적 문장 쓰기와 문법에 초점을 두거나 내용에 초점을 두어 문장을 쓰는 발전적 문장쓰기로 구분할 수 있다. 두 번째 단계는 ``덧붙여 쓰기``와 ``다시 쓰기`` 활동이었다. ``덧붙여 쓰기``는 어휘나 구 혹은 문장을 덧붙여 쓰는 활동으로 19세기 말부터 수행되었다. ``다시 쓰기``는 20세기에 이르러 수행된 활동으로 ``주어진 속담을 읽고 그 속담의 뜻을 한국어로 다시 쓰기``, ``한국민담을 듣고 한국어로 다시 쓰기``를 들수 있다. 이 단계의 글쓰기는 한국어를 듣거나 읽은 후 자신이 이해한 바를 재생산하는 것이다. 세 번째 단계는 ``긴 글쓰기`` 활동이었다. 즉, 완결된 텍스트를 생산해내는 글쓰기 단계이다. 한국 종교, 결혼 등 한국 문화에 대한 설명문이나 대화체 글을 쓰거나 문법 항목의 형태,통사적 특성이 잘 드러나도록 이야기를 쓰는 글쓰기 활동이다. 이 단계의 자료는 19세기 말부터 누적된 서양인의 한국어 교재와 한국어 학습이 20세기 초에 이르러 비교적 높은 수준에 이르렀음을 잘 보여준다. 19세기 말부터 본격적으로 한국어 학습을 시도했던 서양인들은, 20세기 초에 접어들면서 한국어 학습 자료를 생성하는 과정에서 자연스럽게 한국어 글쓰기 활동을 추적하여 고찰함으로써 외국인 학습자의 한국어 글쓰기 수행에 대한 역사적 자료로서의 가치를 재발견할 수 있었다. This study has analyzed the patterns of writing in Korean language by western people presented in Korean language textbooks published in the early 20th century. As one of the strategies to make good teaching method guidelines for Korean language, this study analyzed the writing patterns in Korean language by westerners. The first step in Korean writing was ``sentence writing``. There were translation, substitution, grammar-based sentence writing, meaning-based sentence writing. The second step was ``expanding writing`` and ``re-writing``. The case in ``re-writing`` is ``Read the proverb and write the meaning again`` or ``Listen to a Korean folk-tale and write it down in Korean language.`` ``expanding writing`` is writing in addition with word or phrase. On this stage, students were supposed to listen to or read Korean language texts and recreated what they comprehended in Korean. The third stage was ``writing a long text.`` In other words, it was ``writing a complete text freely.`` Western people were supposed to write an explanatory note or dialogue script about Korean cultures such as religion or marriage. Also, they wrote texts that show structural and syntactic characteristics of grammatical features. Materials of this stage reflect that textbooks and teaching system of Korean language for western people which have been developed and accumulated from the 19th century have finally reached quite a high level. Westerners who tried studying Korean language in earnest starting from the late 19th century naturally started writing in Korean while making study materials of Korean language from the beginning of the 20th century. The researcher of this study could found historic data and values about westerners` Korean language composition by tracing texts written by western people in the past.

      • KCI등재

        한국어 ‘가로쓰기’의 사적 전개와 근현대 한국어 학습서의 영향에 대한 일 고찰

        고경민 한말연구학회 2024 한말연구 Vol.65 No.15

        . This study aims to consider the influence of writing methods in Korean language learning materials for foreign learners on the overall Korean language writing system by examining the historical development of modern horizontal writing methods in Korean language studies and Korean language learning materials for foreign learners. This study also looks into the ‘horizontal writing’ aspects in Korean language learning materials and the reasons by analyzing the writing purposes and methods of Korean language learning materials. This consideration facilitates a careful approach to the influence of Korean language learning materials for foreigners published in the modern age not only on learning of foreign learners but also on Korean ‘knowledge society’ of the day. Especially, because the laws, systems and standards on Korean language and Hangul writing and pronunciation were not yet made at that time, those, who compiled Korean language learning materials had to think over Hangul writing methods earlier than the scholars of the Joseon Dynasty. Going through the process, they wrote learning materials using alphabet-based writing methods and it seems that the increase of Korean language learning materials published in Korea or Japan had considerable influence on printing, publishing and by extension, the overall knowledge society. This study discusses the beginning of this influence, the cases influenced and the influence on Korean language researchers’ discussions and their publications.

      • KCI등재

        日帝時代 朝鮮總督府發行 韓國兒童用語學讀本에 나타난 漢字語와 漢文

        심경호 한국한문교육학회 2009 한문교육논집 Vol.33 No.-

        일제의 강점 시기에는 민족주의 지식인들이 아동들을 위한 조선어 교육에 부심하는 한편, 일제의 朝鮮總督府는 아동들에게 ‘국어’를 교육하고 부수적으로 조선어와 한문을 가르쳤다. 조선총독부의 조선어 및 한문 교육은 ‘국어’ 교육의 활성화를 위한 방편이었지, 조선어 자체의 발전이나 한문 지식의 확대를 위한 것이 아니었다. 또한 국어, 조선어, 한문 교육은 모두 식민지의 아동을 ‘忠良한 國民’으로 形成시키는데 주된 목적이 있었다. 이러한 언어 교육은 조선총독부가 修身書를 편찬하여 아동의 정신교육을 체계적으로 실시한 것과 상호 연관이 있었다고 생각된다. 본고는 조선총독부가 조선어 혹은 ‘국어’를 교육하기 위해 편찬한 普通學校 語學讀本에서 한자어와 한문을 어떻게 활용했는지 일별하였다. 朝鮮總督府發行 韓國兒童用語學讀本이 韓國人의 韓國語와 漢文에 끼친 영향은 다음과 같다고 개괄할 수 있다. (1) 朝鮮總督府發行 韓國兒童用語學讀本은 한국어와 한자, 한자어, 한문의 관련성에 주목하고 식민지 아동에게 민족어인 한국어를 일정한 정도로 교육하기 위해 한자, 한자어, 한문의 교육을 병행했다. 이 점은 한국어 형성의 역사를 고찰하고 한국어 발전의 방향을 가늠하고자 할 때 한 가지 주요한 관점을 제시했다고 할 수 있다. (2) 하지만 朝鮮總督府發行 韓國兒童用語學讀本은 한자와 한문에 대해 素養을 지니고 있는 사람들을 대상으로 삼기라도 한 듯, 어려운 漢字와 漢字語를 지나치게 많이 사용했다. 또한 朝鮮語讀本은 ‘卽하야, 因하야, ∼하는 樣이’ 등 「漢字+한글어미」의 語法이나 ‘如何, 勿論, 可謂’ 등 한문어투의 표현을 溫存시키고 敎範으로 삼음으로써 韓國語의 自己醇化의 기회를 빼앗았다. (3) 開化期以後 日帝時代에 걸쳐 急造되거나 輸入된 한자어들을 사실상 標準語로 公認하고 널리 교육시킴으로써 韓國語 語彙의 구성을 더욱 복잡하게 만들었다. (4) 漢文의 교육은 개인의 修身(孝, 交友 등 포함)과 사회적 同和를 강조하는 원문들을 주로 선별함으로써, 학습자들이 민족주의의 저항 의식과 반봉건의 진취적 정신을 고양시킬 여지를 남기지 않았다. 朝鮮總督府發行 韓國兒童用語學讀本의 한자, 한자어, 한문의 응용이 이후 한국의 한문 소양 형성과 한문 교육 방향에 어떠한 영향을 미쳤는지에 대해서는 향후 고찰이 필요하다. 또한 朝鮮總督府의 한문 교육 방향이나 내용이 臺灣總督府의 한문 교육정책이나 일본 文部省의 교육 방침과 어떤 관계에 있는지에 대해서도 종합적인 비교 연구가 필요하다. Under the rule of Japanese Imperialism, on the one hand nationalistic intellectuals endeavored to teach children Korean language, but on the other hand Joseon Government-general mainly taught children ‘the national language’ and secondarily taught Korean language and Chinese writing. The education of Korean language and Chinese writing executed by the Joseon Government-general was aimed at reinvigorating the education of ‘the national language’, not at advancing Korean language. Their most important purpose of teaching Korean language was to make children loyal to Japanese Imperialism. Then, these language educational policy of the Joseon Government-general was related to the organized moral education through publishing the ‘Sooshinseo(修身書)’. This study is on how the Joseon Government-general used sino-Korean and Chinese writing in the elementary school Language textbooks. The language textbooks for children published by the Joseon Government-general have some effect on Korean language and sino-Korean as follows. (1) The language textbooks for children published by the Joseon Government-general emphasized the relations between Chinese character, Chinese writing, sino-Korean and Korean language. And the Joseon Government-general taught children both Chinese writing and sino-Korean, to advanced their Korean language proficiency. On the basis of these points, we can watch the formation processes and the development direction of Korean language. (2) However, the language textbooks for children published by the Joseon Government-general mentioned very difficult sino-Korean vocabulary, as if it had been written for intellectual people. In additional, classical Chinese usage - ‘卽하야, 因하야, ~하는 樣이, 如何, 勿論, 可謂’ - remained in the Korean textbook[朝鮮語讀本]. So, we lost the chance to purify Korean language. (3) The Joseon Government-general officially recognized the sino-Korean vocabulary that had been hastily made under the rule of Japanese Imperial, and widely taught children it. So, the organization of Korean language vocabulary was very complicated. (4) The Joseon Government-general selected some Chinese writings as the text, those were mostly about loyalty, filial piety, moral training and social assimilation. So Korean student couldn’t enhance their nationalism and their will to revolt gainst authority. Hereafter, it requires that we research how sino-Korean Vocabulary and Chinese Writing in the Language Textbooks for Children published by the Joseon Government-general affected the formation of sino-Korean and the education of classical Chinese in Korea. And it need to research on the relations between the Korean education of classical Chinese, the policy of the Japanese Ministry of Education and the policy of the Taiwan Government-general.

      • KCI등재

        일제시대(日帝時代) 조선총독부발행(朝鮮總督府發行) 한국아동용어학독본(韓國兒童用語學讀本)에 나타난 한자어(漢字語)와 한문(漢文)

        심경호 ( Kyung Ho Sim ) 한국한문교육학회 2009 한문교육논집 Vol.33 No.-

        Under the rule of Japanese Imperialism, on the one hand nationalistic intellectuals endeavored to teach children Korean language, but on the other hand Joseon Government-general mainly taught children `the national language` and secondarily taught Korean language and Chinese writing. The education of Korean language and Chinese writing executed by the Joseon Government-general was aimed at reinvigorating the education of `the national language`, not at advancing Korean language. Their most important purpose of teaching Korean language was to make children loyal to Japanese Imperialism. Then, these language educational policy of the Joseon Government-general was related to the organized moral education through publishing the `Sooshinseo(修身書)`. This study is on how the Joseon Government-general used sino-Korean and Chinese writing in the elementary school Language textbooks. The language textbooks for children published by the Joseon Government-general have some effect on Korean language and sino-Korean as follows. (1) The language textbooks for children published by the Joseon Government-general emphasized the relations between Chinese character, Chinese writing, sino-Korean and Korean language. And the Joseon Government-general taught children both Chinese writing and sino-Korean, to advanced their Korean language proficiency. On the basis of these points, we can watch the formation processes and the development direction of Korean language. (2) However, the language textbooks for children published by the Joseon Government-general mentioned very difficult sino-Korean vocabulary, as if it had been written for intellectual people. In additional, classical Chinese usage - `卽하야, 因하야, ~하는 樣이, 如何, 勿論, 可謂` - remained in the Korean textbook[朝鮮語讀本]. So, we lost the chance to purify Korean language. (3) The Joseon Government-general officially recognized the sino-Korean vocabulary that had been hastily made under the rule of Japanese Imperial, and widely taught children it. So, the organization of Korean language vocabulary was very complicated. (4) The Joseon Government-general selected some Chinese writings as the text, those were mostly about loyalty, filial piety, moral training and social assimilation. So Korean student couldn`t enhance their nationalism and their will to revolt gainst authority. Hereafter, it requires that we research how sino-Korean Vocabulary and Chinese Writing in the Language Textbooks for Children published by the Joseon Government-general affected the formation of sino-Korean and the education of classical Chinese in Korea. And it need to research on the relations between the Korean education of classical Chinese, the policy of the Japanese Ministry of Education and the policy of the Taiwan Government-general.

      • KCI등재

        문자언어로서 한국어의 발생과 발달에 관한 시론적 접근

        이용 구결학회 2016 구결연구 Vol.37 No.-

        Ancient Koreans began to contact characters with the influx of Chinese characters. The influx of a real literate culture was started with the acceptance of the Chinese text. After accepting Chinese writing from China, Koreans gradually widen his understanding of Chinese writing. While they studied Chinese characters and writing, they would have a desire to record events happened to themselves with writing. Ancient Koreans began to record their events by Chinese classics. But it was not easy for Koreans. As time goes on, Korean language’s factors gradually permeate into the Chinese writing in Korea. Initially, the Korean factors began to permeate into the word order or case and ending marker. Changes are made slowly. At last, they found the way to use of Hun(Kun in Japanese). The use of Hun makes Koreans to be able to represent their language well. As a result, it seems written language far from spoken language. This situation is not different even in Hyangchal which is the most developed writing system among borrowed writing systems(Hyachal, Idu, Kugyol). It results from what ancient Koreans began to write their own language in Chinese writing. Why did Koreans use Chinese writing, when they began to write their own language? It comes from three causes of the next. First, the primary purpose of the ancient people in writing was delivery of the information. Second, writing systems and the way to use characters had been already provided in Chinese writing. Third, It is the effect of the Chinese study. 고대 시기 한국인은 한자의 유입과 더불어 문자를 접하기 시작했다. 본격적인 문자문화의 도입은 한문 텍스트의 수용에서 시작한 것이라 할 수 있다. 중국에서 한문 텍스트를 받아들이고 점차 텍스트의 내용을 이해할 수 있게 되면서 문자의 필요성을 깨닫고 자신에게 일어난 일도 문자를 통해 기록하려는 욕심을 가지게 되었을 것이다. 처음에 고대 한국인은 기록을 필요로 할 때 한문으로 쓰기를 시작했다. 그러나 한국인에게 있어 한문은 결코 쉽지가 않았다. 시간이 흐르면서 점점 한국어적 요소가 쓰기에 스며들었다. 처음에는 어순과 토의 표기에 한국어적 요소가 스며들면서 점차 문자언어에 한국어의 음성언어가 반영되기 시작하였고 마침내 훈을 이용하게 되면서 한국어의 음성언어를 충분히 반영할 수 있게 되었다. 이런 과정을 통하여 표기된 고대국어 자료를 보면 문자언어와 음성언어가 유리되어 보이는 현상이 일어난다. 이러한 상황은 고대 시기에 가장 발달된 한국어 표기법을 가지고 있던 향가에서도 마찬가지이다. 이는 한국어 쓰기가 한문에서 시작한 데서 말미암는다. 고대 한국인이 한문으로 자신의 언어를 기록하기 시작한 것은 다음의 세 가지 원인에서 기인한다. 첫째, 고대인들은 쓰기의 주된 목적을 정보의 전달에 두고 있었다. 둘째, 한문에는 이미 표기법이나 용자법이 마련되어 있었다. 셋째, 한문 학습의 영향이다.

      • KCI등재

        한국어와 모국어의 쓰기 불안과 불안 요인의 상관관계-중급 수준의 한국어 학습자를 대상으로-

        박현진 한국언어문학회 2018 한국언어문학 Vol.106 No.-

        The goal of this study is to analyze the correlation between writing anxiety and anxiety factors in Korean and mother language writing of learners of Korean for Academic Purposes. In order to do this, we used a correlation analysis on the basis of the results of the factor analysis on writing anxiety of Park (2018, in press). The correlation analysis was carried on upon the results of the analysis of the correlation between anxiety factors and writing anxiety. The survey used for the analysis was based on the 26 items in David and Miller’s (1975) WAT (Writing Apprehension Test) with two more items added from Cheng (1998) for a total of28 items, and it was administered to 55 undergraduate foreign students of Korean. First, the analysis shows a meaningful correlation between all the 28 items of the anxiety scale and writing anxiety in Korean as well as in the mother language. Moreover, a meaningful correlation was found also between the factors related to writing in the mother language and in the Korean language. In the case of writing anxiety in the Korean language, among the anxiety items and factors with a strong correlation with writing we found “fear of the Korean writing class” and “lack of confidence”. In the case of writing anxiety in the mother language, on the other hand, we found “lack of confidence in writing down my thoughts” and “unwillingness to express myself and to share”. This paper is a follow up of Park (2018, in press) and aims at understanding in detail which factors influence anxiety in the writing of Korean as a foreign language student. Therefore in this paper we clearly demonstrate which factors influence writing anxiety and make an argument for positive feedback and a writing process aimed to foster self-confidence. Also, since writing in the mother language is correlated to writing in the foreign language, we also advocate for more opportunities to create a positive perception toward writing in general.

      • KCI등재후보

        한국어 학습자의 쓰기 능력 향상에 관한 질적 연구 ― 이중 언어 교수 요원 양성 과정생의 작문 결과를 중심으로 ―

        김영란 ( Kim,Young-ran ) 한국작문학회 2010 작문연구 Vol.0 No.11

        본 연구는 26명의 한국어 학습자가 11주간 12회 행한 쓰기 과제물을 바탕으로 이들의 한국어 쓰기 능력 향상의 양상을 질적으로 분석하였다. 본 연구의 대상자들은 중국어, 일본어, 몽골어, 베트남어, 대만어, 말레이시아어(및 영어) 등을 제1언어로 하는 한국어 학습자로서, 이중 언어 교수 요원으로 훈련받는 성인 학습자들이다. 연구자는 이들에게 ‘한국어 쓰기’ 교사로 역할하면서 학습자들의 틀린 부분을 고쳐주는 교정적 피드백을 제공하였다. 그 결과를 바탕으로 상, 중, 하 수준 학습자의 한국어 습득 양상을 질적으로 고찰하였다. 본 연구는 언어 습득에 대한 Swain의 산출 가설에 입각하고, 학습자의 산출물에 대한 교사의 피드백이 언어 습득에 도움이 된다는 선행 연구의 결과에 기대고 있다. 이에 따라 12회의 쓰기 과제 수행과 그 속에서 이루어진 교사 피드백의 결과에 따라 한국어 학습자의 언어 습득이 상당히 이루어질 것이라고 가정하였다. 그 결과, 하 수준의 학습자에게서는 상당한 정도의 향상이 이루어진 것을 관찰하였다. 하 수준의 학습자는 어휘 지식이 확장되고, 이전에 없거나 불충분하던 문법 요소에 대한 지식이 생기거나 다듬어지는 증거를 발견하였다. 이들 하 수준 학습자의 향상의 폭은 중상 수준의 학습자보다 큰 것으로 판단된다. 그리고 중 수준의 학습자에게서도 교정의 결과 오류들이 시정되는 증거들을 볼 수 있었다. 단순 맞춤법이나 활용상의 단순한 오류 및 글 전체에서 초점을 일관되게 유지하는 것 등이 시정됨을 관찰하였다. 그러나 하 수준의 학습자에 비해 그 향상의 폭이 크다고 보기 어려웠다. 중 수준의 학습자들은 복잡한 의미를 담아내는 문장을 구성하는 데에 어려움을 보이고, 정확한 문장 구사에 실패하는 경우가 발견되었다. 마지막으로 상 수준의 학습자들은 보통 수준 이상의 성인 모어 화자와 유사한 수준으로 글을 썼는데 가끔은 외국인 화자라는 것을 느끼게 하는 오류를 보였다. 이는 모어 화자라면 좀처럼 쓰지 않는 단어를 사용한다든지, 성인 모어 화자들은 잘 틀리지 않는 맞춤법 오류나 조사 오류를 보이는 데에서 발견되었다. 그리고 성인 모어 화자들도 범하는, 주술 호응 관계가 맞지 않는 오류도 간혹 발견되었다. 본 연구에서 발견된, 학습자의 한국어 지식의 구멍들의 상당 부분은 교사의 명쾌한 문법 설명이 더해진다면 보완될 수 있을 것으로 판단된다. 이 점에 대해서는 본 연구에서 얻어진, 개별 학습자의 부족한 부분(구멍)에 대한 진단을 바탕으로 후속적인 지도가 이루어진다면 개선될 수 있을 것으로 예상된다. 이에 대해서는 추후 연구(follow-up study)를 통해서 해결하고 논의하고자 한다. This study qualitatively analysed 12 writing assignments which were written by 26 Korean language learners over 11 weeks. These Korean language learners were adult learners and whose first languages were Chinese, Japanese, Mongolian, Vietnamese, Taiwanese, Malaysian, to name but a few. I, as a researcher and their teacher of writing, gave corrective feedback to them over the 11 weeks. Based on the results of their writing and my feedback to them, this study investigates what improvement the students - of low, intermediate and advanced levels - showed in their writing of these 12 writing tasks. This study is based on Swain's output hypothesis about second language acquisition, and the positive results of previous research on corrective feedback. This study assumes that these 26 Korean language learners improve their knowledge of Korean language over 12 performances of writing and as a result of receiving corrective feedback about each of their 12 writing results. The result of the analysis shows that students at low levels made outstanding improvement and more than those of higher levels. The evidence shows that their range of vocabulary expanded and their knowledge of grammatical elements was acquired or elaborated. The breadth of their improvement is greater than the students in other levels. The evidence shows that the students of middle level picked up the corrected language from my feedback and often did not make the same errors in later writing assignments. Especially simple errors in spelling and conjugations were corrected in later writing results, and feedback for staying in one style through one text was generally accepted and the same errors did not occur in later writing assignments. The writings of the students of advanced levels show that the feature of their writing is more or less similar to those of native speakers of Korean. However, at times they produced critical errors indicating that they are second language users. They made errors which normal adult native speakers would not make. They also make common errors that native speakers also make. For instance, they produced w in which a subject and a predict in a sentence are not grammatically well-matched. I assume that the gaps in the students' knowledge of Korean language discovered in this study will be able to be filled if the students are provided with teachers' explanation pertinent to these gaps. Follow-up teaching based on the results of each student's writing analysis may also help their further improvement of Korean language acquisition. A follow-up study will discuss this matter.

      • KCI등재

        학문 목적 한국어 학습자를 위한 단락 쓰기 교육 효과 연구

        이지혜(Lee, Jee hae) 한국언어문학회 2016 한국언어문학 Vol.99 No.-

        The purpose of this study is to investigate the usefulness and effectiveness of teaching Korean paragraph writing. The study’s ultimate goal is to evaluate the usefulness and effectiveness of Korean paragraph writing teaching methods that have been suggested in previous studies and to ultimately improve upon them. The classes were held a total of 10 times for 75 minutes each and each class consisted of 33 exchange students whose Korean language levels were either intermediate or advanced. Classes were conducted in a deductive manner, with the following goals; learn the sentence structure of the Korean language, learn how to use appropriate Korean writing styles, learn how to write a paragraph in Korean with unity and cohesion, understand writing tasks and arrange the paragraphs to suit the task of writing. As for the materials, “Sogang Korean Writing 2 for Academic Purpose was used, and an adjunct textbook reflecting on the achievements of the previous researches and other academic writing materials was also included. Of the 33 learners, 30 were evaluated with the exception of the three who failed to participate in a diagnostic or summative assessment. The students writing results were rated as high(7), middle-high(5), middle-low(3) and low(1) based on the performance of the writing tasks, the use of written language, the division of paragraphs, the arrangement of paragraphs, and the arrangement of sentences within paragraphs. The analysis results showed learners improved writing skills; writing task performance, use of written language, dividing and arranging paragraphs properly, and writing a unified paragraph. In particular, learners significantly improved their literary skills and their ability to arrange sentences in paragraphs that were practiced several times in class were also analyzed to shown to have improved. The results of the survey showed that the learners thought their writing skills had improved through their classes and helped specifically in terms of sentence composition, usage of written language and paragraph composition in Korean. These results mean that the achievements of Korean language education to improve upon academic learners ability to write paragraphs in Korean are indeed valid.

      • KCI등재

        장르 기반 전략과 동기화 전략 중심의 한국어 쓰기 전략 연구

        이준호 ( Jun Ho Lee ) 이중언어학회 2014 이중언어학 Vol.56 No.-

        This study aims to analyze genre-based and motivational writing strategies for Korean language leaners. It is no wonder writing strategies should be selected as more active instructional content in order to improve writing skills of Korean leaners. Though the importance of teaching writing strategies has been stressed for decades, the most notable ones have mainly been process-centric writing strategies. Considering that the difficulty of writing is related not only to motoring one`s writing process but to manage his or her writing tasks, and also considering the difficulty causes students many troubles in identifying a given task, managing the task and their motivation to keep writing on, task performance related motivational strategies should not be underestimated. In the mean time, Korean language leaners in a higher level with a more specific purpose encounter unfamiliar, context-dependent and rigid genre of the specific area. And writing to meet the needs of the genre is one of the most important factors for the successful writing. Therefor, It is ideal that the motivational strategies and genre-based strategies should more actively adapted as instructional contents to help Korean language leaners improve their writing skills. So, this study will examine the theories of the motivational and genre-based writing strategies and suggest the lists of both strategies that can apply to Korean language classrooms.(Gyeongin National University of Education)

      • KCI등재

        국어학 연구의 성격과 태도에 대한 반성

        임용기 국제언어인문학회 2003 인문언어 Vol.5 No.-

        The issues concerning the nature of the attitude toward the study of national language may vary from country to country, depending on the national or racial characteristics. The problem domains and the methodologies dealing with them may vary accordingly. Ever since the Korean language was equipped with a writing system in the year of 1443 through King Sejong's long-cherished desire, investigations have been constantly made into the real nature of the language itself in pursuit of a better method for representing the spoken language in written form. This is how the study of the Korean language began to take shape.Among such investigations are Hunmin-jeong-eum (the Korean script: 1446) compiled by Jiphyon-jon, the royal office of schloarly researches, Doongguk- jeonghun-yokhun (the orthodox script of Korean: 1448), Hongmu-jeonghun- yeokhun (interlinear gloss for the Chinese script of the Ming Dynasty: 1455), An Orthodox Approach to Written Korean (1909) by the institute of the National Script, The Standardized Spelling System (1933) by Chosun Language Society, An Authorized Dictionary of Standard Korean (1936), How to Write Borrowed Words (1940), and A Grand dictionary of Korea (1947-57). Chu Shi-Gyung's Phonetics of the Korean Script (1908), Korean Grammar (1910), and Sound Patterns of Korean (1914) were all written in this vein; so was Choi Hyun-Bae's Uri-mal-bon (the rudiments of Korean Grammar: 1929/1937).All these achievements in the study of the Korean language are the end-products of the constant endeavor to solve the issues related to the spoken and written forms of the Korean language. And this is how the uniqueness and autonomy of the language study in korea have been established. It should be borne in mind, however, that, in seeking solutions to the problems inherent in the Korean linguistic studies of foreign countries. On the contrary, they have been very active in accommodating such results. While they have set up their problem domains on the basis of the korean language, they been progressively open-minded in looking for the solutions to the problems at hand.

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