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      • KCI등재

        또르데질랴스 조약(Tratado de Tordesilhas)에 관한 연구

        최영수(Choi, Young Soo) 한국외국어대학교 역사문화연구소 2006 역사문화연구 Vol.25 No.-

        본 논문은 1494년 에스파냐와 포르투갈 사이에 체결된 또르데질랴스 조약에 관한 연구를 목적으로 한다. 포르투갈이 아비스 왕조 시대 아프리카 서해안을 따라 남하하며 해양개척에 국력을 집중하고 있을 무렵, 콜럼버스는 동 쥬앙 2세에게 대서양을 가로질러 인도에 도착하겠다는 포부를 밝힌다. 그러나 이미 해양과학에 관한 풍요로운 지식의 소유자였던 국왕은 이 제안을 거절하였고, 콜럼버스는 후원자를 찾아 에스파냐로 떠난다. 그리고 카스티야의 이사벨라 여왕 후원으로 1492년 그가 죽을 때 까지도 인도 변방의 “지팡고”로 확신했던 안틸랴스 제도에 도착한다. 동 쥬앙 2세는 1480년 루소-카스텔랴노 조약에 근거하여 콜럼버스가 발견한 땅이 포르투갈 소유임을 주장하였고, 이로써 양국 간에는 갈등이 고조화 되었다. 당시 교황 알렉산더 6세는 가장 충실한 카톨릭 국가들인 포르투갈과 에스파냐 간의 분쟁을 종식시키기 위해 중재자로 나섰고, 오랜 협상 끝에 새로운 타협안을 제시하게된다. 이것이 그 유명한 또르데질랴스 조약이었다. 이 조약으로 지구 상의 거의 모든 바다는 에스파냐와 포르투갈의 독점적 지배 하에 있었지만, 후일 정치적 혼란에서 벗어나 안정된 통일 국가를 이룩한 영국,화란 그리고 프랑스가 새로운 경쟁상대로 부상한다. 그들은 이 두 나라가 주장했던 폐쇄항해론에 맞서 자유항해론을 내세우며 강력한 중상주의 정책을 추구하였고, 그로 인하여 또르데질랴스 조약은 점차 그 권위를 잃어간다. 그리고 18 세기 중반 부터는 공해상에서의 새로운 질서가 확립되기 시작한다. 결국 독점적 항해권이 사라진 바다에서 또르데질랴스 조약의 모든 규정들은 그 효력을 완전히 상실하게 되지만, 이미 16세기 말엽에 이와 같이 공해 상의 질서 확립을 위해 국제적 조약이 체결된 것은 그 의미가 매우 크다고 하겠다. This study is aimed at examining the Treaty of Tordesillas in 1494. Cristopher Columbus suggested the plans to make a voyage directly to Cathay and the Indies in 1483 to the new and energetic king of Portugal, D.João II. But in 1484 Columbus´ recommendation for a westward approach to the Indies was rejected by D. João II; the portuguese had an accurate measure of the earth´s circumference that had confirmed them in the commitment to finding an eastward route. In 1492, Columbus succeed in persuading Isabel of Castille, the Catholic Monarch, to give her support and at last set sail. His little ships made a landfall in Antilhas, and on his way to Spain, he stayed in Lisbon for a while, and affirmed that had discovered “Cipango”. D.João II protested energetically that such lands discovered by Columbus belonged to Portuguese Crown, according to the Treaty Luso-Castelhano of 1480,but Pope Alexander VI sent bull virtually liquidating portuguese claims. To head off conflit between Portugal and Spain after Columbus´initial discoveries in America , the Pope´Line of 1493 was divised by Alexander VI, a spaniard, to divide the world between the two countries, Spain having title west of a line passing near the Cape Verde Islands and Portugal to the East of it. The next year the line was redrawn in the Treaty of Tordesillas and moved more than 1,000 miles westward. And it was not long before other nations such as the English and the Dutch began to challenging the two powers of Iberian Peninsular. At that time, Neither the Pope´s Line nor the new one “divided the world like an orange”, as is often stated. Eventually, in the period of Dual monarch(1580-1640), the Treaty of Tordesillas was almost nullified and new order and new system like “Mare Liberum” was established.

      • KCI등재

        청녹색 레이저 다이오드 구조에 관한 TEM 관찰

        이확주,류현,박해성,김태일,Lee, Hwack-Joo,Ryu, Hyun,Park, Hae-Sung,Kim, Tae-Il 한국현미경학회 1997 Applied microscopy Vol.27 No.3

        Microstructural characterizations of II-VI blue laser diodes which consist of quaternary $Zn_{1-x}Mg_xS_ySe_{l-y}$ cladding layer, ternary $ZnS_ySe_{l-y}$ guiding layer and $Zn_{0.8}Cd_{0.2}Se$ quantum well as active layer were carried out using the transmission electron microscope working at 300 kV. Even though the entire structure is pseudomorphic to GaAs substrate, the structure had contained numerous extended stacking faults and dislocations which had created at ZnSe/GaAs interfaces and then further grown to the top of the epilayers. These faults might be expected to cause the degradation and shortening the lifetime of laser devices.

      • KCI등재

        Intraband Relaxation Time in Short-wavelength II-VI CdZnSe/ZnSe Quantum-well Structures

        박승환,김종재,김화민 한국물리학회 2009 THE JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN PHYSICAL SOCIETY Vol.55 No.2

        The intraband relaxation time is investigated theoretically for a zinc-blende (ZB) CdZnSe/ZnSe quantum well (QW) structure. The results are also compared with those obtained from ZB GaN/AlGaN QW structures. Linewidths are dominated by hole-hole scattering, which gradually decreases with increasing compressive strain. We know that the CdZnSe/ZnSe QW has a smaller intraband relaxation time than the GaN/AlGaN QW. This is mainly caused by the fact that the average hole effective mass of the CdZnSe/ZnSe system is smaller than the GaN/AlGaN system. The intraband relaxation time of the CdZnSe/ZnSe QW is estimated to be about 12 fs in the investigated range of compressive strains.

      • KCI등재

        프랑스 바로크 음악의 ‘좋은 취향’과 ‘혼합 취향’: 지역적, 정치적, 세대적 갈등

        권송택 한양대학교 음악연구소 2022 音樂論壇 Vol.47 No.-

        This study focuses on the comparison and the rivalry between France and Italy in music prevalent during the Ancien Régime. These were examined through the perspectives of regional, cultural and aesthetic differences between them and from the angle of political and generation conflicts that resided within France by investigating the political, social, and cultural background and the contemporary literature. Controversy over Italian music existed from the 17th- to the middle of the 18th-century in France. The changes of the tastes in French music were unfolded in two directions: ‘Le bon goût’ developed from the tradition of describing the influence of French literary classicism on music and ‘Les goûts réunis’ developed after reconciliation between the French and Italian music. It was shown that the changes in French music at that time were primarily due to cultural, regional, and aesthetic differences. Still, the contribution by the political instrument of the Absolute monarchy and the generational conflict of the Lullistes, Préramistes, and Ramistes could not be ruled out. 17세기 중반부터 18세기 초 구체제 시기의 프랑스에서는 자국의 음악과 이탈리아 음악을 비교하고, 이탈리아 음악을 강도 높게 비판하면서 이에 대한 경쟁의식이 일어났다. 본 논문은 당대의 정치적, 사회적, 문화적 배경과 문헌들을 참조하여 이러한 현상을 지역적, 문화적, 미학적 특성뿐만 아니라 이 시기의 과도기적인 정치적 또는 세대 간 갈등에 초점을 맞춰 살펴본 결과이다. 이탈리아 음악을 폄하하고 배척하면서도 프랑스 바로크 음악에서는 취향의 변화가 나타나는데 이는 프랑스 문학의 고전주의 미학에서 발달하여 음악의 취향으로까지 확장된 ‘좋은 취향’과, 이탈리아 음악의 영향으로 나오는 ‘혼합 취향’으로 옮겨가는 과정에서 드러난다. 이 변화는 프랑스와 이탈리아의 본질적인 기질의 차이, 즉 문화적, 지역적, 미학적 특징은 물론, 그 과정에 숨어있는 절대왕정의 정치적 의도, 그리고 륄리 세대, 륄리 사후 세대(라모 전세대), 그리고 라모 세대를 거치면서 일어나는 세대 간 갈등으로부터 기인한 것이라는 점을 알 수 있었다.

      • KCI등재

        Fe(II)-initiated reduction of hexavalent chromium in heterogeneous iron oxide suspension

        이우진,Jeongyun Choi,Yoojin Jung 한국화학공학회 2008 Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering Vol.25 No.4

        The characteristics of Fe(II)-initiated reduction of Cr(VI) in iron oxide suspensions were investigated by conducting a series of kinetic experiments. A modified Langmuir-Hinshelwood kinetic model was used to provide a better description of Cr(VI) reduction kinetics which were believed to be occurring on the limited reactive site of reductant. The concentration of magnetite concentration as well as Cr(VI) concentration, significantly affected the reaction kinetics of Cr(VI). The reduction kinetics were improved with increasing magnetite and Cr(VI) concentration. Almost 95% of Cr(VI) reduction was achieved within 10 min at the condition of 8 g/L of magnetite and 80 mg/L of initial Cr(VI), respectively. The solution pH also affected the reaction rate in the range of 5.5 and 8.0 where a lower pH produced a faster reaction rate. The addition of Fe(II) on soil and magnetite showed the capability of improving Cr(VI) reduction kinetics, and their reduction kinetics was also well described by using a Langmuir-Hinshelwood kinetic model. The experimental results obtained in this research clearly show the advantage of additional reductant for reducing Cr(VI), and they can provide basic knowledge for the development of remediation technology for the treatment of groundwater and soil contaminated with Cr(VI).

      • KCI등재

        Degradation Process for Azo Dye by Ferrate (VI)

        Nguyen Minh Hoang,김일규 한국동력기계공학회 2023 동력시스템공학회지 Vol.27 No.3

        Azo dye is one of the anthropogenic dyes that consumes water and cause water pollutant the most. Therefore, the present work aims to develop a treatment process for a common azo dye used by industrial factories (orange II) utilizing powerful oxidant potassium ferrate (VI). This process has been studied at various parameters in this study (pH, initial concentration of orange II, ferrate (VI) dosages, and temperature). The optimal degradation condition for Orange II was acidic condition and with [ferrate (VI)] = 50 mg/L, the removal rate reached 77.41%. The kapp value obtained under this experimental condition was 421.27 M-1s-1. The study shows that the decolorization rate of orange II heavily depends on the amount of ferrate (VI). As the ferrate (VI) dosage increased, the removal rate of orange II increased. In addition, the removal rate of orange II improved with the solution temperature. Furthermore, the degradation patterns of this azo dye was also investigated.

      • KCI등재

        Removal of Microcystis aeruginosa and control of algal organic matters by potassium ferrate(VI) pre-oxidation enhanced Fe(II) coagulation

        Jihao Zhou,Zhiwei Zhao,Jie Liu,Wei Peng,Xia Peng,Yuting Han,Ping Xiao 한국화학공학회 2019 Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering Vol.36 No.10

        The problem of cyanobacteria blooms during potable water production has generated wide concern. Ferrate( VI) serving as a pre-oxidation tactic was first applied to enhance conventional Fe(II) coagulation for Microcystis aeruginosa-laden water treatment at lab scale. Results demonstrated that ferrate(VI) pre-oxidation could successfully destabilize algae cells through destroying the protective organic layer. The residual ferrate(VI) together with post-added Fe(II) could provoke a comproportionation reaction, where large amounts of Fe hydrolyzates [Fe(OH)3] are formed. The in-situ Fe(OH)3 with abundant reactive surface is responsible for the promotion of flocs growth by facilitating the clustering and cross-linking of algal organic matters (AOM) and cyanobacteria cells, simultaneously resulting in satisfactory reductions in OD680, turbidity and UV254. Overdose of ferrate(VI) could cause severe cell destruction along with the release of intracellular organic matter (IOM), which may impair the water quality by increasing the concentration of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and the disinfection by-products formation potential (DBPFP). Meanwhile, considering the Fe residual in settled water, the optimal ferrate(VI) dose (20 μM) and Fe(II) dose (80 μM) were proposed. Besides, the synergistic effect of both the degradation by ferrate(VI) and the adsorption by in-situ Fe(OH)3 contributed to the removal of DOC and Microcystin-LR. This study suggests that ferrate(VI) might be a potential candidate for pre-treatment to assist Fe(II) coagulation when addressing algae-laden water.


        Hydrophilic and positively charged polyethylenimine-functionalized mesoporous magnetic clusters for highly efficient removal of Pb(II) and Cr(VI) from wastewater

        Lee, Min Young,Lee, Ji Hwan,Chung, Jae Woo,Kwak, Seung-Yeop Academic Press 2018 Journal of Environmental Management Vol. No.

        <P><B>Abstract</B></P> <P>We develop mesoporous magnetic clusters (MMCs) functionalized with hydrophilic branched polyethylenimine (b-PEI), later called b-MG, and MMCs functionalized with positively charged b-PEI (p-MG). These materials efficiently remove Pb(II) and Cr(VI) from wastewater. Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, thermogravimetric analysis, and nitrogen adsorption–desorption analysis results clearly indicate that hydrophilic b-PEI and positively charged b-PEI are successfully attached to the MMC surfaces. Wide-angle X-ray diffraction, high-resolution transmission electron microscopy, and field-emission scanning electron microscopy analyses confirm that the crystal structures and morphologies of the MMCs are maintained well even when wet chemical modification processes are used to introduce hydrophilic b-PEI and positively charged b-PEI to the MMC surfaces. Langmuir and Sips isotherm models are applied to describe Pb(II) adsorption behavior of the b-MG and Cr(VI) adsorption behavior of the p-MG. The isotherm models indicate that the maximum adsorption capacities of b-MG and p-MG, respectively, are 216.3 and 334.1 mg g<SUP>−1</SUP>, respectively. These are higher than have previously been found for other adsorbents. In reusability tests, using magnetic separation and controlling the pH, the Pb(II) recovery efficiency of the b-MG is 95.6% and the Cr(VI) recovery efficiency of the p-MG is 68.0% even after the third cycle.</P> <P><B>Highlights</B></P> <P> <UL> <LI> b-MG and p-MG have abundant adsorption sites for Pb(II) and Cr(VI). </LI> <LI> b-MG and p-MG exhibited high adsorption capacities for Pb(II) and Cr(V). </LI> <LI> b-MG and p-MG could be magnetically separated from water and repeatedly used. </LI> </UL> </P> <P><B>Graphical abstract</B></P> <P>Schematic of the facile removal of heavy metal ions using branched polyethylenimine-functionalized mesoporous magnetic clusters (b-MG) and positively charged branched polyethylenimine-functionalized mesoporous magnetic clusters (p-MG) as adsorbents.</P> <P>[DISPLAY OMISSION]</P>


        Ferrate(VI): A green chemical for the oxidation of cyanide in aqueous/waste solutions

        Tiwari, Diwakar,Kim, Hyoung-Uk,Choi, Bong-Jong,Lee, Seung-Mok,Kwon, Oh-Heung,Choi, Kyu-Man,Yang, Jae-Kyu Taylor Francis 2007 Journal of Environmental Science and Health. Part Vol.42 No.6

        <P> The higher oxidation state of iron, i.e. Fe(VI), was employed for the oxidation of the important toxic ion cyanide in aqueous/waste waters. Cyanide was oxidized to cyanate, which is 1,000 times less toxic than cyanide, and can often be accepted for its ultimate disposal. It was noted that Fe(VI) is a very powerful oxidizing agent, and can oxidize most of the cyanide within a few minutes, ca 5 minutes, of contact. The extent of the reduction of Fe(VI) was obtained using the UV-Visible measurements. Further, the UV-Visible data was used to explain the reaction kinetics involved in the redox reaction between ferrate(VI) and cyanide. The pseudo-first-order rate constant was calculated by maintaining the cyanide concentration in excess, with the overall second order rate constant values obtained for initial Fe(VI) concentrations of 1.0 and 0.1 mmol/L. The oxidation of cyanide was again confirmed using a cyanide probe. Fe(VI) was further employed for its possible application in the treatment of industrial wastewaters containing cyanide, along with some heavy metals, such as those obtained from electroplating industries.</P>

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