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      • KCI등재

        韓國歷史民俗學의 모색과 궤적

        주강현(Joo, Kang-Hyun) 한국역사민속학회 2015 역사민속학 Vol.0 No.47

        본 연구는 ‘역사과학으로서의 민속학’이 지니는 학사적인 위상을 밝혀내고. 연구방법론의 일부를 몇가지 사례를 들어 분석하고자 하였다. 역사민속학은 일반적 민속학(folklore)과 많이 다르다. 역사와 민속의 단순 결합이 아닌, ‘역사과학으로서의 민속학’이란 입장을 분명히 하기 때문이다. 역사학계의 선학인 손진태는 역사학과 민속학을 연결시키고 있다는 점에서 주목된다. 손진태 이후에 역사학과 민속학은 그 관계가 단절되었으며, 민속학은 대개 국문학 연구의 일환으로 연구되었다. 역사민속학은 일반민속학의 몰시대성 · 탈시대성에 관한 일정한 비판을 전제로 하며 민속의 낙후된 부분만을 민중생활의 전모인 양 파악하는 잔존문화론을 비판한다. 역사민속학에서는 민속사를 주목하며, 민속사는 장기지속의 역사, 단기지속의 역사를 모두 포함한다. 모든 시기에 해당되는 통시대적인 민속도 있지만, 일정한 시기에 발현된 단기적인 민속도 존재하기 때문이다. 역사민속학의 발전과정에서 북한의 역사민속학이 중요하다. 북한민속학은 출발 단계에서부터 역사과학으로 위치지워졌기 때문이다. 따라서 남북한 통합에서 역사민속학이 일정한 역할을 해낼 것이다. 본 연구에서는 문헌과 현장 구술의 제 관계도 주목하였다. 역사민속학은 쓰여진 역사와 쓰여지지 아니한 역사의 간극을 좁히려고 노력하기 때문이다. 문헌과 현장 구술이 상호 결합되고 상호 보완된다면 역사연구에 많은 기여를 할 것이다. The folklife studies is different from folklore. This treatise analysis about scolastic Meaning of historical folklife & method of research. The folklife studies is mainly interest in a science of history,but in korea folklore is mainly interest in a literature. After 1945 year,historical folklife become extinct with a death of Son-Jin-Tae(孫晉泰). Son-Jin-Tae conduct an studies about history & folklife, but no one suceed to his scolastic tradition. The folklife studies set up a purpose critictical viewpoint of riddance in historic study. The theory of remain cultural viewpoint in folklife studies have many problems. The folklife studies emphasis on the history of the folklife, and long-term history & short-term history. The folklife studies conduct extention of historical-folklife text. The field-work research and ancient document research is main methods of historical-folklife studies. The folkhistory related with ancient document. In the studies of historical-folklife,the phases of the time is very important,and that is realize by reserching ancient document. And,This treatise analysis a little about “The Society for Korean Historical-folklife Studies”(韓國歷史民俗學會) & “The Journal of Historical-folklife”(歷史民俗學).

      • KCI등재

        유희 『物名考』에 수록된 한글대응어의 가치

        박부자(Pooja Park) 연세대학교 국학연구원 2021 동방학지 Vol.196 No.-

        본고는 유희의 『物名考』에 수록된 한글대응어의 가치를 국어사적 가치, 생태사적 가치, 민속사적 가치로 나누어 살펴본 것이다. 국어사적 가치에서는 『物名考』의 이본들이 물명의 공시적 차이를 보여주는 자료이며, 동일 부류의 물명에 있어 수록 어휘가 가장 방대하고 촘촘하게 수록되어 있다는 점을 언급하였다. 생태사적 가치에서는 『物名考』 수록 한글대응어 중 야생식물이나 어류명, 곤충명의 구체적인 예를 통해 생태사의 관점에서 접근해 보아야 할 동식물명을 살펴보았다. 민속사적 가치에서는 어업, 양잠, 매사냥, 대장, 불, 물을 끌어올리는 도구 등 당시 조선의 민속을 살펴볼 수 있는 부류의 어휘가 『物名考』에 수록되어 있음을 지적하고 민속사의 관점에서 접근해 보아야 할 한글대응어를 살펴보았다. 이와 같은 한글대응어를 통해 알 수 있듯이, 유희가 『物名考』를 저술하면서 우리 물명을 고증하여 한글로 표기하였고, 그 결과 동일부류에서의 한글대응어의 규모가 단연 독보적일 뿐 아니라 독자적인 한글대응어가 수록될 수 있었다. 『物名考』에서 유희의 고증이 빛난 것은 한자물명보다 한글대응어로 제시한 우리의 물명에 있었다고 할 수 있으며, 그 결과는 한글을 통해 조선의 지식과 문화를 전승하는 데에 기여했다고 볼 수 있지 않을까 한다. This paper examined the significance of the Korean equivalents found in Yu Hui’s Mulmyeonggo regarding their value in the history of the Korean language, ecological history, and folk history. Regarding the history of the Korean language, this study pointed out how the different versions of Mulmyeonggo show the synchronic difference of the object names, making the book a vast and the most detailed collection of object names. In terms of ecological history, this paper analyzed the names of animals and plants that need to be examined in the context of ecological history among the Korean equivalents found in Mulmyeonggo. Regarding the importance of Mulmyeonggo in folk history, this study found that the book included various vocabulary that sheds light on the folklife in Joseon during the period, including words for the fishery, sericulture, hawking, smithing, and tools for supplying fire or water. As can be seen through the Korean equivalents, Yu Hui researched the name of Korean objects and transcribed them into Korean characters while writing Mulmyeonggo. Yu Hui’s research in Mulmyeonggo was even more remarkable because he transcribed the object names in Korean characters instead of Chinese characters. As a result, Mulmyeonggo contributed to transmitting the knowledge and culture of Joseon through Korean characters.

      • KCI등재

        역사민속학의 학사적 의의와 연구방법론 일고

        주강현(Joo Kang-hyun) 한국역사연구회 2009 역사와 현실 Vol.- No.74

        The folklife studies is different from folklore. This treatise analysis about scolastic Meaning of historical folklife & method of research. The folklife studies is mainly interest in a science of history,but in korea folklore is mainly interest in a literature. After 1945 year, historical folklife become extinct with a death of Son-Jin-Tae (孫晉泰). Son-Jin-Tae conduct an studies about history & folklife, but no one suceed to his scolastic tradition. The folklife studies set up a purpose critictical viewpoint of riddance in historic study. The theory of remain cultural viewpoint in folklife studies have many problems. The folklife studies emphasis on the history of the folklife, and long-term history & short-term history. The folklife studies conduct extention of historical-folklife text. The field-work research and ancient document research is main methods of historical-folklife studies. The folkhistory related with ancient document. In the studies of historical-folklife,the phases of the time is very important,and that is realize by reserching ancient document. And,This treatise analysis a little about “The Society for Korean Historical-folklife Studies”(韓國歷史民俗學會) & “The Journal of Historical-folklife” (歷史民俗學).

      • KCI등재

        러시아 민속학사의 이해를 위한 통합 모델: 전통의 발견과 창조, 그리고 정치적 이용의 변증법

        김상현 한국외국어대학교 국제지역연구센터 2010 국제지역연구 Vol.13 No.4

        Notably, a political regime, a revolutionary and newly established communist one in particular, seeks to build a supra-national state by means of setting forth a new image or folkloric symbols either from the past regime or from the current. For instance, more actively, the Soviet socialist regime employed folkloric materials, motifs, figures and symbols from the fabric of peasant life from the past century, creating instead a totally new folklore. Since the proletarian masses could not have enough cultural legitimacy to create and establish their own cultural values, they instead used the old folklore materials, and presented partially a new mass-lore, namely "fakelore" or "psedofolklore." This articles explores the two centuries' fabric of folklore materials, folklore research, several patterns of employed folklore not only to present political propagandas, but inculcate the Soviet people's devotion to accomplish the Communist party's ideological purpose. At the same time, more importantly, the paper demonstrates how the Russian folklore history fluctuates between two different uprising and downgrading tendencies in which, it can be said, the first half of a century stands for a conservative, coercive and top-down oriented policy drives, while the second develops a totally opposite phenomena encompassing features those such as democratic, upward and freevoice movements either in folklore life or other terrains of the peasant everyday life. 18세기 제정 러시아에서부터 1991년 소비에트 러시아가 붕괴되기까지의 민속학사를 점검하는 본 연구의 초점은 일차적으로 시대 흐름에서 발견되는 18세기 제정 러시아에서부터 1991년 소비에트 러시아가 붕괴되기까지의 민속학사를 점검하는 본 연구의 초점은 일차적으로 시대 흐름에서 발견되는구체적인 특수성과 다양성의 발견에 있다. 아울러 이 글이 중점적으로 살피고 있는 점은 진정한 민속의 부흥과 가짜 민속의 생성이 어떠한 틀 내에서 발현되는지 그 유기적인 메커니즘에 대한 분석이다. 본 연구의 목표로부터 얻어지는 결과는 제정 러시아 시기로부터 일정한 반복적 패턴으로 감지되는 이같은 유기적 일관성이 세기를 관통하며 보수 대 진보, 사이비 민속과 진정한 민속, 강압과 민주주의, 상층 지식인 계층 대 농민 대다수 등과 같은 대립자질의 쌍과 궤를 같이하는 특성을 내포하고 있다는 사실이다.

      • KCI등재

        기산풍속화의 분류에 따른 소장처별 특징과 민속학적 의미

        정형호 국립민속박물관 2020 민속학연구 Vol.0 No.47

        Based on 1089 pieces of Kim Jungeun's genre paintings this paper analyzed and classified Gisan's paintings into 394 types of 9 areas, occupations, social life (punishments, education, transportation, people's life), food, costumes, housing, ritual ceremonies, recreations and games, entertainment, religion, and animals, as its first classification. Paintings are then subdivided into collections with sub-groups of folklore classification to examine characteristics. There are 6 types of seal in Gisan's paintings, and most of the writings or poetries written in all paintings are mostly in Korean, however, some works, collection from Soongsil University and Seoul Museum of History, and very few from Canada collection are written in Chinese characters. To compare with the most prominent genre painters of the Joseon period like Kim Hongdo, Shin Yunbok, Kim Baekgok on the composition and delineation of Gisan genre paintings, Gisan's work exclude or minimize unrelevant surrounding features so that the actual object will be focused. Some tools and sacrificial offerings were depicted in details. When drawing a figure the front view is preferred rather than side and back, which emphasized the realistic view of the objects. Unlike any other genre paintings his work shows rather simple structures, identical face expressions, static movements, but this is because Gisan was producing massive quantities of genre paintings. And some of the materials that should appear in the paintings of the late 19th century are not represented in Gisan's paintings. Features like dure (collective laboring operation), chodong (woodsman), livestock breeding, cooking, thatching, scence of funeral, childbirth and baek-il (100th-day celebration), dol (first year of a child), jwibulnori (traditional game), Gonu game, jangchigi game (Korean polo), biseokchigi game (knocking down stones), jishinbapgi (driving out evil spirits and wishing good fortune), a village guardian and wooden pole of folk belief, statues of gods are hard to find in his paintings. As a male artist who is from the ports of Wonsan he also made a clever choice engaging the customers request, exclusion of other religions and any form of gods in viewing from Christian view, elimination of common customs in general, omission of materials that not covered in the previous model. The reasons for this are the fact that Gisan was originally from Wonsan and was mainly active in major open ports, the limitations of his experience as a man, the selection of materials that meet the viewpoints and needs of foreigners, the omission of the deity of other religions from the Christian viewpoint, and the elimination of generalized and familiar lifestyles. This is due to the exclusion of material not covered in the existing model, and the stages prior to generalization to folk history. The biggest meaning of the folklore history of Gisan genre paintings is that Gisan painted various paintings in a wide range of fields. While the total paintings of genre painters in the late Joseon period only exist in 50 types, Gisan covers a vast field close to 400 types. Also, about 60% of the total paintings are only overlapping one or two works, except for most demanded pieces, which does not seem severe compare to other works. Because Gisan viewed from the perspectives around the world the was able to delineate the everyday lives of underlying culture. It was the opportunity to depict every aspect when drawing to the request of customers. It is a great milestone to the study of Korean folk history Gisan's paintings which shows subjects in a wide range of areas, especially poetries or writings on all paintings. With this regard his paintings are of a great legacy and act as a mediating role between various documents regarding seasonal customs after the late Joseon period and field research data in the 20th century. His vast number of paintings hold mutual relationship with each other, not individually separated. In this...

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