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        근대 일본의 동아시아 역사상(歷史像)의 일면 -구와바라 지쓰조(桑原隲藏 1871-1931)의 동양사요(東洋史要) 를 중심으로-

        김지훈 ( Ji Hoon Kim ) 수선사학회 2016 史林 Vol.0 No.56

        After the Meiji yushin, the Oriental history emerged as the recent-modern history science was created in Japan. As Japan underwent the 1894 (Meiji 27) First Sino-Japanese War and the 1904 Russo-Japanese War, it developed capitalism, and strengthened nationalism in terms of politics and thoughts. In those days, in order to produce and spread the knowledge of the past and present of Asia, Japan introduced the Oriental history science to its school curricula. Japan``s Oriental history science influenced the formation of Japan``s recent-modern history and China``s recent-modern history. Particularly, the Middle School Oriental History by Kuwabara Jitsuzo was translated into the Summary of Oriental History in China, and was used as China``s history textbook, heavily influencing the China``s history education in the early 20th century. Kuwabara``s Middle School Oriental History divided the Oriental history into four periods centered on China, shedding the dynasty- and emperor-oriented chronological description. Also, in its preface, it first explained the human geological environment such as geography and race by taking a description method different from the traditional history description method, influencing the Chinese academia. As the Chinese translated the Middle School Oriental History by Kuwabara into the Summary of Oriental History, they added the foundation-lacking ancient Chinese mythologies to the book. Also, the description of Oriental History by Kuwabara introduced the Mimana Nihonbu theory, etc. then popular in Japan to China, planting a wrong historical perception among Koreans and other neighboring peoples. The Mimana Nihonbu theory, mentioned in The Chronicles of Japan, was introduced to China in the 19th century, and is still described in some university textbooks even today past the 20th century. In the early 20th century, with Chinese``s traditional Chinese mentality still remaining, the Japanese view-based Oriental history science apparently contributed to the Chinese distorting their perception of their neighboring nations.

      • KCI등재후보
      • KCI등재후보

        海洋史觀으로 본 한국 고대사의 발전과 종언

        尹明喆(Youn Myong-Cheol) 한국사연구회 2003 한국사연구 Vol.123 No.-

        The purpose of this research is to interpret the Korean history in terms of the ocean historical view. In particular, it gives a concept of the development process of ancient history under a view named East Asian-Mediterranean-Sea model. In Korean history, Ocean plays critical role to make political, cultural, and economical exchange. Therefore, we need to employ two perspectives that implicate the land and the ocean together based on the geographical conditions such as peninsula, sea and land simultaneously to understand the Korean history appropriately. Accordingly, it is necessary to make a study on ocean history. In order to understand the history concretely and efficiently, and make implication from the historical understanding, we can review the point through constructing the East Asian-Mediterranean-Sea model, based on ocean historical view. With the standpoint on Korean peninsular, East Asian Sea territory is consisted of the eastern sea, tartarian straits, and southern sea, which are located between Korean peninsular and Japanese island. Also, there is an inland sea named yellow sea between China and Korean peninsular. The southern Korean peninsular, Western Japanese Island, and Southern Chinese land, located below Yangtze river, are linked together through a intermediary, named Eastern Chinese sea. Therefore, the East Asia sea territory resemble the Mediterranean Sea in its shape relatively, not perfectly though. With the consideration of various natural environment and oceanic conditions, The East Asian-Mediterranean-Sea is likely to contain similar historical space each other. Most of East Asian tribes crowd round this area, and these people interchange through the sea. Under the cultural diversity in this area, stability culture became to meet the mobility culture. The ocean is located in the core of East Asia, and it has significant meaning and function. Maritime activities were vivacious from Ancient Cho-Sun and Sam-Han era. Go-Cu-Ryo dynasty became a powerful country through both management of the land and expansion of the sea in its peak. It extinguished, however, by the amphibious invasion from the alliance composed of Shin-La dynasty and Dang dynasty of China. Baek-Je dynasty began its maritime activity from its early stage. There are signs that it negotiated with China actively via Northern China and sea, and it advanced into China directly at its heyday. In addition, Baek-Je went to Japanese Island in earnest through the sea. Ga-Ya dynasty inherited maritime tradition from Kun-Han, Jin-Han, and other dynasty, and develops its oceanic culture and made active trade with Japanese Island. Shin-la dynasty entered into Japan in its beginning, and the oceanic culture progressed when the King Jin-Hung secured Kyoung-Ki gulf. After then, Shin-la also used sea to negotiate with Dang dynasty confidentially when it made Baek-Je fall. In seventh century, there was the international war that caused reorganization of power among the east asian dynasties in the East Asian mediterranean sea. As a result of the war, Dang dynasty in China, Shin-La, Bal-Hae in Korean peninsula, and Japan were born. In the process of international war among three nations, the maritime power of each nation played the important role. However, the nations in Korean peninsula were forfeited the roles as balancing political and military power in East Asian Mediterranean region as a result of the war. Therefore, the nations in Korean peninsular turned out to be the circumference nations that were affected by China.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        李丙燾의 韓國古代史研究

        조인성(趙仁成) 한국고대사학회 2009 韓國古代史硏究 Vol.0 No.55

        이 논문은 1920년대 후반부터 1930년대에 걸쳐 이루어진 한사군과 삼한의 역사지리에 대한 이병도의 연구를 검토한 것이다. 그는 한국 근대 실증사학을 대표하는 연구자이므로 이 논문은 한국사학의 성립과정과 배경을 이해하는 데에 도움이 될 수 있다. 이병도는 현도군 최초의 위치가 압록강 중류, 동가강 유역이었으며, 진번군은 황해도와 경기도 북부에 자리하였다고 하는 신 학설을 제기하였다. 진한이 한강 유역을 중심으로 발전했고, 伯濟가 진한 사회를 통합했다는 것, 신라는 변한 소국의 하나였다는 신 학설을 내놓았다. 이병도의 연구는 사료에 대한 철저한 비판과 학설에 대한 엄정한 비판 위에 이루어졌다. 그는 근본 자료에 대한 치밀한 분석, 기왕의 학설이 갖는 문제점에 대한 비판적 태도, 지리적 상태와 당시의 대세에 대한 고려를 중시하였다. 이병도의 역사지리연구는 일본인 학자들의 역사지리연구에서 촉발되었고, 방법론도 그들로부터 영향을 받았다. 그는 白鳥庫吉로부터 津田左右吉, 池內宏 등에게 계승되었던 초기 일본 동양사학의 사료비판ㆍ고전비판의 정신과 방법을 이어 받았다. 뿐만 아니라 이병도는 실학자들의 역사지리연구의 성과를 비판적으로 계승하였다. 이병도의 한사군과 삼한의 역사지리연구는 국가의 성립 문제로까지 확대되었다. 그러므로 그것은 한국고대사를 체계화하는 작업으로서의 의의도 갖는 것이었다.

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