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      • KCI등재후보


        张庆华 중한연구학회 2022 중한연구학간 Vol.0 No.28

        Financial security is an important part of national security. Preventing systemic financial risks is not only the eternal theme of financial work, but also the focus of promoting common prosperity. However, with the continuous development of the financial industry, various financial illegal and criminal activities also affect the national financial security. The identification and prevention of financial crime risks has become the issue that can not be ignored by the financial industry. Through the statistics and analysis of China’s financial crime datas from 1992 to 2022, this paper tries to make a macro profile of the overall situation of China’s financial crimes, and tries to look forward to the development trend of China’s financial crimes from the perspectives of policies, legislations, judicature and law enforcement.

      • KCI등재후보


        李欣丽,두보 중한연구학회 2023 중한연구학간 Vol.0 No.31

        Andong City is the hometown of the traditional culture and the center of national spirit and culture in Korea. As a regional industry with a long history in Andong City, the alcohol industry has been well-Known in Korea, and the alcohol products were also sold to other countries. At present, Andong City claims the characteristics in regional industry, promotes the development of the traditional alcohol industry, and increases the brand construction of the Andong City. The construction of Andong City and the development of the alcohol industry blend here and co-exist harmoniously. The development of alcohol industry has an important influence on the city construction in Andong City, especially the construction of the cultural city. Based on the correlation between the development of Andong cultural city and the alcohol industry, our study believed that the alcohol industry: enriched the life culture and affected the customs in local culture of the Andong City’ people; promoted the multi-dimension of the city development and provided the direction of the multi-angle integrated development in Andong City; and facilitated the spread of the Andong City’s culture and enhanced the influence of the Andong cultural city over the world.

      • KCI등재후보


        吴文善,张雪君 중한연구학회 2023 중한연구학간 Vol.0 No.31

        In the early days of Goryeo, the imperial examination system was implemented, and the cultural and educational system of emphasizing Confucianism and advocating literature was established. In the middle of Goryeo, there was a phenomenon called “Dongpo fever”, which Yi Gyu- bo reported as “Every year is listed, and everyone thinKs there will be another 30 Dongpos this year”. This phenomenon originated from the introduction of Su Shi’s poetry collection in the bacKground of cultural exchanges between Goryeo and Song Dynasties. At the same time, the cultural context formed by the external conditions of the transformation of the literary trend of “Advocating Tang poetry” and “Advocating Song poetry” in Goryeo literary world and the internal drive of the imperial examination to “learning from Su Shi” and “following Su Shi” is an important reason for the emergence and popularity of “Dongpo fever” in Goryeo. Goryeo’s Shi hua(高丽诗话)not only show the record of the phenomenon of “Dongpo fever”, but also provide an important theoretical perspective of the Goryeo literati’s comments on Su Shi’s poems, which helps us to understand and grasp the cultural influence and significance of “Dongpo fever” from another dimensions.

      • KCI등재후보


        邓 欣 중한연구학회 2023 중한연구학간 Vol.0 No.31

        Many new words have emerged during the COVID-19 pandemic, and modern Chinese has ushered in a new wave of word creation. This paper is based on this social bacKground to conduct research. All the related Chinese words that appeared in the three years of the epidemic are called “New crown words (XinGuan words)” in this paper. Its types and characteristics are sorted out and analyzed. At the same time, this thesis will also review the previous four waves of word creation in modern Chinese, and summarize the social significance and necessity of word creation, as well as the reasons for the need for careful word creation. The theories cited in the thesis include Language and Social Structure, mainly around the relationship between the new crown vocabulary and society unfolds. While emphasizing the influence of society on discourse, it also pays attention to the reaction of discourse to society and the impact of new vocabulary on society. At present, there are few social studies and language studies related to it, and this thesis will explore these aspects.

      • KCI등재후보


        于锁清,대운해 중한연구학회 2023 중한연구학간 Vol.0 No.30

        Since the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, the world economy has experienced a significant downturn, with the tourism industry being particularly hard hit. By the end of 2022, China had relaxed its epidemic control measures, and major tourist attractions gradually reopened, with the tourism industry gradually returning to normal. However, the psychological impact of the epidemic on the public is far from over. This article constructs a structural equation model based on the relationship between typical psychological states such as post-epidemic anxiety, tourism confidence, and tourism willingness, and uses a survey questionnaire to verify and analyze the model. The results show that: (1) The potential impact of the post-epidemic era will continue for a long time, and people’s anxiety about health will remain at a high level; (2) The negative impact of economic anxiety undermines tourist confidence and leads to a significant decline in people’s willingness to travel.; (3) Information overload and uncertainty in tourism lead to the emergence of information anxiety, which has a negative impact on individual tourism willingness; (4) In the face of increased uncertainty and risk, tourism confidence can increase tourists’ trust in tourism destinations and service quality, thereby enhancing their tourism willingness. This study not only helps to further clarify the psychological conditions and tourism willingness of the public in the post-epidemic era but also provides a reference for the recovery and revitalization of the tourism industry in the post-epidemic era.

      • KCI등재후보


        杨波,黄秀坤 중한연구학회 2023 중한연구학간 Vol.0 No.30

        使事用典是文学的一种创作方式,也是一种修辞方式。它以一种替代性、浓缩性的叙事,展 现出曲折深婉的抒情特点。《破闲集》是高丽王朝的第一部诗话,其记录的文谈、诗话、诗作等大 量使事用典。这些使事用典来自同一时期或更早的中国古代文学、史学作品。从理论层面上,李 仁老谈到用事修辞论与用事批评论,他的主张与宋诗话一脉相承。反对以李商隐为代表的过多、 过于生僻的用事,但又推崇自然无痕的炼字用典;从实践层面上,《破闲集》中的使事用典可以分 为典出历史史实和典出文学作品两类。其中提到中国历史人物、历史事件共有26则,涉及历史事 件40余起,历史人物30余人。唐宋文学作品和文人轶事更是屡见不鲜。显然,《破闲集》无论是 用事理论还是用事类型及特点都与中国文学有着极为密切的关联。这种关联既体现出中国古代 文学与朝鲜半岛的历史渊源,显现出高丽王朝对当时中国古代文学的历时性和共时性的接受。更 展现出高丽文人在倾慕、学习中希求建立民族特色,媲美进而超越中原文学的时代风尚与民族 意识。

      • KCI등재후보


        牛美英,蒋皓杰 중한연구학회 2023 중한연구학간 Vol.0 No.31

        Interconnections between cities based on various “flows” are promoting the formation of city networks within regions. This paper focuses on the formation of a government procurement city network based on government procurement activities. Using government procurement data from the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region in 2021, this study measures the spatial network structure characteristics of the region from the perspective of government procurement. Based on data such as the scale of government procurement in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region, a spatial network of government procurement activities is constructed to explore the connectivity pattern, network organization, and centrality characteristics of this network. The research indicates that a preliminary network pattern has been formed in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region, and cities have established varying degrees of hierarchical network connections through government procurement activities. Beijing’s government procurement shows strong competitiveness and centrality characteristics. Tianjin, as one of the dual centers in the region, has relatively weaker external radiation function. The inter-provincial connectivity strength in Hebei Province is relatively weak. Finally, suggestions for the development and improvement of government procurement in the Beijing-Tianjin- Hebei region are proposed at the level of government procurement activities. These suggestions include promoting the development of a dual-center spatial structure in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region, focusing on regional sub-centers, enhancing competitiveness in government procurement, and vigorously promoting the growth pole in the southern part of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region.

      • KCI등재후보


        程艳彬 중한연구학회 2023 중한연구학간 Vol.0 No.30

        On the basis of summarizing the basic concept and application status of PBL teaching method, this paper discusses the advantages and feasibility of integrating PBL concept into mixed teaching. Taking the course of “Introduction to Sociology” as an example, this paper introduces the blended teaching practice based on PBL from the three links of preclass preparation, classroom teaching and after-class consolidation, which is the combination of online and offline, the combination of independent inquiry learning and classroom teaching and learning, and the combination of pre-class, in-class and after-class learning. Further, students’ evaluations of teaching effectiveness and teaching methods were analyzed through questionnaires, and 124 undergraduate students in the classes of 2018 and 2019 were divided into control and observation groups according to the time before and after the implementation of the course teaching reform through a non-simultaneous controlled study, and the differences in final assessment scores and regular grades were compared at the end of the course; the qualitative feedback data on the course learning of undergraduate students in the classes of 2020 and 2021 were analyzed.The results show that the teaching model can improve independent and inquiry learning ability for students with good self-regulation, and can improve their final assessment performance for students with average performance and below.

      • KCI등재후보


        唐卓群,韩知延 중한연구학회 2023 중한연구학간 Vol.0 No.32

        With the rapid advancement of technology,traditional printed books are gradually being supplanted by digitized content,among which audio reading apps have increasingly become the preferred choice for many.In particular,"WeChat Audiobook"stands out,leveraging its unique features and an extensive content library to offer the public a distinctive platform for knowledge and entertainment.This study delves deeply into the market position and popularity of"WeChat Audiobook",with a specific focus on user demographics,their needs,and feedback on the app.While the results indicate that"WeChat Audiobook"has achieved commendable success in the market, it also faces evident challenges.For instance, its profit model overly relies on a singular source,leading to a vulnerable business framework. Additionally, inconsistent content quality has caused a decline in user trust.Moreover,with the surge of similar apps in the market,"WeChat Audiobook"is confronted with significant competitive pressure. Further, the app lacks in quantity and quality when it comes to foreign language audiobooks,limiting its potential for global market expansion.To address these issues, strategic adjustments should be made in the future development of"WeChat Audiobook"to better cater to user demands and ensure its competitive edge in the market.

      • KCI등재후보


        李卓,郑殿辉 중한연구학회 2023 중한연구학간 Vol.0 No.31

        The continuous exploration of human beings in the field of space provides creative materials and inspiration for space science fiction films. The United States space industry developed earlier and their film production capacity is much higher, so it has taKen the lead in creating many classic space science fiction movies for a long time, some outstanding space sci-fi movies such as “The Martian”, “Interstellar” and so on, which has become the pioneer and model of space science fiction films. “The Wandering Earth” and “Space Sweepers”, as the opening worKs of space science fiction films in China and South Korea respectively, have been widely reviewed after their spread in China and overseas. However, due to the explicit or implicit differences in the cultural bacKgrounds and values of different countries, the phenomenon of “cultural discount” appears in the process of cross-cultural communication of the two films. By collecting and sorting out the comments of Chinese and South Korean audiences on the two films, this paper analyzes the specific manifestations of the phenomenon of “cultural discount” during the dissemination of the two films, and analyzes the causes from the perspective of “cultural iceberg theory”, aiming to put forward suggestions for the dissemination of space science fiction films in China and South Korea.

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