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      • Taxonomic Study of Spilomelinae (Lepidoptera, Pyraloidea, Crambidae) in Cambodia

        Mu-Jie Qi,Yong-Don Ju,Xuan-Vi Le,Bo-Sun Park,Hee-Jo Lee,Min-Seon Kim,Yang-Seop Bae 한국응용곤충학회 2012 한국응용곤충학회 학술대회논문집 Vol.2012 No.05

        As one of the subfamilies of Crambidae, Spilomelinae comprises about 3767 species in the world (Solis and Maes, 2002), and this subfamily is characterized by the following characteristics: Chaetosema absent, antenna filiform, labial palpus and proboscis well developed, forewing with R3 and R4 stalk at base, or R2, R3 and R4 stalked, but R5 single, 2A and 1A form a loop; hindwing Sc+R1 stalked with Rs; male genitalia with gnathos absent or rudimentary, but uncus well developed, shape various. Cambodia is a country that bordered by Thailand, Laos, Vietnam and Gulf of Thailand in Southeast Asia. The total area is 181,035 km2. It is also a country with high biodiversity, of them, 212 mammal species, 536 bird species, 240 reptile species, 850 freshwater fish species, and 435 marine fish species, but only a few studies about the fauna of Lepidoptera there. Accordingly, to survey the diversity of Lepidoptera is of great significance for systematic study in Cambodia. In this research, we started our survey from 2009, up to now, we got numerous Pyraloidea from Cambodia, in this study, we identified 48 species belonging to 36 genera of Spilomelinae, most of them are reported for the first time in Cambodia, and some specimen could not be identified which we will report in future. All the materials examined come from the collection of University of Incheon.

      • Taxonomic Study of Phycitinae (Lepidoptera, Pyraloidea, Pyralidae) in Jilin Province, China

        Mu-Jie Qi,Xuan-Vi Le,Yong-Don Ju,Bayarsaikhan Ulziijargal,Bo-Sun Park,Hee-Jo Lee,Min-Seon Kim,Sol-moon Na,Jae-won Kim,Yang-Seop Bae 한국응용곤충학회 2013 한국응용곤충학회 학술대회논문집 Vol.2013 No.04

        Phycitinae is one of the subfamilies of Pyralidae, about 4000 phycitinae species in the world (Solis and Mitter 1992), and around 300 species of 110 genera have been reported in China (Li and Ren 2005). The subfamily of Phycitinae is characterized by the following characteristics: both wings are long and narrow, chaetosema present; forewing with 11 veins or less, R3 and R4 stalked at base or fused completely, both male and female with only one frenulum; gnathos rod-shaped or coniform; valva with costa well developed, transtilla free or connected at top, aedeagus cylindrical, male usually with culcita; ductus bursae from corpus bursae. The larvae of phycitinae are leafrollers, leafminers or products pests. Their distribution is throughout the world (Munroe and Solis, 1999). As a NE region, Jilin province lies in the center of northeast part of China, borders by North Korea, Far East of Russia, Heilongjiang, Liaoning and Inner Mongolia. Until now, only 20 species of phycitinae have been reported from here, accordingly, the faunistic inventory is by no means completed, and to survey the diversity of phycitinae is significant for systematic study in China. In this study, we identified 35 species belonging to 19 genera, of them, 2 species are reported for the first time in China, and 12 species are newly reported from Jilin Province. The materials examined come from the collection of Incheon National University and Northeast Forestry University.

      • Taxonomic Notes of Pyralinae (Lepidoptera, Pyraloidea, Pyralidae) in NE China

        Mu-Jie Qi,Yong-Don Ju,Xuan-Vi Le,Bo-Sun Park,Hee-Jo Lee,Min-Seon Kim,Yang-Seop Bae 한국응용곤충학회 2012 한국응용곤충학회 학술대회논문집 Vol.2012 No.10

        Pyralinae are one of the largest subfamilies belonging to Pyralidae, which comprises about 900 species of 217 genera in the world, and 150 species belonging to 32 genera are recorded in China (Li houhun, 2009). This subfamily are characterized by the following characteristics: head rounded, chaetosemata present, proboscis developed. Labial palpus porrect or upturned. Maxillary palpus small. Forewing colorful, from narrow to wide, antemedial line and postmedial line present and distinct. Hindwing color simple. Male genitalia with broad uncus, gnathos developed, slim, tip of gnathos sharp or hooked; tegument sclerotized, valve simple with various shape; juxta elliptical or rounded, aedeagus slender, cornutus present or absent. Female genitalia with small papillae anales, corpus bursae oval, signum present or absent. Liaoning Province is located in the southern part of NE China, the area of Liaoning is 146,900 km² and it is bounded on the south by the Yellow sea, on the southeast by North Korea, on the north by Jilin Province, and on the west by Inner Mongolia and Hebei Province. The mean annual temperature is 7-11℃, the mean annual precipitation is 600-1100 mm in northeast part, but 400 mm in west part. Liaoning Province is an important area for forest and agriculture, accordingly, to survey the diversity of Pyralinae is of great significance for systematic study in Liaoning Province. In this study, our materials examined come from the collection of Northeast forestry University from 2006-2010, and the collection of Incheon University from 2010-2012. Finally, we identified 11 species belonging to 8 genera, of them, 1 species are the first time reported in China, and 6 speices are the first time reported in Liaoning Province.

      • 인천 덕적군도 도서지역의 곤충 다양성

        박보선,김용기,주영돈,Le Xuan Vi,Qi Mu Jie,배양섭 한국응용곤충학회 2011 한국응용곤충학회 학술대회논문집 Vol.2011 No.10

        덕적군도는 인천시 옹진군 서남쪽 약 82km 지점에 있는 덕적도를 비롯한 소야도, 문갑도, 선갑도, 선미도, 백아도, 굴업도, 울도 등으로 구성되어 있으며, 대체로 해안선의 굴곡이 심하고 곳곳에 소만입이 발달해 있다. 도서생물 지리학적으로 섬은 육지와 전혀 다른 혹은 독립된 생태적 특징을 가진다. 도서지역에서는 한정된 공간과 먹이자원의 한계가 있는 특성상, 종의 침입에 대한 저항성이 내륙보다 상대적으로 낮기 때문에 안정화 단계의 종 군집이 유지되지 않고, 여러 종들이 불안정한 군집을 이루며, 정착과 소멸을 반복하는 등의 변화가 심한 구조를 갖는 과정에서 종 다양성이 높게 나타나는 경향(Webb and Vermaat, 1990)이 있다. 본 연구는 덕적군도 도서지역의 곤충상을 파악하여 덕적군도 주변 섬들의 곤충상 비교를 통해, 도서지역의 곤충 다양성에 대한 기초자료를 제공하고, 덕적군도의 주요도서인 백아도, 굴업도, 지도 및 선갑도의 곤충상을 판단하여 보다 객관적인 자료를 제시하는데 목적이 있다. 조사는 총 4회에 걸쳐 덕적군도 도서를 대상으로 정량조사 및 정성조사를 병행 실시하였다. 조사결과 덕적군도 내의 4개 도서에서 총 11목 71과 272종이 확인되었다. 조사 기간이 여름에만 한해 있던 것을 감안하면 실제 서식종은 더 많을 것으로 판단된다. 법적 보호종은 굴업도에서 멸종위기야생동물II급에 해당하는 애기뿔소똥구리와 왕은점표범나비 2종이 확인되었으며, 백아도에서 멸종위기 야생동물II급에 해당하는 물장군이 확인되어 총 3종이 확인되었다.

      • 인공야간조명의 곤충 유인특성과 생태영향

        이희조,김용기,주영돈,박보선,김민선,Le Xuan Vi,Qi Mu-jie,Ulziijargal Bayarsaikhan,배양섭 한국응용곤충학회 2012 한국응용곤충학회 학술대회논문집 Vol.2012 No.05

        인공야간조명에 유인된 곤충은 대부분 그대로 죽게 되고, 생태계 내에서 1차 또는 2차 소비자의 역할을 하는 곤충의 개체군 감소로 인한 생태계 피해는 매우 심각하다고 할 수 있다. 본 연구를 통해 각 조명의 곤충 유인특성을 알아내고 주변생태에 영향을 덜 미치는 조명을 제안하고자 한다. 조사는 2011년 6월에서 8월에 걸쳐 인공야간조명과 이격된 총 5곳의 산지에서 30W의 백열등, 형광등, 할로겐등, 삼파장등, LED등을 이용한 첫 번째 유인실험을 5회 반복 실시하였고, 50W의 수은등, 나트륨등, 메탈할라이드등을 이용한 두 번째 유인실험을 총 6회 반복 실시하였다. 전등 주변 가로 세로 1m X 1m에서 유인된 곤충을 전량 채집하여 동정 및 종수와 개체수를 계수하였다. 군집분석에는 우점도, 균등도, 풍부도, 다양도를 이용하였으며, 사용된 모든 조명에 대해서는 조도와 UV-A량을 측정하였다. 실험결과 인공조명의 특성에 따른 곤충유인특성을 분석해 보면 첫 번째 실험은 조도는 가장 낮지만 UV-A의 측정값이 가장 큰 형광등에서 가장 많은 수의 곤충이 유인되었으며, 조도는 가장 높지만 UV-A의 측정값이 0인 LED등에서 현저하게 적은 수의 곤충이 유인 되었다. 다양도와 풍부도는 UV-A 그래프와 유사한 형태이고 형광등에서 가장 높고 LED에서 가장 낮았으며, 균등도에는 큰 차이가 없었다. 두 번째 실험에서 수은등이나 메탈할라이드등의 곤충유인율과 다양도, 풍부도, 균등도에는 큰 차이가 없으며, 조도가 가장 높지만 UV-A의 측정값이 현저히 작은 나트륨에서 적은 유인률과 낮은 다양도, 풍부도, 균등도를 나타냈다. 결론적으로 인공야간조명은 생태계에 악영향을 끼치며, 설치해야하는 경우 LED등이나 나트륨등과 같이 동일한 와트(W)내에서 조도는 밝지만 UV-A 방출량이 적은 조명을 제안한다.

      • SCISCIE

        Maximizing Property Tuning of Phosphorus Corrole Photocatalysts through a Trifluoromethylation Approach

        Zhan, Xuan,Teplitzky, Peter,Diskin-Posner, Yael,Sundararajan, Mahesh,Ullah, Zakir,Chen, Qiu-Cheng,Shimon, Linda J. W.,Saltsman, Irena,Mahammed, Atif,Kosa, Monica,Baik, Mu-Hyun,Churchill, David G.,Gros ACS AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY 2019 Inorganic Chemistry Vol.58 No.9

        <P>An eight-member series of CF<SUB>3</SUB>-substituted difluorophosphorus corroles was prepared for establishing a structure-activity profile of these high-potential photosensitizers. It consisted of preparing all four possible isomers of the monosubstituted corrole and complexes with 2-, 3-, 4-, and 5-CF<SUB>3</SUB> groups on the macrocycle’s periphery. The synthetic pathway to these CF<SUB>3</SUB>-substituted derivatives, beginning with (<B>tpfc</B>)<B>PF</B><SUB><B>2</B></SUB>, involves two different initial routes: (i) direct electrophilic CF<SUB>3</SUB> incorporation using FSO<SUB>2</SUB>CF<SUB>2</SUB>CO<SUB>2</SUB>Me and copper iodide, or (ii) bromination to achieve the 2,3,8,17,18-pentabrominated compound using excess bromine in methanol. Crystallographic investigations revealed that distortion of the original planar macrocycle is evident even in the monosubstituted case and that it becomes truly severe for the penta-CF<SUB>3</SUB>-substituted derivative <B>5</B>. There is a shift in redox potentials of about 193 mV per -CF<SUB>3</SUB> group, which decreases to only 120 mV for the fifth one in <B>5</B>. Differences in the electronic spectra suggest that the Gouterman four orbital model decreases in relevance upon gradual -CF<SUB>3</SUB> substitution, a conclusion that was corroborated by DFT calculations. The very significant energy lowering of the frontier orbitals suggested that photoexcitation should lead to a highly oxidizing photocatalyst. This hypothesis was proven true by finding that the most synthetically accessible CF<SUB>3</SUB>-substituted derivative is an excellent catalyst for the photoinduced conversion of bromide to bromine (phenol, toluene, and benzene assay).</P><P>CF<SUB>3</SUB>-substituted difluorophosphorus corroles were synthesized and studied by CV, NMR spectroscopy, crystallography, and DFT. All four possible isomers of the monosubstituted corrole and complexes with 2-, 3-, 4-, and 5-CF<SUB>3</SUB> groups on the macrocycle’s periphery were prepared. The sterical and electronic role of the -CF<SUB>3</SUB> unit became evident through the study of the 5-CF<SUB>3</SUB> species which was found to be an excellent bromide photocatalyst (photoxidation with phenol, toluene, and benzene assays).</P> [FIG OMISSION]</BR>


        FPGA Design and Implementation of a Real-Time Stereo Vision System

        Seunghun Jin,Junguk Cho,Xuan Dai Pham,Kyoung Mu Lee,Sung-Kee Park,Munsang Kim,Jae Wook Jeon IEEE 2010 IEEE transactions on circuits and systems for vide Vol.20 No.1

        <P>Stereo vision is a well-known ranging method because it resembles the basic mechanism of the human eye. However, the computational complexity and large amount of data access make real-time processing of stereo vision challenging because of the inherent instruction cycle delay within conventional computers. In order to solve this problem, the past 20 years of research have focused on the use of dedicated hardware architecture for stereo vision. This paper proposes a fully pipelined stereo vision system providing a dense disparity image with additional sub-pixel accuracy in real-time. The entire stereo vision process, such as rectification, stereo matching, and post-processing, is realized using a single field programmable gate array (FPGA) without the necessity of any external devices. The hardware implementation is more than 230 times faster when compared to a software program operating on a conventional computer, and shows stronger performance over previous hardware-related studies.</P>

      • Shear resistance of steel–concrete–steel deep beams with bidirectional webs

        Yu-Tao Guo,Xin Nie,Jiansheng Fan,Mu-Xuan Tao 국제구조공학회 2022 Steel and Composite Structures, An International J Vol.42 No.3

        Steel–concrete–steel composite structures with bidirectional webs (SCSBWs) are used in large-scale projects and exhibit good mechanical performances and constructional efficiency. The shear behaviors of SCSBW deep beam members in key joints or in locations subjected to concentrated forces are of concern in design. To address this issue, experimental program is investigated to examine the deep-beam shear behaviors of SCSBWs, in which the cracking process and force transfer mechanism are revealed. Compared with the previously proposed truss model, it is found that a strut-and-tie model is more suitable for describing the shear mechanism of SCSBW deep beams with a short span and sparse transverse webs. According to the experimental analyses, a new model is proposed to predict the shear capacities of SCSBW deep beams. This model uses strut-and-tie concept and introduces web shear and dowel action to consider the coupled multi mechanisms. A stress decomposition method is used to distinguish the contributions of different shear-transferring paths. Based on case studies, a simplified model is further developed, and the explicit solution is derived for design efficiency. The proposed models are verified using experimental data, which are proven to have good accuracy and efficiency and to be suitable for practical application.

      • DNA Methylation in Peripheral Blood: A Potential Biomarker for Cancer Molecular Epidemiology

        Li, Lian,Choi, Ji-Yeob,Lee, Kyoung-Mu,Sung, Hyuna,Park, Sue K.,Oze, Isao,Pan, Kai-Feng,You, Wei-Cheng,Chen, Ying-Xuan,Fang, Jing-Yuan,Matsuo, Keitaro,Kim, Woo Ho,Yuasa, Yasuhito,Kang, Daehee Japan Epidemiological Association 2012 Journal of epidemiology Vol.22 No.5

        <P>Aberrant DNA methylation is associated with cancer development and progression. There are several types of specimens from which DNA methylation pattern can be measured and evaluated as an indicator of disease status (from normal biological process to pathologic condition) and even of pharmacologic response to therapy. Blood-based specimens such as cell-free circulating nucleic acid and DNA extracted from leukocytes in peripheral blood may be a potential source of noninvasive cancer biomarkers. In this article, we describe the characteristics of blood-based DNA methylation from different biological sources, detection methods, and the factors affecting DNA methylation. We provide a comprehensive literature review of blood-based DNA methylation as a cancer biomarker and focus on the study of DNA methylation using peripheral blood leukocytes. Although DNA methylation patterns measured in peripheral blood have great potential to be useful and informative biomarkers of cancer risk and prognosis, large systematic and unbiased prospective studies that consider biological plausibility and data analysis issues will be needed in order to develop a clinically feasible blood-based assay.</P>

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