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      • KCI등재

        Excessive mechanical strain accelerates intervertebral disc degeneration by disrupting intrinsic circadian rhythm

        Ding Sheng-Long,Zhang Tai-Wei,Zhang Qi-Chen,Ding Wang,Li Ze-Fang,Han Guan-Jie,Bai Jin-Song,Li Xi-Lei,Dong Jian,Wang Hui-Ren,Jiang Li-Bo 생화학분자생물학회 2021 Experimental and molecular medicine Vol.53 No.-

        Night shift workers with disordered rhythmic mechanical loading are more prone to intervertebral disc degeneration (IDD). Our results showed that circadian rhythm (CR) was dampened in degenerated and aged NP cells. Long-term environmental CR disruption promoted IDD in rats. Excessive mechanical strain disrupted the CR and inhibited the expression of core clock proteins. The inhibitory effect of mechanical loading on the expression of extracellular matrix genes could be reversed by BMAL1 overexpression in NP cells. The Rho/ROCK pathway was demonstrated to mediate the effect of mechanical stimulation on CR. Prolonged mechanical loading for 12 months affected intrinsic CR genes and induced IDD in a model of upright posture in a normal environment. Unexpectedly, mechanical loading further accelerated the IDD in an Light-Dark (LD) cycle-disrupted environment. These results indicated that intrinsic CR disruption might be a mechanism involved in overloading-induced IDD and a potential drug target for night shift workers.

      • KCI등재

        Influence of temperature on the development, reproduction, and life table of Calliptamus italicus (L.) (Orthoptera: Acridoidea)

        Jin-Long Ren,Xiongbing Tu,Jing Ge,Li Zhao,Zehua Zhang 한국응용곤충학회 2016 Journal of Asia-Pacific Entomology Vol.19 No.1

        Calliptamus italicus is a migratory species of grasshopper that can cause serious damage to grasslands in Xinjiang, China. In this study,we examined the effects of different temperatures (23, 26, 29, 32, and 35 °C) on the lifecycle and life table parameters. The results showed that temperature strongly influences the growth and development of C. italicus. At temperatures ranging from 23 to 35 °C, the development time was negatively linearly related to temperature (P b 0.01). The time of development from an egg to an adult (pre-oviposition) ranged from86.8 d at 26 °C to 40.6 d at 35 °C, and no oviposition occurred at 23 °C. An average of 687.1 degree-days was required for complete development to occur above the lower threshold temperature (18.3 °C). Egg hatching rates and nymph and pre-adult survival rates were lowest at 23 °C (95.6%, 72.6%, and 0%, respectively) and highest at 32 °C (97.8%, 86.2%, and 88.7%, respectively). The mean total fecundity ranged from 41 eggs/female at 26 °C to 55 eggs/female at 32 °C. The sex ratio (% females) ranged from30 to 52%. The intrinsic rate of population increase (rm) at the different temperatures ranged from 0.0020 to 0.0447 d−1, with the highest value recorded at 32 °C. These results indicate that temperature significantly affects the biology of C. italicus and that the optimal temperature range for its development is 26–32 °C.

      • KCI등재

        Flavihumibacter profundi sp. nov., isolated from eutrophic freshwater sediment

        Ting-Ting Ren,Chunzhi Jin,Feng-Jie Jin,Taihua Li,김창진,오희목,이형관,Long Jin 한국미생물학회 2018 The journal of microbiology Vol.56 No.7

        A Gram-stain-positive, aerobic, non-motile, non-spore-forming, and rod-shaped bacterium, designated strain CHu64- 6-1T, was isolated from a 67-cm-long sediment core collected from the Daechung Reservoir at a water depth of 17-m in Daejeon, Republic of Korea. Comparative 16S rRNA gene sequence studies placed the new isolate in the class Sphingobacteriia, and the isolate is notably most closely related to Flavihumibacter sediminis CJ663T (98.1% similarity), Flavihumibacter solisilvae 3-3T (97.8%), Flavihumibacter petaseus T41T (97.5%), Flavihumibacter cheonanensis WS16T (97.4%), and Flavihumibacter stibioxidans YS-17T (97.2%). The cells of strain CHu64-6-1T formed yellow colonies on R2A agar and contained MK-7 as the only menaquinone, phosphatidylethanolamine, an unidentified phospholipid, and two unidentified aminolipids as the major polar lipids, and C15:0 iso, C17:0 iso 3-OH, C15:1 iso G, and C16:1 ω5c as the major fatty acids (> 5%). The DNA G + C content of the genome was determined to be 46.5 mol%. The DNA-DNA hybridization values of strain CHu64-6-1T with F. sediminis CJ663T, F. solisilvae 3-3T, F. petaseus T41T, F. cheonanensis WS16T, and F. stibioxidans YS-17T were 12.4–33.2%. Based on the combined genotypic and phenotypic data, we propose that strain CHu64-6-1T represents a novel species of the genus Flavihumibacter, for which the name Flavihumibacter profundi sp. nov. is proposed. The type strain is CHu64-6-1T (= KCTC 62290T = CCTCC AB 2018060T).

      • 林蛙(Rana temporaria chinensis David) 皮膚細胞의 徵細構造

        金龍勳,文仁祜,嚴昌國,盧鏞泰,朴仁峰 建國大學校基礎科學硏究所 1992 理學論集 Vol.17 No.-

        中國 長白山에서 採集된 林蛙(Rana temporaria chinensis David)의 背部와 腹部 皮膚 組織을 pH 7.2에서 0.1M phosphate buffer로 緩衝시킨 2.5% glutaraldehyde와 2% osmium tetroxide 에 前.後 固定하여,各級 ethyl alcohol과 acetone으로 脫水, Epon 812 misture에 包埋하여 LKB ultram-icrotome으로 超薄切片을 만들어 uranyl acetate와 lead citrate,로 染色하여 JEM 100 CX-Ⅱ 電子顯微鏡으로 觀察하여 다음과 같은 結果를 얻었다. 1. 林蛙의 皮膚는 多層으로 種子層, 棘細胞層,顆粒層 및 角質層으로 構成되었는데 角質層은 완전히 角質化한 細胞와 semi-cornified cell도 있다. 2. 種子層 細胞는 背部와 腹部 공히 細胞質 대부분을 차지하는 rough endoplasmic reticulum이 他層과 區分되며, mitochondria,Golgi complex, 電子密度를 달리하는 顆粒 等이 發達하였으며 密集된 microvilli 發達하였다. 3. 棘細胞層은 腹部와 背部가 공히 多角形의 細胞로 이루어졌으며 他層에 비하여 desmosome 이 發達하였고 細胞質 周邊部에는 tonofibril이 있다. 背部細胞는 腹部 棘細胞보다 많은 顆粒을 나타낸다. 4. 顆粒層은 內外 二層으로 構成되었고, 대부분의 細胞質들은 電子密度가 비슷하나,內層에서 間歇的으로 電子密度가 낮은 細胞가 많이 있다. 5. 角質層은 角質細胞 사이에 微細管이 zig zag로 顆粒層까지 連結하였고 角質層에는 semi-cornified cell이 있다. 角質細胞質에는 microfilament, 細胞顆粒으로 차 있으며 멜라닌顆粒이 觀察된다. The authors observed the ultrastructure of the dorsal and ventral skin of the frog (Rana temporaria chinensis David)during the active phases. The specimens from the skin were fixed in 2.5% glutaraldehyde-paraformadehyde fixative in 0.1M phosphate buffer at pH 7.2 prior to fixation in 2% osmium tetroxide, dehydrated in graded ethyl alcohol and acetone, embedded in Epon 812 mixture,and sectioned with LKB-Ultramicrotome. The ultrathin section were contrasted with uranyl acetate and lead citrate and observed with a JEOL-100cx-Ⅱelectron microscope. The results were as follows. 1. Frog epidermis consisted stratified epithelium and was divided into four strata; stratum germinativum,stratum spinosum,stratum granulosum and stratum corneum. 2. Stratum germinativum: In the dorsal and ventral, the cells were columnar in form, rough endoplasmic reticula were specially developed in the whole cytoplasm and mitochondria,Golgi complex and granules were well developed in the cytoplasm. Many microvilli were ag-gregated densely in the intercellular space. 3. Stratum spinosum,:In the dorsal and ventral, the cells were polygonal in form, and desmosome and tonofibrils were well developed in the pericytoplasm. In the dorsal cells were many granules more than the ventral cells. 4. Stratum granulosum: In the dorsal and ventral. it consisted of the inner and outer layers with granules of the same electron density, but intermittently in the inner layer with lower electron density. 5. Stratum corneum: In the dorsal and ventral. it was separated from the underling outer stratum granulosum by the subcorneal space and in the layers with zigzag channel to the un-derling outer stratum granulosum. Semi-cornifid and conified cell were squamous in form.

      • 林蛙(Rana temporaria chinesis David) 皮膚 色素細胞의 徵細構造

        金龍勳,文仁祜,嚴昌國,盧鏞泰,朴仁峰 建國大學校基礎科學硏究所 1992 理學論集 Vol.17 No.-

        林蛙의 皮膚色素胞인 멜라닌色素胞,黃色素胞 및 紅色素胞를 電子顯微鏡으로 觀察하여 다음과 같은 結果를 얻었다. 멜라닌色素胞 : 멜라닌色素胞의 全 細胞質에는 電子密度가 같은 멜라닌 色素顆粒으로 충만되어 있으며, 核은 細胞質 한쪽으로 치우쳤고 楕圓形이거나 不定形이다. 대부분의 멜라닌色素胞는 細胞質突起를 가지며 黃色素胞와 紅色素胞 사이에 나타나는 경우가 많았다. 黃色素胞 : 黃色素胞는 다수의 pterinosome과 소수의 carotenoid vesicle의 色素小器官으로 構成되었다. 그중 pterinosomem 은 小囊 속의 內容物質에 따라, 內容物質이 없는 것을 第1型 pterinosome, 小囊 속에 纖維質이 散在한 것을 第 2 型 pterinosome. 小囊 속에 소수의 lamel-lae層을 形成한 것을 第 3 型 pterinosome,그리고 小囊 속에 다수의 lamellae를 形成한 것을 第 4 型 pterinosome으로 區別.觀察하였다. 紅色素胞 : 紅色素胞는 長方形 等 不定形의 反射小板으로 채워져 있다. 黃色素胞와 멜라닌色素胞,멜라닌色素胞와 멜라닌色素胞 사이 等에 連接하였다. The ultrastructures of the pigment cells in the Rana temporaria chinensis dorsal skin were observed with electron microscope. The results of the fine structure in the melanophores,xanthophores and iridophores were as follow: Melanophores:Epidermal melanophores were filled with melanin granules which ap-peared as the same electron density. A few melanin granules were observed in a cornified cell. Dermal melanophores contained numerous melanin granules extended up the lateral sides of the xanthophores and iridophores. Xanthophores:Xanthophores were filled with pterinosomes and carotenoid vesicles. Type I pterinosomes had a clear limiting membrane. Type Ⅱ pterinosomes had the inner fibrous structure. Type Ⅲ pterinosomes were charavterized by a few superficial lamellae and Type Ⅳ pterinosomes by multiple concentric lamellae. Iridophores:Iridophores were filled with reflective platelets,each of which is rectangle and shapelessness.

      • KCI등재

        Lycorine: A Potential Broad-Spectrum Agent Against Crop Pathogenic Fungi

        ( Jin Wen Shen ),( Yuan Ruan ),( Wei Ren ),( Bing Ji Ma ),( Xiao Long Wang ),( Chun Feng Zheng ) 한국미생물 · 생명공학회 2014 Journal of microbiology and biotechnology Vol.24 No.3

        A screening test showed that lycorine exhibited significant antifungal activity against 24 pathogenic crop fungi at concentrations of 500μg/ml and 100μg/ml, respectively. Fusarium graminearum was selected for antifungal mechanism studies by observing its mycelial morphology and investigating the variations in its conductivity. In addition, the substance absorption and metabolism of F. graminearum were explored. The mechanism was revealed as being one by which lycorine destroyed the cellular membrane and further influenced substance absorption and cell metabolism.

      • Research on the Automatic Assessment System for the Ship Handling Simulator

        De-Long Wang,Hong-Xiang Ren,Jin-Gang Yin 국제이네비해양경제학회 2023 International Journal of e-Navigation and Maritime Vol.20 No.-

        At present, the assessment for the crew training using the ship handling simulator is completed by the assessor, which is subjective and difficult to unify the assessment criteria. Under this assessment mode, the assessor will have a great work intensity. So it is necessary to design and develop the automatic assessment system for the ship handling simulator. This paper introduces the automatic assessment system developed by Dalian Maritime University (shorted for DMU), which includes the assessment method, system architecture and implementation. A selected example of applications is described.

      • KCI등재

        Identification and expression analysis of grape LRK10L-2 genes during grape fruit development

        Ma Jin-Ping,Yin Xue-Ren,Wei Tong-Lu,Liu Hai-Nan,Pei Mao-Song,Yang Sheng-Di,Jin Hui-Ying,He Guang-Qi,Guo Da-Long 한국식물생명공학회 2022 Plant biotechnology reports Vol.16 No.1

        LRK10L-2 is known to be related to the plant disease response, little information is available about the relationship of LRK10L-2 and fruit ripening. The protein physicochemical properties, conserved domains, gene structures, subcellular locali- zation, expression patterns during grape fruit development and promoter activity of the members of grape LRK10L-2 gene family were explored in this study. A total of 109 LRK10L-2 family gene members were identified, and mainly distributed on chromosome 16. Almost all of them were located in the plasma membrane. Most of the LRK10L-2 genes contain four or five motifs, ranging from 0 to 5 introns and have the cis-acting elements related to hormones in their promoter regions. There were 20 pairs of tandem duplicates and 293 pairs of segmental duplication in LRK10L-2 family genes. It was proved that the expression of LRK10L-2 gene varied at the different fruit development stages of 'Kyoho' and its early-ripening bud mutant, ‘Fengzao’. The subcellular localization of VIT_16s0098g00160 and VIT_16s0098g00400 were in the plasma membrane, and had a significant enrichment of the GUS signal in N.benthamiana leaves for the promoter. The results lay a solid basis for the further functional researches of the LRK10L-2 genes for grape fruit ripening.

      • KCI등재

        A review of genus Grahamomyia Alexander, 1935 (Diptera, Limoniidae)

        Zhang Bing,Ren Jin-Long,Yang Qi-Cheng,Yang Ding 한국응용곤충학회 2021 Journal of Asia-Pacific Entomology Vol.24 No.3

        Only one species of the genus Grahamomyia Alexander, 1935 was previously known from the world. Here one new species, Grahamomyia bilobula sp. nov., is reported from China. Grahamomyia bicellula Alexander, 1935 is redescribed and illustrated. A key to the known species of Grahamomyia is presented. LSID: urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:A18E32D8-B017-46FF-B05B-B664AF988F1B.

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