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      • KCI등재

        면접조사를 통한 초등학생의 영양교육 실태 및 실천도 조사

        오유진,이영미,김정현,안홍석,김정원,박혜련,서정숙,김경원,권오란,박혜경,이은주,성현이 대한지역사회영양학회 2008 대한지역사회영양학회지 Vol.13 No.4

        This study investigated the experience and practice of elementary school students on nutrition education. The data were collected from 217 male and female students attending 5-6th grade elementary schools in Seoul and Kyunggi-Do from March to June 2007, interviewing face to face by a nutrition teacher and 3 interns of a nutrition teacher. The results were as follows: 86.5% of the subjects learned about ‘Table etiquette’, ‘Reasons for eating fruits and vegetables’ (78.7%), ‘Food waste and environment’ (72.3%), ‘Healthy snacks’ (55.7%), ‘Food sanitation’ (52.3%), ‘Food culture of foreign countries’ (48.1%). Nutrition education experience was significantly different by gender. A total of 43.5% boys responded that they never learned about ‘basic food preperation’ (p < 0.01). They had learned ‘Nutrients for body’ and ‘Food waste and environment’ in school, ‘Healthy weight loss’, ‘Food culture of foreign countries’, ‘Food circulation’ on television, Most content (‘Table etiquette’, ‘Simple cooking’, ‘Food sanitati n’, ‘Eating behaviors for health’, ‘Reasons for eating fruits and vegetables’, ‘Healthy snacks’) was learned from parents. The practice after nutrition education was higher in ‘Table etiquette’ (2.14), ‘Eating fruits and vegetables’ (2.07) than others compared with education experience. The most reason of non-practice on nutrition information was ‘Troublesome’. In ‘Nutrients for body’, a boy answered ‘Difficult for practice’ 20.0%, a girl answered ‘Difficult to understand’ 32.6%, showing a significant difference between the gender groups (p < 0.001). They remembered the ‘Nutrients for body’ (49.6%), ‘Food sanitation’ (44.5%) because of ‘important content’,‘Basic food preparation’ (40.6%), ‘Food culture of foreign countries’ (36.3%) because of ‘interesting content’, ‘Healthy weight loss’ (52.0%), ‘Eating behavior for health’ (44.5%) and ‘Healthy snacks’ (33.7%) because of ‘need for my health’.

      • KCI등재

        미시정치학적 관점에서 본 대학교의 신임 교원 선발과정 해석

        오은경 이화여자대학교 사범대학 교과교육연구소 2005 교과교육학연구 Vol.9 No.2

        대학교의 다양한 이익집단들 간의 상호작용과정에서 발생하는 미시정치학적 의미를, 신임교원 선발과정을 대상으로 해석해 보았다. 각 이익집단들은 가능한 모든 권력을 활용해서, 목적을 달성하려고 연립의 전략을 활용하기도 하고, 이익집단들 간의 갈등상황을 맞기도 한다. 그런데 갈등을 해결할 수 있는 조정의 기능은 찾아보기 어렵다. 이기고 지는 극단의 경우가 아니라, 이익집단들 간의 갈등을 조정할 수 있는 정치력이 대학의 행정가들에게 필요해 보인다. The university is fragmented into many power blocs and interest groups, and it is natural that they try to influence decisions so that their values and goals are given primary consideration. Conflict is natural, and is to be expected in a dynamic organization. Conflict is not abnormal, nor is it necessarily a symptom of a breakdown in the university. Micropolitcs refers to the use of formal and informal power by individuals and groups to achieve their goals in organizations. In large part political action results from perceived differences between individuals and groups, coupled with the motivation to use power to influence and protect. Both cooperative and conflictive actions and processes are part of the realm of micropolitics. Barcharch and Mundell proposed a framework for identifying the relevant micropolitical actors, the dimensions of power and the strategies used by these actors. As soon as the selection procedure of new faculty members begins, the department will be split by age, rank and the length of time at the department. An individual faculty member attempts to form an interest group with other individuals. He tries to influence selection decisions, exerting powers he relies on. Expert power and reference power seem to provide the strong influence to form an interest group. An interest group can form a coalition with one or more other interest groups. Or an interest group with greater power has a greater probability of being able to impose its logic successfully on the decision without forming coalitions. If interest groups are incompatible on the preference for applicants, then each group is likely to decide on a strategy of conflict with the other groups. Interest groups are not likely to be as willing to negotiate and compromise on decisions and thus will likely select a strategy of confrontation with other interest groups. Given this conflict, there is the need in decision making for forming coalitions of interest groups in order to win. If the dominant coalition wins, the opposing group loses. Then there will be rumors and gossips on the campus. In the final process, the administrator becomes a political negotiator among those competing claims for a fair decision. The role of the administrator is quite literally described as a politician.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재
      • 학교의 의사소통과정 형태에 관한 연구

        오은경 이화여자대학교 한국문화연구원 1982 韓國文化硏究院 論叢 Vol.40 No.-

        The administrative process of the school takes effect in situations involving interpersonal interactions. Of all the tasks of school administration, facilitating these interactions is the central and most important task. Communication is a means to facilitate interpersonal interactions in an organization. Because it serves as the core of the action system in the school setting, the ability to communicate effectively emerges as a critical skill for administrators and staff. The effectiveness of communication depends on the elements relating to the communicator, content, medium, channel, receiver and frequency; each element should be considered in relation to the others. These elements, as components of an interdependent system, form the process of communication. The purpose of the study was to investigate the existing patterns of communication in secondary schools in Korea. 440 teachers were randomly sampled from secondary schools in the Seoul metropolitan area from which a response rate of approximately 83% was obtained. The final sample included 358 teachers. A questionnaire consisting of twenty five items was organized under the following areas; purpose, communicator, medium, channel, content, receiver, frequency and conflict resolution method. Percentages were computed for each item, and then a Chi square test was utilized to determine the significance of the differences between public school teachers and private school teachers. The assumed statistical level of significance was set at .01 throughout the analyses. The major findings of the survey were as follows; A. Most teachers seemed to perceive that two levels of purposes existed for communication attempts-manifest and latent. They were unable to clearly understand the intentions of their school administrators. B. Psychological closeness between administrators and teachers could be moderately close if proper roles were kept. Some public school teachers tended to perceive that this relationship distant. School administrators seemed to have little knowledge and understanding of the problems of teachers, and they would sometimes solicit ideas and opinions from the faculty. Most teachers seemed to have substantial, although not complete, confidence and trust in their administrators. Moreover, teachers tended to listen to them not for the administrator's professional knowledge as the source of authority, but because the communicator is legally authorized to occupy a superordinate position. Thus some teachers fully accept what their administrators say while others view them with suspicion. C. Downward channels of communication, which are initiated primarily at the top level were normally utilized. On the other hand, upward channels were relatively more difficult to establish and maintain. Private schools teachers tended to have more horizontal communications than public school teachers. D. General faculty meetings were most often used to bring the staff together and for communicating with individual staff members, administrators generally relied on individual conferences. E. Communications between superiors and teachers generally pertained to curriculum and instructional matters and school policies. Most teachers thought that their administrators did not relate all relevant information to them. F. Most teachers did not feel very free to discuss things with their administrators. Concerning the extent to which communications were accepted by teachers, some responded that they accept what they are told while others do so with suspicion. Most teachers felt to a moderate degree, the responsibility to initiate accurate upward communication; it was trend that private school teachers tended to feel more responsibility than public school teachers. Most teachers did not have forces to distort communication but had powerful forces to communicate accurately. Public school teachers tended to have a little bit more force to distort communicate than private school teachers. Almost half of the teachers did not feel that there was a need for a supplementary system. Public school teachers tended to use suggestive systems, while private school teachers did not. G. Faculty members did not communicate frequently with each other. H. Conflicts which arose between school administrators and faculty members were often resolved by the following methods in descending order of use: through persuasive means of the administrator, by means of negotiating compromises, or by utilizing the problem solving process.

      • 중등학교 교장의 역할갈등에 관한 연구

        吳恩卿 이화여자대학교 한국문화연구원 1983 韓國文化硏究院 論叢 Vol.42 No.-

        A variety of conflicts occur when a role incumbent has to conform simultaneously to a number of expectations which are mutually exclusive, contradictory, or inconsistent, so that the performance of one set of duties makes performance of another set impossible, or at least difficult. As a school principal performs his role in a school organization, he has a variety of reference groups that might have different expectations for the principalship. Although two or more sets of expectations for the same role are not necessarily opposed in any ultimate sense, it is clear that the time and energy devoted to implementing one set takes away time and energy from implementing the other. To this extent they are in conflict. The purpose of the study was to examine the expectations for the principalship on the parts of a group of teachers and a group of students in secondary schools. The investigator a 46-item questionnaire covering expectations for the principal's behavior in tasks such as staff personnel, curriculum, student discipline, school finance and plant, leadership and community relationships, 500 teachers and 500 students were randomly sampled from secondary schools in the Seoul area from which a response rate of approximately 89% was obtained. The final sample included 442 teachers and 431 students. The respondents were required to indicate the strength of their expeciations on a five-point scale from "strongly disagree"(scale score 1) to "strongly agree"(scale score 5). The mean was computed for each item and then a F test was utilized to determine the significance of the differences between the teacher group and the student group for each of the 46 items. The statistical significance test level was set at .01 and .05 for these analyses. A comparisons of the responses revealed considerable differences as well as similarities between each reference group. However, expectations for the principalship mostly differed more in degree than they did in opposite directions between two groups. The major different expectations for the principal's behavior in tasks between the teacher group and the student group were as follows; A. Staff personnel. The teacher group tended to disagree with the expectation that the principal should encourage teachers to compete with one another, whereas the student group neither disagreed nor agreed with it. B. Curriculum. While teachers disagreed that the principal visited them in classrooms regularly to give instructional help, students tended to agree with the expectation. The teacher group tended to agree that the principal should prevent teachers from leaving their students to do as they liked in classrooms, whereas the student group seemed to disagree with the item. C. Student discipline. While the teacher group were inclined to agree that the principal should give a free hand to the teacher to punish his students, the student group seemed to disagree with this disciplinary practice. The student group tended to agree with the expectation that the principal should take actions against problem students in the school, whereas the teacher group tended to disagree with it. D. School finance and plant. While the teacher group tended to expect that the principal tried harder to get more contributions from parents for the school finance, the student group neither agreed nor disagreed with this expectation. E. Leadership. Both of the two groups showed quite similar expectations for the principal's leadership behaviors in this task area. F. Community relationships. Expectations for the principals behavior in this task also differed only in degree between the teacher group and the student group.

      • KCI등재

        대학별 독자기준에 의한 특별전형 운영의 정당성

        오은경 이화여자대학교 사범대학 교과교육연구소 2002 교과교육학연구 Vol.6 No.1

        대학 입시정책이 한국교육에 미치는 영향력은 막강하다. 대학의 일반전형에서 소외되는 사회의 최소수혜자들에게 특별 배려를 하는 듯이 보이는 대학별 독자전형이 상당히 방만하게 운영되고 있는 것으로 지적된다. 독자전형의 기준들의 유사성을 살피고, 기준들의 공평성을 교육의 기회균등원칙에 비추어 검토해 보았다. 평등의 개념을 최대이익의 원리와 인간존중의 원리에 비추어서, 특별전형의 운영에 어떻게 반영되는지를 검토해 보았다. 최소수혜자들에 대한 배려라는 차등의 원리가 자칫, 고등교육의 내재적 가치를 훼손시키는 것은 아닌가를 논의하였다. If academic ability test scores are the basis of admission into a university, then two people with the same scores should receive the same treatment. When people differ on some relevant characteristic they should be treated differently. This kind of admission policy assumes that justice consists in treating equals equally and unequals unequally. Here fairness requires different treatment. Then we need to know what is to count as a relevant characteristic. So far as education is concerned, it seems as though such things as a student's abilities, needs and interests are relevant differences. Are exceptions impossible? Lately some academics has criticized unequal distribution of educational resources and been more sensitive to the needs of the least advantaged individual. They insist that we must judge inequality from the perspective of the person who is the least well off. While universities have been trying to provide remedies for educational inequality, they give preferential treatment in admissions for the least advantaged student. However, preferential admissions have shown some problems which some characteristics of admission criteria are arbitrary and hard to be justified, such as full-time housewife, old people, sons and daughters of low class public officers. Criteria of preferential admissions were discussed in terms of utilitarian and the respect for humans. Utilitarians start from the conviction that decisions about how resources are to be allocated must be made in terms of what promotes the greatest good for the greatest number. Ability to profit is clearly a relevant characteristic. Therefore we allocate educational resources on the basis of ability to profit. We admit intellectually talented people to universities. Utilitarians are not likely to be impressed with the argument that the least advantaged people ought to be given preferential treatment in admissions because they have been the victims of injustice. The idea of respect for persons supports the preferential treatment for the least advantaged people. John Rawls has suggested a principle that is intented as answer to the question of the kinds of inequalities that can be permitted in a just society. His position is that inequality is permissible when it is to the advantage of the least advantaged individual. If an inequality is to the benefit of the person receiving the lesser share, then it is permissible. Otherwise it is not. Such a principle might be argued for by appealing to the idea of equal respect for persons. If we are to apply this view to any admission procedures, preferential treatment for the least advantaged person might be justified. However this view has also limits on admission policy. Such a policy would be based on a denial of equal respect for academically talented students. It might be a discrimination against them. Such an outcome is surely unfair. If our duty is to maximize the welfare of the least advantaged individual, there is virtually no limit the time and resource universities will have to spend. Although we have heard a frequent complaint about utilitarianism, we are also obligated to treat people with equal respect. If equality is only one value in the society, institutional remedy programs for inequality can be made as possible as many. However educational resources are not infinite. People cannot have all of the educational resources they want or need. How, then, are we to choose? The purpose of education should be considered. Universities are not welfare institutions. There should be some relevant criteria to be discussed among faculties in terms of the purpose of their own university.

      • 버퍼층 및 열처리 효과가 CoFe/Cu 다층박막의 자기저항에 미치는 영향

        오미영,송은영,이장로,김희중,김경민,김미양 숙명여자대학교 자연과학연구소 1996 자연과학논문집 Vol.- No.7

        DC magnetron sputtering방법에 의해 Corning glass기판 위에 ?? 형태로 다층박막을 제작하여 버퍼층 종류(Fe, Cu, Cr, Ta)와 두께, 비자성층인 Cu두께 변화에 관한 자기저항비의존성을 조사하였다. 또한 이들 시료에 대하여 열처리를 행한 후 열처리가 이 시료의 구조, 자기적 성질 및 자기저항에 미치는 영향을 조사하였다. Fe버퍼층의 두께가 60Å일 때 극대 자기저항비가 14%인 자기저항이 관찰되었고 Fe버퍼층과 Cr버퍼층을 갖는 시료를 비교한 경우 자기저항비는 그다지 차이가 없으나 Fe버퍼층이 있는 경우에 더 큰 포화자기장 및 자기 이력현상을 나타내었다. 250℃까지의 시료에 대한 열처리는 다층박막의 주기성을 유지한채 더 큰 결정립을 갖게 하여 자기저항비는 증가하였으나 그 이상의 온도에서는 계면 혼합 및 계면 확산에 의한 감소를 나타내었다. Giant magnetoresistance (GMR) and magnetic properties of CoFe/Cu multilayers prepared by dcmagnetron sputtering has been studied. We investigated the effect of Fe buffer layer thickness, different buffer layers, and annealing condition on GMR. For the 60Å Fe buffer layer thickness, maximum MR ratio 14% was found. When we have used different buffer layers, multilayers with Cr and Fe buffer show similar GMR magnitude, but multilayers with an Fe buffer have much higher saturation fields and hysteresis. The study of the dependence of the MR behaviors on annealing temperature, the MR ratio was increased to 250℃, but reduced at the temperature higher than 300℃ because of the interfacial diffuse.

      • KCI등재

        학교붕괴현상의 해결을 위한 행정가의 도덕적 의무

        오은경 이화여자대학교 교육과학연구소 2000 교육과학연구 Vol.31 No.3

        학교붕괴현상에 대한 사회적 관심은 지대해지고 있는데, 학교현장에서는 문제를 제기하지 않고 있다. 학교의 교사들로부터는 그나마 비판적인 소리도 들리지만 학교행정가들은 문제를 덮어 두려고만 하면서, 직무유기를 하고 있다. 이를 해결하기 위해 과거에 해 왔던 데로 교육부의 지시를 기다릴 것이 아니라 현장인 개별학교로부터 가능한 시도를 해야 한다. 학교를 공동체로 변화시키고, 교사들이 전문적이고 도덕적인 권위를 회복하도록 학교행정가는 도덕적인 의무를 다 해야 한다. The pervasive sense of crisis exists throughout secondary schools in Korea. What is mostly wrong with schools is due to mindlessness. Teachers resent that they are no longer influential on their student′s learning. They have lost professional and moral authority. Part of what teachers must confront is the fact that many students are rejecting values and goals we have regarded as intrinsic parts of the social fabric. Students challenge the legitimacy of their schools′s authority. At times they simply defy authority; the authority of the family, the community, above all the authority of morality. They complain about their loss of identity and individuality, about their helplessness in the face of inhumane large schools. They claim that authority has been abused or that the wrong people are exercising it. School administrators seem to deny the crisis of education. They are supposed to uncover unethical educational problems and lead school members to solve them. If administrators were to change their schools from organizations to community, and if they were to begin the process of community building in schools, then they would have to invent their own practice of community -a practice more in tune with students; believing and caring; professional norms and practices; values and commitment. In the restructuring of schools to meet the school purposes for which they were originally designed one finds significant moral fulfillment. Besides the professional obligations of the school administrator, the moral obligation is to see that the school serves society the way it were intended. School administrators should seek to foster a culture that facilitates teaching and enhances the likelihood that one will be successful at it, that celebrates teaching as a central value in the life of the school. Hopefully teachers regain professional and moral authority to influence their students.

      • KCI등재

        학생 처벌에 대한 윤리적 고찰

        오은경 이화여자대학교 사범대학 교과교육연구소 2003 교과교육학연구 Vol.7 No.2

        학생처벌은 주로 질서유지라는 행정적인 편의를 위해 시행되어 왔다. 처벌의 근거로 제시되는 잘못의 제지, 예방, 교도의 측면에서 검토해 볼 때, 그 효과에는 의문이 생기고, 교육적 효과는 거의 없다. 학교는 교정기관이 아니라, 교육기관이다. 잘못을 한 학생은 처벌해서 교정되는 것이 아니라, 자존, 자율, 자기 통제를 배울 수 있도록 내적 동기를 고무해 주는 것이 필요하다. 이러한 교육적 환경이 될 수 있도록 교육행정가는 현재의 교육적 악조건들을 개선하는 일을 우선해야 한다. Decisions made about student punishments have been arbitrary or capricious in schools. The punishment was chosen for its deterrent effects. Punishment may deter the individual punished or others from doing the same thing; punishment may help rehabilitate the guilty party; and punishment may separate a potentially dangerous person from society. The point of punishment is to balance the scales of justice, "an eye for an eye." Justice demands that evil be punished. Thus, punishment is not intended primarily to deter further evil; it is designed to provide retribution. Viewing punishment as retribution explains why it is right to punish the guilty and not the innocent. Obviously, if the guilty person has not been punished, retribution has not been received. Similarly, the retribution theory explains why the punishment must fit the crime. If the retribution exceeds the evil, the scales of justice have not been balanced. Perhaps the weakest point in the retribution theory of punishment is the suggestion that the universe somehow requires that evildoers be punished with a compensating quantity of pain. However, the retribution theory is not likely to be successful. We deem to be able to conduct meaningful ethical arguments. Ethical claims are not simply matters of taste. Perhaps many of our real moral dilemmas can be resolved by moral reflection. Certain kinds of disciplinary practices are morally wrong. Especially the corporal punishment of students does not work. It does not do what it is supposed to do. Why, then, do teachers resort to corporal punishment? It's a shortcut. It usually stops the unruly behavior at the moment, temporarily. It has no positive permanent effects that we know of. It has many negative effects. The psychological harm is done to all in the class and the lesson of violence is well learned. The most important point is that it does not achieve the stated purpose of maintaining discipline because it is treating the symptoms, not the underlying cause, unruly behavior. The use of corporal punishment is a failed practice. The child displaying unruly behavior is a child crying out. Unruly behavior is a cry for help, and we answer such pleas for compassion and understanding with the end of a paddle. Teacher can not whip the hurt out of this child. His behavior continues and worsens and leads to failure after failure. He grows to adulthood and becomes another of our modern and enlightened society's losers-miserable and a burden to all of us. There are alternative to the use of corporal punishment-alternatives that maintain classroom discipline and provide an environment for learning and a place for effective and rewarding teaching. Instead of paddling the student into temporary submission, why can't our teachers be trained to recognize a student with problems and have at their disposal the referral sources for psychological help or family counseling? The training of teachers, administrators, the referral sources, the identification and counseling will take money. We will probably need to decrease classroom size to allow teachers to meet the emotional as well as the intellectual needs of students. Educational administrators are always complaining of short money. But isn't the future worth such an investment? We must invest in our children or lose our future.

      • (±)-Camphor가 ICR 마우스 수컷의 간 cytochrome P450 효소 활성에 미치는 영향

        오은경,박형건,배기현,최옥진,최은경,최창근,한진희,정태천 한국환경독성학회 2002 환경독성보건학회지 Vol.17 No.4

        Effects of (±)-camphor on liver cytochrome P450 enzymes were investigated in male ICR mice. Mice were treated intraperitoneally with 0, 200, 400 and 800 mg/kg of (±) -camphor in corn oil for 3 consecutive days. Twenty four hr after the final treatment, the animals were subjected to necropsy. The activities of serum aspartate aminotransferase and serum alanine aminotransferase were slightly changed by the treatment with (±)-camphor at the doses used. Administration o(±)-camphor to mice significantly induced the hepatic activities of pentoxyresorufin O-depentylase and benzyloxyresorufin O-debenzylase and weakly induced ethoxyresorufin O-deethylase in dose-dependent manners. The present results suggested that (±)-camphor might act as a relatively specific inducer of hepatic cytochrome P450 213 in male ICR mice.

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