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      • KCI등재

        호접란과 풍란 속간교잡종 유향성 ‘핑키뷰티’ 육성

        이종원,이종원,오훈근,이경자,박재성 한국화훼학회 2019 화훼연구 Vol.27 No.3

        The Chungcheongbuk-do Agricultural Research and Extension Service has developed a new intergenic hybrid orchid cultivar released under the name ‘Pinky Beauty.’ The marketable qualities of this new cultivar include an abundance of flowers, a good fragrance, and a relatively long flowering period. It was derived from an initial intergeneric cross between (Phalaenopsis pulcherrima x P. parishii ) x Neofinetia falcata ‘Hwacheon’ in 2007. The seed germination, cultivation, selection, and characteristic evaluation trials were conducted from 2008 to 2014. After selecting a line that grew well and had desirably shaped and colored flowers, its morphological characteristics were investigated, from 2015 to 2017, according to the survey standard for agricultural experimentation and research that is used for the evaluation of new N. falcata varieties. The selection had pink flowers, which were determined to be Red-purple Group 68D based on the RHS color chart, on a dark green stem. The length of the flower stem was measured on average to be 25.8 cm, and the number of flowers per stem was 16.3. The width of a typical flower was about 2.5 cm, and the flowers had a short spur similar to N. falcata on the back of the lip. The plant height was on average 12.7 cm, which is similar to the control cultivar P. pulcherrima, while the leaf width was 1.6 cm. The overall volume of the flower pot was high. The flowering time of the hybrid was in late May, and its flowering period was about 34 days. Furthermore, it had a noticeably pleasant scent. Due to this desirable combination of characteristics, the selection was released as the cultivar ‘Pinky Beauty’ in 2018. 충청북도농업기술원에서는 연한 분홍색의 향기가 있고, 꽃수가 많으며, 개화기간을 오래 지속할 수 있는 속간 교배종 난‘핑키뷰티’를 육성하였다. 신품종 ‘핑키뷰티’는 2007년 Phal. pulcherrima × Phal. parishii 교배종을 모본으로, Neof. falcata ‘Hwacheon’을 부본으로, 속간교배하였다. 종자 발아, 재배, 선발, 특성검정은 2008년부터 2014년까지 진행되었다. 생육이 좋고꽃의 색, 모양이 우수한 계통을 선발 한후, 2015년부터 2017년까지3년에 걸쳐 국립종자원 신품종 심사기준으로 특성검정 결과, 우수성이 인정되어 2018년 최종 선발하여 “핑키뷰티”로 명명하였다. 주요 특성은 다음과 같다. 화색은 연분홍색으로 Red-purple Group 68D(RHS칼라차트)이며, 향기가 있고 화경색은 암록색이다. 식물체 크기는 12.7cm로 대조품종과 큰 차이를 보이지 않았다. 잎의 폭은 1.6cm로 대조품종인 P. pulcherrima에 비해 좁은 편이 다. 화경장은 25.8 cm이며, 소화수는 16.3개로, 전반적으로 화분의볼륨감이 우수한 편이다. 꽃의 크기는 2.5cm 정도이며, 꽃의순판 뒤쪽에 풍란과 같은 짧은 거가 있는 것이 특징이다. 개화기는5월 하순이며, 개화기간은 34일 정도이다.

      • KCI등재후보

        기독교 교양과목에서의 영화 활용에 대한 연구

        이종원 한국대학선교학회 2008 대학과 선교 Vol.15 No.-

        The Purpose of this paper is to seek an effective application of film and cinema as a tool for higher learning at Christian universities. For this purpose, I will survey the influence, value and affect that feature films have in an academic environment. And then I will recommend an effective method in which to apply the use of film inside the classroom. Simultaneously, I will give advice and recommendations about the hazards and negative effects that film can cause if not properly applied. According to the increase of cultural needs in our society, cultural commodities are overflowing in our modern society. These needs cause new changes in our university’s classrooms. Among these new changes mass media and movies are the most powerful and effective media because movies have a strong influence on today’s younger generations. Therefore, if properly applied, movies can be a meaningful and valuable method in which to teach today’s modern generations. In the past, movies have been recognized as merely an instrument of entertainment and leisure. Also it has been regarded as the devil’s element in a rapidly degenerating world. Movies, along with other modern forms of entertainment were looked upon as things that should be avoided in order to help preserve and protect the Christian religion. But, through the study of movies we can examine not only a beautiful and noble life as depicted upon the screen, but we can also reflect upon the meaningful and valuable life of the character through their words and actions. Movies can be an effective instrument for healing, meditation and revelation. In recent years student’s are developing a greater desire to communicate and interact with their professors rather than attending a traditional lecture driven class. Therefore it may be a successful lesson if we incorporate movies into the various teaching methods available to today’s university professors. These are some of the useful results from using movies as a tool for higher learning. First, we must approach non-christian students with an open mind. Second, it can stimulate and motivate a student’s curiosity. Third, it can transform a passive learner into an active co-learner. Based on these points, movies can be an effective and useful instrument in teaching the truth of Christianity in a classroom environment. 본연구는영화가지닌교육적가치의측면을주목하면서영화를기독교교양과목에서적극적으로활용하는방안에대하여고찰하는데목적이있다. 이를위해서먼저영화가지닌여러가치들을검토하고, 기독교교양과목에서영화를어떤방식으로활용하는것이바람직한지를사례중심으로논의를전개하고자한다. 이와아울러영화활용시주의해야할점들을제안하고자한다.현대사회는문화적인수요가급격히팽창하게됨에따라문화상품들이홍수를이루고있다. 이러한문화적인욕구는대학의강단에서도그대로재현된다. 이중에서영화는가장집약적이고파급효과가큰매체로활용될수있는데, 영화는대중문화의중심에서모든연령층에두루영향을미치고있기때문이다.그동안영화는단순히재미를추구하거나여가활용의취미정도로만인식되어져왔다. 또한기독교적가치관에서볼때영화는악마의도구이며, 비행의시궁창이고, 인류진보의걸림돌이며, 문명의도덕적암이라는점에서회피나, 경계의대상이되었다.그러나영화속에는아름답고고귀한삶, 의미있고가치있는삶을되새길수있는의미심장한요소가담겨있으며, 삶의문제에대한깊은 통찰력도담겨있다. 또한문화에대한다양한욕구는교수에의한강의중심의일방적인전달보다는교수와학생상호간의의사소통이중심이되는수업방식을요구하게된다. 이러한욕구를감안하여영화를강의보조자료로활용하여토론식수업으로진행한다면효과적인강의가이루어질수있다. 그런점에서영화는기독교의진리를전달하는효율적인도구가된다.영화를활용할경우다음과같은유익이있다. 첫째, 영화를통하여기독교의진리와가치를효과적으로전달할수있다. 둘째, 수강생들의 호기심을자극하여참여식수업에활력을더할수있다. 셋째, 수강생들을수동적인학습자에서능동적인학습자로변화시킨다. 따라서좋은가치관을담은영화들을선별하여토론식수업에적절하게활용하면수강생들을자연스럽게성서적통찰력으로이끌수있다.

      • KCI등재

        직접 메모리 접근 장치에서 버스트 데이터 전송 기능의 효과적인 활용

        이종원,조두산,백윤흥 대한임베디드공학회 2013 대한임베디드공학회논문지 Vol.8 No.5

        Resolving of memory access latency is one of the most important problems in modern embedded system design. Recently, tons of studies are presented to reduce and hide the access latency. Burst/page data transfer modes are representative hardware techniques for achieving such purpose. The burst data transfer capability offers an average access time reduction of more than 65 percent for an eight-word sequential transfer. However, solution of utilizing such burst data transfer to improve memory performance has not been accomplished at commercial level. Therefore, this paper presents a new technique that provides the maximum utilization of burst transfer for memory accesses with local variables in code by reorganizing variables placement.

      • KCI등재

        Pipe Crack Identification Based on the Energy Method and Committee of Neural Networks

        이종원,김상렬,허영철 한국강구조학회 2014 International Journal of Steel Structures Vol.14 No.2

        A crack identification method using an equivalent bending stiffness for cracked beam and committee of neural networks ispresented. The equivalent bending stiffness is constructed based on an energy method for a straight thin-walled pipe, whichhas a through-the-thickness crack, subjected to bending. Several numerical analysis for a steel cantilever pipe using theequivalent bending stiffness are carried out to extract the natural frequencies and mode shapes of the cracked beam. Theextracted modal properties are used in constructing a training patterns of a neural network. The input to the neural networkconsists of the modal properties and the output is composed of the crack location and size. Multiple neural networks areconstructed and each individual network is trained independently with the different initial synaptic weights. Then, the estimatedcrack locations and sizes from different neural networks are averaged. Crack detection is carried out for 16 damage cases usingthe proposed method, and the identified crack locations and sizes agree reasonably well with the exact values.

      • KCI등재

        한-EU FTA가 한국 자동차업계에 주는 정책적 시사점

        이종원 한국유럽학회 2010 유럽연구 Vol.28 No.1

        As you might aware, the most favored industry of Korea-EU FTA is automobile sector. However, the future of Korean car industry is not so optimistic because of various external challenging factors, such as high petroleum prices and climate change. To overcome these challenges Korean automobile industry should make every effort for the development and commercialization of green car. To survive under the fierce global competition, Korean automobile industry should also have competitiveness in technology and price in various sort of cars. Korea which would like to increase its market share in Europe - the world largest market - should establish effective strategies to maximize the FTA effects. Under these circumstances, this paper analyzes the background and economic effects of Korea-EU FTA and examines the influence of the FTA to Korean automobile industry and the reactions of other countries-Japan and USA on the basis of negotiations. Finally, it aims to suggest policy implications to the Korean automobile industry (both components and complete car industry) how to effectively meet the external challenges. 주지하는 바, 한-EU FTA의 최대 수혜산업은 자동차 부문이다. 그러나 한국 자동차산업의 미래는 한-EU FTA 이외에도 여러 가지 대외적 도전요인으로 인해 그리 낙관적이지만은 않다. 또한 고유가 및 기후변화에 대응하기 위해 친환경자동차의 개발 및 상용화도 가속화 되고 있다. 한국의 자동차산업이 글로벌 무한경쟁 체제에서 살아남기 위해서는 다양한 차종에서 기술 및 가격경쟁력을 갖춰야 한다. 또한 세계 최대 자동차 시장인 유럽에서의 시장점유율을 늘리려는 우리나라는 발효와 함께 FTA의 효과를 극대화할 수 있는 전략수립이 절실히 필요하다. 이러한 배경 하에서 본고는 한-EU 자유무역협정의 추진배경 및 경제적 효과를 분석하고 협상결과를 바탕으로 자동차산업에 미치는 영향과 역외국의 반응 등을 살펴보고, 결론적으로 완성차 및 부품산업의 효과적인 대응을 위한 정책적 시사점을 제시하는 것을 목적으로 한다.

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