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        들깨(Perilla ocimoides L .) 종자의 단백질 분리에 따른 Phytate 와 질소의 용해도

        이재하,윤형식 한국농화학회 1989 Applied Biological Chemistry (Appl Biol Chem) Vol.32 No.4

        Nitrogen and phytate solubility of perilla seed flour were influenced by the following factors: pH, centrifugal force, temperature and the presence of salt. The nitrogen solubility of perilla seed flour was minimum(17.1∼18.0%) at the pH range of 4.0∼5.0 and maximum(92.3%) at pH 11.0, while phytate solubility was the highest(48.5%) at pH 4.8 and lowest(8.3%) at pH 11.0. The phytic acid content in the extract decreased with an increase in centrifugal force. However, the nitrogen content was not affected by centrifugal force. The solubility of nitrogen and phytate gradually increased as the temperature was increased from 5℃ to 60℃ The addition of calcium(0∼50mM) at pH 5.0 decreased the phytate solubility, but increased nitrogen solubility. The solubility of nitrogen and phytate of perilla seed protein isolate was gradually increased as pH raised further. The protein and phytate contents of the perilla seed protein isolate were 1.1 and 89.6%, respectively, compared to 5.0 and 60.1% for perilla seed flour.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        Antecedents of Intent to Purchase a Brand Extension -A University-Licensed Merchandise Case-

        이재하,박광수 한국패션비즈니스학회 2018 패션 비즈니스 Vol.22 No.3

        The purpose of this study is to address marketing strategies for the brand extension of university-licensed merchandise by investigating influences on intent to purchase a new university-licensed merchandise line, tartan. A survey questionnaire was developed and administered online to the major target market for university-licensed merchandise. Four hundred and fifty students and alumni from a US Midwestern university completed the survey. Respondents were asked to answer questions on university identification, perceived university prestige, perceived value of the university-licensed merchandise, intent to purchase a brand extension in university-licensed merchandise, and demographics. It was hypothesized that university identification (H1) and perceived university prestige (H2) are positively related to the perceived value of the university-licensed merchandise and that perceived value of the university-licensed merchandise is positively related to intent to purchase a brand extension in university-licensed merchandise (H3). The difference between students and alumni was also tested. Consumers with high university identification and high perceived university prestige highly valued the university-licensed merchandise. Consumers who perceived a high value of the current university-licensed merchandise displayed a strong intent to purchase a brand extension in university-licensed merchandise. There was no structural difference between the two groups. The study builds on existing research on the influences of attitudes toward the university and university-licensed merchandise on purchasing university-licensed merchandise, specifically investigating intent to purchase a brand extension in university-licensed merchandise. This study also extends previous brand-extension research into university-licensed merchandise.

      • KCI등재

        갑상선 낭종에서 Viscum Album을 이용한 경화치료 증례

        이재하,이승원,박기남 대한갑상선학회 2023 International Journal of Thyroidology Vol.16 No.1

        We report two cases of successful treatment of thyroid cystic nodules using Viscum Album extract as a sclerotherapy material. Both cases showed volume reduction of more than 50%, and it is possible that a higher dose injection resulted in a larger volume reduction. In terms of side effects, pain, hematoma, and dyspnea, which can occur in sclerotherapy, were not observed. Since sclerotherapy is a procedure that can be performed repeatedly, we expect that the procedure can be performed with less concern in terms of side effects, and there is a possibility as another alternative material that can be used for sclerotherapy.

      • KCI등재

        《洙泗考信錄》과 孔子 事蹟 考證

        李在夏 대한중국학회 2008 중국학 Vol.31 No.-

        최술은 이름 없는 선비에 지나지 않았지만, 그의 저술 《수사고신록》은 공자 사적 고증의 압권이다. 정확한 고증을 통해 믿을 수 있는 것만 믿겠다는 최술의 집념과 학구적인 태도는 그를 고증학의 대가로 자리매김한 원동력이었으며, 《고신록》과 그 일부인 《수사고신록》은 先秦史와 공자 사적에 얽힌 난제들을 풀어내는 데 지대한 공헌을 했다. 최술은 공자의 사적을 변증하면서 무엇보다도 먼저 전적의 신뢰도에 천착했다. 그리하여 《사기․공자세가》와 《공자가어》가 공자의 사적을 왜곡시키는 데 결정적인 역할을 했으며, 이를 중심으로 고증을 진행했기 때문에 汗牛充棟의 전적을 枚擧하지 않고서도 綱擧目張의 효율성을 높일 수 있었다. 뿐만 아니라 최술은 《논어》의 編定에 결정적인 역할은 한 張禹의 오류를 지적함으로써 《논어》에도 純雜이 뒤섞일 수밖에 없음을 밝혔으며, 아울러 공자가 纂輯했다고 일컬어지는 《尙書》․《周易》의 일부분 및 《孝經》과 刪詩說 등에 대해 일목요연하게 辨證을 진행했다. 《수사고신록》은 僞書의 牽强附會로 왜곡되고 날조된 성인 공자의 진면목을 복원시키는 데 결정적인 공헌을 했으며, 有機的인 體例를 활용하여 고증학의 수준을 한 단계 끌어올렸다. 이제 그런 최술의 저술을 바탕으로 중국 고대사와 공자 사적에 대한 심도 있는 연구와 검토가 본격적으로 이루어져야만 할 것이다. 崔述鄕村無名之士, 其著《洙泗考信錄》孔子事蹟之考證書. 淸代考證學全盛, 功績頗多, 但先秦史與孔子考證, 不及於崔述之《考信錄》. 崔述之執念及學究態度, 實爲考證巨匠之動力. 崔述《考信錄》與其內《洙泗考信錄》, 寄與解析中國古代史孔子事蹟之難題. 其辨證僞書以論議典籍信賴, 提高考證學之位相, 乃必要崔述學之時歟! 爲主《史記․孔子世家》《孔子家語》之崔述辨證, 綱擧目張之按配, 不擧汗牛充棟典籍, 而擧一隅三反之效. 〈孔子世家〉多有欠缺, 〈世家〉之內孔子記述, 一面對孔子之尊崇, 然而其文支離, 庶幾于武帝獨尊儒學之餘波. 甚至《孔子家語》以淺薄鄙陋之目裁斷孔子, 可歎可笑之齊東野語, 適宜崔述詰難. 《孔子家語》成於晉國舅王肅之徒, 非孔氏秘傳, 然亦有信《孔子家語》者, 此甚怪異矣. 《論語》編定實系於張禹, 禹擧止奢靡, 王莽之走狗, 一似奸臣阿諛者, 豈知聖人孔子萬分之一矣哉! 彼張禹彙編《魯論語》《齊論語》而編定今之《論語》, 乃不可採而採, 可採而不採, 亦有之矣. 《論語》之原本不見於世, 此乃崔述之嘆, 又學者之嘆也. 不分眞假而陷溺其中, 未曉聖人眞面, 不可不愼哉! 崔述於此歎息曰: “嗚呼, 人卽欲爲日增其明, 亦何至以如螢之火附之! 人卽欲爲岱增其高, 亦何至以一撮之土累之! 人卽欲媚聖人而掠他人之美以增其德, 亦何至取小小可喜之事以加於我生民未有之孔子乎!” 孟子又曰: “盡信書則不如無書” 於是僞學亂經而不知, 邪說誣聖而不覺, 是亦學者之迷惑也!

      • 트리즈(TRIZ)의 성공 원리

        이재하 한국정보과학회 컴퓨터이론연구회 2008 컴퓨터이론연구회지 Vol.19 No.1

        트리즈는 공학적인 문제에서 획기적인 해결책을 찾는 방법론으로 알려져 있다. 최근에 국내의 대기업에서 여러 가지 성공 사례가 발표되면서 많은 관심을 끌고 있다. 여기서는 트리즈를 개괄적으로 소개한 뒤, 트리즈가 문제 해결 방법론으로써 성공하는 원리가 무엇인지 알아본다.

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