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      • 정상 성인에서 Amitriptyline이 수면구조와 정신생리적 기능에 미치는 영향

        홍성곤,신석철,왕성근 충남대학교 의과대학 지역사회의학연구소 1995 충남의대잡지 Vol.22 No.1

        To investigate the effects of Amitriptyline on sleep structure and psychophysiologic function in normal adults, author applied polysomnography for sleep structure, reaction time for attention and visual analogue test for daytime fatigue, mood and sleepiness to the volunteers. The subjects were 8 healthy young adults, aged from 20 to 24 years old. The results were summarized as follows. 1. In normal adults, there were great individual variations in the ditribution of relative value(%) of sleep structure. 2. Compared with the baseline, total sleep time and sleep efficiency increased significantly in the 2lmg amitriptyline night, and WASO decreased significantly in the second recovery night. 3. Compared with the baseline, the absolute value(minutes) of stage 1 sleep decreased significantly in the amitriptyline, first and second recovery nights, and the relative value(%) of stage 1 sleep decreased significantly in the first recovery night. The absolute and relative value of stage 2 sleep increased significantly in the amitriptyline night. The relative value of slow wave sleep decreased significantly in the first recovery night. 4. Compared with the baseline, the absolute and relative value of REM sleep decreased significantly in the amitriptyline night, the relative value of REM sleep increased significantly in the first and second recovery nights, and REM latency shortened significantly in the first and second recovery nights. 5. Feeling of fatigue, depressed mood and sleepiness increased in the afternoon the day after amitriptyline administration. 6. 1) In the baseline, daytime sleepiness was positive correlation with feeling of fatigue and mood. 2) The day after amitriptyline administration, relative value of REM sleep was negative correlation with feeling of fatigue and sleepiness, daytime fatigue was positive corelation with mood and sleepiness, and daytime mood was positive correlation with sleepiness. 3) In the first recovery day, daytime fatigue was positive correlation with mood and sleepiness, and negative correlation with reaction time, daytime mood was positive correlation with sleepiness, and reaction time was negative correlation with sleepiness. 4) In the second recovery day, total sleep time was positive correlation with the relative value of REM sleep time, the relative value of stage 2 sleep was negative correlation with the relative value of slow wave sleep, the relative value of slow wave sleep was positive correlation with daytime fatigue and mood, daytime fatigue was positive correlation with mood and sleepiness, and negative correlation with reaction time, daytime mood was positive correlation with sleepiness, and reaction time was negative correlation with sleepiness.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        일반바이마르공화국 말기 독일공산당의 반파시즘 전략

        홍성곤 대구사학회 2001 대구사학 Vol.64 No.1

        Most Western scholars analyze the anti-fascist strategy of the German Communist Party in the `Third Period', which designated social democracy as the main enemy, as an extreme leftist isolationist policy; and thus consider the fall of the Weimar Republic to be mainly attributable to the German Communist Party. In this view, where the anti-fascist strategy of the German Communist Party is narrowed down ultimately as 'a social fascist thesis,' their `class vs. class' policy is considered to have maintained with no tangible changes until the Nazism seized the power. Such widespread Western view, however, shows its limit in capturing the `comprehensive picture' of the anti-fascist strategy of the German Communist Party mainly due to the problems in their research methodology which presumes the German Communist Party as an object of politics, that is, Moscow's political object, rather than as an independent political subject of its own. Although we can not ignore the dynamics of the Comintern completely to comprehend the development of the policy of the German Communist Party, the analysis of its development must be established, more crucially, contingent upon the socio-political advance of German society itself. Standing on this assumption, this thesis attempted to analyze the developmental process of the anti-fascist strategy of the German Communist Party and cane to reach the following conclusions: Around the end of the Weimar Republic, the anti-fascist strategy of the German Communist Party went through considerable changes according to the concrete development of domestic class relationships. The anti-fascist strategy of the German Communist Party which set up the class vs. class policy as their strategic goal in the early years of the Third Period began to revise their line `confidentially' in the beginning of 1932 when the threat of Nazism began to emerge prominently. Going through the Presidential election and a series of state parliamentary elections in the beginning of 1932, the Nazi Party emerged as the most powerful party in Germany. And this particular political circumstance left the German Communist Party no other alternatives but to change their anti-fascist strategy. In May, 1932, the German Communist Party proclaimed anti-Nazism policy as their party's immediate task, abandoning their strategic goal of proletarian dictatorship and establishing `anti-fascist actions' as their new strategic task. Thus, in the beginning of 1932, the German Communist Party already converted their leftist fractionalism established in the early years of the Third Period to the ever more aggressive anti-Nazism policy. At the time, however, the German Communist Party's revision of their class vs. class strategy did not seem to be obvious. Perhaps, the most critical reason for this was the Party's `fluctuating' united front tactics. On the other hand, it can not be ignored either that international political influences at the time played a certain part in the Party's political stance, since the decision-makers of the German Communist Party, who in principle wanted to proceed autonomously with the revision of the anti-fascist strategy, had to, in reality, put into consideration the dynamics of the Comintern and Stalin's political will. For these reasons, the German Communist Party's strategic initiative could not stand out on its own. Thus the widespread Western view on the German Communist Party's policy could not grasp the essence of the fact that the German Communist Party made a substantial revision in their class vs. class strategy by setting up anti-Nazism general democratic task as their strategic task.

      • KCI등재

        로시언(Lothian)과 독일 문제, 1933-1939

        홍성곤 고려대학교 역사연구소 2023 사총 Vol.108 No.-

        There were two kinds of British appeasement in the 1930s. In order to preserve British Empire, Neville Chamberlain pursued division of spheres of influence with Germany through an anti-Soviet and anti- American. But though its influence was not great, there was another appeasement that had influenced British foreign policy in the 1930s. But the most studies of British appeasement ignored another appeasement that the Round Table groups around Lothian had promoted. In the face of relative decline of British Empire. Lothian tried to restrain the decline of British hegemony through an Anglo- American cooperation or an Anglo-American ‘union’. Thus, Lothian argued to resist the Japanese aggression in the Far East against Chamberlain and the Foreign Office in order to consolidate the Anglo-American cooperation. But Chamberlain supposed that the United States would demand the economic dominance towards British Empire in exchange for American assistance. Thus, Chamberlain tried to appease Germany in order not to accept American hegemony. But Roosevelt could not tolerate Chamberlain’s appeasement. Because, it could not be in the US interest to support an Anglo-German condominium that promoted economic cooperation between the sterling bloc and a German Lebesraum in East Central Europe to the disadvantage of the United States. Thus, the decisive difference of two kinds of British appeasement was that Chamberlain and Lothian took the complete opposite view towards the United States. And in contrast to Chamberlain, Lothian supposed the geopolitical plan designing a German zone in East Central Europe between the British-American ocean power and the Soviet Union. Besides, even though Chamberlain’s and Lothian’s anti-communism was different according to the degree of emphasis, two kinds of British appeasement based on anti-communism had sabotaged formation of alliance against Hitler’s fascism. 영국제국의 상대적 쇠퇴가 분명해진 1930년대 ‘영국의 쇠퇴하는 지구적 헤게모니를 더 안정적이고 포괄적인 국제질서로 전환하는 문제’를 고심한 로시언은 체임벌린 총리와는 달리 영미협조 또는 영제국과 미국의 연합을 세계적 위기 해결의 중심축으로 설정했다. 이러한 관점 때문에 로시언은 1932년 제국특혜체제를 수립한 오타와 협정 체결 직후 공직을 사임했다. 또 로시언은 영미협조 관계를 공고화하기 위해 당시 재무부 장관 체임벌린과 외무부의 입장과는 달리 극동에서의 일본의 침략행위에 맞설 것을 주장하고, 관철시켰다. 반면 체임벌린이 독일과의 유화정책을 추진한 근본적인 이유 중 하나가 미국이 지원의 대가로 영제국에 대한 미국의 경제적 지배를 요구할 것이라는 판단에 있었다. 이러한 인식에서 체임벌린은 제국특혜관세의 수정과 미국의 무역과 투자에 제국을 개방하는 것을 포함하는 미국이 지배하는 국제질서를 수용하기보다는 독일과의 유화를 추구했다. 독일 또한 반미주의와 반볼셰비즘을 추구했기 때문에 영국과 독일의 이해는 일치했다. 그러나 루스벨트는 스털링 블록과 중・동유럽에서의 독일 블록 사이의 경제적 협력을 촉진하는 영국과 독일의 공동지배를 저지하고자 했다. 이처럼 체임벌린과 로시언이 추진한 두 가지 종류의 유화정책의 결정적 차이는 영국과 독일의 관계를 설정하는 견해의 차이에 있는 것이 아니라 영국과 미국의 관계를 정반대의 시각에서 보았다는 데에 있었다. 또 라운드 테이블 그룹이 국제질서를 영국과 미국이 지배하는 해양 세력과 유럽을 지배하는 독일, 소련이 지배하는 영역으로 세력권을 설정하려고 했다는 점에서도 체임벌린의 지정학적 인식과 차별성을 드러냈다. 하지만 로시언은 체임벌린주의자의 세력권 구상보다 더 ‘비현실적인’ 구상을 했다. 그러한 인식의 기저에는 독일의 유라시아 지배를 저지하고자 하는 의도가 있었다고 생각된다. 그러나 로시언은 나치 체제의 본질을 정확하게 파악하지 못함으로써 영국의 전통적인 세력균형 정책을 잘못 적용한 유화정책을 추진하여 중・동 유럽 약소국들의 운명을 독일과의 제국주의적 거래로 파괴하고 결국 영제국도 파괴하는 비극적 결과를 초래했다. 이 점에서 밀너 그룹의 두뇌 집단으로 활약한 올 소울스 칼리지의 젊은 연구자들이 제시한 소련을 포함한 대동맹 전략은 의미가 있는 대안이었지만 수용되지 못했다. 처칠이 제안한 이러한 대안이 1930년대 영국 외교정책으로 채택되었다면 2차 대전을 저지할 가능성이 있었을 뿐만 아니라 영제국의 몰락도 어느 정도 늦출 수도 있었다. 이런 측면에서 보면 체임벌린주의자와 라운드 테이블 그룹이 공유한 반공산주의의 강도에 차이가 있었다고 해도 그것이 대동맹 형성을 막은 주요 요인이었다.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        1940년 2-3월 섬너 웰스 특사와평화의 문제

        홍성곤 고려대학교 역사연구소 2022 사총 Vol.106 No.-

        In early January 1940, Roosevelt emphasised the necessity of peace negotiations to Welles in order to avoid the coming spring offensive from Germany. But Roosevelt argued that Welles must not visit the Soviet Union because of the Nazi-Soviet non-aggression treaty. According to the directives of peace feeler of Roosevelt, Welles visited Italy, Germany, France, Britain. But confessing that the possibility of peace negotiations did not exist without the direct intervention of the United States, Welles recognised that the mission of peace to Europe was forlorn. But in Time for Decision published in 1944, Welles omitted the fact of peace compromise with Nazi Germany through negotiations. Particularly, the problem of American peace mediation is treated very vaguely. And French and British willingness to grant territorial concessions in the East is not mentioned. But in the report to the President, Welles argued that if security is guaranteed and the conditions of peace is agreed, Mussolini, Daladier and Chamberlain intended to negotiate Hitler. In fact, according to the report to Roosevelt, one has the impression that peace negotiations was possible. But after the end of the Soviet-Finnish Winter War on 12 March 1940, Roosevelt judged that the possibility of peace in Europe before the coming spring offensive disappeared. Because a military victory of the Soviet Union in the Winter War eliminated the opportunity to achieve the four power’s compromise of peace by the way of the Welles mission. But Welles believed there is a slight chance for the negotiation of a lasting peace if the attack for peace is made upon the issue of security. If this chance could had been made, the Second Munich Agreement would have been accomplished. In fact, in order to make the Second Munich Agreement, Welles emphasised the necessity of peace negotiations to Hitler with the theory of war and revolution. Thus, the secret aim of Roosevelt’ peace mission to Europe was to turn war’s direction to the Soviet Union under the banner of anti-Soviet crusade. 1940년 1월 초 루스벨트는 웰스에게 독일의 봄 공세가 시작되면 전쟁의 결과는 예측하기가 어렵다고 토로하면서 평화의 가능성을 타진할 필요성을 역설했다. 하지만 루스벨트는 독일과 소련이 체결한 독・소 불가침 조약으로 모스크바를 방문하는 것은 이러한 평화 목적에 부합하지 않는다고 주장했다. 그러나 루스벨트가 나치 독일과 협상을 통한 평화를 모색했다는 사실에도 불구하고 웰스는 1944년에 출간된 자신의 책에서 독일 방문의 목적을 숨기고 있다. 특히 미국의 평화 중재의 문제를 모호하게 처리하거나, 동유럽에 영토적 양보를 하고자 한 프랑스와 영국의 의사를 언급하지 않고 있다. 하지만 웰스는 유럽 순방 보고서에서 무솔리니와 달라디에, 심지어 체임벌린 총리도 안보가 보장되고 평화 조건에 합의가 이루어질 수 있다면 히틀러와 거래할 수 있다는 의사를 밝혔다고 주장한다. 사실 웰스가 유럽 방문을 마치고 루스벨트에게 올린 보고서에 따르면, 평화에 대한 가능성이 전혀 없었던 것은 아니라는 인상을 받는다. 하지만 루스벨트는 3월 12일 소련・핀란드 겨울전쟁이 종결됨으로써 자신의 평화구상이 ‘현실성’을 상실했다고 인식하고, 평화의 가능성이 사라졌다고 판단했다. 즉 핀란드 겨울전쟁이 종식됨에 따라 소련을 공격할 빌미가 사라진 상황에서 루스벨트가 4대 강국들 사이의 타협을 촉구하는 평화적 해결책인 ‘허망한 희망’을 포기할 수밖에 없었다. 그러나 중요한 점은 웰스가 순방 보고서를 마무리하면서 나치가 독일을 지배하고 있는 동안 안보와 군축을 제공함으로써 유럽의 강대국이 합의를 이룰 수 있다는 희망을 피력하고 있다는 사실이다. 이것이 이루어진다면 그것은 체임벌린이 말한 ‘기적’일 것이다. 체임벌린이 인식한 기적은 치아노가 제안한 해결책, 즉 제2의 뮌헨협정을 의미하는 것으로 이해될 수 있다. 이 점은 웰스의 평화 타진 과정에서 전쟁과 혁명의 논리가 강조되었다는 사실에서 확인된다. 웰스는 전쟁과 혁명의 논리로 평화협상의 필요성을 히틀러에게 역설했다. 괴링 또한 이 문제를 강조했고, 치아노도 전쟁이 일어나면 러시아가 이익을 볼 것이라는 점을 강조하면서 이탈리아가 소련의 침략에 대항하는 방파제가 될 것이라고 주장했다. 볼셰비즘 타도의 기치하에 ‘서구 안보’ 동맹을 결성하자는 취지에서였다. 반소련 십자군의 기치하에 전쟁의 방향을 소련으로 돌리는 것이 루스벨트의 평화 특사의 ‘숨겨진’ 목적이었다.

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