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      • KCI등재

        일본의 상륙전부대 운용 경험과 수륙기동단 창설의 함의

        최정준(Choi Jung-joon) 국방부 군사편찬연구소 2015 군사 Vol.- No.97

        Japan has announced to formalize the creation of the “Amphibious Rapid Deployment Brigade” to defend and retake its island which is considered as a gray zone. Abe regime has put a priority on its military building to have a strong landing forces which based on the assessment that the main factor of its insecurity comes from the matter of disputable Islands. During the Asia-Pacific War, Japan operated the Rikusentai which had imitated the western countries’s amphibious forces. The Rikusentai was respectively managed by the Army and Navy. The roles of the Rikusentai was a forceful projection power to spread Japanese military power. In one side, we can see that the Japan’s announcement of Amphibious Maneuver Group activation is a normal policy as a state, however, the neighboring countries, including Korea criticize and fear that the possibility of Japan’s remilitarization. These feelings of concern originate from their past dreadful experiences. In the past times, Japan had a similar landing forces which had operated as an invasive means to conquer the North-East asian areas. The Japan’s experience of using amphibious operation forces and the trial to build amphibious rapid deployment brigade has a implication as below. First, it can aggravate the unstable status in the region of the North East area especially, between Japan and Sino-Russian relations those are disputing the island problems. Second, it can accelerate the arms race to build up the amphibious and counter amphibious forces between Japan and its neighborhood. Third, Japan can develop its amphibious skills in short time because it has a affluent experiences. Fourth, the creation of amphibious maneuver force can be used as a main means of Japan’s collective self defense power. Fifth, Japan can develop its joint operation capability among the self defense forces. Finally, it will increase the opportunity of military cooperation among ROK-US-Japan. We should estimate the both positive and negative sides of the Japan’s trial to increase its military power. Now we need to cope with this matter strategically.

      • KCI등재

        제2차 세계대전 시 소련과 미국의 상륙작전부대 운용과 전략적 함의

        최정준(Choi, Jung-Joon) 국방부 군사편찬연구소 2017 군사 Vol.- No.103

        Amphibious operation has developed with war history and it’s been conducting decisive role at the war. Amphibious troops did a key role when they swept the enemies and changed the war status from defensive to offensive direction. The U.S. and U.S.S.R fully understood the usefulness and flexibilities of amphibious troops. Although the U.S.S.R was known as a continental state, it built up amphibious power. On the contrary, the U.S. was a maritime nation it utilized the Marines when it expanded it"s power to the West Pacific area. This article examined how the U.S. Marines and U.S.S.R Naval Infantry were employed during the World War II and found out its strategic implication. There were several similarities and differences between them. Both the U.S. and U.S.S.R. employed the amphibious troops when they tried to secure the lands and islands which were strongly defended by the enemies. The Marines and Naval Infantry showed off their sufficient capacities as an assault troops to recover the lost territories. In the beginning of the World War II the Marines and Naval Infantry of both countries hadn"t full-fledged power to project, but they have expanded their size and grown their capacities during the wartime. However, there were lots of differences between them in conducting national strategy, building up the military powers, the strategy and tactics. The U.S. Marines usually did amphibious assault which was a large scale and from the long distance. In contrast, the U.S.S.R. Naval Infantry operated within the short distance and small groups but it developed the unique tactics called “Desant” that aimed at the enemy’s side and rear area attack to support the Army. It was totally different from the U.S.’s tactics. The former not only made progress amphibious doctrine, and built up enough ships but also supported by coordinated ship and air fire when they performed the mission. It usually conducted the amphibious operation by the systematic procedures from its first step to end. The latter made use of temporary amphibious ships, since improvisational assault and Navy’s fire support was limited. Although the U.S. Marines and U.S.S.R.’s Naval infantry were small sizes when compared with Army and Navy, they not only verified the efficiency but also showed the flexibilities of the amphibious troops. In this study we found that the U.S Marines and U.S.S.R Naval Infantry contributed the development of various amphibious operational skills and reminded the value of their existence. The amphibious troops can be easily affected by nation’s strategy and their performances when they try to survive as an independent military service.

      • KCI등재

        대북 포용정책이 국방정책에 미친 영향 분석: 김대중 정부의 햇볕정책을 중심으로

        최정준(Choi, Jung Joon) 강원대학교 사회과학연구원 2019 사회과학연구 Vol.58 No.2

        본 논문에서는 김대중 정부의 대북 포용정책(햇볕정책) 추진이 국방정책에 어떠한 영향을 미쳤는가에 대하여 살펴보았다. 군은 전통적으로 무력을 관리하며, 가장 보수적인 집단으로 알려져 있다. 6⋅25전쟁 이후부터 군사분계선을 사이에 두고 남북 간 대치상태를 유지해 오고 있으며, 남한은 북한을 적으로 간주해 왔었다. 남북 간 갈등이 심화될 때에는 군이 전면에 나서서 갈등을 관리해 나갔으나, 남북 화해협력이 이루어지는 이른바 ‘평화무드’시기에는 국가의 정책을 지원하기 위해서 조직이 추구해왔던 가치의 우선순위를 변경하기도 하였다. 김대중 정부의 대북 포용정책이 국방정책에 미친 긍정적인 영향으로 첫째, 대북 포용정책을 힘으로 뒷받침하기 위해 군사대비태세를 강화하여 북한의 해상도발을 무력화시킴으로써 군의 신뢰를 회복하였다. 둘째, 남북 국방장관회담과 남북 실무자회담 개최를 통해 남북한 간 군사적 신뢰를 구축하였으며, 남북교류⋅협력을 군사 분야까지 확대시켰다. 부정적인 영향으로 첫째, 활발한 남북교류협력의 추진으로 전통적인 ‘적 개념’의 희석을 초래하였다. 둘째, 대통령의 강력한 의지가 작용된 대북 포용정책을 추진하는 과정에서 국방부의 자율성이 감소되었다. 한국의 정치체제의 특성상 국방정책은 대통령의 대북관에 강하게 영향을 받는다는 것을 알 수 있었다. 이에 따라 대북 포용정책이 추진 될 때에는 조직원들이 혼란이 발생하지 않도록 대적관을 확립시키고 힘으로 국가 시책을 뒷받침하여 국민의 신뢰를 받아야 할 것이다. 아울러 대북정책을 추진하는 과정에서 국방부가 소외되거나 배제되지 않도록 존재감을 스스로 찾도록 노력해야 할 것이다. 안보는 그 무엇과도 바꿀 수 없으며 단 한 번의 실수도 용납되지 않는다. Kim Dae-joong government actively pursued engagement policy with North Korea after the division of North and South Korea. Therefore, there were active exchanges and cooperations in economics, academics, culture, and sports, which are incomparable with any other government. When the government pursues a more advanced North Korean policy, the military defense policy promotion, which has a relatively conservative nature, can be confirmed to be changed and adjusted according to the different policy. In particular, in the case of policies that strongly reflect the will of the President due to the nature of the political system in Korea, each administrative department has no choice but to provide sub-policies and measures to achieve this. With positive effects, first, the military’s credibility was restored by strengthening its military readiness in order to support its engagement policy with North Korea. Second, in order to support the economic cooperation project with North Korea, the military has successfully carried out railroad links. To this end, South-North Korea’s military confidence was established by holding inter-Korean defense ministerial talks and inter-Korean working-level talks, and the inter-Korean exchange and cooperation could be extended to the military sector. The negative impact was, firstly, dilution of the “main enemy concept” that had traditionally been about North Korea. The MND played a dual role in supporting the engagement policy with North Korea and in protecting the country from the enemy and in protecting the lives and property of the people. The MND produced mental education textbooks and conducted intensive training to prevent weakening the security and counterpoint of soldiers. Second, the MND’s autonomy in pursuing its defense policy has diminished. The MND was relatively excluded in the process of pursuing an engagement policy with North Korea’s strong will.

      • 대한민국 해병대의 병영문화 변천 과정 분석

        최정준 ( Choi Jung Joon ) 한국군사학회 2023 군사논단 Vol.114 No.0

        The ROKMC was established with a small number of 380 troops on April 15, 1949, and has formed various images over more than 70 years of history. In particular, the military discipline is stricter than other groups, and it is recognized as a group with strong comradeship. The military camp culture was analyzed by using Schein’s the three-dimensional analysis frame and social ecological model of the culture which showed how the tradition of the Marine Corps was created and expressed as the times changed. Military camp culture refers to a collective culture such as values, norms, and behavior patterns shared by members of a military organization under tacit agreement for the purpose of the organization and self-preservation. Military camp culture refers to a collective culture such as values, norms, and behavior patterns shared by members of a military organization under tacit agreement for the purpose of the organization and self-preservation. Based on the premise that the Marine Corps’ achievement starts from the barracks culture where the relationship between marines, marines, and executives begins, each member’s perception of the barracks culture was analysed, and how this perception has changed with the times and internal and external environmental changes. As a result of the analysis, the following conclusions were drawn. First, the Marine Corps barracks culture is based on the strong comradeship between the predecessors and juniors who learn while living a strict home life. Second, as an organizational culture of the Marine Corps, the military camp culture has gradually changed to a military-centered culture over the course of the times. Third, changes in the Marine Corps barracks culture remain sustainable despite rapid changes in society. Fourth, the Marine Corps’ barracks culture has developed through the process of being transformed or transplanted into a new form under the influence of internal and external environmental changes. Based on these research results, it can be seen that the Marine Corps’ barracks culture is emerging as a new type of barracks culture is emerging due to internal and external environmental changes while trying to maintain tradition continuously. Therefore, with changes in the internal and external environment and the enlistment of hospitals with new characteristics, the military camp culture can be improved in a healthier way by making efforts to break away from the misleading habits perceived as customized unit management and traditional maintenance.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        국제스포츠 경기대회 개최 시 군의 역할 분석 : 1988 서울올림픽 경기대회 및 2018 평창동계올림픽 경기 대회를 중심으로

        최정준(Choi Jung Joon) 한국정치사회연구소 2021 한국과 국제사회 Vol.5 No.6

        본 연구는 국가시책인 국제스포츠 경기대회 개최 시 군이 어떠한 역할을 했는가를 분석하였다, 전통적으로 군은 국가안보와 국민의 재산을 보호하는 데 사용되었다. 그러나 국제스포츠 경기대회에서 군은 다양한 비군사적인 역할을 할 수 있음을 보여주었다. 군은 1988 서울올림픽 경기대회와 2018 평창동계올림픽 경기대회의 성공적인 개최를 위해 인력과 장비, 물자 및 시설물을 지원하였다. 무엇보다도 당시 민간 부문보다 상대적으로 지원 여건이 우위에 있던 종목의 선수양성과 지원 임무를 수행함으로써 경기력을 향상하는 데 이바지하였다. 양 개 대회의 성공적인 개최를 위하여 조직된 민관군협력체계는 이후 한국이 국제스포츠 경기대회를 개최할 시 지원모델이 되었다. 군은 국가방위의 기본 임무에 추가하여 국제스포츠 경기대회의 성공적인 개최를 위한 다양한 역할을 수행함으로써 한국의 스포츠 외교 및 스포츠 강국으로 부상하는 데 일익을 담당하였다. 또한, 전통적인 군사적 역할뿐만 아니라 비군사적 분야로 군의 역할이 확대되고 있음에 따라 군사적 위협과 비군사적위협에 적절히 대처하기 위한 균형점을 유지할 필요성도 제기하였다. This study analyzed the role of the Korean military when holding the international sports competition, as a national policy. Traditionally, military forces have used to protect national security and properties, however, it showed that military forces can support various non military sectors. The Korean military supported lots of manpower, equipment, supplies and facilities for the successful hosting of the 1988 Seoul Olympic Games and the 2018 Pyeongchang Winter Olympic Games. it also contributed to improve some special branch of athlete’s performance by training and supporting them. The public-private, military combined cooperation system, organized for the successful hosting of the two competitions, later became a support model when Korea hosts international sports competitions beyond 1990. In addition to the basic mission of national defense, the military played a key role in emerging as Korea s sports diplomacy and sports powerhouse. As the military s role is expanding to non-military fields as well as traditional military roles, it need to maintain a balance to properly cope with military threat and non-military threat was raised.

      • KCI등재

        아시아·태평양전쟁 시기 대한민국 임시정부의 전시 외교활동 분석: 대미 및 대중 승인외교활동을 중심으로

        최정준(Choi, Jung-Joon) 한국동북아학회 2022 한국동북아논총 Vol.27 No.1

        아시아·태평양전쟁의 발발은 대한민국 임시정부의 활동 공간을 확장하는 역할을 하였다. 허만과 헤이건(Hermann & Hagan)의 의사결정에 영향을 미치는 핵심통제변수를 적용하여 아시아·태평양전쟁 시기 임시정부가 적극적으로 승인외교 활동을 추진할 수 있었던 요인을 분석한 결과 단일지도체제의 형성을 통한 김구의 지도력 발휘, 일원화된 정부조직 체계로 일관된 대외정책 추진을 위한 동력 확보, 좌우연합정부 구성을 들 수 있다. 이러한 여건을 토대로 임시정부는 미국과 중국으로부터 임시정부에 대한 승인을 받아내고, 연합국과 공동작전을 통해 승전국의 지위를 획득하고자 하였다. 아시아·태평양전쟁 시기 임시정부는 불과 5년여에 불과한 기간이었으나 가장 체계적이고 일관된 정책을 수립하여 추진하였다. 연구를 통해 임시정부의 전시외교 활동이 갖는 교훈으로 첫째, 일관된 정책 추진을 위한 국내정치의 안정, 둘째, 국제환경변화에 대한 적확한 평가 및 활용, 셋째, 강대국 상호 간 이해관계 종합분석, 넷째, 군사적 자율성이 외교정책 추진에 중요한 영향을 미친다는 것을 알 수 있었다. The outbreak of the Asia-Pacific War played a role in expanding the working space of the Korean Provisional Government. As a result of applying key control variables influencing Hermann & Hagan’s decision-making, Kim Gu’s leadership through the formation of a single leadership system, securing power to promote consistent foreign policy with a unified government organization system, and forming a left-right coalition government. Based on these conditions, it has tried to obtain approval for the provisional government from the United States and China, and to acquire the status of a victorious country through combined operations with the Allies. During the Asia-Pacific War, it has established and promoted policies most systematically and consistently. The lessons of the provisional government’s wartime diplomatic activities are as follow. First, domestic politics must be stabilized for consistent policy. Second, accurate evaluation and utilization of international environmental changes. Comprehensive analysis of mutual interests of great powers. Fourth, military autonomy has an important influence on foreign policy promotion.

      • KCI등재

        주한미군 철수가 한국군의 자주적 방위력 개선에 미친 영향: 주한 미 제24군단 및 제7사단의 철수 사례를 중심으로

        최정준(Choi, Jung-joon) 한국동북아학회 2021 한국동북아논총 Vol.26 No.1

        1945년 광복 이후부터 1948년 정부수립 시까지 주한 미 제24군단에 의한 군정이 실시되었다. 미 군정은 한국군 창설을 위한 기본 토대를 마련하였으며, 정부수립 이후 철수 시 주한미군사고문단(KMAG)을 잔류시켜 한국군의 편성, 조직, 교육훈련 등에 많은 영향을 미쳤다. 1949년 6월 군사고문단을 제외한 주한미군은 모두 철수하였으나, 6·25전쟁이 발발하자 미군은 재차 한반도에 전개하여 최다 32만 5,000명이 주둔하게 되었다. 6·25전쟁 이후 주한미군 2개 사단이 한반도에 주둔하다가 1971년 초에 주한 미 제7사단이 철수하였다. 주한 미 제7사단의 철수는 6·25전쟁부터 작전통제권 이양 등으로 자율성이 약화되었던 한국군에게 자주국방에 대한 의지를 일깨우는 기회로 작용하였다. 한국군은 미 제7사단의 철수 이후 휴전선 경계작전 전담, 한국군 현대화계획에 의한 전력증강, 전시 작전계획 수립 등을 통해 한국 방위의 한국화를 위한 첫걸음을 내딛게 되었다. 본 연구를 통해 주한미군 철수가 한국군에게 미친 긍정적 요소들을 평가하였으며, 한국군 스스로 방위역량을 강화하기 위한 노력을 지속 전개해 나갈 필요성을 재차 인식하였다. Military administration by the U.S. 24th Corps in Korea was carried out from independency from Japan in 1945 to the establishment of the Korean government in 1948. When the U.S. military had withdrawn after the establishment of the Korean government the KMAG remained. It greatly affected the formation, organization, and training of the Korean military. When the Korean War broke out, the U.S. forces deployed on the Korean Peninsula again and the number was up to 325,000. After the Korean war, two divisions of the U.S. Army had stationed in Korea but one of them, the 7th Division, withdrew in the early 1971. It had served as an opportunity for the ROK military to recognize their will for independent defense, which had been weakened autonomy due to the transfer of operational control(OPCON) during the Korean war. Accordingly the ROK military took the first step toward the Koreanization of the Korean defense by taking full charge of the boundary operations of the DMZ, reinforcement of power according to the Korean military modernization plan, and had a chance to establish wartime operation plans.(OPLAN) Through this study, we evaluated the impact of the withdrawal of U.S. forces in Korea on the ROK military, and again recognized the necessity of continuing efforts to strengthen the Korean military"s own defense capabilities.

      • KCI등재

        코로나 19(COVID-19) 팬데믹 시 군의 대응 활동과 역할 확대 방안

        최정준(Choi Jung Joon) 한국정치사회연구소 2021 한국과 국제사회 Vol.5 No.5

        코로나 19 사태는 전통적인 군의 위협인식과 역할에 대한 새로운 변화를 유발하였다. 코로나 19 팬데믹 하에서 군은 국방신속지원단 운용, 민간의료공백 보완 활동, 교민 수송 및 의료지원, 공항 및 항만에 대한 검역활동, 백신, 구호물품 및 의료물자 수송작전 등을 수행하였다. 이러한 대응활동을 통해 국민들의 군에 대한 신뢰감은 증대되었고, 한국의 방역체계가 국제표준으로 부상하는 등 국가의 위상을 드높일 수 있었다. 코로나 19의 대응활동을 토대로 우리 군의 신종 감염병 등 비전통적 위협에 대응하기 위한 발전방안은 다음과 같다. 첫째, 군사적인 측면에서 신위협에 대비한 작전계획수립과 행동지침 개정, 국방신속지원단의 임무와 역할 확대 둘째, 대국민지원 측면에서 비전통적 위협에 대비한 민·관·군· 경 협조체제 유지 및 군의료기관 및 시설의 셋트화 및 패키지화 관리 셋째, 국제공조 체제 유지 측면에서 우방국과 평시부터 협조체계 구축과 상호 정보교류, 연합훈련을 통해 대응요령을 숙달해야 한다. 무엇보다도 군이 코로나 19와 같은 비전통적 위협에 적시적으로 대처하기 위한 출발점은 위협에 대한 기본인식의 변화 즉 패러다임의 전환이다. 전통적 위협 중심의 사고에서 벗어나 신위협에 대비하기 위한 열린 자세가 필요한 시점이다. The COVID-19 incident caused a new change in the traditional military threat perception and role. Under the COVID-19 Pandemic, the military operated a Defense Rapid Support Group, supplemented private medical gaps, medical support for returning Koreans, quarantine activities for airports and ports, vaccines, relief supplies and medical supplies. Through these response activities, the public s confidence in the military was increased, and Korea s quarantine system emerged as an international standard, raising the status of the country. Based on the response activities of COVID-19, measures to respond to non-traditional threats such as new infectious diseases in the Korean military are as follows. First, from a military perspective, establishing an operational plan and revising action guidelines for new threats, and expanding the duties and roles of the Defense Rapid Support Group. Second, in terms of public support, it is necessary to maintain a civil, government, military, and police cooperation system, set up and package military medical institutions and facilities, and master countermeasures through mutual information exchange and joint training Above all, the starting point for the military to respond timely to non-traditional threats such as COVID-19 is a change in basic perception of threats, that is, a paradigm shift. It is time to break away from traditional threat-oriented thinking and take an open attitude to prepare for new threats.

      • KCI등재

        전장의 불확실성 해소방안 고찰

        최정준(Jung Joon Choi) 한국정치사회연구소 2022 한국과 국제사회 Vol.6 No.5

        클라우제비츠는 『전쟁론』에서 전쟁은 개별 상황마다 그 본질을 약간씩 변화시키기 때문에 카멜레온과도 같다고 보았다. 클라우제비츠의 이러한 주장은 모든 것이 불확실한 전쟁 상황에서 다양한 요소들이 상호작용을 하여 승패에 영향을 미칠 수 있음을 언급한 것이다. 이 글에서는 불확실성의 요인이 되는 우연과 마찰, 정보, 위험, 육체적 고통을 토대로 이를 해소하기 위한 5가지 방안을 도출하여 제1연평해전과 연평도 포격전 사례를 분석하였다. 분석 결과 첫째, 실전적 교육훈련, 둘째, 과감한 권한 위임, 셋째, 부대 운용의 융통성, 넷째, 간단없는 작전지속 지원, 다섯째, 피아 전술 전기 숙달 등을 통해 불확실성을 해소하고 전승을 달성할 수 있었음을 확인할 수 있었다. 이것이 한국군에 주는 함의로는 첫째, 창의적인 사고력과 탄력적인 부대지휘 능력을 배양하기 위한 교육훈련의 필요성, 둘째, 전술교리 적용에 융통성 없이 집착하는 문화 지양, 셋째, 군인으로서 ‘인생의 첫 전투’를 어떻게 수행할 것인가에 대한 준비가 필요하다. 비록 군사과학 기술이 발전하여 전장 상황을 가시화할 수 있게 되더라도 전쟁의 근본적인 본질인 불확실성은 전쟁 수행에 커다란 영향을 미치는 변수라는 것을 망각해서는 안 될 것이다. In On War, Klausewitz saw war as a chameleon because it slightly changes its essence in each individual situation. In this article, the cases of the 1st Battle of Yeonpyeong and the Yeonpyeong Island Artillery Battle were analyzed by deriving five measures those are factors of uncertainty. As a result of the analysis, it was confirmed that uncertainty was overcome and victory was achieved through practical education and training, Second, bold delegation of authority, Third, flexibility in unit operation, Fourth, ceaseless operational support, and Fifth, mastery of enemy and friend’s tactics. The implications of this for the Korean military are: first, the need for education and training to cultivate creative thinking and flexible commanding skills, Second, a culture that is inflexibly obsessed with the application of tactical doctrine, and Third, how to carry out the “first battle of life” as a soldier. Even if military science and technology develop it should not be forgotten that uncertainty is a variable that greatly affects the performance of war.

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