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      • 건강검진 후(後) 건강수치 읽기 - PSA 수치 알면 전립선암 예방할 수 있다

        최가영,Choe, Ga-Yeong 한국건강관리협회 2012 건강소식 Vol.36 No.11

        초근 우리나라의 전립선암 발병 빈도가 급격하게 증가하면서, 전립선암을 예방하고 조기에 치료해야 한다는 인식이 강해지고 있다. PSA는 바로 이 전립선암을 진단하는데 유용하게 사용된다.

      • KCI우수등재

        Audit Pricing of Corporate Spinoffs

        최가영,이병희,이우종,선우희연,양승희 한국회계학회 2022 회계학연구 Vol.47 No.5

        Related literature documents that corporate spinoffs decrease parent firms’ industrial scope so the firms can better focus on core businesses. However, prior studies show that not every spinoff is efficiency-increasing and hence value-adding. This study extends the understanding on the implication of spinoffs by examining whether auditors understand the differential risk implications of corporate spinoffs. Specifically, we investigate whether auditors reflect their assessment on corporate spinoffs in audit pricing. Based on 114 corporate spinoffs in Korea for the period from 2002 to 2017, we first document that audit fees decrease significantly for ongoing parent companies after spinoffs, which appears to reflect reduced audit scope due to clients’ scale reduction. An exclusive focus on consolidated spinoffs in which the audit scope remains unaffected provides more interesting evidence. We reveal that the fee decrease after spinoffs is more salient for parent clients with greater risk reduction, proxied by 1) more positive market reaction and 2) higher performance growth. Our findings indicate that both the scale effect and the risk effect play distinctive roles in audit pricing during spinoffs.

      • KCI등재

        뇌파 기반 개인 인증 시스템 개발

        최가영,김은지,강예나,박수빈,박수진,최수인,황한정 대한의용생체공학회 2018 의공학회지 Vol.39 No.1

        Traditional electroencephalography (EEG)-based authentication systems generally use external stimuli that require user attention and relatively long time for authentication. The aim of this study is to investigate the feasibility of biometric authentication based on EEG without using any external stimuli. Seventeen subjects took part in the experiment and their EEGs were measured while repetitively closing and opening their eyes. For identifying each subject, we calculated inter- and intra-subject cross-correlation using changes in alpha activity (8-13 Hz) during eyes closed as compared to eyes open. In order to optimize the number of recording electrodes, we calculated authentication accuracy by progressively reducing the number of electrodes used in the analysis. Significant increase in alpha activity was observed for all subjects during eyes closed, focusing on occipital areas, and spatial patterns of changed alpha activity were considerably different between the subjects. A mean authentication accuracy of 92.45% was obtained, which was retained over 75% when using only 8 electrodes placed around occipital areas. Our results could demonstrate the feasibility of the proposed novel authentication method based on resting state EEGs.

      • 함께 하는 건협 - 간강증진을 넘어 건강환경 가꾸기로

        최가영,Choe, Ga-Yeong 한국건강관리협회 2013 건강소식 Vol.37 No.12

        한국건강관리협회가 시민들이 자주 찾는 전국의 하천에 노랑붓꽃을 심는 '메디체크 건강 환경 가꾸기' 활동을 전개했다. 건강증진을 넘어 건강환경 만들기 실천을 위해 시작된 건협의 노랑붓꽃 심기는 전국에 건강 바이러스를 전하고 있다.

      • KCI등재후보

        체외수정으로 태어난 미숙아 쌍생아의 성장과 뇌신경발달

        최가영,김이경 대한신생아학회 2013 Neonatal medicine Vol.20 No.1

        Purpose: To compare the growth and neurodevelopmental outcomes of preterm twins conceived by in vitro fertilization (IVF) with those naturally conceived. Methods: We reviewed the electronic medical records of 64 children assessed by K-ASQ (Korean ages & stages questionnaires) at 18 month or 24 month of corrected age. Physical growth was evaluated by Z-scores of weight, length and head circumference at 12 months and 24 months. Results: Thirty eight (59.4%) preterm twins were the in vitro fertilization group and 26 (40.6%) preterm twins were in the natural conception group. Significantly higher rate of monochorionicity and small for gestational age were detected in the natural conception group (P value=0.001, P value=0.025, respectively). Z scores of weight, length and head circumference were calculated in 56 (87.5%) infants and 51 (79.7%) infants at 12 months and 24 months, respectively. Physical growth did not differ between the two groups. Fifty nine (92.2%) and 40 (65.2%) preterm twins were assessed by K-ASQ at 18 months and 24 months, respectively. There were no significant differences in the rates of cases scored less than -2 standard deviation below the mean in K-ASQ between the IVF and natural conception groups. Conclusion: Growth and neurodevelopmental outcomes of preterm twins conceived by IVF were comparable with that of naturally conceived preterm twins. 목적: 본 연구에서는 체외수정으로 출생한 32주 미만 미숙아 쌍생아들의 교정 연령 12개월과 24개월에서의 성장과 18개월과 24개월의 뇌신경발달을 자연수정으로 출생한 미숙아 쌍생아들과 비교하여 평가하고자 한다. 방법: 2006년 11월부터 2011년 3월까지 본원에서 출생하여 본원 신생아중환자실에서 입원 치료를 받았던 분만 시 재태연령 32주 미만 쌍생아 중 18개월 또는 24개월에 K-ASQ (Korean ages & stages questionnaires) 설문지에 응답한환자들을 대상으로 하였으며 후향적으로 입원기록 및 외래기록을 조사하였다. K-ASQ 검사를 받은 환자들을 체외수정군과 자연수정군으로 나누어 주산기 병력, 신생아 질환을 조사하였고 성장 평가를 위하여 교정 연령 12개월과 24개월 각각의 체중, 키, 머리둘레의 표준편차인 Z-score를 조사하였다. 뇌신경발달 평가로 교정 연령 18개월과 24개월에 시행한 K-ASQ 점수를 조사하였다. 결과: 신생아중환자실에서 입원 치료를 받은 후 퇴원 후 추적관찰이 가능하였던 32주 미만 쌍생아는 90명이었으며 이들 중 K-ASQ 설문지에 응답하였던 환자는 64명 중 체외수정군은 38명(59.4%), 자연수정군은 26명(40.6%)이었다. 체외수정군에서 산모의 평균나이는 33.5±3.6세로 자연수정군 산모의 31.1±2.5세 보다 유의하게 많았으며(P=0.005) 단일융모막이 4명(12.1%)으로 자연수정군 13명(54.2%)에 비하여 유의하게 적었다(P=0.001). 성별, 분만 시재태 연령, 몸무게와 출생 시 몸무게, 키, 머리둘레의 Z-score, 폐계면활성제 치료가 필요하였던 신생아호흡곤란증후군, 동맥관 개존증, 기관지폐 이형성증, grade 3 이상의 뇌출혈, 뇌백질연화증, 신생아 괴사성 장염, 패혈증,신생아중환자실 입원기간에는 두 군간에 차이가 없었다. K-ASQ 설문지에 응답하였던 64명의 환자들 중 교정 연령 12개월과 24개월에 외래에서 성장 평가가 이루어진 환자는 각각 56명(87.5%), 51명(79.7%)이었으며 두 시점 모두에서 몸무게, 키, 머리둘레를 각각 Z-score로 비교하였을 때 모두 유의한 차이를 보이지 않았다. 18개월과 24개월 K-ASQ 평가가 이루어진 환자는 각각 59명(92.2%), 40명(62.5%)이었으며 두 시점 모두에서 체외수정군과 자연수정군의 K-ASQ의 다섯 가지 항목(의사소통, 대근육운동, 소근육운동, 문제해결, 개인-사회성) 각각의 절선점수이하인 환자 빈도는 유의한 차이를 보이지 않았다. 결론: 체외수정을 통하여 출생한 미숙아 쌍생아의 성장과 뇌신경발달은 자연수정을 통하여 출생한 미숙아 쌍생아와 유의한 차이를 보이지 않았다.

      • KCI등재

        Q방법론을 활용한 자원봉사관광 참가자의 참가동기 탐색 : 중국 사막화 방지를 위한 식수자원봉사관광 참가자를 대상으로

        최가영 관광경영학회 2017 관광경영연구 Vol.75 No.-

        Volunteer tourism is often positioned as an alternative to mass tourism. With the growing trend of volunteer tourism, it is very important to understand the travel motivations of volunteer tourists because it is the driving force behind their behaviors. In this study, Q methodology was employed to identify and categorize the types of motivations of volunteer tourists. Thirty nine of Q samples were collected and categorized through literature review, and thirty P samples who participated in tree-planting program for anti-desertification in China were interviewed. The factors are extracted by principal component analysis. Results identified four distinct types of volunteer tourists based on factors generated: (a) Type 1 is pursuing social value that emphasizes the opportunity of social participation and personal sense of responsibility. (b) Type 2 is pursuing career development that emphasizes the importance of individual development and technical acquisition (c) Type 3 is pursuing self-actualization that emphasizes the fulfil higher level of needs such as self-esteem. And (d) Type 4 is pursuing social participation that emphasizes the importance of solving a social problem through volunteering. This finding may provide useful information to related stakeholder and improve the quality of volunteer program. In the follow-up study, it is necessary to investigate the participants of various programs, and it is also needed to apply the various research methods to derive the results and actively reflect on the development of the volunteer tourism program.

      • 출동! 건강한 기업문화 - 언제나 즐겁고 편안한 영화가 넘치는 영화관 롯데시네마 김포공항관

        최가영,Choe, Ga-Yeong 한국건강관리협회 2012 건강소식 Vol.36 No.11

        2011년 여성가족부가 선정한 기족친화우수기업 롯데시네마. 10월 11일 방문한 롯데시네마 김포공항관은 친환경적 시설과 최첨단 장비로 쾌적한 관람 환경을 구현했을 뿐만 아니라 한국건강관리협회 서울강남지부와 협력관계를 맺고 직원들의 복리후생 향상과 건강증진을 위해 노력하고 있었다.

      • KCI등재

        역류성 식도염의 변증과 처방에 관한 문헌적 고찰 - 중국 논문 중심으로 -

        최가영,선승호,김병우,이선주,오현석,한인식,고재언,Choi, Ga-Young,Sun, Seung-Ho,Kim, Byoung-Woo,Lee, Sun-Ju,Oh, Hyun-Suk,Han, In-Sik,Ko, Jae-Eon 대한한방내과학회 2011 大韓韓方內科學會誌 Vol.32 No.1

        Objectives : This study investigated oriental diagnosis and treatment of reflex esophagitis (RE) such as syndrome differentiation and herbal medicine by reviewing Chinese journals. Methods : A journal search was performed using China National Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI) from January 2006 to December 2010. The keywords were the various combinations of 'reflex esophagitis', 'Chinese medicine', 'syndrome differentiation', and 'herbal medicine'. All types of journal entries that explained or referred to herbal medicines and definite syndrome differentiations were included. The Types of the journals were randomized clinical trials (RCT), reviews, essays, case series and reports. Vague syndrome differentiations and experimental studies were excluded. Selected journals were extracted and summarized by two researchers independently. Results : 47 Chinese entries were finally selected. 61% of them were case-control trials that had non-randomized, active controlled clinical trials. 36 kinds of syndrome differentiations about RE were investigated. We summarized and divided them into 10 syndrome differentiation groups. 肝胃不和(syndrome of liver qi invading the stomach) in syndrome differentiation, 和胃降逆 (harmonize the stomach and direct qi downward) in method of treatment, and Jwa kum-whan (左金丸) were cited with high frequency in RE. Conclusions : We find that many kinds of syndrome differentiation groups and herbal medicines for reflex esophagitis are used in China, compared with Korea. Further studies will be required about oriental syndrome differentiation and treatment of this disease.

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