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        ‘상무대 옛터’의 5․18기념공간화 과정에 대한 검토

        정현애(Jung, Hyun-Ae) 역사문화학회 2017 지방사와 지방문화 Vol.20 No.2

        기억투쟁의 장인 상무대 옛터에 재현된 5․18기념공원, 표지석, 5․18자유공원, 등의 재현공간과 기념물에 대해 ‘누가 무엇을 어떻게 보여 주는가’에 대한 문제를 풀어보기 위해 문헌들과 관련자료 들을 살펴보고 관계자들과 면담, 현장답사를 통해 연구를 진행하였다. 상무대 옛터의 기념공간조성은 국가주도하에 광주광역시가 주체가 되어 진행하였으며, 미래의 장으로 계획하여 역사성과 교육성을 강조하는 공간이 되고자 하였다. 그러나 국가가 무상양여한 공간이 축소되고 도시계획으로 인해 두 공원으로 분리 조성되고, 가장 중요한 사적인 법정과 영창 등이 이전하여 복원되어 장소성이 훼손되고, 역사성, 교육성 등이 낮아졌다. ‘무엇을 어떻게 보여주는 가’를 나타내는 재현 공간의 특성은 호명의 혼란성이 나타나고 전통과 현대가 함께 존재하는 공간이 되었다. 재현공간이 된 이후에도 운영 주체인 광주광역시는 광주시민에게 배상차원에서 무상양여한 부지 중 무각사를 매각함으로써 장소의 결절이 또 다시 일어났다. 지역발전론을 내세워 5․18자유공원의 이전도 검토되다가 시민단체의 반발로 중지되었다. 표지석 역시 택지 개발 등 도시계획으로 인해 2번이나 이설되었다. 상무대 옛터의 5․18기념공간화 과정을 고찰한 결과 5․18기념사업의 의미인 ‘항쟁, 대동, 민족․민주정신’을 ‘어떻게 보여주고 느끼게 하는가’에 대한 검토를 해야 하며 이를 위해 적극적인 시민참여의 필요성이 있는 것으로 사료된다. This article reviewed represented historical places and memorials such as May 18 Memorial Park, stone monument, and May 18 Liberty Park at the old site of Sangmudae, the arena of the struggle of memory in order to find ‘who to show to, and what and how to show? To solve the problem, the study examined related documents and materials, and conducted interviews with officials and field researches. The memorial spatialization of the old site of Sangmudae was constructed by Gwangju Metropolitan City, led by the government with a plan to construct the place for future historicity and educability. But, unfortunately in the process of the construction, the site given as free concession from the government was reduced and divided into two parks because of the urban planning, especially, the most important historical sites, the courtroom and stockade were transferred and restored, which damaged the placeness and lowered the historicity and educability. And also, the characteristics of the represented placeness telling ‘what to show and how to show’ encountered confusion in calling-up, in the space where tradition and modernity coexist. After the representation, Gwangju Metropolitan City as the operation body sold Mugaksa Temple located at the site that was given for free as compensation to Gwangju citizens, which caused another disconnection. The plan to transfer May 18 Liberty Park with a regional development theory was stopped by civic groups’ resist. And the stone monument was transferred two times due to the urban development plan including land development. The result of the research on May 18 memorial spatialization at the old site of Sangmudae shows that there required a review on ‘how to show and how to let people feel’ ‘the resistance, solidarity, people, and democratic spirit’ as the meaning of May 18 memorial project. To do so, there highly needs citizens’ active participation.

      • KCI등재

        말뭉치 자료 분석을 통한 방위사 ‘中’의 탐색

        鄭賢愛(Jung, Hyun-ae) 중국어문학연구회 2017 중국어문학논집 Vol.0 No.103

        Among the localizers, this research analyzed corpus data to explain the background, since ‘zhong(中)’ has a characteristic to be combined with verb, adjective, etc. While localizer ‘li(裏)’ is combined with noun with spatiality or intensifies spatiality, localizer ‘zhong(中)’ has a lower rate to respond to the verb that strongly requires spatiality, which frequently is combined with the verb that targets the content instead of the container. Here, as the result of widely observing ‘N’, which has the structure of ‘N中’, two characteristics to explain the combination of verb and adjective were found. One is, gathering of ‘N’ made of ‘n’, another is, the environment and the state where ‘N’ surrounds the actor. The former can be connected with combination with verb. Considering the action that a verb expresses also can be the gathering of phased motions, it has a semantic continuity with ‘N’ as the concrete object ‘n’, the gathering of ‘n’ which composes the meaning of word, which again becomes a link to share the localizer ‘zhong(中)’. Another characteristic of ‘N’ is to be combined with adjective. Relation with the actor and the climatic phenomena such as snow, rain, and wind that surround the actor enable extension of cognition to abstract areas such as the atmosphere that surrounds the actor, hope, and joy, etc., which is connected with the adjective through the link regarding that it is in the state of the actor. Based on the above two characteristics, the common point is the ‘density’ of the inner structure of ‘N’. ‘zhong(中)’ has the probability of complex significance compared to the position between ‘inside-outside’ shown in the container, considering the relation with surrounding space that the position ‘center’ premises. Besides the space(空間), based on the existence of container, it implies ‘inside’, ‘internal’, ‘interior’, etc., this research concluded that these are ‘dense assembly’, rather than ‘space’.

      • KCI등재

        고려시대 고승(高僧)의 출가(出家) 인연으로서 태몽(胎夢) 연구

        정현애 ( Jung Hyun-ae ),김병인 ( Kim Byoung-in ) 전남대학교 인문학연구소 2017 용봉인문논총 Vol.- No.50

        고려는 불교를 기반으로 한 불교국가의 특징을 가지고 있었다. 따라서 고려의 왕들은 불법 수호를 국왕의 본분이라고 여기고, `진불`을 찾기 위해 승과제도를 실시하였으며 탑비 조성에 국력을 기울였다. 탑비의 내용은 「興法寺 眞空大使 塔碑文」에서 `선사의 위업을 기리고 후대인들에게 귀감이 되도록 하기 위해 새기는 것`이라고 밝히고 있듯이 여러 사람들이 보고, 읽고 또 드러내는 기록물이기 때문에 많은 사람들이 공감하고 존경을 받는 내용들로 서술했다. 탑비문은 고승의 일생을 재구성하면서 그의 행적 중에서 귀감이 되는 업적 중심으로 서술된 글이다. 탑비문에는 탑비 주인공의 업적을 비롯하여 성명, 출신지역과 가족관계 및 태몽, 출가시기, 수행과정, 국왕과의 관계 및 시기별 행적, 사망 원인 및 사망 장소와 빈소나 장지의 위치 및 장례형태, 제자들과 찬자들에 관한 내용 등이 일정한 서사 구조에 맞추어 기록되어 있다. 고려시대 탑비문에는 대부분 태몽에 관한 내용이 전체 서사구조 속에서 선조에 대한 기록과 함께 짧게 서술된다. 고승비문은 태몽을 통해 고승이 불교적인 인연으로 승려로 출생하고, 출가하여 승려로서의 삶을 살아야 한다는 연기론을 강조하고 있다. 이러한 고승들의 삶을 상징적으로 보여줄 수 있다고 생각하여 태몽 기록을 한 것으로 보인다. 비록 찬자들이 대부분 유학자들이어서 간략하게 기술을 하였지만 당시의 불교적인 문화, 유교적인 문화, 국가의 여성정책, 문화의 다양한 습합과정을 살필 수 있었다고 생각한다. This study introduced the conception dreams depicted in the stele inscriptions of Goryeo Buddhist priests, and examined how the conception dream influenced the background of their entering the priesthood and deeds. The conception dreams of Goryeo Buddhist priests reflect the type of going into the womb that Buddha selected his parents. The basic structure consisted of the subject of conception dreams, elements of conception dream, and the influence on the Buddha`s deeds. As the subject of the conception dream Maya/the mother of Buddha was described as the image of `the model womanhood` who accumulated virtue and giving alms, the mothers of Goryeo Buddhist priests were depicted as a pattern of virtue. The description structure of conception dreams depicted the mother as the subject of most conception dreams. And the image of the mother reflected the Buddhistic personality, Confucian virtue, and national view of womanhood which Goryeo society requested. On the virtue requested to Goryeo women, there was little difference between Confucianism and Buddhism, and the virtue included helping the husband, filial piety, education of the children, guest reception, and weaving by hand, which means that they were the symbol of Buddhistic fulfillment and alms. Next the review on the elements of the conception dream shows various representations and can be classified into the prophetic type, symbolic type, and anecdote type. The Buddhistic prophetic type showed quite a high rate, with the same structure as Maya`s prophetic dream and going into the womb, and a compromise between Buddhism and folk belief. Sometimes the God-man, Heavenly maid, or Buddhist priest in dreams introduced the hero. And they appeared as delivering treasure to the subject of the conception dream. The anecdote type was shown as a folk belief that it had to be in secret until the dream came true. Considering there was Taoism expression on stars with, it can be said that there was a compromise between Goryeo Taoism and Buddhism.

      • KCI등재

        현대중국어 관형어와 구조조사 적(的)의 기능

        정현애 ( Hyun Ae Jung ) 단국대학교 동양학연구원 2011 東洋學 Vol.49 No.-

        在現代漢語裏, 根據結構助詞``的``使用與否, 定語的形式可分爲兩種。形式的不同直接關系到語義的不同。經過觀察, 我們發現了, ``定+中``結構的定語表示中心語的種類、內部屬性, 相反``定+的+中``結構的定語描述中心語實際的、客觀的狀態。``定+中``結構的定語在語義上從屬於中心語, 倂不實際表達詞彙意義, 定語與中心語的語義關系則像一個板塊, 不可分隔。不過, ``定+的+中``結構的定語在語義上倂不從屬於中心語, 而各自表達獨自的詞彙意義。可見, 結構助詞``的``字不僅聯結定語與中心語, 還在語義上也發揮一定的作用, 以防止定語的語義和中心語的語義融合爲一個板塊。

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재후보

        Caroli's Disease로 인한 담관염 환자 치험 1례

        문미현,이성균,정현애,이정섭,임은경,이윤재,문구,신선호,김동웅,조영기,Moon, Mi-Hyun,Lee, Seong-Kyun,Jeong, Hyun-Ae,Lee, Jung-Sub,Rhim, Eun-Kyung,Lee, Yun-Jae,Moon, Goo,Shin, Sun-Ho,Kim, Dong-Woung,Cho, Young-Kee 대한한방내과학회 2005 大韓韓方內科學會誌 Vol.26 No.4

        Caroli's disease is a non-obstructive dilatation of the intrahepatic bile ducts. It is a rare congenital disorder that classically causes saccular ductal dilatation, which usually it segmental dilatation. Caroli's disease is associated with recurrent bacterial cholangitis and stone formation. A 57 years-old female inpatient suffering from cholangitis due to Caroli's disease was admitted at Wonkwang University Jeonju Oriental Medicine Hospital. The patient was treated with herbal medicine such as Yongdamsagan-tang and acupuncture. As result, there was improvement of symptoms. The process and content of treatment and the patient's recovery over general symptoms is described.

      • KCI등재

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