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        릴케시의 사물

        정길화 한국독어독문학회 1995 獨逸文學 Vol.56 No.1

        In der umfang- und bedeutungsreichen Dichtung Rilkes bildet das Ding das wesentliche Motiv. Wie viele andere Ku¨nstler auch wird er ha¨ufigvon den Dingen inspiriert und angeregt, sie anzuschauen und daru¨ber Gedichte zu schreiben.Der Begriff, ,,Das Ding$quot; umfaßt alles, was sich auf das Leben von Gebutt an bezieht,also alles, was außerhalb des Subjekts steht. Wir betrachten die Dinge und erkennen ihre Eigenschaften.Dann und wane durchsetzen wir sie mit unsetr Energie und formen sie um.Anschauen allein ist schon eine Art nergieiibertragung$quot;. Ku¨nstler machen Kunstdinge wenn sie den Dingen begegnen. Zu diesen Dingen geho¨ren nicht nur Gegensta¨nde ,nach Rilkes Anschauung, sondern auch Menschen und Gott. Rilke beweist immer einen scharfen Blick fu¨r die Dirge und gelangt zu einem tiefen Versta¨ndnis ihrer wesentlichen Merkmale. Seine Befahigung, das Wesen der Dirge zu begreifen, entwickelt sich in seinem ganzen Schaffen immer welter. Seine fru¨hen Werke beherschen dagegen noch stimmungsvolle und subjektive Gedichte. Seit der Rodin-Zeit geht er dazu u¨ber, die Dirge zu beschreiben und scheinbar objektive, nuchteme Verse zu schaffen. Er lemt von Rodin, wie helm kunstlerischen Schaffen Geduld zu haben und entsprechend sorgfaltig zu arbeitsn.Auch Cezanne verdankt er die Erkenntnis, daa man vor den Dingen ,,arm$quot; rein und sehen soll, wie die Dirge stehen, d.h. sie ohne Vonuteil zu betrachten. Er strebt danach, die Schaffensweise der bildenden Kunst auf seine dichtedsche Arbeit anzuwenden. In ,,Neuen Gedichten$quot; konzentriert er sich auf die Gestaltung der Dinge. Das subjektive Ich trill zmu¨ck. Aber es verschwindet nicht vo¨llig. Die Stimme des Subjekts ist in den Zeilen versteckt. In seinem Spa¨twerk erkennt er die Grenze des Anschauens und wendet sich vom Gesichtswerk zum Hera-werk. Er beklagt, wie ie erlebbaren Dinge, die semen Vorva¨tem$quot; so ,,vertraut wanen, mehr als je dahinfallen.$quot; Jetzt hofft er, durch die Verwandlung der Dirge die neue Welt zu schaffen und das menschliche Dasein zu retten. Die Venvandlung ist der dra¨ngende Auftrag der Erde an den Menschen. In der Verwandlung erfu¨llt sich die wesentliche Wendung in der Auffassung der Dinge. Es muß bier hervorgehoben werden, daß die Verwandlung sich nicht in der transzendentalen Welt verwirklicht, sondern nur in dieser wahrnehmbaren Welt.

      • KCI등재

        고전으로서의 『노인과 바다』의 종교적 상징 기법과 산티아고의 양면성

        정길화 한국문학과종교학회 2018 문학과종교 Vol.23 No.2

        허무주의와 실존주의적 색채를 짙게 드리운 헤밍웨이의 문학 세계는 종교적 상징이 혼재한다. 헤밍웨이는 이 서사 소설에서 “숨겨진 신(神)”을 찾는다. 산티아고는 겉으로 보기에 매우 단순하고 현실적인 인물로 묘사된다. “겸손”이라는 단어조차도 그에게는 너무 추상적일 뿐, 매우 실용적인 인물이다. 하지만 산티 아고는 고기와 작은 새, 소년, 해와 별, 달과 같은 대상 세계에 대하여 “연민”과 경이를 품고, 열린 마음과 풍부한 상상력을 지닌 인물이다. 산티아고는 아프리카 해변의 사자의 꿈을 계속하여 꾸며, 거대한 물고기와의 싸움에서 결코 패배 하지 않으려는 불굴의 의지를 보인다. 쿠바의 바다, “라 마르”의 자연을 배경으 로 푸른 바다가 지닌 색깔 이미저리를 사용하여, 헤밍웨이는 바다가 지닌 성(聖) 스러운 자태를 드러내며, 가톨릭 문화권인 쿠바의 문학 생태주의를 도출한다. 윌리엄 포크너가 지적한 바, 헤밍웨이는 이 소설에서 마침내 “신을 발견하였다.” 산티아고의 양면성의 효과는 그의 종교적 상징과 함께 성취된다. Hemingway’s literary world, dense with nihilism and existentialism, is intermingled with religious symbolism. In this epic novel, Hemingway is looking for “the Hidden God.” Santiago looks very simple and practical. Even the word, “humility,” is too abstract to him since Santiago is very pragmatic. However, Santiago has a “pity” and a sense of wonder toward natural things including fish, a little bird, etc. Santiago has open-hearted and abundant imagination. Santiago continues to dream of the lions at a beach in Africa and shows indefatigable spirit confronting a great fish. With a natural background of the Cuban sea, “la mar,” and the use of color imagery which the blue sea has, Hemingway reveals the holy ambiance of the sea and induces literary ecology of Cuba with her Catholic culture. As William Faulkner indicated, Hemingway finally “discovered God.” The positive effect of Santiago is achieved with his religious symbolism.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재후보

        이중언어 텍스트의 활용을 통한 번역과 창의적 해석의 문제 연구

        정길화 융합영어영문학회 2022 융합영어영문학(구.English Reading and Teaching) Vol.7 No.2

        This study focuses on the problems in translation and creative interpretation by using bilingual texts. Bilingual here means English and “Hangeul,”which is Korean. As a professor majoring in English literature, I have been teaching English and literature mainly in elective courses. And I am more aware of the importance of English as a global language. The professors in the elective courses using bilingual texts should encourage students, even impromptu, to translate some parts into English, or Korean, at any time during the classes. The effect is that students will participate in active learning. That is, by using bilingual literature texts and attempting a new translation, students will be able to enlarge their humanistic imagination and creativity. I emphasize the development of bilingual texts and classes in abreast with the translation of Korean literature for its globalization and of the world literature into Korean. This is a process of learning to have a deep thought and understanding of human science through the development of literature and art which goes beyond the mere dimension of language ability.

      • KCI등재

        The French Lieutenant's Woman : 자유로운 글쓰기 과정과 실존적 인식

        정길화 신한영미어문학회 1997 새한영어영문학 Vol.38 No.-

        Fowles assumes dualistic narrative strategy in this novel. First, he uses the framework of realistic novel and intervenes consistently in the text as omniscient narrator or author. Second, Fowles reveals apparently in the text that his narrative is a fiction. This strategy has the effect of demolishing the framework of traditional novels and of destroying the modernist' 'illusion' in which they insist on the objective technique. In The French Lieutenant's Woman, Fowles illuminates a new direction which modern novels should take, using a variety of themes and technique. By introducing 'creative anachronism' for considering freely the years of the 1860's and the 1960's, Fowles deals with human existential condition and the freedom of modern artists who should strive for their existential choice. In this way, Fowles combines the traditional realistic mode of writing and the experimental one, and he tries to solve his aesthetic problems which are related with his theme and technique, as well. Fowles assumes his dualistic attitude by describing his desire and 'anxiety' for freedom. This is an aestheic problem which can be related not only to the author but also to the characters (especially Charles and Sarah) and the modern readers. With the introduction of the technigue of open ending, Fowles endows all of them with freedom. In The French Lieutenant's Woman, there exist an existentialist awareness and a desperate spirit which provide the process of the character's life, of author's writing, and of reader's response with their meaning. Metafictional elements which can be related to the process of creative writing itself and which show, as its consequence, 'self-conscious, aesthetic interest' are not just fictitious, symbolic, and labyrinthine in the pleasure of language game. The effect comes out of concrete, living realities which are equivalent to an existentialist awareness and suffering.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        번역의 문제점들과 그 해결책으로서의 창의적 해석

        정길화 글로벌 문화콘텐츠학회 2018 글로벌문화콘텐츠 Vol.0 No.34

        In this study, I focus on the problems in translation and its creative solution. Between the two different language groups of English and Korean, the problems may happen frequently. Since they have different language and culture, the translator should consider the sociocultural differences inherent in their native language per se. The translator’s role is to view ambidextrously the source language and the target language in their depths. Therefore when the work of translation is going on, the translator should detect the differences and similarities between the two languages. Translating process should not remain in the surface structure of the source language but go in deep into its deep structure to get the hidden meaning of it with its sociocultural dimension. Through translation, especially translation of literary works, the translator may play a major role to interconnect the two different culture based on languages. The translator, consequently, should be a creative interpreter to make the two language groups understand each other’s language and culture better, as well. In the center of the mutual communication lies the creative interpretation/translation of the literary works. 이 연구에서 필자는 번역의 문제점과 그것의 창의적 해결에 초점을 둔다. 영어와 한국어라는 서로 다른 두 언어 집단 간에는 문제점들이 흔히 발생할 수 있다. 이들 두 집단은 서로 다른 언어와 문화를 지녔기 때문에, 번역자는 이들 각각의 언어에 내재한 사회문화적 차이점들을 고려해야만 한다. 번역자의 역할은 원천언어와 목표언어의 깊이 있는 의미를 솜씨 좋게 살펴보는 것이다. 그럼으로 번역의 과정에서 번역자는 두 언어 간의 차이와 유사성을 탐지해 내야 한다. 번역의 과정은 원천언어의 표층 구조에 머물러서는 안 되며, 그것의 사회문화적 차원상의 숨겨진 의미를 얻기 위하여 심층 구조로 깊이 파고들어야 한다. 번역, 특히 문학작품의 번역을 통하여, 번역자는 언어를 토대로 서로 다른 두 문화를 상호 연결하는 주된 역할을 할 수 있다. 결국 번역자는 두 언어 집단이 상호 언어와 문화를 더 잘 이해할 수 있도록 창의적 해석가가 되어야 한다. 상호간의 소통의 중심에는 문학작품들의 창의적 해석/번역이 놓여 있다.

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