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      • KCI등재

        아랍소설 텍스트에 발화된 명예살인 고찰 -나집 마흐푸즈의『시작과 끝』을 중심으로

        장현자 한국아랍어아랍문학회 2022 아랍어와 아랍문학 Vol.26 No.3

        이집트를 포함 일부 아랍국가에서 ‘명예살인’이 여전히 사회적인 문제 중의 하나로 남아있는 것이 현실이다. 문학은 문학작품이 창작된 시대의 사회와 긴밀한 관계가 있으며, 그 사회의 모습을 반영한다. 본 논문은 명예 살인이 반영되어 있고, 아랍의 비평 분야에서 명예살인을 다룬 최고의 아랍 소설이라는 평가를 받는 나집 마흐푸즈의 작품 『시작과 끝』을 분석하였다. 연구자는 이 작품 속에 나타난 명예 살인 관련 발화들과 이 작품을 명예살인과 관련하여 비평한 비평 텍스트들의 발화를 발췌하여 그레마스의 발화 이론으로 읽고 분석하였다.

      • KCI등재후보

        아랍소설 『시작과 끝』 연구-수용미학적 접근

        장현자 명지대학교(서울캠퍼스) 인문과학연구소 2013 인문과학연구논총 Vol.34 No.2

        This paper analyzes master novelist's Najīb Maḥfūẓ's Egyptian novel 『The Beginning and The End(1949)』 by Aesthetic of Reception(or Reception Theory) as the research methodology. Modern Arabic Criticism develops with the acceptance of Western Criticism. Aesthetic of Reception is a methodology of literary studies that creates a literary work with ‘writer-text-reader’ as the main elements. I analyzed this work based on terms and theory of Aesthetic of Reception, divided into the field of ‘author reading’, ‘text reading’, and ‘criticism reading’, and I read about the writer Najīb Maḥfūẓ in the part of ‘author reading’. I excerpted and then translated the original text from the perspective of researcher & recipient of this paper in the part of “text reading”. And last, in the part of ‘criticism reading’ I translated and quoted critics' critical texts because I judged it's need to expand reader & recipient's horizon of expectations. The results of reading this representative of Arabic novels based on the theory Aesthetic of Reception, I arrived at the conclusion that this research method which the object of this study, foreign literature work, the way of translation and introduction as native language users writer's text and critic & recipient' s receipt results is the research methodology to help more precise deeper understanding and reception of the text and work, in particular, to reader & recipient including the Arabic literature or foreign literature learners or researchers who read and analyze foreign literary works.

      • KCI등재

        قراءة الروية المغربية بواسطة نصوص النقد العربية نموذجا ل"دفنا الماضي"

        장현자 한국아랍어아랍문학회 2016 아랍어와 아랍문학 Vol.20 No.3

        This paper explores critical reviews and presents arguments for the position that the work of Abdulkerim Ghallab entitled 「We buried the past」be included in the high school and university Arabic Literature curriculum based on its tremendous academic value for the perspective it gives readers on pre- and post-independence Morocco. This work is a political and social novel, which depicts the Moroccan circumstance before and after being independent of France. In particular, this novel focuses on a middle-class family living in a religious city, Fez during the turbulent French colonial period. As one of the main characters, al-Hajj al-Tuhami spends his time hearing the Quran recitation and stories told by apostles in the renowned al-Quaraouiyine. He is described as a conservative and ordinary man. In fact, his second son, Abdurrahim serves as a main character. This work talks by him about the life of a common, traditional and conservative family in Morocco. As an educated person in the colonized country, he participates in an independence movement. Abdurrahim is put into the jail in the process of a strong resistance to a conspiracy to divide Morocco into two districts; the Arab and Berber. The past symbolizes undeveloped, old-fashioned, and uncivilized Morocco, which is personified in the novel by the father. "We buried" means not only the burial of the past after gaining independence but also the end of the father's generation. .

      • KCI등재

        قراءة سيميولوجية للرواية السودانية: "موسم الهجرة إلى الشمال"(1966) نموذحا

        장현자 한국아랍어아랍문학회 2008 아랍어와 아랍문학 Vol.12 No.2

        Many critics have taken part in criticism on「Season of Migration to the North」, one of the most famous Sudanese stories. The Novel, however, is one of the most difficult stories the native Sudanese can understand. For the reason, I, the present writer and foreigner, made use of Reception Theory as a methodology in this paper, which analyzes the novel. In 1. Creation Reading, I summarized and arranged the plot of the text. And in 2. Criticism Reading, I tried to understand the overall contents of the Novel by arranging criticisms which critics and readers comment on, especially ones by employing Greimas Semiology. To sum up, Creation Reading is summarized as follows in the respect of contents: A young man, who lives in Sudan, an underdeveloped country, migrated to England, a developed country, in order to study. In England, as he felt antipathy against England which had colonialized his country, he got his revenge by sporting with England's women and teaching Arabic culture wrongly. Finally, three women he had kept killed themselves or were killed. For the reason, he was sentenced to seven years’ imprisonment. After that time, he returned to Sudan. And Criticism Reading, which Yuma al-I:d and Sami Swaidan criticized by introducing Greimas Semiology, is summarized as follows: Mustafa, who is a hero and subject, went abroad to study an advanced learning of the West, an object. The purpose of going abroad for study was to make his country an addressee by restoring his actualization, an object, to his country. According to two said critics above, Yuma al-I:d and Sami Swaidan, Sudan consists of south, nature, and life and England north, culture, and death. In other words, Sudan, the south, believes in Islam, and engages in farming while maintaining a simple life. However, England, the north, consists of liquor, women, and advanced culture. The contrast in the work explains well that the hero cannot help experiencing culture shock between two cultures. In this way, I concentrated more on the analysis of contents by arranging Creation Reading and Criticism Reading, separately, which are attached into Reception Theory and Semiology.

      • KCI등재

        تحليل الرواية "اللجنة" للكاتب المصري صنع الله إبراهيم

        장현자 명지대학교(서울캠퍼스) 중동문제연구소 2015 중동문제연구 Vol.14 No.2

        This paper analyzes the Egyptian novelist, Ṣunʻallāh Ibrāhīm's novel The Committee (1992) through the aesthetic of reception (or reception theory) research methodology. Aesthetic of reception is a methodology of literary studies that creates a literary work with ‘writer-text-reader’ as the main elements. This paper analyzes the novel based on terms and theory of aesthetic of reception, and divides it into the fields of ‘text reading’, ‘criticism reading’, and ‘author reading.’ Research about the author was done in the ‘author reading’ section, this paper then excerpts and then translates the original text from the perspective of researcher & recipient of the novel in the ‘text reading’ section, and in the ‘criticism reading’ section, this paper translates and quotes critics' critical texts as the novel needs to expand reader & recipient's horizon of expectations. In summary, based on the theory of aesthetic of reception the story of this novel was about a middle-aged ambitious Egyptian man who had prepared for a job at ‘The Committee’. This job symbolizes the hidden power either in politics or in economy to have fast success in his life. However, he was killed by ‘The Committee’. More details of this story are dealt in the part of ‘text reading’ and t he part of ‘criticism reading’ in this paper.

      • KCI등재

        이집트 소설 『그 냄새』의 수용과 기대지평

        장현자 한국아랍어아랍문학회 2023 아랍어와 아랍문학 Vol.27 No.2

        This thesis aims to construct a Horizon of Expectations for the Egyptian Novel "That Smell" by Sun Allah Ibrahim, employing a research methodology grounded in the Aesthetics of Reception. This methodology encompasses the theories of 'Reception' and the 'Horizon of Expectations'. During the time of the novel's publication, it stirred significant controversy within the field of Arabic literature due to its explicit sexual and political content, which significantly impacted the Reception process. Therefore, within this thesis, the researcher constructs a Horizon of Expectations for both the author and the plot of the novel. This is achieved by analyzing the responses of various critics and receivers to the content, thereby determining how each individual critic/receiver engaged with the different aspects of the novel's content. 본 논문은 수용미학의 연구 방법론으로 순을라 이브라힘(صنع الله إبراهيم)의 이집트 소설 『그 냄새』에 대한 수용 과정과 기대지평(أفق الانتظار)을 구성하여 한국 독자 수용자들로 하여금 아랍 문학의 이해를 돕고자 하는 것을 목표로 한다. 이는 소설에 대한 내용 분석과 다양한 비평가와 수용자들의 반응을 통하여 달성된다. 이 소설은 출판 당시 노골적인 성적 묘사와 민감한 정치관련 내용으로 아랍 문단과 이집트 당국 수용자들의 격렬한 반응이 있었고 결국 출판 금지를 당하여 20여년이 지난 후에야 출판되는 힘겨운 수용 과정을 거쳤다.

      • KCI등재

        모로코 소설 ‘Daffanna' al- Madi'의 수용미학적 연구

        장현자 한국아랍어아랍문학회 2007 아랍어와 아랍문학 Vol.11 No.2

        هذا البحث يحلل الرواية المغربية 「دفنا الماضي(1966)」 لعبد الكريم غلاب طبقا لمنهج ’نظرية التلقي‘. أما هذه الرواية فلقد قررت وزارة التربية المغربية في السنة السابعة الأدبية في المدارس الثانوية ابتداء من السنة المدرسية 1979-1980 و السنوات التالية. وقد اهتم الأساتذة والطلبة بهذه الرواية اهتماما كبيرا لما تحمله من لأهم فترة في تاريخ المغرب الحديث، وهي رواية ملتزمة، رواية ثورية تشمل قصة مغربية صميمة يعني رواية「دفنا الماضي」لعبد الكريم غلاب واحدة من أشهر رواية مغربية. لهاذا أرى أن هذه الرواية لها استحاقة قيمة كافيا نحلل ونفسر ونقرأ من طرفنا أيضا. لقد كان تاريخ الأدب في السابق يرتكز على أساس رؤية تاريخية مادية وتكوينية ورؤية الأفكار التي تدعو لدراسة العمل والمؤلف في مجال النقد الأدبي، غير أنه منذ نهاية الستينات بدأت تظهر ’نظرية التلقي‘ (Reception Theory) على يد H.R.Jauss (1192-1997) ، والتي أبدت لأول مرة اهتمامها بالمتلقي إلى جانب المؤلف والعمل الأدبي. وفي لمحة البصر، انتشرت هذه النظرية في مجال النقد الأدبي الغربي الشيء الذي يدفعني بدوري إلى استغلال بعض هذه الأسس من أجل إنجاز هذا البحث. وحاولت أن أستفيد من هذه النظرية ’جمالية التلقي‘(Aesthetic of Reception) انطلاقا من زاوية اعتمادها على ثلاثة أنواع من المتلقين وهي: القارئ المؤلف، القارئ العادي، القارئ الناقد. وبالنسبة إلى الجزء الأول من المحتوى عملت على تلخيص الرواية تلخيصا موجزا بعد أن قمت بقراءتها كقارئ عادي في الجزء الذي عنونته بـ ’قراءة النص‘ الذي كتبه القارئ المؤلف كما قرأت المقالات والدراسات النقدية لبعض الدارسين والنقاد العرب التي كتبها قارئ الناقد وذلك في الجزء الذي عنونته بـ ’قراءة النقد‘. وحتى إذا كان ثمة خروج عن الموضوع فإنني أتجرأ على أخذ أكبر عدد ممكن من المعلومات المتعلقة بالرواية العربية كما كتبها النقاد العرب دون تغيير أساليبهم. وظننت أن في ذلك أحسن وسيلة لإيصال المعلومات بلا تغيير إلى القراء المتلقيين الكوريين. بينما تستخدم المصطلحة ’القراءة‘ بمعنى وإشمالا معنى التحليل والتفسير في ميدان النقد الأدبي حاليا. على الأساس هذه نظرية جمالية التلقي نتيجة لتحليل وقراءة هذه الرواية كما كتبها النقاد العرب الذي يتكلموا الغتهم دون تغيير أساليبهم، اصتخلص هذا البحث أن منهج جمالية التلقي التي استخدمها في هذا البحث يكون إمكانية تساعد الفهم و التلقي العمل الأجنبي بعلق أكثر للقراء المتلقيين الأجنبيين اشمالا الباحثين والمتلقين الكوريين أيضا.

      • 근로자의 정신질환에 대한 업무상 재해 인정기준-법원 판례 분석을 중심으로-

        장현자(張玹慈) 서울대 사회보장법연구회 2019 사회보장법연구 Vol.8 No.2

        대체로 근로자의 정신질환이 발병하거나 기존 정신질환이 악화되기까지 과중한 업무 등의 여러 업무 관련 요인 이외에 가족과의 불화, 금전관계 등의 업무 이외 요인, 내성적이고 예민한 성격 등의 개인적 소인이 경합하여 영향을 미친다. 그러한 경우 여러 요인들을 어떠한 방식으로 평가하여 산업재해보상보험법 제37조 제1항의 업무와 정신질환 사이의 상당인과관계를 인정할 수 있을지가 문제된다. 산업재해보상보험은 사회연대원리에 기초한 사회보험의 일종이고, 산업재해보상보험법 관계는 사업주에게 업무상 재해에 관하여 무과실책임을 부과하여 사회적 위험인 산업재해로부터 근로자를 보호하는 법률관계이다. 따라서 과실책임을 전제로 채무자의 책임범위를 제한하는 민법상의 상당인과관계 논의가 산업재해보상보험법 관계에 그대로 적용되지 않는다. 이러한 산업재해보상보험법 관계의 특성과 피재 근로자와 그 가족의 생활보장이라는 산업재해보상보험법의 입법 목적을 고려하여 상당인과관계의 상당성을 탄력적으로 해석하여야 한다. 근로자 간에 신체적, 환경적 요인 동일하더라도, 각자의 건강상태나 업무 숙련 정도에 따라 근로자가 느끼는 심리적 부담의 정도가 다르다. 따라서 업무 관련 스트레스로 인하여 근로자의 정신질환이 발병하거나 악화되었는지 여부는 재해 근로자의 고유한 정신건강과 신체조건을 기준으로 판단하여야 할 것이다. 업무 관련 요인으로 인하여 정신질환이 발병하거나 악화된 것으로 인정된다면, 각 요인들 사이에 우위를 정하거나 무엇이 좀 더 유력한 요인인지에 대해 판단하는 대신에, 원칙적으로 업무 관련 요인, 개인적 소인 등의 요인들이 복합적으로 또는 공동으로 작용하여 정신질환이 발병 또는 악화되었다고 인정하여야 한다. 그러나 정신질환의 발병 또는 악화가 업무에 내재하거나 수반하는 고유한 구체적 위험이 현실화된 것으로 평가되지 않는다면 정신질환과 업무와의 상당인과관계는 부정될 것이다. Usually, in addition to a number of work-related factors such as heavy work, non work-related factors such as discord with family members and financial relationships and personal factors such as an introverted and sensitive personality affect together, resulting in a worker’s mental illness or worsening of the existing mental illness. In such cases, it is a question of how to assess the various factors and to recognize the proximate causal relation between work and mental illness under Article 37 (1) of Industrial Accident Compensation Insurance Act. The industrial accident compensation insurance is social insurance based on the principle of social solidarity and the relationship of the Industrial Accident Compensation Insurance Act is a legal relationship that protects workers from industrial accidents, a social hazard, by imposing strict liability on employers for industrial accident. Therefore, the discussion of proximate causal relation in the civil law that limits the scope of liability of the debtor under the negligence liability does not apply to the relationship of the Industrial Accident Compensation Insurance Act. Considering the nature of these Industrial Accident Compensation Insurance Act relationships and the legislative purpose of the Industrial Accident Compensation Insurance Act, which guarantees the lives of workers and their families, the “proximateness” of proximate causal relation should be interpreted flexibly. Even though physical and environmental factors are the same among workers, workers feel different levels of psychological burden depending on their health and work skills. Therefore, whether a worker’s mental illness has developed or deteriorated due to work-related stress should be determined based on the employee’s unique mental health and physical conditions. If a mental illness is recognized as having developed or deteriorated due to work-related factors, in principle, mental illness should be admitted to have developed or deteriorated as a result of a combination or joint action of factors, such as work-related factors and personal factors, instead of establishing an advantage among each factor or determining what is more likely. However, if the incidence or deterioration of mental illness is not assessed as realized the inherent specific risks in or accompanying the work, then the proximate causal relation between mental illness and the work will be denied.

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