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        기획논문 : 「전기」의 의미 변모와 근대적인 의의 -A.콩트의 3단계의 법칙 의 시점을 중심으로-

        후천 ( Houquan Zhang ) 연세대학교 언어정보연구원(구 연세대학교 언어정보개발원) 2015 언어사실과 관점 Vol.36 No.-

        메이지의 계몽사상가들은 문명개화에 적극적인 영향을 미치는 동시에, 새로운 학술 사상을 표현하기 위해 수많은 개념을 한자어의 형태로 고안하였다. 새로운 한자어에는 「철학」이나 「심리학」, 「민주」 「과학」 등과 같은 추상개념의 단어가 많은데 「전기」와 같은 과학 기술의 용어도 포함되어 있다. 필자는 이렇게 새로 만들어진 한자어를 서양근대의 문명을 이식하는 프로세스에 착안하여 「근대 한자어」라 칭하고 있다. 여기서 말하는 「근대」는 일본의 근대라는 의미가 아니라 「서양근대」의 의미이다.「근대 한자어」를 고찰함에 있어서, 주로 아래의 세 가지 문제가 있다고 생각한다. 첫째는 단어 구성의 문제이며, 또 하나는 단어의 의미 형성과 변모의 문제이다. 나아가 일중한의 사이에서 차용의 사실이 있다면 차용 관계도 중요한 문제이다. 본론은 과학기술의 개념으로써 중요한 용어인 「전기」를 고찰한 것이다.「전기」에 대한 지금까지의 선행 연구에서는 「전기」가 ‘electricity’의 번역으로써 중국어로부터 일본에 전해졌다라는 설이 유력하였다. 그러나 몇 가지 문제점이 남는다. 하나는 「전기」가 일본에 전해지기 전에 그것에 해당하는 네덜란드어 역의 「월력」(에레키)과 같은 의미인 것처럼 여겨지고 있는 점이다. 다른 하나는 당시의 「전기」가 과연 오늘날의 「전기」와 같은 의미의 용어였는가 하는 문제이다. 구와키 아야오(1935 : 4)는 「에레키테르 물어(物語)」에서 「주지하는 바와 같이 전기라는 말은 나중에 중국으로부터 도입된 것이다」라 말하고 있다. 야마다 다카오(1958 : 420)는 「한자 번역의 서책으로부터 들어왔다」고 분류하고 있다. 그 때문인지 필자가 2001년에 국어학회에서 발표했을 때에 「전기」를 일본의 근대 한자어로 분류하자 질문자로부터 「중국어라는 것이 정설이다」라고 지적 당하였다. 그러나 그 정설이 어떠한 기준으로 어떻게 정해졌는지는 꼭 명확하지만은 않다. 특히 「전기」와 같은 근대성을 지닌 과학 기술의 용어는 글자의 출현 순서만으로 판단할 것이 아니라, A.콩트의 지식의 「3단계의 법칙」이나 과학사의 척도로 판단할 필요가 있다.「전기」라는 말은 중국어에서 유래했다는 견해는 일찍부터 존재하여, 가와모토 고민(1857 : 3)은 「기해관란광의(氣海觀瀾廣義)」에서 네덜란드어인 「에레키테루」에 해당하는 단어를 「중국인이 최근 전기라 번역함」이라고 말하고 있다. 가와코토 고민(1857)이나 구와키 아야오(1935), 야마다 다카오(1958)의 「전기」 중국어 설에는 특별히 구체적인 중국어의 문헌은 거론되고있지 않다. 이에 반해 마츠이 도시히코(1983)는 「전기」라는 용어가 영국의 선교사 W. 뮤어헤드(William Muirhead 모유렴(慕維廉))의 「지리전지(地理全志)」(1853-54년) 속에서 확인되었다고 구체적인 문헌을 언급하여 명확히 지적하고 있다. 또한 야쓰미미 도시후미(1992 : 118)는 미국 선교사 맥고원(D.J.MacGowan)이 번역한 「박물통서」(1851년)에 대하여 상세히 논고하면서 「전기」라는 단어의 시작이 맥고원의 「박물통서」에 있었다고 말하였다.그러나 「박물통서」의 번역 예가 가장 빨랐다는 이유로 현대의 「전기」라는 용어가 중국어에서 유래한다고 주장하는 것은 신빙성이 빈약하다고 여겨진다. 왜냐하면 당시 번역된 「전기」라는 말의 의미가 현대의 「전기」와 꼭 합치하지는 않기 때문이다. 「박물통서」의 기술에서도 엿볼 수 있듯이 「마찰전기」「정전기」의 의미로써 사용하는 것도 있다. 이것은 제2차 산업혁명의 상징으로써 이해되고 있는 현대의 「전기」의 개념과는 거리가 먼 것이다. 또한 야쓰미미 도시후미(2007 : 93)는 「중국에서는 「전기」는 기(氣)가 아니기 때문에 「電(電)」 한 자로 사용되게 되었으나 일본에서는 여전히 「전기」가 사용되고 한국에서도 「전기」의 한글 표기가 사용되고 있다」고 기술하고 있어, 여기에서는 확실히 주장하고 있지는 않지만, 중국에서는 「전기」라는 용어가 그 후사용되지 않게 되었다는 의미로 해석할 수 있다. 그러나 실제로는 「“電氣”/전기」는 지금도 「“電氣化”/전기화」 「“電氣工程學”/전기공학」 「“電氣工程師”/전기 엔지니어」와 같이 폭넓게 사용되고 있는 용어이다. 한편 「전기」라는 용어가 중국어에서 유래했다는 주장과는 반대로 중국의 연구자 중에는 일본의 근대 한자어로써 인정하는 사람도 있다. 예를 들면 언어학자인 왕리(王力1980 : 526)는 「「電」이 접두어로 되어 있는 복합어는 모두 일본어에서 유래한다」고 기술하였다. 최근 장후천(張厚泉 2006 : 58)은 「박물통서」(1851년)를 언급하며 이 책이 아마도 가장 일찍 「전기」를 사용한 중국어 문헌이며 전기는 「전」과 「기」의 복합어로 「기」는 중국 고대 철학의 개념이라 지적하고, 유선전보의 순간적인 통신기능이 「전기」의 형성을 촉진했다고 밝혔다. 중국어의 「전기」가 일본어에 들어오기 전에 네덜란드어인 ‘Elektriciteit’의 일본어 역인 「에레키데리세이리테이」 「에레키(越歷)」에는 이미 「기(器)」의의미가 있었다. 고토 리슌은 「홍모담(네덜란드 이야기)」 (하권) (1765년)에서네덜란드어인 「Elektriciteit/에레키데리세이리테이」를 「모든 고통 있는 병자의 아픈 곳에서 불을 취하는 기구」. 「에레키테리」란, 「이 도구를 연구하여성취했을 때의 사람의 이름을 지금은 이 도구의 이름으로 한다」고 기술하고있다. 또한 모리시마(가쓰라가와) 추료도 「홍모잡어 「5권」」(1787년)에서 「이기구는 먼 서양의 사람, 전광의 이치를 추구하여 처음 만들어낸 완기翫器(장난감) 중 더욱 희귀한 물건」이라 기록하여, 「기(器) (의료기구)」 「완기(장난감)」로 인식하고 있었다. 상기 2개의 문헌은 사이토 세이(1967) 「일본어에 미친 네덜란드어의 영향」이나 스기모토 쓰토무(1995) 「에도의 번역가들」등 에서 거론되고 있다. 「불을 취하는 기구」 「여러 종류의 에레키테루를 새로만들었다」 「완기 중 더욱 희귀한 물건」이라 기록되어 있는 점으로 미루어 난학자들은 네덜란드어 ‘Elektriciteit’를 모두 「기(氣)」가 아닌 「기(器)」로써 인식하고 있었다는 것을 알 수 있다. 에레키테루는 그 후 오오츠키 겐타쿠의 문하생인 하시모토 소키치(담재曇齋)의 「阿蘭陀(오란다) 에레키테루 구리원(究理原)」(1811년)에서 「호박(琥珀) 」 「호백(虎魄)」의 의미라고 설명되어 있다. 또한 같은 책 「천기기제조병명의(天氣器製造倂名義)의 변(弁)」에서는 천기기(天氣器)로도 번역되고 있다. 그러나 하시모토 소키치가 「전(電)」을 전혀 사용하지 않은 것은 아니다. 「구리원(상권)」의 목록에는 「플라스크의 물로 사람을 몹시 놀라게 하는 도설(圖說) 및 전(電)을 나타내는 그림」과 같이 「전(電)」을 사용한 흔적을 확인할 수있다. 한편, 「전기」라는 자연과학의 용어는 20세기의 초반까지, 예를 들어 엄복(嚴復)과 같은 중국의 계몽사상가에게 있어서도 사용하는데 상당한 저항이 있었던 용어였다. 엄복 이전, 외교관인 곽호도(郭蒿燾 1905 :29)는 「윤기여파려일기(倫敦與巴黎日記)」에서 영국의 발전소를 견학한 내용을 「모든 전기는 석탄 속에서 나온다」라고 적고 있다. 곽호도는 1876년 12월에 영국에 부임하여 이듬해 2월부터 일본 공사 우에노 가게노리나 이노우에 가오루 등과 빈번히 교류하여, 1878년 1월에 우에노 가게노리로부터 「동경개성학교 일람(東京開成學校一覽)」이 도착하여 설명을 받았다는 사실을 일기에 적고 있다. 「동경개성학교일람」에는 「왈대기중전기(曰大氣中電氣)」 등 39과목의 학과 명이 거론되고 있다. 엄복과 대조적으로 곽호도의 일기에서 사용되고 있는 「전기」는 우에노 등 일본의 외교관으로부터 받은 영향이라고 단언은 할 수 없지만, 그럴가능성은 충분히 예상할 수 있다. 동경개성학교란 말할 것도 없이 도쿄대학의 전신으로, 1874년에 설치된 법학·화학·공학의 3과로 구성된 근대적인 학교이다. 동경개성학교의 과목에서는 「전기」는 확인할 수 없으나 메이지9 (1876)년 「동경개성학교 일람」「제10장」 「제2조」에는 「전기학용의 모든 기기 중 귀중한 것은 람스덴씨 플레이트 대전기기(大電機器), ···」 (p.27), 「제2년 물리학 전기유동론」 (p.47), 「제1 보통과」에 「대기 중의 전기」 (p. 59)라는 기술이 있는 점으로 미루어,곽호도의 일기 내용에 대한 신빙성은 매우 높다. 부언하자면, 「제1년 초보물리학」에는 아직 「정월력학, 동월력학」의 용어가 사용되었다.「전기」에 대해서는 서주(1870 : 58)도 「백학련환(百學連環)」 「총론」에서 프랑스의 철학자 A.콩트의 지식의 「3단계의 법칙」을 응용하여 「천둥(雷) 」과 「전기」의 관계에 대해서 알기 쉽게 설명하고 있다. 서주는 「천둥(雷)」에서 「전기」로 변하는 프로세스를 설명하였는데, 「주공(周公)의 역리(易理)」나 「음양의 다툼」이라는 개념으로 해석했던 「전기」를 제2단계인 형이상학적개념으로 설명한 것은 분명하다. 이는 가와모토 고민 등의 난학자가 접촉했던 중국에서 전해진 한자역의 「전기」였다. A.콩트는 인간의 지적 발전은 신학적·형이상학적·실증적이라는 세 개의 「stage」 = 「장」(단계, 상태)를 거침으로써 완성된다고 주장한다. 이 점으로 미루어 A. 콩트의 지식의 「3단계의 법칙」으로 서로 다른 시기의 「전기」의 의미가 제2단계 혹은 제3단계에 있는 지를 검증하는 것은 이 학문의 중요한 과제라는 것을 주장하고 싶다. 이 법칙에 따라서 과학기술 용어의 의미를 정의한다면, 근대 한자어는 당연히 서양 근대 문명의 의미를 포함해야만 한다. 다시 말해, 현대의 「전기」라는 한자어는 A. 콩트가 주장하는 제3단계에 있는 말이며, 과학사의 시점에서 본다면 산업혁명의 의미를 반영하고 있다고 규정하지 않을 수 없다. 제2차 산업혁명(전기·석유)의 통설은 나라에 따라 다소 다르지만, 19세기 후반이라는 것은 거의 일치한다. 즉, 전화기·축음기(1877), 전구(1879), 발전기(1880)가 발명된 후의 개념이라는 말이다. 상기의 고찰 결과 「전기」는 일본의 「월력(에레키)」과 「기구」나 「기계장치 」로써 난학에서 출발하였으나, 중국의 한역 양서는 보다 빨리「Electricity 전기」의 본질을 밝혀냈다는 점이 확실하다. 그 때문에 중국어의 한역 양서에서 음양론이나 오행설 등으로 설명하여 번역한 「전기」를 받아들인 시점에서 이미 중국어의 「전기」와 일본어의 「월력(에레키)」에는 그 의미영역이 상이했었다. 그 후 지식의 제2단계에 있는 중국어의 「전기」를 차용하여 「에레키 」 대신 사용했는데, 그 다음에 제3단계의 「전기」가 외교관을 통해서 중국으로 역수출되었다고 여겨진다. 물론 「근대 한자어」에 대한 문헌을 세밀히 조사하여 중국어인지 일본어인지를 묻는 대조연구가 필요하지만, 「근대한자어」에 대하여 그 말의 당시 의미용법이 현재와 같은지 어떤지를 명확히 하는 것이 무엇보다 중요하다. 덧붙여 말하자면 그 용어의 사용이 일본과 중국, 한국의 근대화에 어떠한 영향을 미쳤는지를 탐구하는 것이 바로 「근대 한자어」 연구의 의의라 하겠다. Enlightenment thinkers of the Meiji Period devised a number of concepts using Chinese words in order to fully influence the civilization and enlightenment and to express the new academic ideas. The new Chinese words often included the words of abstract concepts such as “Philosophy”, “Psychology”, “Democracy”, and “Science” and also included technical and scientific terms such as “Electricity.” These newly devised Chinese words were called the “Modern Chinese Words” in this study, referring to the process of implanting the modern Western civilization. Here, the term “Modern” means “Modern Western” instead of “Modern Japanese.” There three basic problems relating to the examination of the "Modern Chinese.” They are the problem of the word structure, and the formation and the change of the word’s meaning. In addition, if there were borrowings of words between Japan, China, and Korea, the borrowing relationship becomes another important problem. This study focused on “Electricity”, an important term representing the concept of science and technology. For “electricity”, there is an established theory that “electricity” was transmitted to Japan from the Chinese as a translation of electricity. Still, however, there are few problems. One is that "electric" is regarded to have the same meaning as “Ereki”, the Dutch translation that corresponds to “electricity” before “electricity” was introduced to Japan. Another one is the problem of whether “electricity” at the time meant the “electricity” today. Ayao Kuwaki (1935: 4) argues in "Erekiteru Story" that “As you are well aware of, the term ‘electricity’ was introduced from China later.” Takao Yamada (1958: 420) classified the term to have been “introduced through Western books translated into Chinese.” For this, when I had a presentation at the Society of Japanese Linguistics in 2001 where I classified “electricity” as the modern Chinese word of Japan, I was rectified by the questioner, “It has been established that it is Chinese.” However, it is not necessarily clear how it became established by which criteria. Particularly for the scientific and technical terms that reflect modernity such as “electricity”, it is necessary to apply the “Three Stages Law” of A. Comte or the criteria of science history rather than determining it only by the order of textual appearance. The view that the term, “electricity”, was derived from Chinese existed for a long time; Koumin Kawamoto (1857: 3) indicated in “Kikai Kanran Kougi” that the Chinese translated the word that corresponds to the Dutch word, “Erekiteru”, as “electricity” recently. The theory of “electricity” coming from Chinese by Koumin Kawamoto (1857) or Ayao Kuwaki (1935), and Takao Yamada (1958) does not mention specific Chinese literature. On the contrary, Toshihiko Matsui (1983) clearly indicates that the term "electricity" was found in the “Universal Geography (1853~54)” by the English missionary, William Muirhead by indicating the specific literature. In addition, Yatsumimi Toshifumi (1992: 118)discussed “Hakubutsu Tsusho (1851)” translated by the American missionary, D.J. MacGowan in detail and argued that the origin of the word "electricity" is the “Hakubutsu Tsusho” by MacGowan. However, the argument that the modern term of the “electricity” was originated from China solely based on the fact that the translation of “Hakubutsu Tsusho” was dated the earliest somewhat lacks credibility, because the meaning of the word translated into “electricity” at the time does not necessarily square with the meaning of modern day “electricity.” As it was suggested in the description of “Hakubutsu Tsusho”, the term was also used to indicate "frictional electricity" or "electrostatic.” This is far from the concept of modern “electricity” which is understood as a symbol of the Second Industrial Revolution. Yatsumimi Toshifumi (2007: 93) also argued that, China uses “電(電)” as “electricity” is not “氣” whereas Japan still uses “電氣” and Korea also uses the Hangeul notation for “electricity.” Although he did not clearly argued here, it can be interpreted that the term, “電氣” had not been used in China since then. However, “電氣/ electricity” has been widely used in the form of “電氣化 (Electrify)”, “電氣工程學 (Electric Engineering)”, and “電氣工 程師 (Electric Engineer).” Contrary to the argument that the term “electricity” was derived from the Chinese, some Chinese researchers recognize it as the modern Chinese word of Japan. For example, Li Wong (1980: 526) said all compound words prefixed by “電” were originated from the Japanese.” Recently, Houquan Zhang (2006: 58) said "Hakubutsu Tsusho" (the 1851) is perhaps the earliest Chinese literature that used the term “electricity” and argued that “電氣 (electricity)” is the compound word of “電 (thunder)” and “氣 (energy)” where “氣 (energy)” reflects the concept of ancient Chines philosophy and that the instant communication of wired telegram accelerated the formation of the word, “electricity.” “Ereki” and “Erekideriseiritei”, the Japanese transliteration of the Dutch word, ‘Elektriciteit’ already had the meaning of “器 (device)” before the Chinese word “電氣 (electricity)” was transmitted to Japan. Rishun Goto described “Elektriciteit” as the “device which takes fire from the pain of all suffering patients” and “Erekiteri” is the “name of the person who developed this device and the name is now used to indicate the device” in “Dutch Tale” (Vol. 2) (1765). Churo Morishima also recorded in “Komo Zatsuwa (Vol. 5)” (1787), “This is a rarer object among the toys that Western people built for the first time using the principle of electric lightning”, regarding it as a “device (medical equipment)” or toy. The two literatures above were mentioned in “Dutch Influence on Japanese Language” by Sei Saito (1967) or “Translators of Edo” by Tsutomu Sugimoto (1995). The fact that it was recorded as the “device to take fire”, “~ made a variety of types of Erekiteru ~”, and “a rarer object among the toys~”, shows that the scholars of Dutch studies have regarded the Dutch word, “Elektriciteit”, as “器 (device)” instead of “電氣 (electricity).” Later, Erekiteru was described to be “amber” in “Oranda Erekiteru Kumoritoki (1811)” by Soukichi Hashimoto, a pupil of Gentaku Otsuki. Also, is also translated as weather instrument (Erekiteru) in “天氣器製造倂名義” of the same book. However, It does not mean Soukichi Hashimoto did not use the term “electric.” The list of “Kumoritoki (Vol. 1)” shows the trace of using “電” in the “Diagram or figure that makes people greatly surprisesd with the water in the flask” in its list. On the other hand, the natural science terms called “electricity” was a term that faced considerable resistance in its use even for Chinese enlightenment thinkers such as Fu Yan until the beginning of the 20thcentury. Songtao Guo (1905: 29), a diplomat before Fu Yan, described that “all electricity comes from coal” his report on the visit to a power generation plant in England in <London and Paris Diary> dated September 12, 1877. Songtao Guo arrived in England in December 1876 and frequently exchanged with Japanese consul Kagenori Ueno and Kaoru Inoue from February of the following year and he wrote in his diary that he received “Tokyo Kaisei School List” as a gift from Kagenori Ueno with explanation in January 1878. The “Tokyo Kaisei School List” mentions the names of 39 subjects including “Atmospheric Electricity.” In contrast to Fu Yan, it is possible that the “electricity” used in Songtao Guo’s diary could have been influenced by Japanese diplomats such as Ueno although it cannot be affirmed as so. Needless to say, Tokyo Kaisei School established in 1874 is the predecessor of the University of Tokyo, and is a modern school which was composed of three departments including law, chemistry, and engineering. Although it was unable to find “electricity” in the curriculum offered by Tokyo Kaisei School, the credibility of the contents of Songtao Guo’s diary is quite high considering the descriptions such as “The most precious one of all machines for electrical science is Mr. Ramsden’s large electric machine called ‘Plate’ … (p. 27)”, “Second Year Physics - Electrical Flow Theory” (p. 47), and “Electricity in Atmosphere” in “1. General” (p. 59) in Article 2 of Chapter 10 of the <Tokyo Kaisei School List> written in Meiji 9 (1876). In addition, the <First Year Elementary Physics> used terms like “Static Ereki (Electricity) Science, Dynamic Ereki (Electricity) Science.” For “electricity”, Amane Nishi (1870: 58) also explained the relationship between thunder and “electricity” in a simple manner using the “Three Stages Law” of A. Comte., the French philosopher in the “Introduction” of the <Encyclopedia>. Amane Nishi has been described the process of change from the “thunder” to “electricity”, and it is clear that he explained “electricity” as a metaphysical concept in the second stage while it had been interpreted as the concept of “Zhougong’s Logic of Change” or the “Struggle between Yin and Yang.” This was clearly the “electricity” imported from Chinese translation that the scholars of Dutch studies such as Koumin Kawamoto contacted. A. Comte stated that human intellectual development is completed as it passes through three “stages” = “places” (steps, states) such as theological, metaphysical, and empirical stages. Therefore, I wish to argue that verifying whether the meaning of “electric” in different times is in the second or third stage based on the “Three Stages Law” of knowledge by A. Comte. is an important issue of this study. If you define the meaning of the science and technology terms in accordance with this law, the modern Chinese words must naturally include the meaning of modern Western civilization. In other words, “electricity” as a modern Chinese word is the word in the third stage insisted by A. Comte. and has to be considered that it reflects the meaning of the industrial revolution from the perspective of the history of science. Although the common view of the second industrial revolution (electricity and petroleum) is somewhat different depending on the country, they all agree that it took place in the late 19th century. In other words, it is the word of the concept that came after the invention of telephone and phonograph (1877), light bulb (1879), and generator (1880). According to the discussion above, it is clear that China``s translation of Western books identified the essence of the "electricity" earlier while Japan started to understand “Ereki” as a “device” or “mechanical device” from Dutch studies. For that, the meaning of “electricity” in Chinese and that of “Ereki” in Japanese already had different area of meaning at the time China acknowledged “electricity” as it was described with the Yin-Yang theory or the Five Elements theory in Western books translated into Chinese. Later, Japan borrowed “electricity” in Chinese in the second stage of knowledge and used it instead of “Ereki” and it is conceivable that “electricity” in the third stage of knowledge could be exported back to China through diplomats. A controlled study inquiring whether a word is Chinese or Japanese by thoroughly reviewing the literatures on “Modern Chinese” is of course necessary; however, clarifying whether the meaning and usage of the word at the time were the same as the current meaning and usage of the word is all the more important. In other words, exploring how the use of the word influenced the modernization of Japan, China, and Korea is the very purpose of studying “Modern Chinese Words.”

      • KCI등재
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      • KCI등재

        온라인 메신저를 활용한 중급 한국어 쓰기 수업 사례 연구 -장르 중심 쓰기를 바탕으로-

        적 ( Zhang Di ),최예진 ( Choi Yejin ) 이중언어학회 2022 이중언어학 Vol.88 No.-

        This study aims to present a case study of Korean Writing Education using online messenger for Chinese intermediate learners. Communication competence means how properly a language can be used in the context in which it is used. It also points to a genre-based teaching approach which emphasizes the socio-cultural situation and context and values the efficient communication within the discourse community. Meanwhile, language education using digital technology which can handle and share various information is becoming increasingly common. In particular, WeChat, which has the largest number of users in China, is also desirable to use it as a learning space. Therefore, this study attempted to present a case study Korean Writing Education based on genre-based teaching approach using WeChat for 15 college students from T University in China. The instructional model was presented by referring to and reconstructing Feez(1998) and Park Eun-sun(2014) and dividing it into four stages: context setting, model text analysis, co-construction, and independent composition. As a result, the students showed a satisfactory response overall but there were also negative opinions such as lack of time and low participation of students in the evaluation. Therefore, it is hoped that an efficient teaching method will be prepared to overcome these limitations in the future. (Kyunghee University)

      • KCI등재

        비판적 문식성 신장을 위한 한국어 교육 연구 : 리얼리즘 시를 중심으로

        청원(Zhang, Qing-Yuan) 부산대학교 한국민족문화연구소 2020 한국민족문화 Vol.76 No.-

        이 논문은 비판적 문식성을 한국어교육에 적용하여 한국 리얼리즘 시와 결부시킬 수 있는지를 타진하며, 한국 문학교육을 발전시킬 새로운 교수-학습 방안을 모색하는 데에 목적이 있다. 이를 위해서는 먼저 비판적 문식성의 기본적 개념을 살피고 이를 한국어 교육에 적용하여 재규명하며, 리얼리즘 시와 비판적 문식성의 관계를 논의하였다. 또한 수업에서 나타나는 중국인 학습자의 이해 양상을 바탕으로 그들의 비판적 문식성이 형성되는 과정을 구체화하였다. 그리고 이를 바탕으로 리얼리즘 시를 통한 비판적 문식성 교육의 가능성을 타진했다. 이와 더불어 향후 중국인 학습자를 위한 비판적 문식성 교육에 적용할 수 있는 시사점을 도출했다. 이를 통해 향후 구체적인 교수-학습 방안을 도출하기 위해 필요한 기본적 논의를 제시했다. The purpose of this research is to provide a new thinking mode for the future development of Korean language education, the future focus of Korean language education, and how to extend Korean literature education to combined with the development of this new era. For this reason, this research centered on realistic poetry, combines the popular educational concept -- critical literacy, to provide new methods for the development of Korean language education in the future. The concept of critical literacy was conceived by progressive educators. However, the thinking and cognition of this concept in foreign language education are still in the exploratory phrase. Therefore, the author creatively combines critical realism poetry and critical literacy to explore the possibility between them. The author defines the core vocabulary as ‘critical literacy’, ‘realism’, ‘change of personal identity’, ‘social justice’ and ‘ethical consciousness’ to draw out the relationship between the first two. The focus of the combination is on the perspective of students" personal identity. As we all know, personal identity is constantly changing due to the influence of environment, cultural thinking patterns, and personal identity in different situations and also has a fusion of multiple identities. Critical literacy is to make students leave the classroom, perceive the society, and recognize their powers to change the society. In foreign language learning, students" sense of identity is constantly changing and diversified. By means of the diversity and activeness of identity, the author brings students into the social perspective to form an organic combination of classroom and society. Let students fully understand their own social role, improve their sense of right or wrong and ability to discuss social problems. At the same time, one-sided critical ability may cause students to become radical and too idealistic. Researchers supplement the meaning of critical literacy, combined with social morality, ethical consciousness, and positive social values, such as the realization of a just society. This is helpful for students no longer to understand learning and society in detachment, and to think about social problems in a one-sided manner. Deeply explore their own sense of social ownership, cultivate a variety of analytical abilities. For now though, it is not an easy task to combine literary education and critical literacy in Korean language education. It requires our researchers and teachers to keep exploring how to adapt to and expand this subject in language education. For this reason, this research proposed to use literary “realism” text to skillfully link the thinking of critical literacy for the reference of each researchers. And considered it necessary to work formally on this new subject.

      • KCI등재

        UTAUT를 적용한 무인주문결제시스템에 대한 지각된 위험, 소비자특성이 이용태도 및 이용의도에 미치는 영향: 중국소비자를 중심으로

        여진(Zhang, Yao Jin),류미현(Ryu, Mi Hyun) 한국생활과학회 2021 한국생활과학회지 Vol.30 No.2

        The usage of unmanned order payment systems is expanding, and unlike existing traditional ordering and payment methods, the unmanned order payment system is emerging as a new form of consumption by consumers. This study investigated the effect of the core variables of UTAUT, perceived risk, consumer characteristics, and the usage attitudes of the unmanned order payment system on the usage intentions of consumers in their 20s or older who were living in Beijing, China. The major results of this study are the following: First, the variables that affected the usage attitudes of unmanned order payment systems included performance expectation, social impact, self-efficacy, and innovation resistance. Additionally, the variables affecting usage intentions included performance expectations, promotion conditions, social impact, time risk, self-efficacy, and usage attitudes.

      • KCI등재

        여서(女書)문자를 통한 강영(江永) 여성의 정체성 형성 연구 : 여서로 개작된 문학작품을 중심으로

        청원(Zhang, Qing-Wen)(張清,遠) 대한중국학회 2020 중국학 Vol.73 No.-

        이 연구는 옛 중국의 강영현 여성들이 여서문자를 통해 자신의 문식성을 발전시키는 욕망과 과정에 대해 고찰했다. 이를 위해서는 우선 여서문자의 개념과 형성 배경, 그리고 교육방식의 특성을 살펴보고, 이를 통해 여성 문식성 공동체의 형태를 고찰했다. 뿐만 아니라 이들의 정체성 발전을 고찰하기 위해 ‘설득’ 개념을 도입함으로써 설득의 확장 개념인 ‘순수 설득’ 이론에 대해서도 논의했다. 이상의 논의를 바탕으로 여서문자와 ‘순수 설득’가 서로 결합하는 가능성을 타진하고, 그 이론을 바탕으로 여서로 개작된 문학작품을 해석하며, 옛 중국 강영 여성의 정체성 형성과 문식성의 발전 과정에 대해 다각도로 살펴보았다. Nvshu, just like the name shows, is females words and their self-created writing form. The accident discovery of Jiangyong Nvshu triggers the research fever at home and abroad. In ancient China, under the male-centered hierarchical environment of Chinese characters, Jiangyong females created their own literacy community with their wisdom which to some extent made it possible for them to become literate and appreciate literature. Meanwhile, with an unique presentation form, this education form deepened local females’ identification with their self-identity and allowed them to share friendship and sorrow and fears between them which set them free from the traditional male-centered social structure to express themselves to the fullest and eulogized females’ life. The discussion process of the thesis is as follows: First, it investigates the research systems and directions about Nvshu at home and abroad and finds out that most domestic researches investigate the characteristics of words in Nvshu in the form direction including glyph, phonetic meaning, etc. But foreign researches take Nvshu as a tool for cultivating and developing females’ self-awareness and focus on discussing the formation of females’ self-awareness. Second, during learning related theories, the author mainly discussed the basic concept of persuasion and the extension of Pure Persuasion and combined this theory with Nvshu under the power structure i.e. the formation of awakening self-awareness and self-identity under interference, satisfaction of self-spirits, etc. which expanded and explained the environment applicable for this theory. In addition, in the formation of personal identity, such factors as language community and language application also played a role unconsciously. all stimulated female’s self-development and needs for becoming literate which to some extent, can be seen as a bounce of self-awareness under the strong intervention of male-centered society. At last, this thesis extracts some literary works from Nvshu including Sisterhood shu and Sanzhao shu (focusing on marriage celebrations and friendship reviewing) and uses literary works adapted from Nvshu to fully express the private communication among females, emotional communication between bosom female friends and the establishment of female’s literary quality, etc. In a male-centered society which is an exquisite expression of self-awareness, social reality and emotional output. The most attractive part is that the adaption of literary works through Nvshu in a male-centered society shows females’ flexible application of dialects and their literary expression ability by dialects. Lack of official education does not affect their appreciation and enthusiasm for literature as well as the improvement of their self quality and at the same time, their criticism to the social reality also shows females’ unique thinking ability and critical perspectives.

      • KCI등재

        인플루언서 특성이 신뢰, 자아일치성, 구매의도에 미치는 영향

        소우 ( Xiao Yu Zhang ),김문홍 ( Moon Hong Kim ) 한국유통경영학회 2023 유통경영학회지 Vol.26 No.1

        Purpose: The purpose of this study was to examine relationships among S NS influencer' characteristics, trust in influencer, self-congruence with influencer and purchase intention. Moreover, this study attempted to examine the mediating effects of trust in influencer and self-congruence with influencer. Research design, data, and methodology: A online survey was conducted in Korea and 432 sample was collected. First, a confirmatory factor analysis was performed to test validity of the measures. Second, descriptive statistics and correlation analysis and reliability test was conducted. Finally, it tested hypotheses suggested by research model in this study, applying structural equation model. Results: First, it was found that professionalism, interactivity, and intimacy of influencer was positively related to trust in influencer. Second, it was also found that attractiveness and interactivity of influencer was positively related to self-congruence with influencer. Third, trust in influencer and self-congruence with influencer was positively related to purchase intention. Finally, trust in influencer and self-congruence with influencer mediated the effect of influencer characteristics and purchase intention. More specifically, trust in influencer mediated the effect of professionalism, interactivity, and intimacy on purchase intention, and self-congruence with influencer mediated the effect of attractiveness and interactivity on purchase intention. Implications: This study expanded the findings of previous studies, by examining the relationship among influencer's characteristics, trust in influencer, self-congruence with influencer, and purchase intention. In particular, this study contribute to previous studies, since it found that there were different influential processes of influencer's characteristics on purchase intention. Based on the findings of this study, companies which attempt to use influencer marketing need to consider the characteristics of influencer.

      • KCI등재
      • Real-time Fruit Cluster Spatial Coordinates Extraction and Instance Segmentation using a RGB depth camera

        제왕 ( Zhewang Zhang ),김우영 ( Woo-young Kim ),이경환 ( Kyeong-hwan Lee ) 한국농업기계학회 2022 한국농업기계학회 학술발표논문집 Vol.27 No.1

        Preserving a phenotypic optimal fruit and thining other fruits are the key process of fruit production. The real-time detection of phenotypic optimal fruit can provide a new management strategy and technical support for orchard managers. Since manual screening is very inconvenient, effective screening is a key link to reduce costs and increase production efficiency. Therefore, the goal of this study was to develop a new fruit cluster detection technology to support robot fruit thinning. This research work brought several contributions. The ground truth data was converted into the Creating Common Object in Context (COCO) annotation format. The model using the backbone structure ReSNet-101-FPN was trained. The spatial location of fruit clusters was extracted using a depth camera. The results showed that Detectron2's Mask R-CNN with a ReSNet-101-FPN backbone was determined to be the optimal model. A method combining instance segmentation with distance calculation of a target objects was proposed. It could accurately screen out single optimal fruit from fruit clusters and could also be used for segmentation and analysis of other types of fruit clusters.

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