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        Popularization of Medical Information

        이지산,고종관,김종엽 대한의료정보학회 2021 Healthcare Informatics Research Vol.27 No.2

        Objectives: Despite the popularization of technology and the high penetration rate of smartphones and mobile devices, differencesexist in the accessibility, utilization capabilities, and quality of technology depending on users’ characteristics. Sincethese discrepancies can threaten health information equity, popularization of medical information is essential. This reviewarticle examines domestic and international cases of popularization of medical information, and discusses the related issues,expectations, and practical measures to achieve the popularization of medical information. Methods: In this study, medicalinformation was categorized as Electronic Health Records/Electronic Medical Records (EHR/EMRs; hospital-driven medicalinformation), personal health records (PHRs; user-driven medical information), and patient-generated health data (PGHD;user-generated medical information [outside hospitals]). This article reviewed the domestic and international use status, acceptancerates, and use cases for each type of medical information. Issues and expectations about policies and cases related tothe popularization of medical information were also described, and finally, practical measures to accomplish the popularizationof medical information were discussed. Results: To achieve the popularization of medical information, the followingmeasures should be considered: engaging health consumers to participate in the early stages of information production, cultivatingdigital literacy, producing easy-to-use and interesting medical content, visualizing health information, and creatinga medical thesaurus. Conclusions: Healthcare providers should make regular efforts to popularize medical information. Thepopularization of medical information is an essential process to achieve health equity and digital health equity.

      • KCI등재

        Health Information Technology Trends in Social Media: Using Twitter Data

        이지산,김정은,홍영주,PIAOMEIHUA,변아정,송혜림,이형숙 대한의료정보학회 2019 Healthcare Informatics Research Vol.25 No.2

        Objectives: This study analyzed the health technology trends and sentiments of users using Twitter data in an attempt to examine the public’s opinions and identify their needs. Methods: Twitter data related to health technology, from January 2010 to October 2016, were collected. An ontology related to health technology was developed. Frequently occurring keywords were analyzed and visualized with the word cloud technique. The keywords were then reclassified and analyzed using the developed ontology and sentiment dictionary. Python and the R program were used for crawling, natural language processing, and sentiment analysis. Results: In the developed ontology, the keywords are divided into ‘health technology’ and ‘health information’. Under health technology, there are are six subcategories, namely, health technology, wearable technology, biotechnology, mobile health, medical technology, and telemedicine. Under health information, there are four subcategories, namely, health information, privacy, clinical informatics, and consumer health informatics. The number of tweets about health technology has consistently increased since 2010; the number of posts in 2014 was double that in 2010, which was about 150 thousand posts. Posts about mHealth accounted for the majority, and the dominant words were ‘care’, ‘new’, ‘mental’, and ‘fitness’. Sentiment analysis by subcategory showed that most of the posts in nearly all subcategories had a positive tone with a positive score. Conclusions: Interests in mHealth have risen recently, and consequently, posts about mHealth were the most frequent. Examining social media users’ responses to new health technology can be a useful method to understand the trends in rapidly evolving fields.

      • KCI등재

        Review of National-Level Personal Health Records in Advanced Countries

        이지산,박영택,박유랑,이재호 대한의료정보학회 2021 Healthcare Informatics Research Vol.27 No.2

        Objectives: This review article examines international examples of personal health records (PHRs) in advanced countriesand discusses the implications of these examples for the establishment and utilization of PHRs in South Korea. Methods:This article synthesized PHR case reports of Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) membercountries, the Global Digital Health Partnership website on PHRs, and patient portals of individual countries to review thestatus of PHR services. The concept and significance of PHRs were also discussed with respect to PHR utilization status inEuropean Union and OECD countries. Results: A review of international PHR services showed that the countries sharedcommon points regarding the establishment of Electronic Health Records and national health information infrastructure. Inaddition, the countries provided services centered on primary healthcare institutions and public hospitals. However, promotingmore positive participation and increasing the PHR acceptance rate requires workflow integration, including ElectronicMedical Records, the provision of incentives, and the preparation of a supportive legal framework. Conclusions: South Koreais also conducting a national-level PHR project. Since the scope of PHRs is extensive and a wide range of PHR services mustbe connected, an extensive trial-and-error process will be necessary. A long-term strategy should be prepared, and necessaryresources should be secured to establish national-level PHRs.

      • KCI등재

        욕창관리 모바일 어플리케이션 구조 설계 및 사용자 인터페이스 구현

        이지산,김정재,이윤진,박승미 대한근관절건강학회 2019 근관절건강학회지 Vol.26 No.3

        Purpose: This study aimed to design user interfaces of a mobile application for managing pressure injury patients in a long-term care hospital based on the user’s needs. Methods: To reflect users’ needs in the mobile application, the user interfaces in this study were designed in five steps: brainstorming and mind mapping, persona and scenario, needs list and priority, a draft version of flow chart and user interfaces and expert review. These steps were conducted with a step nurse at a long-term care hospital, a professor who majored in nursing informatics, a professor who had lots of research experiences about pressure injury and a wound ostomy continence nurse. Results: Two personas, scenarios and needs’ lists were derived. Listed Needs included the followings; Accurate staging of pressure injury; Appropriate management by staging; Acquisition of professional knowledge about pressure injury; Acquisition of easy pressure injury information through text, picture and video; and Sharing pressure injury information in unit. The structure, menus and features of the pressure injury mobile application were visualized with user flow based on two personas’ scenarios and needs’ lists. Conclusion: Our study suggests and visualizes the key features of the ‘Pressure Injury Guide’, a pressure injury management mobile application for nurses in a long-term care hospital, which can be utilized by nurses, application developers, and related researchers.

      • 천국운동 50년 계획

        智山 한국성서신학교 선교문제연구소 1996 聖書論究 Vol.4 No.-

        실행이 없는 계획은 아무 쓸모가 없다. 효과적으로 잘 수행이 되지 않으면 그 역시 아무 의미가 없다. 우리 한국성서선교회 식구들, 각 형제교회 온교우들, 한국성서신학교 졸업생, 재학생 직원 모두 모두가 이제 전열을 가다듬어 새 마음 새뜻으로 하나되어 우리 모두에게 주어진 오직 하나의 과업 복음 전파의 사명을 충실히 감당해야 하겠다. 그러기 위해서 먼저 모두 모두가 우리의 이념에 보다 더 충실해야 하겠다. 천국운동 50년 계획의 그 의미를 보다 더 힘을 기울여 안파게 주지시키고 홍보해야 되겠다. 둘째는 우리 모든 책임 맡은 자들이 사심을 버리고 사랑으로 하나되어 동역자의식을 투철히 가져야 하겠다. 이 모든 운동, 모든 기관이 어느 개인의 것이 아니요 오지 다함께 지체로서의 하나되어 이루어가야 할 것임을 명심해야 할 것이다. “오직 너희는 그리스도 복음에 합당하게 생활하라 이는 내가 너희를 가보나 떠나 있으나 너희가 일심으로 서서 한 뜻으로 복음의 신앙을 위하여 협력하는 것과 아무 일에든지 대적하는 자를 인하여 두려워하지 아니하는 이 일을 듣고자 함이라 이것이 저희에게는 멸망의 빙거요 너희에게는 구원의 빙거니 이는 하나님께로부터 난 것이니라 그리스도를 위하여 너희에게 은혜를 주신 것은 다만 그를 믿을 뿐 아니라 그를 위하여 고난도 받게 하심이라 너희에게도 같은 싸움이 있으니 너희가 내안에서 본 바요 이제는 내 안에서 듣는 바이니다. 그러므로 그리스도 안에 무슨 권면이나 사랑에 무슨 위로나 성령의 무슨 교제나 긍휼이나 자비가 있거든 마음을 같이하여 같은 사랑을 가지고 뜻을 합하면 한 마음을 품어 아무 일에든지 다툼이나 허영으로 하지 말고 오직 겸손한 마음으로 각각 자기보다 남을 낫게 여기고 각각 자기 일을 돌아볼뿐더러 또한 각각 다른 사람들의 일을 돌아보아 나의 기쁨을 충만케 하라”(빌 1:27~2:4)

      • 한국성서신학교의 창학이념과 밀알정신

        智山 한국성서신학교 선교문제연구소 1994 聖書論究 Vol.2 No.-

        목회 일선에서, 선교 일선에서 참으로 훌륭하게, 참으로 존경스럽게 한 알의 밀알이 되고 썩고 있는 동문들을 볼 때 참으로 자랑스럽고 우리 학교 이념의 귀중함을 더욱 가슴 뭉클하게 느낀다. 그러나 동문 중에는 밀알의 참 정신을 상실하고 있는 듯한 이도 있고 재학생 중에도 창립이념의 전통을 계승하지 못하고, 성서적 진리에 바로 서지 못하고, 밀알의 정신에 불타지 못하고 있는 모습을 볼 때 한 숨을 내쉬지 않을 수 없다. 온 국가 사회가 개혁을 부르짖고 있는 이때에 잊혀져 가고 흐려져 가는 우리의 창립이념과 밀알정신을 볼 때 스스로 부끄러움을 금할 수 없다. 내 자신이 무엇을 했나? 그러나 좌절하고 포기하기에는 아직 이르다. 잃었던 첫 사랑을 다시 찾으라는 주님의 명령이 우리 귓전에 들린다. 우리는 다시 힘을 낼 수 있다. 우리 다시 뭉쳐 복음의 깃발을 높이 들고 한국교회의 정화운동의 불길을 일으켜야 한다. 교권주의와 종교다원주의와 기복신앙의 타파를 위해! 신비주의와 자유주의신학의 배격! 이 과업을 위해 우리학교가 세워졌고 싸워 왔고 고난의 좁은 길을 걸어왔다. 우리는 분연히 모든 교권적 집단과 성별되어서 독립교회로서 초교파적 외로운 길을 걸어왔다. 우리 더욱 이 길 위에 굳게 서서 힘차게 걸어가자! 힘차게 걸어가자!

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