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        회전형 초음파모터의 소형 위상차 제어기 개발

        이동창(Dong Chang Yi),이선표(Sun Pyo Lee),이명훈(Myoung Hoon Lee),이의학(Euhark Lee) Korean Society for Precision Engineering 2006 한국정밀공학회지 Vol.23 No.8

        In this paper, a uniform speed controller for an ultrasonic rotary motor is developed using the phase-difference method. The phase difference method uses traveling waves to drive the ultrasonic motor. The traveling waves are obtained by adding two standing waves that have a different phase to each other. A compact phase-difference driver system is designed and integrated by combining VCO(Voltage Controlled Oscillator) and phase shifter. Theoretically the relationship between the phase difference in time and the rotational speed of the ultrasonic motor is sine function, which is verified by experiments. Then a series of experiments under various loading conditions are conducted to characterize the motor's performance that is the relationship between the speed and torque. Proportional-integral control is adopted for the uniform speed control. The proportional control unit calculates the compensating phase-difference using the rotating speed which is measured by an encoder and fed back. Integral control is used to eliminate steady-state errors. Differential control for reducing overshoot is not used since the response of ultrasonic motor is prompt due to its low inertia and friction-driving characteristics. The developed controller demonstrates reasonable performance overcoming disturbing torque and the changes in material properties due to continuous usage.

      • KCI등재

        이문열의 소설과 기독교

        이동하(Yi Dong-ha) 한국현대문학회 2009 한국현대문학연구 Vol.0 No.28

        이문열은 유교를 중심으로 하는 동양정신의 전통에 대하여 깊은 애착과 믿음을 가지고 있는 보수주의자로서, 근대에 이르러 이 땅에 밀려들어온 서양문명 일반에 대해 분명한 대항의식을 가지고 바라보았으며, 이런 서양문명과의 대립적인 만남에 있어서 핵심을 이루는 것은 다름 아닌 ‘힘’의 문제라고 파악하였다. 이와 같은 그의 입장은, 서양문명의 한 하위개념으로 이해된 기독교를 대하는 자리에서도 그대로 관철되었다. 기독교 문제에 대한 이문열의 관점을 반영하고 있는 대표작인《사람의 아들》및 그의 기독교관이 제시된 또다른 작품인《황제를 위하여》,《영웅시대》등을 두루 살펴보면, 기독교에 대한 대결의식과, 이런 대결의 자리에서 핵심이 되는 요소는 ‘힘’이라는 인식이 일관되게 나타난다. 그런데 이때에 제기되는어려운 문제는, ‘힘’이라는 기준에 입각해서 볼 때, 동양 혹은 전통주의 쪽의 패배가 피할 수 없는 것으로 보인다는 사실이다. 여기서 두 개의 길이 나뉘게 된다.《사람의 아들》의 민요섭이나《영웅시대》에 나오는 여성인물들처럼 패배를 인정하고 기독교에 귀의하는 길과,《사람의 아들》의 조동팔이나《황제를 위하여》의 ‘황제’처럼 끝까지 저항의 자세를 유지하는 길이 그것이다. 그러나 후자의 길을 택한다 하여 사태가 바뀔 수 있는 것은 아니다. 조동팔의 경우나 ‘황제’의 경우나, ‘광기’를 동반하지 않고서는 후자의 길이 성립될 수 없었다는 사실에서, 그 점은 분명하게 드러난다. 그런데, 2006년에 이르러서 발표된《호모 엑세쿠탄스》를 보면, 그 동안 마르크스주의의 유산을 적극 수용한 좌파 진영과의 대결이 작가에게 절박한 과제로 새로이 부각되었다는 사정을 반영하여, 기독교에 대한 작가의 비판의식이 다소 약화된 모습을 보이고 있으며, 기독교에 대한 거리감 역시 줄어들었다. 그러나 이런 변화에도 불구하고, 전체적인 기조는 바뀌지 않고 있다. 기독교는 여전히, 궁극에 있어서는 작가 자신의 동양적 전통주의와 대립적인 관계에 놓일 수밖에 없는 존재로 상정되고 있다. 그리고 이 작품의 경우, 그 대립 관계를 소설의 결말 부분에서 처리하는 방식이 극단적인 모호성을 동반하고 있는 바, 이것은 그 대립 관계의 진정한 해소 내지 극복이라는 과제 앞에서 작가의 사유가 아직도 별다른 진전을 보이지 못하고 있다는 사실을 시사한다. 이문열의 소설에서 확인되는 기독교관은 이 작가의 남다른 문제의식과 패기를 입증한 것으로 평가된다. 그러나 누구의 ‘힘’이 더 강한가라는 측면에 초점을 두는, 다분히 세속적이고 현실적인 대결 관계를 그려나가는 것으로 시종하였을뿐, 상이한 세계관 사이에서의 진정성 있는 상호 대화라든가 열림은 끝끝내 이루어지지 않았고 그것에 대한 시사조차 찾기 어렵다는 사실은 한계로 지적될 수 있다. Yi Munyol is a conservative who is both deeply attached to and believes in the traditions of Eastern culture, which has Confucianism at its center. He criticizes the influence of Western civilization, which has swept into Korea during modern times, and believes that the heart of the problem here in this conflict with Western civilization is the problem of 'power.' His standpoint on this is also shownin the places where he deals with Christianity, which can be understood as one aspect of Western civilization. The most representative work that reflects his viewpoint on the problem of Christianity is "Son of Man," and some other works that also show how he views Christianity are "Hail to the Emperor" and "The Age of Heroes." When scrutinizing these works, one can find the coherency between the confrontation of Christianity and 'power', which is the core element in this conflict. The conundrum encountered here, however, is that the East or traditionalism seems destined to fail, considering the criterion of 'power'. Here, the paths of failure split into two different ways. One path is to acknowledge the loss and be converted to Christianity, as Min Yo-seob does in "Son of Man" or the female characters do in "The Age of Heroes." The other path is continual resistance, as Jo Yong-pal does in "Son of Man" or 'The Emperor' does in "Hail to the Emperor." Even if one chooses the latter path, the situation cannot be changed. This is clearly seen in the case of Jo Yong-pal or 'The Emperor,' in that the latter way cannot be accomplished without an accompanying 'madness'. However, in the "Homo Executans," which was published in 2006, the author's criticism on Christianity seems to weaken and to have a decreased distance from Christianity. The change seen here can be understood as a reflection of the confrontation with a left wing which actively inherits Marxism and has newly become a more urgent problem. Even with this change, the general basis of his thoughts has not been changed. Christianity is still ultimately supposed as being something that has to confront with traditionalism in the Eastern thoughts of the author. Despite this, at the end, how the confrontational relation in this work is dealt with is extremely ambiguous. This shows us that the author has as yet been unable to make any progress on his thoughts on the difficulties of the true solution or how to overcome this confrontational relationship.

      • KCI등재

        이이李珥와 정약용丁若鏞의 사회개혁사상

        이동인(Yi Dong-In) 동양사회사상학회 2004 사회사상과 문화 Vol.10 No.-

        정약용丁若鏞은 이이李珥로부터 약 200여 년이 지난 시기에 살았다. 따라서두 사람이 살던 시대의 사회적 현실과 사상의 흐름은 상당한 차이를 보인다. 또한 학맥으로 보아도 이 두 사람을 직접 연결짓기는 어렵다. 그러나 두 사람의 사회개혁사상을 비교 연구하는 것은 나름대로 뜻이 있다고 여겨진다. 두 사람 모두 당대의 뛰어난 학자이며 사회개혁에 뜻을 두었다는 점을 감안할 때 두 사람의 사상을 분석하면 달라진 사회현실이 어떻게 사상에 반영되는지를 알 수 있다. 이이와 정약용을 떠나서 조선 중기와 후기의 사회개혁사상을 논하는 것은 아마도 무의미할 것이다. 필자는 이 논문에서 이들 두 학자의 개혁사상이 갖는 유사점과 차이점을 살펴보고, 나아가 사회현실의 변화가 사회사상에 어떻게 반영되었는지를 살펴본다. In this research we made a comparative study on the thoughts of Yi, Ih(李珥) and Jeong, Yak-yong(丁若鏞), focusing on their ideas of social reform. Our findings are: 1) The basic ideas and concepts of social reform of these two scholars are very similar, leaving the possibility open that the reformative ideas of Yi remains a model in the thoughts of Jeong. 2) Many minor differences between the reformative ideas of the two in fact reflect the socio-economic changes that happened after Yi's time. 3) Still we found some significant differences in the approaches to the social reform, such as found in the theories of land-reform. The last point is that: Yi's theories of reform were always practicable and reformative while those of Jeong were sometimes not easy to put in practice and quite revolutionary in nature.

      • 과학 체험 부스를 운영하는 초등학생들의 과학적경험에 대한 인식

        이동문 ( Dong Mun Yi ),백성혜 ( Seoung Hye Paik ) 한국교원대학교 과학교육연구소 2014 청람과학교육연구논총 Vol.20 No.2

        The study of elementary school science experience operating a booth operated before and after the recognition that appear are discussed. To this end, three men in elementary school students were targeted, science and experience to operate the booth before and after the data through semi-structured interviews were collected. Data analysis on the data collected by the transcription analysis was compared to the repetitive. Booth operations research experience in preparation for science students participated on their own, they operate the booth and another booth to experience while learning to explore a new science, through which to understand scientific concepts and principles through the accumulation of knowledge and confidence, spirit of service, etc. and tried to achieve. During preparation for operating the booth, students interact with peers through a scientific experience, and scientific inquiry skills, science knowledge, and accountability has been improved. Booths operating autonomously chosen topic to the students and the booth is operating and the relevant scientific concepts and principles of self-directed study was to explore the process of understanding through experience. Students experience science booths operating after the science and scientific learning had a positive perception.Students to experience science booths operated self-confidence, a sense of accomplishment, self-esteem, and contribute to the formation of a positive nature was ready to come the experience people exhibition explores the results, experimental introduction and presentation has been improved by the ability to communicate. Prepared to explain their thinking during the process of restructuring through the knowledge, information, the experience people taught by a good understanding of the important scientific exploration experience was seeing. In addition, students from the other booth operators description of his accident was reflective look back. Science and experience with these findings booth operations not limited to just scientific knowledge, and more were found several new value. In particular, emphasis in the 2009 revised curriculum and creative activities and operations carried out in conjunction booth if science students to experience another educational science experience, because the effect would bring a larger booth operations should be carried out look.

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