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뇌 정위 생검술을 위한 영상지원 3차원 국재 프로그램 개발
이도희,이동준,Lee Do Heui,Lee Dong Joon 한국의학물리학회 2004 의학물리 Vol.15 No.4
Stereotactic brain biopsy using stereotactic head frame such as CRW (Radionics, USA) has demonstrated a precise lesion localizing accuracy. In this study, we developed the target point calculation program for brain lesion biopsy using CRW stereotactic head frame and designed a phantom for verify the new developed program. The phantom was designed to have capability to simulate clinical stereotactic brain biopsy. The phantom has 10 vertical rods whose diameters are 6mm and tip of each rods are 2mm. Each rod has different length, 150 mm x 4 ea, 130 mm x 4 ea, 110 mm x 2 ea. CT images were acquired with Simens CT scanner as continuous transverse slice, 1 mm thickness in a 25 cm field of view and stored in a dicom file as a 256 x 256 matrix. As a result, the developed new target localization program will be useful for planning and training in complicated 3 dimensional stereotactic brain biopsy.
유도체육관 운영 및 이용에 영향을 미치는 입지와 서비스 요인 분석
이도희,오경아,Lee, Do-Heui,Oh, Kyung-Ah 한국응용과학기술학회 2019 한국응용과학기술학회지 Vol.36 No.2
This purpose of study was to Analysis on Location and Service Factors Affecting the Management and Use of Judo Gym. This study aims at providing fundamental data and information on Judo coach by studying what effects of location and use factor on trainee satisfaction. The survey was done through 350 copies and excluding 11 copies ran an analysis on the remaining 339(96.8%) copies. After question investigating the data which is collected used IBM SPSS statistics 21 program, frequency analysis, Exploratory factor analysis, Cronbach's ${\alpha}$, correlation analysis, multiple regression. The result of this study were as follows. First, management, location, coach, trainee value, facility, communication in Judo gym location and use factors showed (+) effects on trainee satisfaction. Second, Program operation, Gym quit use, Whether or not to insure in management factor showed (+) effects on trainee satisfaction. Third, Coach credibility in coach factor showed (+) effects on trainee satisfaction. Forth, Member communication in communication factor showed (+) effects on trainee satisfaction. Fifth, Wholesome leisure, Athletic ability improving in trainee value factor showed (+) effects on trainee satisfaction. Sixth, main facility level, additional facility level in facility factor showed (+) effects on trainee satisfaction. Seventh, Visibility in location factor showed (+) effects on trainee satisfaction. And location type(station area, residential district, commercial area) of Judo gym showed (+) effect on management, trainee value, location, communication, facility.
골프장 서비스 공정성이 회원권 가치와 참여만족 및 구매행동에 미치는 영향
이도희(Lee, Do-Heui),김명선(Kim, Myoung-Sun) 한국체육과학회 2011 한국체육과학회지 Vol.20 No.5
This study was to provide fundamental data and information on golf industry by studying what effects of service fairness on membership values, customer satisfactions and purchase behavior in membership country club, Tthrough the way of improving and gaining a competitive management efficiency, customers demand high quality services that clients have to increase membership value and customer satisfaction, building a positive image in a diversified market environment After question investigating the data which is collected used PASW Statistics 18.0 for Windows and AMOS 18.0 program, analysis was used in order to acquire demographic characteristics and golf properties of members. The results were as follows. First. service fairness showed (+) effects on value of club membership. Second, service fairness showed (+) effects on participational satisfaction. Third, service fairness had no effects on purchase behavioral. Fourth, value of club membership showed (+) effects on purchase behavioral. Fifth, participational satisfaction showed (+) effects on purchase behavioral. Sixth, value of club membership showed (+) effects on participational satisfaction, but explanatory power was low.
골프연습장 레슨프로의 지도유형과 자질이 회원의 학습효율성과 참여지속의사에 미치는 영향
이도희(Lee, Do-Heui),김병식(Kim, Byung-Shik) 한국사회체육학회 2015 한국사회체육학회지 Vol.0 No.61
The purpose of this study is providing fundamental data and information on promotion of golf practice range industry by studying what effects of teaching method type and quality of golf lesson pro. on learning efficiency and continuous participation intention. The survey was done through 250 members in 5 golf practice ranges in Seoul and north Gyeonggi-do and excluding 43 copies ran an analysis remaining 207(82.8%) copies. After question investigating the data which is collected used SSPS 19.0 and AMOS 21 program, frequency analysis, exploratory factor analysis, Cronbach’s α, confirmatory factor analysis, correlation analysis, path analysis through structural equation model(SEM). The result of this study were as follows. First, teaching method type showed (+) effects on learning efficiency. Second, teaching method type showed (+) effects on continuous participation intention. Third, quality showed (+) effects on learning efficiency. Fourth, quality showed (+) effects on continuous participation intention. Fifth, learning efficiency showed (+) effects on continuous participation intention. Therefore golf lesson pro. have to take a sense of duty for coach and raise learning efficiency by proper teaching method type and development of quality, it will be take positive effect for management activation of golf practice range.
김윤석,이도희,라동숙,전영일,안재성,전상룡,김정훈,노성우,나영신,김창진,권양,임승철,이정교,권병덕,Kim, Yun Sok,Lee, Do Heui,Ra, Dong Suk,Chun, Young Il,Ahn, Jae Sung,Jeon, Sang Ryong,Kim, Jeong Hoon,Roh, Sung Woo,Ra, Young Shin,Kim, Chang Jin 대한신경외과학회 2001 Journal of Korean neurosurgical society Vol.30 No.2
Objectives : The optimal treatment of craniopharyngioma is controversial. Despite recent advances in microsurgical management, complete surgical removal of craniopharyngioma remains very difficult. Radiation added to surgery is effective, but radiation therapy resulted in untoward side effect in young patient. Gamma knife radiosurgery offers the theoretical advantage of a reduced radiation dose to surrounding structures during the treatment of residual or recurrent craniopharyngioma compared with fractionated radiotheraphy. We described retrospective analysis of tumor size and clinical symptoms of patients after gamma knife radiosurgery in residual or recurrent craniopharyngioma were performed. Material and Methods : From September 1990 to January 2000, 18 patients of craniopharyngioma were treated by gamma knife radiosurgery. All patient had undergone surgery, but residual or recurrent tumor was found and all of them treated postoperative gamma knife radiosurgery. The mean age was 19(from 6 to 66) and male to female ratio was 10 to 8 and 8 patients were below 15 years old. In young age group(below age 15), the average volume of the tumor was $2904.8mm^3$ and mean maximal gamma knife dose was 34.9Gy. In old age group(older than 15), the average volume of the tumor was $2590.4mm^3$ and mean maximal gamma knife dose was 45.2Gy. The size of the tumor was average $2730.1mm^3$($88-12000mm^3$), mean average radiation dose was 40.7Gy and the mean prescription dose was 17.6 Gy(4-35Gy) delivered to a median prescription 50.7% isodose. Results : The follow up was from 1 year to 9 years(mean 59.1 months) after gamma knife radiosurgery. The tumor was controlled in 13(72.2%) patients. The tumor decreased in 9 patients and not changed in 4 patients. The tumor size increased in 4(22.2%) patients during follow up period. In two cases the tumor size increased because of its cystic portion was increased, but their solid portion of the tumor was not changed. In another two patients, the solid portion of the tumor was increased. So, one patient underwent reoperation and the other patient underwent operation and repeated gamma knife radiosurgery. The tumor recurred in one case(5.6%) that is a outside of irradiated site. The presenting symptoms were improved in 4 patients(improved visual acuity in 1, controlled increased intracranial presure sign in 3 patients). In one case, visual acuity decreased after gamma knife radiosurgery. The endocrine symptoms were not influenced by gamma knife radiosurgery. Conclusion : Craniopharyngioma can be treated successfully by gamma knife radiosurgery. Causes of the tumor regrowth are inadequate dose planning because of postoperatively poor margination of the tumor, close approximation of optic nerve and residual tumors outside the target lesion. Recurrence can develop 4 years after gamma knife radiosurgery. Volume is important, but the accurate targeting is more important to prevent tumor recurrence. If the tumor definition is not clear during planning gamma knife surgery, long-term image follow up is required.
체육관련 전공 대학생의 교육서비스환경 중요도 및 만족도 분석
김병식 ( Kim Byung-shik ),이도희 ( Lee Do-heui ) 한국체육대학교 체육과학연구소 2019 스포츠사이언스 Vol.36 No.2
This study has the purpose of providing basic data for efficient operation of education service environment by analyzing and evaluating the importance degree and satisfaction degree of education service environment factors that the users of sport university recognize by IPA technique. It surveyed the users of two university of sport major in Seoul to find the importance degree and satisfaction degree using purposive random samples extraction method. It collected 312 copies of the survey for data analysis. It performed statistical analysis using SPSS 21 statistics program with the collected 312 copies. All statistical level of significance as set as α=.05. The analysis result is as follows. First, in the importance degree, the environmental support were the highest ones. The next ones are career guidance, expectation of employment, university life, quality of lecture, physical quality, if it was put in order and, in the satisfaction degree, the environmental support were the highest ones. The next ones are career guidance, university life, expectation of employment, quality of lecture, physical quality, if it was put in order. Second, IPA matrix analysis result shows that 1 quadrant (concentration and improvement tendency) includes 4 items such as the expect to the other occupations, overall subject and atmosphere, based on senior employment rate, team and colleague relationship. 2 quadrant (area for maintaining current situation) includes 11 items such as overall university life, extracurricular activities, expectations for major field forecast, career planning after graduation, career support program. 3 quadrant (inferior order) includes 7 items such as lecture contents, how to use the class media, attitude of professors, teaching material performance, utilization of class space. 4 quadrant (rejecting excessive effort) includes 3 items such as how to increase class participation, professorship, professor communication.
국내스포츠브랜드 마케팅 커뮤니케이션이 브랜드 인지도 및 이미지와 충성도에 미치는 영향
조충현(Cho, Chung-Hyun),이도희(Lee, Do-Heui),김화룡(Kim, Hwa-Lyong) 한국사회체육학회 2017 한국사회체육학회지 Vol.0 No.67
This study aims at providing fundamental data and information on sport brand industry by studying what effects marketing communication on brand awareness, brand image and brand royalty in Korea. The survey was done with 370 copies, excluded 28 copies and ran an analysis on the remaining 342 copies. After investigating the collected data, IBM SPSS Statistics 21 and IBM AMOS 21 program were employed. Frequency analysis was used in order to acquire demographic characteristics. Exploratory factor analysis and confirmatory factor analysis were used in order to verify marketing communication, brand awareness, brand image, brand royalty. correlation analysis and path analysis through Structural Equation Model(SEM). The result of this study are a s follows. First, advertisement, publicity, promotion and transmitting by word of mouth in marketing communication showed (+) effects on brand awareness. Second, advertisement, publicity ,transmitting by word o f mouth and physical surroundings in marketing communication showed (+) effects on brand image. Third, brand awareness showed (+) effects on brand image. Fourth, brand awareness showed +() effect on brand royalty. Fifth, brand image showed (+) effect on brand royalty.
3D 광학 스캐너를 이용한 인체모형 팬텀 표면 데이터 획득 및 X-ray 에너지의 몬테카를로 시뮬레이션(MCs)을 이용한 팬텀 선량 평가와 영상구현
신준봉(Jun-Bong Shin),이도희(Do-Heui Lee),윤경준(Kyoung-Jun Yoon),박민재(Min-Jae Park),고영문(Young-Moon Go),김성우(Sung-Woo Kim),홍승모(Seung-Mo Hong),이현철(Hyun-Cheol Lee),이의섭(Ui-Seob Lee),노선영(Seon-Yeong No),강석윤(Seok-Yoon 대한영상의학기술학회 2021 대한영상의학기술학회 논문지 Vol.2021 No.-
목 적:본 연구의 목적은 기존 컴퓨터단층촬영(Computed tomography, 이하 CT) 스캔 방법 대신 3D 광학 스캐너 (3D optical scanner)를 이용하여 인체모형 팬텀의 표면 데이터를 획득하고 기존 CT 스캔 표면 데이터와 3D 광학 스캔 표면 데이터 차이를 비교 분석하는 것이며, 3D 광학 스캔 표면 데이터를 몬테카를로 시뮬레이션(Monte Carlo Simulation, MCs)에 적용하여 일반 촬영 에너지조건으로 팬텀 선량 평가와 영상 구현을 연구하는 것입니다. 연구방법: 일반촬영의 선량 평가를 위해 환자 표면 데이터를 얻을 때 3D 광학 스캐너를 활용할 것을 제안합니다. 우리는 3D 광학 스캐너(Go!SCAN SPARKTM, CREAFORM) 사용하여 기존 CT 스캔 방법을 대신해 인체모형 팬텀의 표면 데이터를 얻었습니다. 3D 스캔 표면 데이터를 정렬하고 편집하기 위해 Meshlab 프로그램을 이용하였으며, 3D slicer 프로그램을 이용하여 CT 스캔 표면 데이터와 3D 스캔 표면 데이터 차이를 정량적으로 비교분석 하였습니다. 또한 3D 스캔 표면 데이터 분석 프로그램(VXelements, CREAFORM)을 사용하여 인체 모형 팬텀의 재현성을 평가 하였습니다. SpekCalc 프로그램을 이용하여 X-ray beam 에너지 스펙트럼을 계산하고 Geant4 기반의 MCs인 TOPAS를 이용하여 X-ray Beam을 모델링 하였습니다. 인체모형 팬텀을 MCs에 적용 하여 일반촬영 에너지 조건으로 팬텀 선량을 평가하고 Phase space data 통해 영상을 구현을 연구 하였습니다. 결 과:3D slicer를 이용한 CT 스캔 표면 데이터와 3D 광학 스캔 표면 데이터의 정량적 비교 분석에서 Hounsdroff distance는 Average 2.45 mm, Dice coefficient는 0.97로 나타나 CT 스캔 표면 데이터와 3D 스캔 표면 데이터가 거의 일치하는 것을 확인할 수 있었습니다. 또한 인체모형 팬텀 재현성 평가에서 인체모형 팬텀의 AP position, RAO position, LAO position 기준으로 팔이 있는 팬텀의 error distribution은 2 mm 오차 범위에서 평균 89.78%가, 4 mm 오차 범위에서 96.05%가 일치하는 것으로 나타났으며, 팔을 제외한 경우 error distribution은 2 mm 오차 범위에서 평균 96.48%가, 4 mm 오차 범위에서 99.45%가 일치하는 것으로 나타나 3D 광학 스캐너의 표면 데이터 재현성이 우수한 것으로 나타났습니다. 인체모형 팬텀을 이용한 3D 스캔 표면 데이터를 MCs에 적용하여 전신일반촬영 에너지 조건으로 팬텀선량 평가가 가능하며, Phase space data 통해 영상을 구현할 수 있다는 것을 확인 하였습니다. 결 론:본 연구에서 3D 광학 스캐너를 사용한 인체모형 팬텀 데이터 획득은 기존 CT scan 방식보다 간편하고 방사선 노출 없이 다양한 위치와 균일한 표면 구조의 정보를 정밀하게 얻을 수 있으며 MCs을 이용한 선량계산이 가능하며, Phase space data 통해 영상을 구현이 가능함에 따라 앞으로 일반촬영 분야의 활용과 선량평가에 매우 유용할 것으로 생각 됩니다. Purpose:The purpose of this work is to acquire surface data of anthropromophic phantom using 3D optical scanner instead of conventional computed tomography (CT) scanning methods and to compare the differences between existing CT scan surface data and 3D optical scan surface data. also it is to apply 3D optical scan surface data to Monte Carlo simulations (MCs) to study whether phantom dose evaluation and image implementation are possible under general shooting energy conditions. Targets and Methods:We suggest utilizing a 3D optical scanner when obtaining patient surface data for dose evaluation of normal photography. We obtained surface data of anthropromophic phantom instead of conventional CT scanning methods using 3D optical scanners (Go!SCAN SPARKTM, CREAFORM). The Meshlab program was used to sort and edit 3D scan surface data, and the CT scan surface data and 3D scan surface data differences were quantitatively compared using the 3D slicer program. The reproducibility of the dummy phantom was also evaluated using the 3D Scan Surface Data Analysis Program (VXelements, CREAFORM). Using the SpekCalc program, the X-ray beam energy spectrum was calculated and the X-ray beam was modeled using TOPAS, a Geant4-based MCs. We applied the anthropromophic phantom to MCs evaluate the phantom dose in X-ray energy conditions and study whether the image can be implemented through phase space data. Result:Quantitative comparative analysis of CT scan surface data and 3D optical scan surface data using 3D slicer showed that Hounsdroff distance was Average 2.45 mm and Dice coefficient was 0.97, indicating a close match between CT scan surface data and 3D scan surface data. In addition, the anthropromophic phantom reproducibility assessment shows that the error distribution of the phantom with arms by AP position, RAO position, and LAO position of the anthropromophic phantom averaged 89.78% in the 2 mm error range and 96.05% in the 4 mm error range. MCs using anthropromophic phantom confirmed that 3D scan surface data can be applied to Monte Carlo simulation to evaluate phantom dose under X-ray energy conditions through phase space data. Conclusion:In this study, anthropromophic phan tom data acquisition using 3D optical scanners is simpler than conventional CT scan methods, provides precise information of various locations and uniform surface structures without radiation exposure, enables dosing using MCs, and enables image implementation through phase space data.
김두한 ( Kim Doo-han ),이도희 ( Lee Do-heui ),김병식 ( Kim Byung-shik ) 한국체육대학교 체육과학연구소 2018 스포츠사이언스 Vol.35 No.2
The purpose of this study was to investigate the performance of taekwondo-gym through the operation of school physical education supplement program which Taekwondo-gym uses. The participants selected by the expert group were four master in mangement of Taekwondo-gym in Seoul and Gyeonggi-do which had more than 200 students and had at least 5 years of school physical education supplement program. The results of this study were collected by using in-depth interviews. Taekwondo-Gym's management performance to be achieved through the school physical education supplement program is as follows. First, the promotion of parental referrals. Second, securing comparative competitiveness with other Taekwondo-gym. Third, maintaining existing trainees. Fourth, securing new trainees by existing trainees.Taekwondo-gym provides supplementary programs for school physical education in addition to the Taekwondo training program because it gives priority to the economic profit generation of Taekwondo master in management. The important thing is that the public demand for sports and the changes in the times and environments that are similar to it are very fast for Taekwondo-gym to imply that the implementation of school physical education supplement program undermines Taekwondo's legitimacy. Therefore, if Taekwondo-gym provides a supplementary program for school physical education, it should be accompanied by research and industrial efforts on how to return such generated profits to the development of Taekwondo.
생활체육지도자의 코칭역량이 지도자신뢰 및 운동몰입에 미치는 영향
최진훈(Choi, Jin-Hoon),이도희(Lee, Do-Heui) 한국사회체육학회 2015 한국사회체육학회지 Vol.0 No.59
This study aims providing fundamental data and information on leisure sport industry by studying what effects of leisure sport instructors’ coaching ability on instructor trust and exercise commitment. The survey was done through 400 members in 4 sport center in Seoul and Gyeonggi and excluding 22 copies ran an analysis on the remaining 378(94.5%) copies. After question investigating the data which is collected used SPSS 18.0 and AMOS 18 program, frequency analysis, Exploratory factor analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, correlation analysis, path analysis through Structural Equation Model(SEM). The result of this study were as follows. First, professional in leisure sport instructor’s coaching ability showed (+) effects on instructor trust. Second, teaching belief in leisure sport instructor’s coaching ability showed (+) effects on instructor trust. Third, self-control in leisure sport instructor’s coaching ability showed (+) effects on instructor trust. Fourth, social network in leisure sport instructor’s coaching ability showed (+) effects on instructor trust. Fifth, instructor trust showed (+) effects on exercise commitment.