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        서사공간과 때매김체계

        이남석 한국독어독문학회 1996 獨逸文學 Vol.59 No.1

        Wir sind von der Hamburgerschen These des epischen Pra¨teritums ausgegangen, die besagt, daß $quot;das Pra¨teritum der epischen oder erza¨hlenden Dichtung keine Vergangenheu¨saussage bedeufiet$quot; (Hamburger 1953: 329). Als formales Kennzeichen fu¨r die Zeiflosigkeit gibt K. Hamburger an, daß die Tempusform im Kontaxt zeitdeiktischer Adverbien vorkommen kann, die keine Vergangenheitsbedeutung haben mu¨ssen, sondem Gegenwarts- oder Zukunftsbedeutung haben ko¨nnen. Zwar bedeutet das Pra¨teritum fiktionaler Erza¨hlungen keine wirkliche Vergangenheit in Bezug auf die tatsa¨chliche Gegenwart des Autors, aber bedeutet es Vergangenheit, fiktive Vergangenheit in Bezug auf eine fiktive Gegenwart eines fiktiven Erza¨hleis. Die Gebr auchsweise des Pra¨teritums in der Erza¨hlsituation kann auch auf die aktuelle Sprechsituation verwendet werden Historische Wirklichkeit einerseits und Fiktionalita¨t andererseits sind daher keine linguistischen Gro¨ßen: Eine linguistische Unteisuchung von $quot;epischem$quot; und $quot;normalem$quot; Pra¨beritum ist nicht mehr zu treffen Augenscheinliche Kontradiktionen in Kombinationen pra¨teritaler Tempusformen mit nicht-pra¨teritalen zeitdeiktischen Adverbien, die das epische Pra¨teritum zu kennzeichnen schienen, die aber auch das normale Pra¨teritum betreffen, sind so zu erkla¨ren, daß Tempusformen und deiktische Zeitadverbien an verschiedenen Orientierungszentren orientiert sind: Das Pra¨teritum ist am Orien-tierungszentrum des Erza¨hlers in fiktionalen Texten und des Autors in hi-storischen Texien orientiert, und die Zeitadverbien sind am Orientierungszentrum der erza¨tlten Figur. Damit ist gemeint, daß ein Konflikt nicht meter vorliegt, weil zwei Orientierungszentren durch Erza¨hler und Figur gesetzt sind und dadurch die Mo¨glichkeit gegeben ist, daß sich das Tempus eines Satzes auf einen zeitdeiktischen Orientierungspunk bezieht und das Adverb auf einen anderen. Damit konnte gezeigt werden, daß eine ada¨quate Beschreibung von Tempora sowie von anderen deiktischen Ausdru¨cken eine Erkla¨rung fu¨r das Pha¨nomen der erlebten Rede ermo¨glicht, die sich nicht auf K. Hamburgers paradoxale These vom epischen Pra¨teritum zu stu¨tzen braucht, die tatsa¨chlich paradoxal und nicht haltbar ist. Es gibt daher nicht mehr das epische Pra¨teritum als eine fiktionale Kategorie, die vom normalen Pra¨teritum zu unterscheiden ist und die eine andere linguistische Beschreibung beansprucht.

      • KCI등재

        百濟 喪葬儀禮의 硏究 - 錦江流域 상장의례 遺蹟의 意味 -

        이남석,이현숙 공주대학교 백제문화연구소 2016 백제문화 Vol.0 No.54

        Funeral rituals are a rite of passage that cannot be separated from human life. If the procedural behaviors are not recorded, however, it is difficult to exteriorize them even if they may exist perpetually and proposedly. Recently, remains that could enhance the understanding of Baekje funeral rituals were excavated in the middle west area including Baekje region over Geum River Basin. The investigation on these remains have advanced the understanding of past customs. These remains are grave areas that show Baekje funeral rituals including Bangdanjeokseok area of Gobungun, Songsanri, Gongju; Seokjeok area of Ancient Tombs, Sucheonri, Gongju; tombs and architectural structures in Ungjindong, Gongju; and stoneworks at the back of the northern premises in Neungsanri, Buyeo. In addition, Jeongchon remains in Cheonan and Galmaeri remains in Asan too are funeral rituals of significance in the 3rd and 4th centuries along with Pyeonggiri, Sejong, and Bonseonri remains in Seocheon. These ruins have changed over time. the features of graves were specified in the construction environment of old tomb mounds after the proto three kingdom period, and then funeral rituals repeated their transitions along with the emergence of lined tombs. In other words, the initial funeral ritual environments in the proto three kingdom period remains including those in Pyeonggiri, Sejong, may be the very reason for absence of other contemporary tomb remains. As those tombs were specified as burial facilities, rituals developed: the conditions of Jeokseok remains in Suchonri, Gongju, well represent the funeral rituals in the 4th and 5th centuries. Thereafter, lined tombs emerged and ritual facilities were prepared for individual graves accordingly. This change seems to remain up to the time of the transfer of the Baekje Capital to Sabi, but the features of Seokchuk remains in the great tombs during the period of Sabi capital imply another change of Baekje funeral rituals hat resulted from the prevelance of Buddhism. It seems to be difficult to understand details of the procedures of funeral rituals because of the complexity. Since they were a rite of passage, these rituals had to be closely related to social changes. It is expected, therefore, that examining the changes in Baekje graves and remains related to its funeral rituals will contribute to specifying Baekje funeral rituals. 喪葬儀禮는 인류의 삶과 불가분의 관계에 있는 통과의례이지만, 절차적 행위로 기록되지 않을 경우 영속적이고 명시적으로 존재할 수밖에 없다는 특징 때문에 구체화하기 어렵다. 그런데 최근 중서부 지역, 특히 금강유역의 百濟 권역에서 이루어진 유적발굴 결과 백제 상장의례의 이해를 증진시킬 수 있는 것들이 발견되었음에, 이의 검토를 통해 기왕의 이해를 보다 진전시켜 보았다. 백제의 상장의례와 관련된 시설로 墳墓區域에 남겨진 유구로 공주 송산리 고분군의 방단적석유구, 공주 수촌리 고분군내 적석유구, 공주 웅진동 유적의 분묘와 공반 조성되어 있는 건축유구, 그리고 부여 능산리 능사의 북편 건물지 후면의 석축유구를 주목하여 보았다. 그리고 천안의 정촌 유적이나 아산의 갈매리 유적도 세종 평기리나 서천 봉선리 유적과 더불어 3~4세기 무렵의 상장의례 시설로 살필 수 있는 자료이다. 이들 유적은 時代別 변천상을 갖추고 있는데, 원삼국기 이후 고총고분 조영환경에서 분묘의 모습이 구체화되고 나아가 횡혈식 묘제로 발전되는 것과 더불어 상장의례도 나름의 변천을 거듭하였음을 반증한다. 즉 세종 평기리 유적을 비롯한 원삼국기 유적에 남겨진 초기적 상장의례 환경은 동시기 墳墓遺蹟의 不在理由로 설명될 수 있다. 그리고 매장시설로 墳墓가 具體化된 상황에서 진행된 儀禮 흔적으로 공주 수촌리 적석유구의 정황은 4~5세기대의 상장의례 모습을 적극적으로 대변한다. 이후 발전된 횡혈식 묘제의 등장에 따라 의례시설이 개별 분묘별로 마련되는 변화상은 사비천도에도 지속된 것으로 보이나, 사비도읍기 陵寺에 남겨진 석축유구의 정황은 백제의 상장의례가 佛敎의 성행에 따른 또 다른 변화를 대변하는 것으로 여겨진다. 상장의례의 복합성을 고려하면 절차나 과정을 상세하게 이해하는 것은 무리가 있다. 그것이 통과의례이기에 社會變化에 밀접하게 연동될 수 밖에 없기 때문이다. 그러나 앞으로 百濟墓制의 변화상과 상장의례 관련유적의 존재상을 함께 검토함으로써, 백제 상장의례를 구체화할 수 있을 것으로 기대된다.

      • 베버의 프로테스탄타즘에 관한 일 고찰

        이남석 동국대학교 대학원 1997 大學院硏究論集-東國大學校 大學院 Vol.27 No.-

        This thesis is dealing with Protestantism of M. Weber and its modern meaning. The content of this thesis as follows. Ⅰ. Preface Ⅱ. The intentional reception of Weber by Luka`cs Ⅲ. Protestantism of M. Weber and Capitalistic Spirit. 1. The traditionalism and anti-traditionalism from analysis of religion of W. Schluchter 2. The character of Protestantism as anti-traditionalism 3. Development from Luther to Calvinism on the basis of anti-traditionalism Ⅳ. The limit of reception of M. Weber by Habermas Ⅴ. The double meaning`s turnover of protestant ethic Ⅵ. Conclusion This thesis will reconsider the relation of rationality(or rationalization) to Protestantism. as Weber said, to `prowls about in our lives like the ghost'. Because it is important that on the one hand Habermas has analyzed sincerely "Max Weber's Theory of Rationalization" in The Theory of Communicative Action, and that on the other hand the analysis of religion of M.Weber is related to rationality of modern meaning. Two reasons are not a isolated matter but a interrelated matter. It is based on the reasons that Habermas's rationality theory is in part developed on the religion sociology of M. Weber and the religional rationalization is conduced to the rationality theory of modern meaning. Nevertheless, it is exceedingly difficult that we give idiosyncratic meaning to protestantism. Because Frankfurt theorists have interpreted usually rationality(or rationalization) on the basis of Marxism. Luca`cs is responsible for this interpretation. The thought of Frankfurt School is in debt to Luka`cs and at the same time the core of Frankfurt School is dependent on entirely reification, further the theory of Habermas as an alternative plan against pessimism is based on partly Luka`cs. However Luka`cs is not analyzed the protestantism in the theory of reification and only the loose combination between reification on Marx and rationalization without religion is existed in it. In order to escape from interior limit of Frankfurt School, thus capitalism spirit must free itself from reification and it is demanded to study spirit of protestantism that is operated in capitalism spirit.

      • KCI등재

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