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      • KCI등재

        假定과 讓步를 나타내는 補助用言 ‘보다’ 構成에 대한 硏究 - ‘-어 봐(라), -어 봤자’ 중심으로

        이금희 한국어문교육연구회 2019 어문연구(語文硏究) Vol.47 No.4

        This paper examined about the connective expressions ‘-eo pwara(-어 봐라)’ and ‘-eo pwassja(-어 봤자)’ stand for the meaning of the assumptions and concessions, which developed from the auxiliary verb form ‘-eo poda(-어 보다)’. ‘-Eo pwara(-어 봐라)’ and ‘-eo pwassja(-어 봤자)’ have been grammaticalized into connective expressions of assumptions and concessions from auxiliary verb form. In other words, they have been used for conditional clauses of assumptions and concessions, not for the meaning of attempt and experience that ‘-eo poda(-어 보다)’ had. This change was due to context-induced reinterpretation. ‘-Eo pwara(-어 봐라)’ and ‘-eo pwassja(-어 봤자)’ don’t use in objective or official situations. Because they present the condition based on the subjective decision of the speaker. This is different from the existing connective ending of assumptions ‘-eumyeon(으면)’, ‘-damyeon(-다면)’ and connective ending of concessions ‘-eodo(-어도)’, ‘-deorado(-더라도)’. Also, These expressions are not followed by a imperative sentence or a propositive sentence. This is because ‘-eo pwara(-어 봐라)’ and ‘-eo pwassja(-어 봤자)’ have condition with the subjective conclusion of the speaker. 이금희, 2019, 가정과 양보를 나타내는 보조용언 ‘보다’ 구성에 대한 연구, 183 : 63~90 본고는 보조용언 구성 ‘-어 보다’에서 발달하여 ‘가정’과 ‘양보’의 의미를 나타내는 연결 표현 ‘-어 봐라’와 ‘-어 봤자’에 대해 살펴보았다. ‘-어 봐라’와 ‘-어 봤자’가 ‘가정’과 ‘양보’의 조건절로 쓰이게 된 것은 명령과 청유의 결과 내용이 후행하면서 선행문의 내용을 조건절로 해석하는 문맥적 재해석이라는 기제가 적용된 것으로 보인다. 언중들의 이런 문맥적 재해석이 관습화되면서 ‘-어 봐라, -어 봤자’에 ‘가정’과 ‘양보’의 새로운 의미가 부여돼 명령형어미 ‘-어라’와 청유형어미 ‘-자’의 인칭 제약과 서술어 제약이 사라지게 된 것이다. 또한 ‘-어 봐라’와 ‘-어 봤자’는 기존의 가정과 양보의 연결어미와 달리 화자의 주관적인 판단에 근거한 조건을 나타내기 때문에 객관적인 상황이나 공식적인 상황에 쓰이는 것이 부자연스럽고 명령문이나 청유문이 후행하는 것이 어렵다. 이는 ‘-어 봐라, -어 봤자’가 화자의 경험을 통해 얻어진 조건을 제시하는 표현으로 후행문은 대체로 화자의 단정적인 견해가 오는 경우가 많기 때문이다.

      • KCI등재
      • Testosterone과 Previson 投與가 家兎子官, 골격근및 小腸組織의 電解質分布狀態에 미치는 影響

        李金熙 우석대학교 의과대학 1967 우석의대잡지 Vol.4 No.1

        The author has attempted to evaluate the effect of ovariectomy, testosterone and previson, a gestagen prepared for the contraception use, upon the distribution of water, Cl, Na, K, Ca, and Mg, in the uterus, skelotal muscle tissue, and small intestine tissue of mature non-pregnant rabbit weighing about 2㎏. For purposes of measurement of various electrolyte levels as well as the plotting of extracellular space, Na+K tissue water, cell water(Na, Cl) and Ca+Mg tissue water, cell water(Na, Cl) were made. Measurement of Na and K was carried out by flamephotometry, Cl by Scharles and Scharles method, Ca an Mg by Kovac and Tarrnoky's method. The results are obtained summerized as follows: 1. An increase in K level and a decrease in Ca level were noted in the serum of ovariectomized matured rabbit. The administration of testosterone to the ovariectomized rabbit resulted in the restoration of Na and K content to the level of pre-ovariectomized level and decreased Ca and Mg level. The administration of previson to the ovariectomized rabbit recovered the level of Cl, and Mg level. The administration of previson to the ovariectomized rabbit recovered the level of Cl, K and Mg to the preovariectomized level with the further decrease in Ca level. 2. The ovariectomy produced a decrease in water content, Cl, K, and Ca level of uterine tissue of rabbit, and an increase in Na and Mg levels in the same tissue. When testosterone was given to the ovariectomized rabbit, the restoration of Cl, K and Mg level with a rise in Na level and a further decrease in Ca were observed. Whereas the administration of previson produced recovery of Na and Cl level to the pre-ovariectomy level. The extracellular space, Na+K, Ca+Mg level within uterine tissue maintained direct correlationship with the tissue electrolyte level. 3. The ovariectomy produced a decrease in Cl level Cl space in skeletal muscle and a marked increase in Na level and Na space within the skeletal muscle. The administration of testosterone produced, an increase in Cl level and Cl space and a decrease in Na level and Na space with the resultant restoration to the pre ovarlectomized level. Whereas the administration of previson restored the Na, Na space, K, Na+K, Mg and Ca level to the pre-ovariectomy level. 4. The ovariectomy produced an increase in Na level and Na space within small intestine of rabbit and a decrease in K, Ca and Mg level. Testosterone produced an increase in Cl, Cl space, Na, Na space, K, Na+K and Ca resulting in high electrolyte content except for the decrease in Mg previson produced a decrease in water content as well as Cl and Na level. 5. Testosterone produced a marked decrease in water content within skeletal muscle and small intestine compared to that of the uterus. Previson produced no remarkable changes in water content of skeletal muscle and decrease within small intestine. There was no remarkable difference in changing water content level within the uterus by both hormones. 6. Cl content of skeletal muscle and small intestine decreased ore prominently than in the uterus when testosterone was administered. When previson was give, Cl content of the uterus did not vary from that of the uterus in the cases administered testosterone given, Cl content of skeletal muscle decreased more markedly than that of the uterus as in the cases of administered testosterone, whereas Cl content of small intestine decreased more profoundly than that of the uterus. 7. Na content of the uterus increased significantly when testosterone was given but decreased when previson administered. Na content of the skeletal muscle was meager when testosterone given but more remarkable in the cases of administered, previson Na level of small intestine showed similar results to that of the uterus. 8. K content of the uterus increased markedly when testosterone was given and showed no changes when previson was administered. Skeletal muscle as well small intestine showed an increased level of K when previson was given. 9. Ca content of the uterus showed marked decrease when testosterone was given and marked increase when previson was given. The other tissue showed no significant changes in Ca level when each hormonal preparation was given. 10. Mg content of the uterus and small intestine showed no difference when each hormonal preparation was given. Whereas the skeletal muscle showed relatively increased level of Mg when each hormone was given.

      • KCI등재

        <김인향전> 연구

        이금희 한국고소설학회 2003 古小說 硏究 Vol.15 No.-

        <김인향전>에 나타난 인간관계는 전반적으로 비극적이다. 혈연간의 가족들도 상황에 따라 친연성이 더 밀착되어 동생이 언니를 좇아 죽기도 하고, 반면에 불신이 더 증대되어 아버지가 자식을 죽이기도 하는 등 복합성을 드러내고 있다. 비혈연관계의 인물들은 이중적인 태도를 보여주는데, 이들을 세 유형으로 나누면 다음과 같다. 비혈연간의 계모와 전실 자식들은 속으로는 서로 '남'으로 인식하면서도 겉으로는 위장된 도리나 윤리적인 효로 일관하고, 남남관계인 계모와 무당할미는 이익을 위해 공모할 때는 친밀해지다가도, 상호 불리한 입장이 되면 서로 배척한다. 인향의 정혼자는 인륜지대사보다 자신의 사회적 성취를 중시했다가 후에 자신의 행위를 자책함으로써 인향에 대해 이중적인 태도를 취한다. 인향의 일생은 수직, 수평, 수직관계로 되어 있는데, 그 의미는 다음과 같다. 인향이 결혼하기 전, 부친의 삶에 종속되어 살아갈 때는 자신이 억울한 누명을 쓰고도 부친의 삶에 종속되어 살아갈 때는 자신이 억울한 누명을 쓰고도 부친의 명에 의해 죽는 것을 당연시 한다. 그러나 인향이 죽어 원귀가 된 후에는 사회와 수평적인 관계를 이루면서 '정절'을 공인 받은 후 정혼자의 발원으로 환생함으로써, 인향은 자신의 정체성을 되찾게 된다. 인향이 환생한 후에는 정혼자와 백년기약을 다시 이어 '여필종부'라는 새로운 수직관계가 형성된다. <김인향전>은 계모형 소설인 <장화혼련전>과 여러 면에서 유사한 점이 많으나, 작품의 전개과정에서 정혼자의 관계(혼사장애 및 혼사장애 극복) 등이 큰 비중을 차지하기 때문에, <김인향전>을 <장화홍련전>의 아류작이라고 단정할 수 없다. The relationship in <Kiminhyangjeon> is generally tragic. It shows the complex of blood relationship; Younger sister died following her elder sister and father killed his daughter, etc. In this novel the relationships which had nothing to do with blood show duplicity. These are classified with three kinds. Firstly, the family members who have nothing to do with blood conceal their real minds but they run through acting in reason artificially. Secondly, In-hyang's step-mother and an old shaman who are not family members of each other got close in mediation with their interests. However, when they were in a disadvantage position, they excluded each other. Thirdly, In-hyang's finance had retarded their wedding which has been believed the most important thing in people's life in order to succeed the national examination. However, after passing the examination, he regretted his fault. The life of In-hyang could be considered vertical, horizontal, and vertical relationship according to the order. Unmarried, even though In-hyang was dishonored, she naturally received her death charge by her father. She admitted that it's natural. When she was in a state of a ghost, she had maintained the horizontal relationship with the society, then she took back her identity after her virginity had been acknowledged and her finance made a wish for her to be reborn. Reborn, she built up a new vertical relationship with her husband keeping the rule that a wife should follow her husband. <Kiminhyangjeon> has several same traits as <Janghwahongryeonjeon>, which is a step-mother type novel, in many ways. However, in the process of development of the novel the relative importance of <Kiminhyangjeon> is much more connected to the relationship with the finance. That's why we should not determine that <Kiminhyangjeon> is a follower of <Janghwahongryeonjeon>.

      • KCI등재

        7S모형의 조직문화특성이 직무태도에 미치는 영향 : 항공우주산업의 조직 속성 및 기능적 배경의 조절효과를 중심으로

        이금희,정동섭,박용한 경성대학교 산업개발연구소 2015 산업혁신연구 Vol.31 No.4

        본 연구는 국내 항공우주산업의 대표기업인 K사와 그 협력업체를 대상으로 조직문화특성이 직무태도에 미치는 영향을 연구하였다. Pascale 외(1981)의 7S 모형에 근거하여 조직문화특성을 가치와 정책, 업무관리, 인적자원, 리더십 및 의사소통 등 5개로 구분하고 이러한 특성들이 직무만족과 직무몰입에 미치는 영향을 연구하였다. 연구대상은 287명(K사 직원 142명, 협력업체 직원 145명)이며 SPSS 21.0 프로그램을 사용하여 위계적 회귀분석을 실시하였다. 연구결과, 의사소통과 리더십은 모두 직무만족과 직무몰입에 유의한 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 이러한 결과는 하위문화를 불문하고 조직성과에 영향 주는 공동의 기업문화가 의사소통, 의사결정 참여 및 상호 이해와 지원이라는 Li 외(2010)의 주장과 일치하다. 이원분산분석의 결과, 모기업 K사 직원들이 협력업체 직원들보다 직무태도가 더 긍정적이고 조직문화에 대한 긍정적 인식도 더 높았다. 그리고 기술부서의 직무태도가 가장 긍정적이고 연구개발부서와 사업관리부서의 직무태도가 가장 부정적인 것으로 나타났으며, 리더십에 대한 긍정적 인식은 연구개발부서가 가장 높고 생산부서가 가장 낮았다. 조절효과에 대한 분석결과, 근무회사(K사/협력업체)는 리더십과 직무만족, 그리고 업무관리와 직무몰입간의 관계를 조절하는 것으로 나타났다. 그리고 기능적 배경(연구개발부서, 사업관리부서, 생산부서)은 리더십과 직무만족, 그리고 의사소통과 직무만족간의 관계를 조절하는 것으로 나타났다. 기능적 배경(기술부서, 사업관리부서, 생산부서, 연구개발부서, 영업부서, 경영지원부서)은 또한 가치와 정책, 인적자원, 업무관리, 리더십 및 의사소통 등 5가지 조직문화 특성과 직무몰입간의 관계를 모두 조절하는 것으로 나타났다. 본 연구는 모기업과 협력업체에 따라 조직문화 인식이 차이가 있으며 이에 따라 직무태도가 다름을 입증하였다. 뿐만 아니라, 기능적 배경에 따른 하위문화가 존재하며 이에 따라 조직문화가 직무태도에 미치는 영향이 서로 다름을 입증하였다. 본 연구는 기존연구에서 간과되었던 하위문화를 새롭게 조명하였다는데 그 의의를 찾을 수 있다. This study aims to clarify the relationship between characteristics of organizational culture and job attitudes in Korean aerospace industry. The variables, duly sorted by Pascale et al.(1981)’s 7S model for organizational culture, were assumed to predict employees’ job attitudes, and included Values and Policies, Task Management, Human Resources, Leadership, and Communication. This study also aims to investigate the moderating effects of company types(parent company<K company>, partner company<subcontractors of K company>) and functional divisions (production, technology, management support, R/D, business management, and sales management). The sample of our respondents was 287 employees in Korean aerospace industry(142 employees of K company that is a representative company in the industry and 145 employees of its subcontractors). We used SPSS 21.0 for statistical analysis. Our study reveals useful results for the development of theories and for organizational practices. First of all, communication and leadership have a significant effect on job satisfaction and job involvement. It means the organization should reinforce communication and leadership to improve the employees' job attitudes. Secondly, K company employees have more positive job attitudes and perceive its culture more favorably than the employees of subcontractors. It means the subcontractors should improve its culture to make their employees have more positive job attitudes. Finally, characteristics of organizational culture have different effects on job attitudes depending on companies and functional divisions. This study proved and highlighted the importance of subcultures in the study of organizational culture. The study also highlighted the differences in organizational culture and its effects on job attitudes among parent company and its subcontractors. Future research needs to use quantification methods(such as profits, ROI) to measure the effects of organizational culture.

      • KCI등재

        統辭的 構成에서 語彙化한 副詞에 대하여

        이금희 한국어문교육연구회 2011 어문연구(語文硏究) Vol.39 No.1

        現代國語 副詞 목록에는 派生이나 단순 複合이 아닌 統辭的인 構成에서 語彙化하여 부사가 된 것들이 있다. 파생과 복합으로 형성된 부사들은 일정한 規則性이 있는 데 반해 통사적 구성에서 어휘화된 부사들에는 一連의 규칙성이 없는 것처럼 보인다. 그러나 통사적인 구성에서 어휘화된 부사들도 규칙까지는 아니더라도 그것의 형성 과정을 유추해 유형화해 볼 수 있을 듯하다. 본고는 사전에 등재되어 있는 부사들을 검토하여 파생과 복합이 아닌 통사적인 구 구성에서 부사화된 어휘들을 살펴보았다. 통사적인 구성에서 어휘화한 부사들은 문장에서 부사어로 쓰이다가 하나의 부사로 어휘화한 것들도 있고, 副詞句나 副詞節 등으로 쓰이다가 하나의 부사로 어휘화한 것들도 있다. 그리고 문장의 한 성분이나 句, 節로 쓰이던 것들이 하나의 부사로 어휘화하는 과정에는 원래 형태 그대로 어휘화한 경우나 음의 脫落과 縮約, 그리고 語根의 切斷 현상 등이 일어나기도 하고, 先行 成分이나 後行하는 조사 등이 생략된 후에 부사가 된 경우도 있다. Many adverbs are formed with syntactical combinations without derivation and compounding on present adverb list. They were constituent of the sentence, but were lexicalized through reduction, clipping, ellipsis, and fusion. The aim of this paper is to systematize these adverbs depending on how it is formed. These adverbs can be divided into two categories. The first category is made from a noun phrase or a adverbial phrase, the second category is made from two phrases, three phrases or several phrases. Then there is one that is adverbilized by a phrase is originally having no form change and the other is made by reduction or clipping. The adverbilized things between two phrases is made by two methods. At first there is simply combined by having no form change. Second, something is adverblized after occurring reduction, ellipsis, fusion.

      • KCI등재

        The Advent of the 19th Century Bicycle and Women's Fashion -Focused on France-

        이금희 한국패션비즈니스학회 2022 패션 비즈니스 Vol.26 No.6

        This study aimed to examine the changes in women's fashion, focusing on the repercussions that bicycles had on women's life and fashion, centered on France in the 19th century, and then it examines the significance of the period to women's cycling clothing and its contribution to fashion. The research is based on literature and visual materials extracted from 19th century French newspapers, magazines, and posters. As a result of this study, the appearance of bicycles in the 19th century contributed to fashion as follows. First, the need for clothing suitable for outdoor activities promoted development of new designs with practical and functional features. Second, the clothing worn by female cyclists contributed to the introduction and propagation of new clothing, and pioneering wearing trousers. Third, the boom of bicycles in the 1890s led to the expansion of ready-to-wear items in department. The significance of the period to women's cycling clothing in the 19th century France is as follows. First, the era challenged customs and attitudes towards women's bicycle clothing and led to modernization. Second, a new and reasonable clothing design was presented that required a compromise to be accepted by the public. Third, although the clothing reform movement was not active in France, bloomer-style bicycle clothing was popular among fashionable women in Paris, revealing only its visual status as the capital of fashion in the 19th century.

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