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        베르그송의 철학을 통한 T. S. 엘리엇의 「바람 부는 밤의 광상시」 연구

        윤희억 한국현대영미시학회 2015 현대영미시연구 Vol.21 No.1

        Admittedly T. S. Eliot’s “Rhapsody on a Windy Night” was primarily inspired by Henri Bergson's Matter and Memory. Unlike this argument, however, this paper aims to review this poem not only centering upon Matter and Memory, but also embracing his other major philosophical works, Time and Free Will, Creative Evolution, and Laughter. In the light of the fact that Eliot took Bergson’s lectures on his major philosophical works in College de France, I believe that Matter and Memory alone does not fully account for the whole meaning of this poem. This paper thus delves into how Eliot projected Bergsonism into the contrast between inauthenticity of anonymous people and authenticity of individuals pursuing an artistic life in pure duration, and thereby how he questioned the dilemma of modern men intertwined with the conflict between body and spirit and between matter and memory in the contemporary society. Pitting an automatic, responsive, and imitative life against an original, artistic, and creative life, Eliot reveals his deep despair toward the spiritless life of modern men who do not know the real value of freedom.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        영미시 은유 이론의 유형과 진화

        윤희억 신영어영문학회 2014 신영어영문학 Vol.58 No.-

        This paper aims to pursue various types of widely accepted theories of metaphor and their evolutionary process, for this study will make us understand more clearly how metaphor works and how it is recognized. On the one hand, this paper deals with philosophical and psychological approaches to metaphor led by I. A. Richards, W. K. Wimsatt, Monroe C. Beardsley, and Wheelwright. On the other hand, this paper surveys theories on metaphor raised by the three linguistic circles. First, Noam Chomsky and Robert J. Matthews approach metaphor as typical examples of syntactic and semantic deviances. Second, pragmatic theories emerge as a way to go beyond the limits of syntactic and semantic approaches. Paul Grice, Michael J. Reddy, and John R. Searle attack the defects of the syntactic and semantic views. Third, cognitive approaches explore the nature of metaphor in a wider perspective. They stress not only inner conceptualizing, but also outer conceptualizing including custom and culture experienced by man who exists in the world.

      • KCI등재

        아서 밀러의 Incident at Vichy: 레비나스의 타자 철학을 통해 본 전체주의의 폭력과 타자의 망각

        윤희억 한국현대영미드라마학회 2019 현대영미드라마 Vol.32 No.2

        Incident at Vichy embodies Miller’s most critical and analytic response to Nazi’s fascism and the Holocaust caused by Hitler’s madness. It dramatizes the Nazi’s violence against Jews who have been arrested and drawn into detention camps with none of them sure why and finally slaughtered in gas chambers. Miller asks us to admit our complicity with evil or the banality of evil and awakens our forgetfulness of the other and responsibility for the other. In this play Miller depicts the abandonment of all moral and social responsibility to Nazism which acknowledges no obligation beyond its own absolute authority. Miller brings us to the age of Auschwitz in which the totalitarian terror wipes out all otherness by violence, torture, and murder. This thesis aims to delve into the primary thrust of Miller's ethics through Levinas’s notions: totalitarianism, the forgetfulness of the other, the face of the other, etc. It is no exaggeration to assert that Miller has inseminated the notions of Levinasian philosophy into this play, for through his confrontation with Nazi’s formidable evil Miller has felt much drawn to Levinas’s distinctive ethics of otherness. Von Berg’s ethics created by Miller is an undeniable proof that his ethics is closely intertwined with Levinasian philosophy of the forgetfulness of the other and the responsibility for others. This play can be understood more deeply than any other play in terms of Levinas’s philosophy of otherness. ,

      • KCI등재

        『다리 위에서 본 전망』: 아서 밀러의 윤리체계와 레비나스의 타자 철학의 상관성 연구

        윤희억 한국외국어대학교 영미연구소 2015 영미연구 Vol.33 No.-

        This play proceeds in two diverged ways: the exclusion of the other through sexual distortion and that through the violence of homogeneous society. Miller not only handles Eddie's violence against the other inflamed by his distorted desire through the relationship between Katherine and Rodolpho but also describes distrust, whistle-blowing, and betrayal among longshoremen intensified by an upsurge of illegal immigrants through Marco. Though the two-pronged stories seem to develop separately, they all center upon beholding the other as a threatening object. In this play Miller discloses how through his distorted sexual-egotism Eddie regards the other not as an object of hospitality but as that of exclusion. Miller shows that the contemporary society intends to exclude the other by seeing it as a foreign entity who cannot be homogenized into the oneness. He criticizes that the forceful attempt to assimilate the other into the same worsens the human condition of modern society at once and destroys ethical responsibility for a better society. Miller's diagnosis of illness of modern society goes in parallel with that of Levinas whose philosophy questions the priority of the same over the other in modern society. In that respect, this paper aims to address itself to the problem of the same and the other through the correlative between Miller's ethics and Levinasian philosophy.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        엘리엇의 『J. 알프레드 프루프록의 연가』와 마르틴 하이데거의 실존론적 존재론 철학의 상관성 연구

        윤희억 한국T.S.엘리엇학회 2017 T.S. 엘리엇 연구 Vol.27 No.2

        「J. 알프레드 프루프록의 연가」에서 엘리엇은 프루프록이라는 내성적인 낭만적 주인공을 내세워 현대 사회에서 인간이 직면한 도덕적 위기를 경고한다. 이 시는 그동안 다양하게 해석되어왔지만 그 해석의 틀은 상당히 제한된 것이었다. 지난 세기 줄곧 엘리엇의 시들은 대부분 모더니즘의 관점에서 조명되어왔다. 그러나 지난 수 십 년 동안 포스트모더니즘의 새로운 이론의 파고 속에서 일단의 비평가들은 서구 형이상학의 이성 중심주의에 기반을 둔 것으로 보이는 엘리엇의 시를 해체하려는 시도를 해왔다. 본고는 엘리엇의 「프루프록」의 해석에 있어서 기존의 서구 형이상학의 전통에 선 주지주의적 해석과 그 이후의 해체주의적 해석의 중간 고리인 하이데거의 실존론적 존재론 철학에 주목하고자 한다. 왜냐하면 이 고백시에서 20세기 초반의 현대화된 도시 속에서 프루프록이 삶에 대해 던지는 철학적 회의와 사유가 하이데거가 제시한 실존론적 존재론의 철학적 사유와 맥락이 닿아 있기 때문이다. 「프루프록」에서 엘리엇의 눈에 비친 현대인은 무의미한 시간의 반복 속에서 권태와 불안 속에서 살아가는 것으로 보인다. 이 시가 담아내는 동시대 전반에 팽배한 도덕적 타락의 징후와 철학적 위기는 바로 하이데거가 그의 존재론에서 구체적으로 논한 것이다. 따라서 하이데거의 실존론적 존재론을 토대로 엘리엇의 「프루프록」을 연구하는 것은 이 시에 대한 새로운 읽기를 가능케 하리라고 믿는다. 특히 엘리엇이 이 시에서 그려낸 암울한 시대 상황은 하이데거가 존재와 시간을 비롯한 그의 주요 저작에서 구체화한 동시대의 상황에 대한 사유와 접점을 갖는다는 점에서 더욱 그러하다.

      • KCI등재

        『로미오와 줄리엣』: 메를로-퐁티의 『지각의 현상학』을 통한 다시 읽기

        윤희억 한국셰익스피어학회 2019 셰익스피어 비평 Vol.55 No.4

        This paper aims to go away from the argument that this play is either a play of fate or a play of character. Rather I think that the elucidation of the life and death of Romeo and Juliet in this play can be more clearly explored in view of Merleau-Ponty’s Phenomenology of Perception, for Romeo and Juliet experience not unavoidability of fate but concrete acts of love through intersubjectivity. In view of Merleau-Ponty, Romeo’s love for Rosaline is not authentic, real acts of love but mere thoughts about love. On the contrary, Romeo’s love toward Juliet is true and real in presence of the acts of love because his body-subject is mutually intertwined with her body-subject. Merleau-Ponty contends that love is not a thing capable of possession, but it is to establish his relations with the world; it is an existential signification. While the worlds of Montague and Capulet are relatively closed worlds dominated by hatred and violence, Romeo’s and Juliet’s acts of love go toward the open world in which they transit from what they are to what they intend to be. The signification of their love and death through intersubjectivity is manifested through dialectic process in the field of phenomenology.

      • KCI등재

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