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      • KCI등재

        초등학교 5학년 평면도형의 넓이 구하기 수업에서 나타난 학생들의 해결 방법 분석

        유연자,방정숙 대한수학교육학회 2008 학교수학 Vol.10 No.3

        본 연구는 주로 공식을 통한 계산 위주로 학습되는 초등학교 5학년 평면도형의 넓이 지도에 반하여 탐구 중심의 수업 설계를 바탕으로 학생들에게 충분한 시간과 조작 활동 자료를 제공한 후 학생들이 주어진 도형의 넓이를 어떻게 구하는지를 자세하게 탐색하였다. 학생들이 제시한 다양한 해결 방법과 이에 관한 면밀한 비교 분석을 통하여 평면도형의 넓이 구하기 지도 방안에 관한 구체적인 시사점을 제공한다. The purpose of this study was to provide teachers with suggestions on how to teach the unit of finding the area of plane figure by analyzing students' different solution methods. The solution methods were analyzed according to how the original area of the given figure was kept: partition, transformation, and elimination. The partition method was most used. With regard to transformation, students seemed to find it easy to use the area of rectangle. With regard to elimination, students were successful using elimination to find the area of a given figure but had difficulty in producing a formula from the method. The teacher played a key role to encourage students to employ different solution methods, and gave them opportunities to compare and contrast various methods. A cautionary note is that, with too much emphasis on `variety', the mathe- matical efficiency may be lost in the process. It suggests that a teacher should be careful to establish appropriate sociomathe- matical norms with students in order that they can make their own judgment on which solution method is mathematically worth and efficient.

      • 일 지역에서의 모유수유 저해요인에 관한 조사연구

        유연자 울산과학대학 1998 연구논문집 Vol.24 No.2

        본 연구는 울산 지역 산부들의 수유실태를 조사하고, 산부들이 인식하고 있는 모유수유 저해요인을 파악함으로써 산부들이 좀더 오랜 기간동안 모유수유를 효과적으로 실천할 수 있도록 지지해줄 수 있는 산전·산후 간호 중재를 위한 기초자료를 제공하는데 목적이 있다. This study was undertaken to find out the perception of the impediment factors & information about the performance of breast feeding in Mothers in Ulsan. The Subjects were 247 mothers of infants whose age were 4~18 months. The respondents were out-patient of pediatric department in a general hospital and well-baby clinic of one health center in Ulsan area. The data were collected with questionaires which were developed by researcher from October 15-30, 1997. The data were analyzed using spss/pc^(+) and descriptive statistics, X² test, ANOVA & factor analysis The results of this study are as follows: 1) Among the respondents, 39.8% had continued breastfeeding up to 4 months(success group), 47.2% had discontinued breastfeeding before 4 months(failure group) and 13.0% had never tried breastfeeding for their baby(no trial group). 2) The significant differences between 3 groups were income(X²=25.96, P=.001), education for breastfeeding in the hospital(X²=7.87, P=.020), diseases with pregnancy/delivery(X²=7.25, P=.027), the mode of delivery(X²=7.71, P=.021), initiation of breast feeding(X²=2.53.97, P=.000), time of choosing the feeding type(X²=16.68, P=.002), and conditions of nipple(X²=12.16, P=.016). 3) Factor analysis suggested that the impediment factors on breast feeding were 15 factors. Highly perceived mean scores of the impediment factors on breast feeding were insufficient milk supply(2.34±1.11), hospital system & practice(2.25±.95), lack of support by medical personnels(2.04±.75), and abscense of role model & a psychological pressure(2.03±.93). 4) The significant differences between 3 groups were insufficient milk supply(F=12.43, P=.000), disinterested or refused the nipple(F=21.75, P=.000), diluted breast milk and loose stool(F=5.74, P=.049) and illness(F=7.96, P=.000).

      • 어머니의 言語形態가 幼兒의 言語能力에 미치는 影響

        劉蓮子,李達錫 조선대학교 사범대학 부설 교과교육연구소 2002 敎科敎育硏究 Vol.23 No.1

        The purpose of this study is to clarify the relationship between the mother's language pattern and infant's language ability and to analyze this by age and sex. The research problems of this study are as following : 1. In what shape does the mother's language pattern appear? 2. In what shape does the infent's language ability appear? 3. To what differnce do the mother's lenguage patterns result in infent's language ability? 4. To what differnce do the mother's lenguage patterns result in infent's language ability by sex? 5. To what differnce do the mother's lenguage patterns result in infent's language ability by age? 91 children of kindergarten aged 3 and 5 age, and their mothers 91 persons in Gawng-Ju were enployed for subjects of this study, so total subjects of this study were 182 persons. Mother's language pattern was categorized with Jung Ji-Ja's mother language pattern inventorg(1984). Infant's language abilities were got by Joo Young-Uis infant's language ability test(1982). Data were treated with using the package of Descriptives and T-test in SPSS/PC+ Major findings of this study were as follows : 1. In present situation of mother's language pattern, there is the most mother's normative-oriented language pattern, the second order oriented and the third person-oriented language pattern, so mother's persen-oriented language pattern is educated with parent's edu cation. 2. In present situation of infant's language ability, there is the highest perception ability and analusis, reasoning, integration in order. because infants is staged in preoperational period according to Jean Piaget's theory. 3. The infants interading with mothers using persen-oriented language have higher language ability than them with mothers using order-oriented language. 4. In case of male, mother's person-oriented language pattern let them cevelope their perception ability and in case of female, mother's person-oriented language pattern let then develope their reasning ability. 5. In case of 3 age of infants, mother's person-oriented language pattern let them develope perception abilty and in 5 ago of infonts, mother's person-oriented language pattern let Them develope their perception, analgsis, integration and reasning. 6. Comparing 3 with 5 ago of infant's language ability, 5 ago of imfant's language ability is far the best then 3 ago of infant's According to resalts of this study, mother's person-oriented language patter is the best instrument for developing infant language ability.

      • KCI등재

        산욕부의 가정간호 요구도에 관한 연구

        유연자 여성건강간호학회 2001 여성건강간호학회지 Vol.7 No.4

        This study was carried out to understand the home health care needs of postpartum women during the postpartum period. The goal of this study was to obtain data needed to develope postpartum home health care programs and to improve the nursing quality for postpartum women. A convenient sample of 105 healthy women who were discharged after delivery at a maternity hospital in Ulsan, Korea were studied from January 25 to April 15, 2001. Data collection was done with a structured questionnaire (maternal concerns questionnaire) by mailing. Data was collected from 1 to 4 weeks after delivery. The Results of this study were as follows: 1. The mean score of home health care need of postpartum women was 2.51. The degree of nursing need according to the category of home health care needs was 'concerns about the infant (2.91±.68)', 'maternal physical and emotional concerns (2.62±.52)', 'concerns related to the husband (2.45±.73)', 'concerns related to the family (2.16±.64)', 'concerns related to the community (2.03±.60)', in rank. Among the items, 'recognizing illness in the newborn (3.36±.83)', 'normal growth and development (3.33±.92)' were high. 2. Among items of concerns about infant (2.91±.68), 'recognizing illness in the newborn (3.36±.83)', 'normal growth and development (3.33±.92)' showed high nursing needs. 3. Among items of maternal physical and emotional concerns (2.62±.52), 'being a good mother (3.31±.86)', 'return of their figures to normal (3.04±1.05)' showed high nursing needs. 4. Among items of concerns about husband (2.45±.73). 'husband being a good father (2.84±1.00)' shows high nursing needs. 5. Among items of concerns related to the community (2.03±.60), 'getting to health care facilities (2.69±.90)' shows high nursing needs. 6. On considering the relationship between the postpartum women's home health care needs and their general characteristics, parity (t=2.436, p=.017) and delivery type (t=2.074, p=.041) were statistically significant.

      • 어머니의 言語形態가 幼兒의 言語能力에 미치는 影響

        유연자(Yen Ja You)(劉蓮子),이달석(Dal Seok Lee)(李達錫) 조선대학교 교과교육연구소 2002 敎科敎育硏究 Vol.23 No.1

        The purpose of this study is to clarify the relationship between the mother s language pattern and infant s language ability and to analyze this by age and sex. The research problems of this study are as following : 1. In what shape does the mother s language pattern appear? 2. In what shape does the infent s language ability appear? 3. To what difference do the mother s lenguage patterns result in infent s language ability? 4. To what difference do the mother s lenguage patterns result in infent s language ability by sex? 5. To what difference do the mother s lenguage patterns result in infent s language ability by age? 91 children of kindergarten aged 3 and 5 age, and their mothers 91 persons in Gawng-Ju were enployed for subjects of this study, so total subjects of this study were 182 persons. Mother s language pattern was categorized with Jung Ji-Ja s mother language pattern inventorg(1984). Infant s language abilities were got by Joo Young-Uis infant s language ability test(1982). Data were treated with using the package of Descriptives and T-test in SPSS/PC+ Major findings of this study were as follows : 1. In present situation of mother s language pattern, there is the most mother s normative-oriented language pattern, the second order oriented and the third person-oriented language pattern, so mother s persen-oriented language pattern is educated with parent s edu cation. 2. In present situation of infant s language ability, there is the highest perception ability and analusis, reasoning, integration in order. because infants is staged in preoperational period according to Jean Piaget s theory. 3. The infants interading with mothers using persen-oriented language have higher language ability than them with mothers using order-oriented language. 4. In case of male, mother s person-oriented language pattern let them cevelope their perception ability and in case of female, mother s person-oriented language pattern let then develope their reasning ability. 5. In case of 3 age of infants, mother s person-oriented language pattern let them develope perception abilty and in 5 ago of infonts, mother s person-oriented language pattern let Them develope their perception, analgsis, integration and reasning. 6. Comparing 3 with 5 ago of infant s language ability, 5 ago of imfant s language ability is far the best then 3 ago of infant s According to resalts of this study, mother s person-oriented language patter is the best instrument for developing infant language ability.

      • KCI등재
      • The Asian-American Fatherhood : Their belief and change

        Won, Dae Young,Yoo, Youn Ja 울산과학대학 2003 연구논문집 Vol.29 No.2

        미국내 동양인의 인구는 전체 이민 인구의 25%를 달하는 수준에 이르고 있다. 이러한 인구는 다양한 건강 및 의료서비스를 필요로 하게된다. 그럼에도 불구하고 이들의 의료서비스 요구는 전문가의 눈에서 볼 때 우회적이거나 소극적이다. 동양인 아버지의 역할은 가족내에서 권위적이고 남성 우월적인 면을 가지고 있으며 또한 가족의 부양과 가족내 문제해결에 전적인 책임의식을 가지고 있다. 이러한 동양 아버지의 도덕적 책임의식은 미국내 의료전문인에게 가족의 건강을 위하여 아버지의 역할을 활용 할 수 있는 좋은 기회를 제공 할 수 있다. 즉 동양 아버지들은 가족의 건강을 위하여 의료진문인들과 직접 교류하면서 교육받고, 배운 것을 가족의 건강에 이바지 한 수 있도록 건강 교육자로서의 효과적인 역할을 하도록 변화시켜야 한다. The Asian-American population is growing up to 25 percent of the American immigrant population. They demand more health or medical services than before but unfortunately shows reluctant and passive attitude. Asian-American father has kept their traditional belief of father's important role as a decision-maker, financial provider, discipliner of family holds. Asian family dynamics is man's priority, and their beliefs about relationships are derived from confucianism and collectivism. Although Asian women want to maintain old values, but also want to share the burden of child rearing and housework with their husband. Asian fathers carry a primitive desire to be the decision-maker and to keep the family in harmony with authority. Their primitive desire to have a important role for the family should be extended to the role for family health problem. They need to be interacted with health professionals in order to have their own unique father's role succeed for the family's wellbeing.

      • KCI등재

        초기 산욕부의 간호요구도와 만족도에 관한 연구

        이은주,유연자 여성건강간호학회 1999 여성건강간호학회지 Vol.5 No.3

        This study was carried out to identify the differences between nursing needs and levels of satisfaction of postpartum women during the early postpartum period. The goal of this study was to obtain data needed to develop maternal education programs and to improve the nursing quality for postpartum women. The subjects were 87 postpartum women who had vaginal delivery at 2 general hospital and 2 maternity hospital in the Ulsan City. The period for the data collection was from June 1 to 29, 1999. The data was gathered using a 98 items questionnaire which was a modified version of a questionnaire the developed by Y. J. Chun. Results found are as follows: 1. The general characteristics of the subjects: The majority of subjects were 25-29yrs. (57.5%), high school and college graduates (96.5%), unemployed(75.9%), middle ranged economics(93.1%), had no religion(43,7%), multigravida(56.3%), first baby(43.7%), male baby(52.9%), birth weight 3-3.5Kg(49.4%), wanted pregnancy(96.6%), no abortion history(50.6%), had antenatal care(89.7%), had prenatal education(32.2%), postnatal education(42.5%), intended breast feeding(46.0%), had reasonable self confidence about self(20.7%), infant care(36.8%) and nuclear family pattern(82.3%). 2. The level of nursing needs of overall nursing care(3.93) and the levels of satisfaction(3.86) was relatively high. The nursing needs by category of nursing care, the highest need was on the emotional and psychological care(4.09), and the lowest need was on physical need(3.73). The satisfactions by category of nursing care, the highest satisfaction was on emotional and psychological care(4.11) and the lowest satisfaction was on education in self care(3.64). The significant differences between nursing needs and satisfactions were found on education in infant care(p=.005) and education in self care(p=.020). 3. Among items of physical care, 'accurate medication and treatment(4.21)', 'control of postpartum hemorrhage(4.13), 'pain control and care of episiotomy wound(4.12)' and 'regular observation of postpartum conditions(4.09)' showed high nursing needs. 'Accurate medication and treatment(4.31)', 'regular observation of postpartum condition (4.24)', 'control of postpartum hemorrhage(4.22)' and 'pain control and care of episiotomy wound(4.12)' showed high satisfaction levels. 4. Among items of emotional and psychological care, 'personal treatment(4.32)', 'kind and faithful care(4.30)', 'detailed explanation on the treatment or nursing care(4.25)', 'adequate draping during the care and treatment(4.23)' and detailed explanation on a doubt(4.13)' showed high nursing needs, 'personal treatment(4.52)', 'kind and faithful care(4.45)', 'detailed explanation on a doubt(4.24)', 'detailed explanation on the treatment or nursing care(4.21)' and 'adequate draping during the care and treatment(4.18)' showed high satisfaction of nursing care. Difference between the level of nursing needs and satisfactions was significant except item of 'early contacts with their baby and breast feeding'. 5. Among items of environmental care, the highest level of need and satisfaction were on the items of 'neat bedding and clothes(4.05. 4.21)' and 'room cleansing or care of room(4.01, 4.28)'. Differences between the level of nursing care and satisfaction were 'room cleansing or care of room'. 6. Among items of educational needs on self care, 'sitz bath method(4.22)', 'high risk symptoms to immediate clinic visits(4.13)', 'the timing of tub bath(4.05)' and 'good secretion of breast milk(4.03)' showed high nursing needs. 'sitz bath method(4.22)' showed high satisfaction of nursing care. Differences between the level of nursing care and satisfaction were 'the timing of hair shampoo', 'the timing of tub bath', 'the method of pad change', 'postpartum exercise', 'good secretion of breast milk', 'maintenance of breast figure', 'contraindicated drugs in postpartum women', 'kegel exercise' and 'breast self examination'. 7. Among items of educational needs on infant care, 'immunization of infants(4.36)', 'symptoms of sickness to immediate clinic visits(4.28)', 'safety and emergency care(4.28)', 'umbilical care(4.26)', 'feeding times and intervals(4.24)', 'normal growth and development of infant(4.24)' and 'infection control(4.22)' showed high level of nursing care, 'immunization of infants(4.21)', 'feeding times and intervals(4.17)' were high satisfaction items in nursing care. The majority of items showed significant differences between the level of nursing care and satisfaction. 8. Relationship between nursing needs and levels of satisfaction among postpartum women were as follows: 1) Physical area: There were no significant differences in the level of nursing needs. but satisfaction levels were significantly different among 'working mothers', 'baby's weights', 'baby's sex', 'planning of feeding' and 'routes of receiving postpartum information'. 2) Emotional and psychological area: The level of nursing needs were significantly different in the area of 'confidence in self care', Satisfaction levels were significantly different among 'baby's sex', 'baby's weights', 'the confidence of infant care' and 'working mother'. 3) Environmental area: There were no significant differences in the level of nursing needs, but satisfaction levels were significantly different among 'maternal age' and 'baby's weights'. 4) Education in self care: The level of nursing needs were significantly different among parity history' and 'type of family formation', Satisfaction levels were significantly different among 'working mother', 'baby's sex', 'antenatal care', 'postpartum education', 'planning of feeding', 'routes of receiving antepartum informations' and 'routes of receiving postpartum informations'. 5) Education in infant care area: The level of nursing needs were significantly different among 'parity history'. Satisfaction levels were significantly different among 'baby's sex', 'receiving postpartum education or not' and 'working mother'.

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