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      • 도시공간에 있어 휴먼인터페이스를 중심으로 한 커뮤니케이션에 관한 연구

        우상기(Woo Sangki),박필제(Park Pilje) 한국옥외광고학회 2005 OOH광고학연구 Vol.2 No.1

        옥외 광고는 커뮤니케이션의 한 형태로서 정보의 전달에 있어 미적 효용성과 의미소통의 두 가지 목적을 동시에 추구하는 분야이며 오늘날 그 활동영역이 매우 광범위하게 확대되고 있다. 그러나 전달될 메시지가 아무리 미적 효용성을 가지고 있다하더라도 의미가 정확히 읽혀지지 않는다면 메시지는 내용을 상실한 포장일 뿐이며 아무리 잘 가공된 메시지라 할지라도 수용자에게 선택되지 않으면 정보의 기능을 상실하는 것이다. 옥외광고는 기업의 마케팅 커뮤니케이션 활동의 일부로서 마케팅 전략과 커뮤니케이션 전략이 옥외광고물에 공존하여야 한다. 즉 마케팅적인 과학적 접근과 커뮤니케이션적인 예술적 접근이 하나의 광고물에 표현 되어야 한다. 모든 이가 이렇게 행동한다고 볼 수는 없지만 사람들은 일반적으로 특정 광고물에 대한 사전 지식이 있을 때는 그 광고를 통해서 유용한 정보를 얻는다. 사전 지식과 광고에 대한 친밀감이 있으면 낯선 정보를 이미 존재하는 지식과 연결할 수 있고 이로써 효과적인 교육 경험을 얻게 된다. 그러나 이러한 사전 지식이 없는 사람들에게 옥외 광고 내용은 그다지 가치가 없을 수도 있다. 공공 환경의 영향이란 이보다 훨씬 복잡하다. 궁극적으로 주어진 환경이 새로운 지식을 전달하고 이해시키는 능력은 사람들의 성향과 선입견 그리고 광고의 내용, 전달매체와 형태 사이의 인터페이스에 의해 결정 된다. 그렇다면 대중들과 효율적인 커뮤니케이션하기 원하는 디자이너들은 필수적으로 이러한 인터페이스에 대해 숙지해야 하지 않을까 하는 생각을 가지게 된다. 본 연구에서는 도시공간의 커뮤니케이션에 있어 휴먼 인터페이스를 중심으로 고찰하고자 한다. 바꾸어 말하면 관람자 중심적 접근과 소구방법에 대해 연구하고자 하는 것이다. Outdoor advertising is one of communication and a field of sending information as aiming at efficiency and meaning more and more gets wide the are of outdoor advertising. However, it is an empty container without contents if it cannot send the correct message although it has efficiency. It also has no function of information if the message of outdoor advertising is not selected by people. There has to be both marketing and communication in outdoor advertising. It is an important part of marketing communication. The business advertisement has to show scientific marketing skill with artistic communication. An effect of public environment is had on people by their character, advertisement and interface as giving a new idea. Designers has to properly know this interface for efficient communication with people. I try to show audience-oriented research and method in the communication of metropolis on my study.

      • 야간 옥외공간 활성화를 위한 도시경관 조명연출에 관한 연구

        박필제(Park Pilje),우상기(Woo Sangki) 한국옥외광고학회 2004 OOH광고학연구 Vol.1 No.2

        21세기는 정보화시대로 도시기능이 확대되고 밤과 낮의 구분이 사라지고 주간 위주의 생활방식에서 벗어나 도시의 야간 생활영역의 비중이 점차 확대되고 야간경관의 고려가 절실히 요구되는 상황이다. 도시환경의 개선을 위한 조명디자인은 쾌적하고 기능적인 디자인을 위하여 도시의 물리적 공간을 빛에 의한 경관 형성에 주안점을 두고 도시를 구성하는 다양한 빛의 관계성을 체계화하여 쾌적한 빛 환경을 독창적으로 창조하는데 있다. 따라서 본 연구는 야간경관에 대한 과학적이고 체계적인 연구와 분석을 통하여 인간의 심미적 욕구를 충족시킬 수 있어야 한다. 또한 야간의 옥외공간에서 잠재하는 상해요소로부터 안전한 환경을 제공하며, 인간의 삶을 편리하고 안락하게 영위할 수 있는 빛 환경과 도시경관조명의 방법을 연구함으로써 야간 옥외공간 활성화를 위한 발전적 대안을 제시하고자 한다. As we enter 21st centry, the capacity of city is ever increasing as boundaries between day and night disappear, and people extend their normal daily life routines to the evening. In order to improve the quality of city life and create a better living space, designing of light needs to focus not only on the impact of lighting on physical space but to understand the relationship between the various lighting and its surrounding area. Therefore, this study of night lighting should follow scientific steps and logical research to fulfill our own daily living needs. Furthermore, by providing the effective lighting and safe outdoor from uncertain risky elements that coexist in our environment, we can improve our quality of life through the study of the relationship between the various lighting environment and city landscape lighting. In return, we intent to find the effective ways to increase the usage of outdoor space.

      • 박물관 전시공간의 커뮤니케이션과 인터페이스

        우상기 영산대학교 2002 영산논총 Vol.10 No.-

        Glance back at the past several centuries, on of the most striking pattern is the on-going revolution in communications. In recognizing this continuing revolution in communications, however, we are apt to miss a medium of communications that is rooted in previous centuries but has been a phenomenal success story in the 20th century - the museum. Because the medium of museums is the material heritage of mankind - the artifacts, works of art and specimens that museums communicates primarily by means of exhibitions in galleries in big buildings rather than through small communications devices, we tend to forget that museums have been and continue to be a vital part of the communications industry that characterizes our time. And interactive design have to consider the wide social interface of humans' in the museum exhibition design.

      • 도시디자인에 있어 CI計劃의 意義에 關한 硏究

        우상기 영산대학교 1999 영산논총 Vol.3 No.-

        This report examines the structural properites of the CI plan and as a results, it not only provides the recognition of CI plan in the field of city environment formating, but also provides direction of the ideal application of the CI plan. First of all, I look for the structural properties of the CI plan by analyzing andarranging the design factors with the actual examples of CI plan and I try to define the meaning of the design in terms of the CI plan. I research and analyze the important objectives and applied design factors with respect to the historical examples of the CI plan. In addition, I define the meaning of the CI plan by observing the related changing trend.

      • 기업박물관의 전시계획에 관한 연구

        우상기 영산대학교 1998 영산논총 Vol.2 No.-

        Each corporate has created Corporate Identity to unify its images and invested in cultural events to restructure detailed images in each part. Their important activities have shown constructing showrooms and museums and participating in cultural events and exhibitions. The construction of corporate museum is one way to promote its image. Moreover, it advantages appealing as educational investor that make have good corporate image could influence even further for next generation. The corporate usually has built museum aiming at memorial works in order to acquire social educational impact, not as resource or showroom. In case of foreign countries, corporate museum has influenced over country's diplomatic promotion, such as touring business, as well as advertising its own image. Some Korean enterprises have accepted this trend and others are actively importing it. Based on internal and international data for status and their analysis, it is the purpose of this study to seek of the future direction of Korean corporate museums. In this study the estabilished examples of domestic and foreign corporate museum's have been analyzed focusing on corporate museum's exhibit. It will help to understand what the corporate museum is and what the suitable ways to directing exhibition events in Korea. In consequence, it will present standard of the directing exhibitions for building corporate museum.

      • 박람회 전시의 연출기법에 관한 연구

        우상기 영산대학교 2001 영산논총 Vol.7 No.-

        The exposition display has a merit as a means of communicational methods and also has complicated functions includfulness and culture quality. It is the info-systematic ment relationship. The analysis of exhibition display communication by examples in the base of the and inter disciplinary research and it need the synthesis of varius arts. The exhibition in an exposition is the field participarts show their images of objects. It is necessary for designers to understand the social changes and inter relation with culture as a macroscopic point of view, the communication between man and environment as phenomenon of their mutual relations and the reaction as a mental data process. The concept of exposition, the methodology mobilization in the of event, the age of mass-mobilization, by academic way, the general idea of exhibition display communication abtained by application of the viewer's reaction in the respect of human vs environabstracted concept, to set a standard of program plan.

      • 엑스포 과학공원의 리컨스트럭션에 관한 연구

        우상기,전영대 영산대학교 2002 영산논총 Vol.10 No.-

        The mission of management of the EXPO science part was satisfaction of both public spirit and profitability since it was established. But it didn't have clear concept of them-public spirit and profitability. As a result, the coordinates of management was uncertain. Therefore, we judged that it is necessary to find and put the potentiality of the EXPO science park by certain of concept of them. Under the this background, we have began to plan reconstruction of the EXPO science park. The space media should be correspond space substances and surroundings.

      • 지역특성을 반영한 박람회장의 환경연출

        우상기 영산대학교 1999 영산논총 Vol.4 No.-

        An exposition is the activity intended to deliver an image of object by means of mixed composition of visual and spatial elements, and it is the largest event in the whole mankind and the best festival of global community. Exposition, especially, have the function of communication of information, revealing values of the object and the field of bilateral understandings and developments. The exposition display has a merit as a means of communicational methods, and also has complicated functions including usefulness and culture quality. It is the info-systematic and inter disciplinary research and it needs the synthesis of arts. The exposition as an international event has a wide-ranging effect. the participant's visual identity is needed in the pavilion for the purpose of mutual communication with the public and of image upgrade. The facility of an exposition centering around the pavilion shall play leading role as a center of community culture activity after the event.

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