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      • Developmental Aspects in the Acquisition of Korean Negation : A Study form One Korean Child

        玉宗錫 世明大學校 1992 世明論叢 Vol.2 No.-

        한국어의 否定語 習得課程에 나타나는 통사적 특성을 연구하기 위하여 어느 한 어린이의 對話를 6개월에 걸쳐서 錄音하고 그 資料를 분석하였다. 특별히 否定文에 사용되는 아니야와 안의 相對的 位置에 연구의 초점이 모아졌으며 그 결과는 名詞뒤의 아니야 표현이 가장 먼저 습득되는 것으로 나타났고 이어서 動詞의 앞이나 또는 合成動詞의 中間에 나타나는 안, 마지막으로 動詞의 뒤에 위치하는 안이 段階的으로 사용되는 것으로 나타났다. 이밖에도 몇가지의 특이한 言語習得上의 특성도 있는 것으로 나타났다.

      • 起承轉結식 수필문의 언어별 특징에 관한 小考

        玉宗錫 世明大學校 1994 世明論叢 Vol.3 No.-

        This article shows how four-unit, what is usually referred to as 起承轉結, expository essays are utilized in Chinese, Japanese, and Korean. It suggests that the thrid unit(轉段落) surves the major role in presenting the main idea in Korean while it functions as a subsidiary in the other languages. It also deals with socio-cultural aspects to accout for why this organization is more effective in delivering writers' ideas.

      • KCI등재

        스크린영어의 효율적 운영을 위한 수업모델

        옥종석(Ok Jong seok) 영상영어교육학회 2012 영상영어교육 (STEM journal) Vol.13 No.1

        This paper is an attempt to suggest an effective teaching model for college Screen English. Forty eight students participated in answering survey questions after they had finished watching the movie Prime. The questions were mainly about whether they found any positive changes in learning English and also, if their language skills were improved by the class. The results show that Screen English has helped the students feel more interested and motivated in learning English. They have newly come to realize the importance of English pronunciation, particularly regarding stress and phonological processes. In addition, a new awareness of other cultures was found to stimulate their intellectual curiosity, thus facilitating language learning. Teaching materials from Prime are presented including some phonological processes of the English language and information about American culture. Finally, a teaching model for Screen English is suggested with an emphasis on teaching pronunciation and the various cultures of the English-speaking world.

      • KCI등재

        음성인식 프로그램에서 학습자 주도형 말하기 촉진 방안에 관한 연구

        옥종석(Ok Jong seok) 영상영어교육학회 2016 영상영어교육 (STEM journal) Vol.17 No.3

        The purpose of this paper is to suggest how to facilitate student-centered learning in speech recognition English-speaking programs. Previous programs have commonly shown a serious problem in that learners quickly feel bored or discouraged in continuing speaking activities with the software. One of the main reasons is that learners are not allowed to actively manipulate their expressions in conversations. In order to facilitate student-centered speaking practice, the paper suggests adopting three approaches in establishing the database: 1) accommodating various expressions which carry the same illocution; 2) conversational branching by using Yes/No questions and adjacent-pair expressions; 3) utilizing ‘a helper’ to control the flow of the conversation and to practice structural patterns. After reviewing the key features of the recent speech recognition product Talklish Bible (TB), the paper attempts to demonstrate a sample lesson by applying those approaches to TB. It is also hoped that a future speech recognition program would give more consideration to providing learners with more opportunities for their voluntary participation in speaking with the computer software. Any addition of such approaches to a new program would make it possible to encourage Korean learners who want to improve their English speaking abilities without going abroad.

      • KCI등재

        초등영어교육의 음성인식 소프트웨어 활용과 전망

        옥종석(Ok Jong Seok) 영상영어교육학회 2004 영상영어교육 (STEM journal) Vol.5 No.2

        The study holds two purposes: 1) to review the problems of speech recognition softwares that have been used for beginning English education; 2) to suggest features that should be considered in developing future speech recognition softwares. The study has found that the present speech recognition softwares are mostly computer-directed, hindering the self-motivation of the student in learning activities. In these softwares, the student is usually involved in: 1) comparing wave forms of his pronunciation with those of the computer; 2) speaking a limited number of sentences that are already assigned in a role play; 3) selecting his answer from some choices, which are not clearly distinguished in speech recognition; 4) practicing some useful expressions, which are often mistaken as another phrase in speech recognition. In order to facilitate interactive activities between the computer and students, prospective softwares should focus more on developing softwares: 1) to apply the branching method to allow more student-directed conversations; 2) to be able to identify various expressions of the same illocution and those of different structures; 3) to provide immediate and various feedbacks for the student's performance; 4) to employ stimulating games which require many oral activities; and finally 5) to utilize a user-friendly hardware which requires a less amount of student adjustment to the machine.

      • KCI등재

        의사소통능력 향상을 위한 교차문화 자각능력에 관한 연구

        옥종석(Ok Jong seok) 영상영어교육학회 2014 영상영어교육 (STEM journal) Vol.15 No.1

        In order to improve communicative competence in a foreign language, the learner should be well aware of what to say and how to behave in a given situation. Such competence arises from the learner's awareness of the target culture. This paper is an attempt to examine how much awareness Korean college students have about the cultures of English-speaking countries. Ninety five college students were asked to answer 15 questions by focusing on American cultures. The questions were selectively prepared based on the story of Prime Love. The result shows that the subjects' awareness is below 40% for those cultural aspects, which include national image of the USA, age, counseling, homosexuality, dating, and more particularly non-verbal communication including gestures. However, the subjects appear to be relatively well informed about those areas such as weekend activities, pastime, invitation, and giving gifts. In class, students may be encouraged to spend some time practicing linguistic expressions together with appropriate behavioral activities using role plays and miniplays. It is also suggested that one seemingly important culture is shown from different movies and then students are encouraged to find out some common features and differences for themselves.

      • KCI등재

        미국영어의 호칭어에 관한 연구:폴리와 함께 에 등장하는 FN호칭을 중심으로

        옥종석(Ok, Jong-seok) 영상영어교육학회 2015 영상영어교육 (STEM journal) Vol.16 No.1

        The purpose of this study is to analyze address terms of American English with a focus on addressing others using FN. The data has been collected from the movie Along Came Polly, which includes various situations of ordinary American life. The results show that the most common form of address in America is FN, which accounts for 71% of all address terms. There are two other variants of FN: FN-G (FN-Generic) and FN-D (FN-Diminutive). FN-G is an FN-substituting ordinary noun with generic meaning. It accounts for 16% of addresses, using such nouns as dude, guys, and man. FN-D is a diminutive FN, which accounts for 9% of the terms used. Three of these FN terms are almost exclusively used to address others in most conversations in the movie. Other terms for forms of address are TLN (Title + Last Name) and KT (Kin Title) like Mom and Dad. However, their use is fairly restricted, accounting for only 4% of total occurrences. It was also found that reciprocal FN is the most common form of address in ordinary conversations. Korean students should be prepared to be able to employ proper address terms suitable for the purpose of communication if they plan to go to countries that speak American English.

      • 보건관리대행 프로그램 운영평가와 서비스향상 방안에 관한 연구

        이도화,옥종석,김남균 인제대학교 인문사회과학연구소 1998 인문사회과학논총 Vol.5 No.1

        The occupational health agency system, which was established for the purpose of providing efficient health services with limited resources to the employees of small and medium enterprises, is a traveling group health service system. Though the occupational health agencies have increased in numbers, which is 66 in total in 1998, after the introduction of the occupational health agency system, there have not been proper evaluations and improvements in the system. The purpose of this study is to conduct the evaluation of the occupational health agencies, and to provide suggestions for improvement thereof. Specifically, it attempts (1) to identify the factors related to the perceptions and attitudes of in-house health personnel of small and medium manufacturing firms in Shinpyung-Changrim industrial complex of Pusan regarding occupational health agency system, (2) to examine the actual conditions of occupational health agency services provided by the nurses of the agencies, (3) to identify the problems associated with the occupational health agency system on the basis of the survey results, and (4) to suggest the alternatives to improve the quality of the services. This study used questionnaire method in order to collect the data. The sample occupational health agencies evaluated in this study are 12 institutions in Pusan-Kyungnam region. The main results of the study are as follows: (1) There were weaknesses in service in the areas of approachability, comprehensiveness, technical quality, participation of workers and management, and adequacy of service. The problems in the areas other than approachability were found to be structural, while the latter ones were the problems which occurred during service implementation processes. (2) While the quality of occupational health agency service in general was rather low, there were some variations in the level of service quality according to the institutions. On the basis of the above results, the sugestions for improvement and limitations of the study are discussed in the conclusion.

      • <춘향전>의 외국어 번역 양상과 그 의미

        권순긍 ( Kwon Sun-keung ),옥종석 ( Ok Jong-sook ) 세명대학교 지역문화연구소 2020 지역문화연구 Vol.19 No.1

        <춘향전>은 세계 각국으로 번역되어 읽혔다. 현재 확인된 것만도 17개국 40여 종에 이른다. 이들 나라는 동양에서는 중국, 대만, 일본, 말레이시아, 베트남, 몽고, 인도 등 7개국이며, 서양에서는 미국, 영국, 프랑스, 독일, 스페인, 이탈리아, 러시아, 폴란드, 체코, 헝가리 등 10개국이다. 번역은 한 나라의 언어를 다른 언어로 바꾸는 것이 아니라, 언어체계를 바꾸는 것이고 어떤 문화를 다른 문화로 해석하는 것이다. 그 과정에서 충돌이나 점유가 일어나게 된다. 우리의 영원한 고전 <춘향전>을 세계 각국에서는 그 나라의 문화적 프레임에 맞춰 해석하거나 점유했음을 앞에서 살펴보았다. 번역을 통해 가장 적극적으로 우리의 문화를 점유하려 했던 나라는 일본이다. 식민지 경영을 효과적으로 수행하기 위해 조선언의 실상을 파악하고자 <춘향전>을 활용한 것이다. 조선의 민족성을 탐구하기 위해 그 본질을 파헤치고자 하여 <춘향전>을 비롯한 <심청전>, <흥부전>을 번역하여 일본인들에게 읽히고자 했다. 그래서 발견한 것이 삼강이라고 할 효(孝)·열(烈)·우애(友愛)와 같은 유교적 이념이었으며 이를 통해서 보다 통치를 고도화 하자는 주장을 제기하여 정치적 의도를 노골적으로 드러냈다. 일본어 번역과 다른 양상과 지향을 보인 것은 영어 번역이다. 초기미국공사관의 외교관이자 의사였던 알렌과 선교사였던 게일에 의해 주도되었는데, 특히 조선의 문화에 심취했던 게일은 <옥중화>를 저본으로 단어 하나하나에 공을 들여 거의 완벽한 번역을 보여 주었다. 하지만 의도하지는 않았더라도 우리 문화를 드높은 정신세계로만 몰고 가기독교의 그것과 동일시함으로써 타자성을 배제한 오려엔탈리즘의 혐의를 지니고 있다. 그 외 주목되는 것은 프랑스 번역인데, 청춘남녀의 애절한 사량을 성취하기 위한 묘책과 기지라는 서구인의 관점에 맞추어 춘향과 이몽룡의 사량을 해석하고 변개시켰다. 로니의 이 번역본은 체홉의 러시아 번역으로도 활용되었고 베트남 번역본 <춘향낭자>(1910)로도 활용되었다. The novel < Chunhyang-jeon > has been translated to be read over the world. Almost 40 versions of the novel have been identified among 17 countries. The seven of the oriental countries may include China, Taiwan, Japan, Malaysia, Vietnam, Mongolia, and India. Other ten countries of the western world may include the USA, the UK, France, Germany, Spain, Italy, Russia, Poland, the Czech Republic, and Hungary. Translation in itself is not simply changing one language into another, but changing the language system in order to interpret the target culture appropriately. In the meantime, there should be some collisions and occupations. Likewise, the interpretations of < Chunhyang-jeon > are to experience similar collisions and occupations according to foreign cultural frames. It is Japan that took the greatest advantage of occupying Korean cultures through interpretations. For an effective colonization of Joseon, they made use of < Chunhyang-jeon > to search the realities of the Joseon people. As an attempt to discover the national traits of Joseon, they tried to have the Japanese people read the translated vers10ns of < Chunhyang-jeon > and also < Simcheong-jeon > and < Heungbu-jeon >. Their finding were about Confucian ideas which included the three principles: filial duty, fidelity, and friendship. Accordingly, they unveiled their political intentions to strongly oppress the colonized country. On the contrary, English translations showed different aspects and directions. Allen, an American diplomatic minister and a doctor, worked with Gail, a Canadian missionary. Particularly fascinated with Joseon cultures, Gail demonstrated an complete translation work by putting efforts into the lexicon of < Okjunghwa >. However, whether he intended or not, his work is still under the suspicion of Orientalism because he regarded Joseon s spiritual cultures as those of Christianity. One of the other notable works is a French translation by Rosny. This work modifies the love of Chunhyang and Lee Mongryong by adopting western-style schemes and wits to accomplish their love. This version was used for a Russian translation by Chekhov and also for the Vietnamese translation < Chunhyang-Nangja > (1910).

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