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        외상 환자에서 알코올 금단 증후군의 발생이 예후에 미치는 영향

        오동길 ( Dong Gil Oh ),조민수 ( Min Soo Cho ),배금석 ( Keum Seok Bae ),강성준 ( Sung Joon Kang ) 대한외상학회 2008 大韓外傷學會誌 Vol.21 No.2

        Purpose: Abrupt abstinence from alcohol in cause of chronic alcohol addiction can trigger alcohol withdrawal syndrome. The authors studied the effect of post-operative alcohol withdrawal syndrome in patients who require intensive care due to trauma. Methods: For the study group, we selected 70 patients who had undergone emergency surgery from May 2003 to March 2007 due to trauma and who had been treated with prophylactic thiamine. Data was collected retrospectively. We excluded those who extended their hospital stay for other than traumatic causes, those who died within 3 days of surgery after trauma, those who transferred to other institutions, and those who received a psychiatric diagnosis. Patient groups were determined by the existence or the non-existence of withdrawal syndrome. Age, sex, injury mechanism, mortality, complications, durations of hospital stay and intensive care, use of mechanical ventilator, and sedative use were investigated. A Chi-square test and The Mann-Whitney method were used for statistical analysis in this study. Results: Twenty-four (24) patients from the 58 who had an ISS of 16 or more showed alcohol withdrawal syndrome, and men were shown to be affected with the syndrome significantly more than women. Although ISS was higher in the group with alcohol withdrawal syndrome, statistically, the difference was not significant (P<0.08). The total hospital stay in the patient group with alcohol withdrawal syndrome was on average 10 days longer. However, the difference was not significant (P<0.054). The duration of intensive care in the patient group with alcohol withdrawal syndrome was significantly longer (P<0.029). The patients with alcohol withdrawal syndrome showed no significant difference in the duration of mechanical ventilator use (P<0.783), or in the duration of sedative use (P<0.284). Respiratory distress, pneumonia, upper airway infection, sepsis, acute renal failure, and mortality in the alcohol withdrawal syndrome group were investigated, but no statistically significant difference were noted. Conclusion: We found that the duration of intensive care in chronic alcohol abusers was longer due to the development of alcohol withdrawal syndrome. We also discovered that, when the patients overcame the symptoms of alcohol withdrawal syndrome after intensive care, no difference was found in the frequency of developing complications, the morbidity, and the mortality. Therefore, we conclude that intensive care in trauma patients who are chronic alcohol abusers decreases the incidence of complications found in patients with postoperative alcohol withdrawal syndrome and does not adversely impact the prognoses for those patients. (J Korean Soc Traumatol 2008;21:115-119)

      • KCI등재

        “人能弘道 非道弘人”에 대한 非본체론적 道 이해 - 과정으로서의 道와 眞理에서 進理로 -

        정강(Jeong, Kang-gil) 영남퇴계학연구원 2021 퇴계학논집 Vol.- No.29

        이 글은 『論語』의 「衛靈公」편에 언급된 “人能弘道 非道弘人”에 대한 뜻을 현대에서 새롭게 재해석한 하나의 제언이다. 특히 해석의 쟁점은 道가 사람을 크게 넓힐 수 없다고 봤던 공자의 道 이해에 있다. 이에 대한 기존 해석에선 주로 인간의 주체적 능동성과 道體의 無爲性을 내세웠지만 여전히 유학자들 사이에서도 정리되지 못한 불분명한 지점도 있어왔다. 본 글에선 우선 古注에 해당하는『論語注疏』를 비롯해 송대 신유학을 대표하는 주희의 『論語集註』 해석과 그에 맞선 反주자학적 성격의 오규 소라이의 해석 그리고 앞선 논의들을 검토한 바 있던 다산 정약용의 『論語古今註󰡕까지 대표적으로 살펴보면서 이 글은 그와 또 다른 현대의 해석을 제안해 본 것이다. 각각의 상이한 해석들이 있긴 해도 주희와 다산의 해석은 사실상 크게 다르지 않은 점도 있는데, 주희의 道體論에서도 볼 수 있듯이 기존 유학을 비롯한 동양의 道 이해에는 <본체론적인 道> 이해가 암암리에 있어왔다. 주희는 정이천의 해석을 계승해 공자의 “逝者如斯夫 不舍晝夜”를 道體로 해석했다. 이러한 <본체론적 道 이해>의 틀에서 보면 결국 儒家의 道 이해도 佛家와 道家의 체용론적 도식을 온전히 탈피하진 못하고 도리어 유사해진 것으로 남게 된다. 이 글에선 그와 달리 <본체-현상의 이원적 구도>를 폐기하고 오직 <흐름의 과정>만이 있다고 볼 뿐인, <非본체론적 道 이해>를 제안한다. 이 같은 관점에서 보면 道는 본체도 아니며 궁극적 시원이나 절대적 근거도 아닌 단지 <과정으로서의 道>일 뿐이다. 그것은 다함께 계속해서 만들어가는 길[道]이다. 따라서 “人能弘道 非道弘人”에 있어 주희의 ‘道體無爲’ 같은 해석은 불필요해진다. 왜냐하면 공자의 道 이해에선 변화하는 현상의 이면에 자리하는 어떤 <본체로서의 道>를 상정할 필요가 없이 오직 <부단한 과정들>만 있다고 보기 때문이다. 즉, 이러한 <非본체론적 道 이해>에선 천하에 道가 있기도 하고 또 없기도 한 것이다. 그럼에도 공자의 道 이해에선 상대주의의 함정에도 빠지지 않는 <非본체론적 道 이해> 역시 얼마든지 가능한 것이었고, 이것은 본체(또는 본질, 본래성)의 우위를 주장하는 기존의 진리관에 대해서도 오히려 <眞理에서 進理로의 전환>을 주장한 것으로도 볼 수 있다. 결론적으로 이 글은 공자의 道 이해를 해석함에 있어 기존 동양사상의 본체-현상의 구도에서 보는 道가 아닌 그와 또 다른 성격의 <非본체론적 道 이해>의 가능성을 모색한 것이며, 현대 사상사의 맥락에서 21세기 유학의 지형적 스펙트럼을 좀 더 넓게 확장하려는 작업의 일환으로 시도된 것이다. This article attempts to explain of In-nyung-hong-do Bi-do-hong-in(人能弘道 非道弘人) that Confucius claimed in the Analects. In-nyung-hong-do Bi-do-hong-in(人能弘道 非道弘人) means ‘people can develop the Dao(道) while the way cannot develop people.’ In the history of the Confucian philosophy, there have been various interpretations of this phrase in the Analects. Specifically, about Bi-do-hong-in(非道弘人), Zhu-xi(朱熹) interpreted this phrase as Do-che-mu-wi(道體無爲). This means that the Dao is inactive and people are active. Then, what is the Do-che(道體) that Zhu-xi claimed? On the other hand, the Analects has the following phrases; “Seo-za-yeo-sa-bu Bul-sa-zu-ya(逝者如斯夫 不舍晝夜).” This is what Confucius said standing by a stream. It passes on just like this, not ceasing day or night! Here, Zhu-xi interpreted Confucius words as Do-che(道體). In the hermeneutic framework of Zhuzi s thought(朱子學), Dao is understood under of Substantialism(本體論) perspective. Zhu-xi believes that eternal Dao lies behind the changing phenomenon. Zhu-xi regarded it as substance(本體). In other words, Zhu-xi understands the world with a dual schematic of the Dao as substance and phenomenon as change. But, Confucius only sees this as a passing process. Confucius view of Dao is far from a substantive outlook. Dao of Confucius is processive and pluralistic. It is Dao in the Making with all everybody . This does not assume dual schematic of substance-phenomenon. Therefore, Confucius understanding of the Dao originally is different from Zhu-xi. This article argues that Confucius understanding of the Dao is basically non-Substantialism perspective. Confucius seeks to understand the progressive truth(Jin-ri, 進理) by making it together, not the eternal truth(眞理) . Many truths claim to be eternal and immutable truths. In practice, what is called truth can advance or regress our lives. Among them is the truth that regresses our lives. In this article, it called Te-ri(退理). Confucius said, “To make a mistake and not correct it: this is a real mistake.” Even truth can lead to many mistake and tragedy. Confucius focus is on improving it better. In this article, it called Jin-ri(進理). For this reason, Confucius understanding of the Dao also overcomes the limitations of relativism. In conclusion, this article suggests that Confucius view of the Dao is non- Substantialism perspective, and in the making.

      • 최적화 기법과 분산 컴퓨팅을 이용한 재료 성형공정의 역문제 에 관한 연구

        최주호(JooHo Choi),오동길(DongGil Oh),하덕식(DukSik Ha),김준범(JunBum Kim) 대한기계학회 2002 대한기계학회 춘추학술대회 Vol.2002 No.5

        In this paper, an inverse problem of glass forming process is studied to determine a number of unknown<br/> heat transfer coefficients which are imposed as boundary conditions. An analysis program for transient heat<br/> conduction of axi-symmetric dimension is developed to simulate the forming and cooling process. The<br/> analysis is repeated until it attains periodic state, which requires at least 30 cycles of iteration. Measurements<br/> are made for the temperatures at several available time and positions of glass and moulds in operation. Heat<br/> removal by the cooling water from the plunger is also recorded. An optimization problem is formulated to<br/> determine heat transfer coefficients which minimize the difference between the measured data and analysis<br/> results. Significant time savings are achieved in finite difference based sensitivity computation during the<br/> optimization by employing distributed computing technique. The analysis results by the optimum heat transfer<br/> coefficients are found to agree well with the measured data.

      • CAD와 유한요소해석을 연계한 금형 냉각문제의 설계최적화에 관한 연구

        오동길,류동화,최주호,김준범,하덕식 한국 항공대학교 항공산업기술연구소 2001 航空宇宙産業技術硏究所 硏究誌 Vol.11 No.-

        In mechanical design, optimization procedures have mostly been implemented solely by the CAE codes combined by optimization routine, in which the model is built analyzed and optimized. In case of complex geometries, however, CAD is indispensable tool for the efficient and accurate modeling. This paper presents a method to carry out optimization, in which CAD and CAE are used for modeling and analysis respectively and integrated in an optimization routine. Application Programming Interface(API) function is exploited to automate CAD modeling, which enables direct access to CAD. The advantage of this method is that the user can create very complex object in parametric and automated way, which is impossible in CAE codes. Unigraphics and ANSYS are adopted as CAD and CAE tools. In ANSYS, automated analysis is done using codes made by a script language, APDL(Ansys Parametric Design Language). Optimization is conducted by VisualDOC and IDESIGN respectively. As an illustrative example, a mold design problem is studied, which is to minimize temperature deviation over a diagonal line of the surface of the mold in contact with hot glass.

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