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        MOBA 게임 내 욕설 네트워크 분석을 통한 높은 영향력을 가진 악성 유저 탐지 방안

        안동현(Dong hyun Ahn),김휘강(Huy kang Kim) Korean Institute of Information Scientists and Eng 2018 정보과학회논문지 Vol.45 No.12

        In relation to the online game industry, verbal violence in the game has become a serious social problem. However, it is difficult to solve fundamental problems by simply filtering or using reporting systems. This study proposed a method to analyze the propagation tendency of the foul language and to detect malicious users in social network perspective. This method was applied to the analysis of the chat log of Defense of the Ancients 2(DotA 2), a popular MOBA(Multiplayer Online Battle Arena) genre game around the world. In the case of MOBA games, there are usually limited users belonging to one queue, which is a good platform for analyzing foul language networks as compared to other games. Verbally abusive malicious users tend to have high centrality when they form a network. Using these features, we analyzed the propagation tendency of the foul language on the network and detected users with high centrality. We also analyzed the effect on the whole network when the user was restricted. With the proposed method, we were able to detect malicious users who used the foul language. For future works, we will classify the spreading types in the foul language network and analyze users for each type.

      • KCI등재

        경찰의 치안서비스품질과 서비스만족 및 생활만족의 관계

        안동현,김찬선,Ahn, Dong Hyon,Kim, Chan Sun 한국융합보안학회 2014 융합보안 논문지 Vol.14 No.3

        이 연구의 목적은 경찰의 치안서비스품질과 서비스만족 및 생활만족의 관계를 규명하는데 있다. 이 연구는 2012년 서울소재 일반 시민들을 모집단으로 설정한 후 유층집락무선표집법을 이용하여 최종분석에 이용된 사례 수는 총 491명이다. 연구에 사용된 설문지는 총 60문항으로 구성되었으며, SPSSWIN 18.0을 이용하여 빈도분석, 요인분석, 신뢰도분석, 다중회귀분석, 경로분석 등을 실시하였다. 설문지 신뢰도는 Cronbach's ${\alpha}$ 값이 .607이상으로 나타났다. 결론은 다음과 같다. 첫째, 경찰 치안서비스품질은 서비스만족에 영향을 미친다. 즉, 신속전문성, 공익성, 공감성, 체계성, 접근성 서비스가 활발히 이루어질수록 범죄발생억제 활동만족은 증가한다. 반면, 쾌적성, 보증성 서비스가 원활히 이루어지지 않을수록 범죄발생억제활동만족은 감소한다. 체계성, 유형성 서비스가 활발히 이루어질수록 경찰력규모만족은 증가한다. 공감성, 체계성, 접근성 서비스가 활발히 이루어질수록 교통안전관련활동만족은 증가한다. 신속전문성, 공감성, 체계성, 유형성, 보증성 서비스가 활발히 이루어질수록 지역사회경찰활동만족은 증가한다. 둘째, 경찰 치안서비스품질은 생활만족에 영향을 미친다. 즉, 신속전문성, 공익성, 공감성, 접근성 서비스가 활발히 이루어질수록 안전생활만족은 증가한다. 신속전문성 서비스가 활발히 이루어질수록 일상생활만족은 증가한다. 셋째, 치안서비스만족은 생활만족에 영향을 미친다. 즉, 범죄발생억제활동만족, 교통안전관련활동만족, 지역사회경찰활동만족이 높을수록 안전생활만족은 증가한다. 경찰력규모만족, 교통안전관련활동만족, 지역사회경찰활동만족이 높을수록 일상생활만족은 증가한다. 넷째, 경찰 치안서비스품질은 치안서비스만족 및 생활만족에 직간접적인 영향을 미친다. 즉, 치안서비스만족은 치안서비스품질과 생활만족을 매개하는 중요한 변수이다. The purpose of this research is to find out the relationship among the quality of service, the satisfaction of service and the satisfaction of life in public security of Police. This research made by Final Judgment based on Seoul Citizens living in Seoul as a focus group, total number of citizens for final analysis is 491. The research consists of 60 questionnaires shows frequency analysis, factor analysis, reliability analysis, multiple regression, path analysis by SPSSWIN 18.0 and reaches the following. The reliability of the survey showed a Cronbach's ${\alpha}$ value of over 0.607. results; First, the quality of service in public security of Police in fluences the satisfaction of service. Second, the quality of service in public security of Police in fluences the satisfaction of life. Third, the satisfaction of service in public security in fluences the satisfaction of life. Fourth, the quality of service in public security of Police in fluences the satisfaction of service in public security and the satisfaction of life directly and indirectly.

      • KCI등재

        『드레드: 거대하고 우울한 늪지의 이야기』에 나타난 백인 온정주의

        안동현(Dong-Hyun Ahn) 19세기영어권문학회 2017 19세기 영어권 문학 Vol.21 No.2

        This article argues that Harriet Beecher Stowe’s second anti-slavery novel Dred: A Tale of the Great Dismal Swamp shows the author’s self-reflection as a white advocate of abolitionism. This article focuses on the character of Edward Clayton, who has much in common with the author, thus making it possible for her to critically review her own status as she speaks for African American slaves. In the novel, there are two court trials involving African Americans. Clayton reveals white paternalism, and emphasizes the weakness of black people instead of crediting their bravery or integrity that they deserve. Clayton feels justified in merely “taking care of them,” instead of focusing on speaking of their anger and cause for resistance. In describing Clayton in these events, Stowe displays a critical distance between him and herself. Clayton’s transformation from a good white man to a real abolitionist begins when he meets with Dred, the slave insurrectionist, and runaway slaves in the swamp. After his experience in the swamp, he begins to embrace African American people as equals which becomes his realistic alternative to Dred’s insurrection and Milly’s pacifism. In the end, he can be said to have overcome and abandoned his white paternalistic tendencies, just as Stowe herself has.

      • KCI등재

        『노-노 보이』에 나타난 인종차별주의 비판: 성취와 한계

        안동현 ( Dong Hyun Ahn ) 영미문학연구회 2005 영미문학연구 Vol.9 No.-

        Since its re-discovery in the mid-1970`s, No-No Boy by John Okada has been regarded as a representative work of Japanese-American literature. In this novel, the author depicts his hero, Ichiro, as a man standing in the middle between his mother`s fanatic Japanese nationalism and wholesale assimilation that the veterans stand for. He had answered in the negative to the questions asking for his loyalty to America, but now he regrets his choice and blames himself for that. Putting him in this stance, the author effectively shows the reader the devastating effect of racism on the Japanese-American community after the World War II. We can say that Ichiro grows mature and comes to understand people and community better during the course of the work and that he finds his place in the society overcoming his self-hatred. Still, he has yet to have a correct understanding that not he but the American government is to blame for his becoming a no-no boy, that he can be a good American without discarding his Japanese heritage. But he does not ask radical questions about America. Rather, as one critic says, Okada "resolves his character`s identity crisis through binary opposition valuing (white) American over Japanese." The major characters, Ichiro the no-no boy, the pro-American Emi, and the idealist Kenji, never consider other places than America as their place to live in. In that sense they are realists. They dream about the ideal America, which is contrasted to the present America, and at the same time they desire to be accepted as an American. Their ideal America is a society that does not exclude them for racial reasons. It seems that the author finds some reasons for hope. In that sense, this novel can be said to be "assimilationist" in the broad sense of the word. No-No Boy is the literary product of the times when it was extremely difficult to criticize the dominant culture`s contradictory attitude towards race, and to insist on their ethnic heritage. This causes some limitations of this work. But in spite of these limitations, it is a great work that shows the tragic effects of racial discrimination, anticipating stronger, more conscious voices of Asian-American writers after the 1970`s.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • 공경비의 민영화 협력방안에 관한 연구

        안동현 ( Dong Hyon Ahn ) 한국시큐리티융합경영학회 2012 한국융합과학회지 Vol.1 No.1

        치안여건의 변화와 경찰업무 수행능력의 향상 및 대국민 신뢰도 회복을 위하여 범죄예방과 통제의 기능을 경찰기관만이 수행해야 한다는 인식을 버리고 경찰업무 중 민간경비분야와 역할분담으로 경찰의 치안역량을 강화해야 될 시기가 되었다고 할 수 있다. 선진국들은 민간경비 제도가 경찰의 범죄예방능력과 유사한 수준이거나 오히려 능가할 정도로 효과적인 활동을 수행하고 있다. 검찰과 수사권 조정문제로 사회적 이슈하가 되어 있는 시점에 경찰업무 가중으로 인한 경찰전문성의 저해와 국민에 대한 신뢰감이 떨어진다면 경찰발전에도 큰 걸림돌이 될 것이다. 이 중요한 시점에 경찰 각 업무의 전문화와 경찰업무 중 민간경비분야로 이관할 업무는 경찰과 민간경비의 발전을 위해서 신속히 이루어 져야 할 것이다. 이에 민간경비차원에서는 경찰업무 이관을 대비하여 경비원의 자질향상과 교육, 훈련 등 전문화 교육훈련 프로그램 개발이나 법적인 대책마련이 강구 되어야 할 것이다. 경찰력의 한계로 야기되는 치안공백 상태를 효율적으로 대처하기 위해서는 경비수요를 창출하는 수익자 개개인 스스로가 자위적인 차원에서 방범체제를 구축하려는 사회적분위기도 함께 조성되어야 할 것이다. 따라서 민간경비의 자체적인 노력과 국가차원의 사회적 지원 그리고 경찰의 지속적인 방범능력 증대가 동시에 이루어질 때 우리사회가 궁극적으로 추구하는 범죄 없는 나라로 나아가야 할 것이다. 21세기 선진 경찰을 실현하기 위해서는 민영화가 불가피하고 민영화를 통해 경찰 본연의 임무에 더욱 충실하게 되고 국민을 위한 치안서비스를 더욱 확립시키는 계기가 될 것이다. 그리고 경찰의 전문화와 협력자적 민간경비분야의 발전을 위하고 경찰업무의 효율성을 극대화하기 위해서는 민간경비분야의 확대와 제도적인 마련이 필요하다, 이런 민간경비 분야의 발전을 위하여 법적규제를 재정비하고 민간경비분야의 범위를 확대하는 방법과 민간경비분야의 지도와 감독을 강화하는 것이 민간경비시장의 개방에 대비하는 것이고 발전하는 것이라 할 것이다. Changes in security conditions and the police, improved job perfor mance and reliability daegukmin for the recovery of the functions of the police crime prevention and control must be performed by body up nothing, police recognized that abandoning the field of private security and policing roles to strengthen the capacity of the police you can be the need was time. Developed countries, private security system similar to the ability of the police crime prevention or td decrease the level enough to surpass the effective action is performed. Police at the time of this important specialization of each business of police work and migrate to the field of private security services of the police and private security will be made for the development is rapid .In this dimension of police work private security guards to prepare for migration to improve the quality of education, specialized training programs hunryeondeung development and legal measures will be taken is provided Vacuum caused by the limitations of police security , a security guard in order to deal effectively create demand for the individual beneficiary level masturbate themselves to build a social atmosphere in the surveillance system also should have been .Therefore, private security and its own efforts at the national level of social support, and ongoing surveillance of the police made to increase capacity at the same time, when we seek ultimately to society as a country that should be made a crime. The 21st century, leading the police to realize the inevitable privatization and privatization through more police on your duties faithfully and security services for the people, will be an opportunity to establish more .Efforts and cooperation of police and private security sector specializing in the development of the stomach and police work in order to maximize the efficiency of the expansion of the private security sector is necessary to prepare and institutional ,These private security sector for the development of legal regulations reorganize and expand the scope of the private security sector and how the private security sector is to strengthen guidance and supervision of private security is to prepare for the opening of the market will do is to develop.

      • KCI등재

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