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        신장호 일본어문학회 2018 일본어문학 Vol.81 No.-

        The number of articles on the matters related to Fukuzawa Yukichi that have been published in Korea is not larger than expected. Prior to the 1990s, no article on Fukuzawa had been published, and only 9 articles have been published since then till May 2004. Even if we consider the period until 2017, only additional 7 articles have been published. In this way, not much research has been conducted on Yukichi Fukuzawa in Korea, and this research field is said to be still premature. Moreover, the theme of the aforementioned research papers has been almost exclusively the relation between Yukichi Fukuzawa and the politics and history of Korea. Therefore, our aim is to explore characteristics of Yukichi Fukuzawa’s educational thought during the era of Japan’s modernization, consider the way in which the higher education in Korea is practiced, and finally discuss how the present educational policy of Korea benefits from Yukichi Fukuzawa’s educational thought, which played a central role in politics, thoughts, and education in East Asia about 150 years ago. In particular, we investigate Fukuzawa’s educational thought with special reference to his Bunmei Kyouiku-ron (The Theory of Civilization Education). The present work suggests that it is essential that we analyze the thought of Yukichi Fukuzawa in a multi- dimensional way, rather than interpreting it positively or negatively as a reflection of the stream of the times. 韓国内で発表されている福沢諭吉関連の論文は以外と少ない。一九九〇年代以前において福沢に関する論文は殆んどなく、二〇〇四年五月までわずか九編の論文が発表されているという。そして、二〇一七年までにしても七編の関連論文が発表されているにすぎない。 このように韓国内で発表されている福沢関連論文は以外と少なく、研究分野の意味でもいまだ初歩的な状況といえるのである。 そして、これまで研究されたテーマはいずれも福沢諭吉と韓国の政治․歴史に関する論文が大半である。したがって、本研究は近代日本の啓蒙期における福沢諭吉の教育思想の特質を探り、現在の韓国社会が抱えている大学教育のあり方を考え、さらに今から約一五〇年前に東アジアにおける政治․思想․教育の中核的な役割を果たした福沢諭吉の教育思想が現在の韓国の教育政策に示唆するものは何かをさぐってみることをとりあえずの研究目的とする。本稿では主に福沢諭吉が著した「文明教育論」を中心に彼の教育思想に関する考察を行う。また、本稿を機に今後も福沢諭吉の精神を時代の潮流によって肯定․否定するのではなく、多元的に分析、考察したいと思う。

      • KCI등재

        異文化コミュニケーションと通訳能力の相関関係に関する一考察 - 韓日通訳を中心として -

        신장호 일본어문학회 2010 일본어문학 Vol.48 No.-


      • KCI등재

        日本の天皇制国家形成に関する一考察 - 近․現代の天皇制を中心に -

        신장호 일본어문학회 2019 일본어문학 Vol.86 No.-

        It would be an undeniable fact that the 21st century is the era when the existence of nations is revisited. This is clearly seen in recently hotly debated issues over national states and ethnicity. Recent years have seen the change of the Korean president, with the hope that the Korea‐Japan relation will be improved, but new issues including the problem of conscripted workers aggravates the relation. In Japan, one sees protest demonstrations against Korea by right wing organizations almost every day. On the other hand, several Japanese citizen groups rally to speak against such protest demonstrations; the members of these groups include an elder person who holds a card with the Hangul word for ‘friendly,’ a middle‐aged man who holds the national flags of the two countries, and a participant wearing “hanbok” who conveys the message ‘Be friendly to Korea.’ In this paper, I take into consideration the Korea-Japan relation which faces an imminent big change and focus on the emperor system of modern and contemporary Japan. By exploring several aspects of the system, I clarify the issues which the two countries are encountering and analyze their self consciousness. 二一世紀の人類社会が国家という存在そのものを根底的に問い直す時代に入ったことは疑いのないことであろう。 近年活発化しつつある国民国家とエスニジティをめぐる様々な議論はすでにそうした動きが始まっていることを明確に物語っている。 近年、韓国の大統領も交代し、韓国と日本の関係の立て直しが期待されていたが、韓国司法が元徴用工らの個人請求権を認めるなどして新たな局面を抱えて、両国の対立が更に激化している。 こうした中で日本国内では右翼団体などによる嫌韓デモが都内で毎日のように起こっている。 その一方、嫌韓デモに反対する日本の市民団体のデモも起こり、ハングルで「仲良く」と書いたカードを持った老人や太極旗と日章旗を両手に持っている中年男性に、韓服を着た参加者が「韓国と仲良く」というメッセージを伝えているデモ光景も日本の各地で見られる。 このように大きな転換期に差し掛かっている韓日関係の状況を背景に、近․現代の天皇制に焦点を合わせ、様々な側面を検討することによって両国が直面している諸問題の所在を提示し、それぞれの持つ自己認識について考察したいと思う。

      • KCI등재

        국내산 드라이 레드 와인의 품질 특성 및 항산화 활성

        신장호,이진실 (사)한국조리학회 2019 한국조리학회지 Vol.25 No.4

        In this study, the quality characteristics and antioxidative activities of domestic wines were evaluated to compare with imported wines. Ten local wines and seven imported dry red wines were analyzed. The quality characteristics, such as pH, titratable acidity, reducing sugar, sugar contents, and color values were measured. For assaying antioxidant activity, total polyphenol contents, total anthocyanin contents and 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) radical scavenging activity were determined. The pHs of most local wines (3.64~4.15) were higher than imported wines (3.57~3.77). Both the reducing sugar and soluble solid contents of local wines (0.22~0.77%, 6.76~8.96°Brix) relatively smaller than imported wines(0.39~1.40%, 7.30~9.70°Brix). The hue values of domestic wines (except K5) were higher than imported wines whereas, the color intensity values of local wines distributed more widely than imported wines. The a values of local wines were relatively higher than imported wines. While the contents of anthocyanin of domestic wines (3.05~74.55 mg/L) were relatively higher than imported wines(8.76~39.92 mg/L), most of the total polyphenol contents of local wines (1.40~3.34 mg GAE/mL) were lower than imported wines (2.22~3.33 mg GAE/mL). In terms of DPPH radical scavenging activity, most of the domestic wines (19.94~87.46%) were lower than imported wines (56.03~86.58%). Based on the results of this study, adding sugar and using malolactic fermentation (MLF) method could be helpful to increase the quality of domestic wines.

      • KCI등재

        近代日本の文明観に関する一考察 - 『文明論之概略』を中心に -

        신장호 일본어문학회 2018 일본어문학 Vol.83 No.-

        Yukichi Fukuzawa’s conception of civilization, as can be seen in his book Bunmeiron-no Gairyaku, is to connect the development of civilization with the ease and comfort of humans and also connect the development of elegance with that of knowledge. That is, it is conceived of as the realization of human rights in the category of society/nation. The primary goal of Fukuzawa’s life- long enlightening activity is the civilization of Japan, more concretely to introduce various mental values inherent to the western world to Japan and to foster them in the society of Japan. In this way, Fukuzawa, who argues for the civilization of Modern Japan, made a number of important achievements among Japanese thinkers during the Meiji and the post-Meiji eras, and no one has probably been taken up in articles and books more frequently than him. Further, through the introduction of Western concepts such as freedom, equality, and independence to Japan, he attempted to accomplish the civilization of Japan and the mental independence of Japanese people. Although Fukuzawa can be researched from various perspectives relating the society of Japan, we focus on Fukuzawa’s view on civilizations through the analysis of Bunmei-ron no Gairyaku, his authored book which had a great impact on the modernization of Japan. This enquiry will lead us to capture transitions of concepts pertaining to the view on civilization in the history of Modern Japan, and it will also derive some consequences for the analysis of universal views on civilizations in Modern Japan. 福沢諭吉の文明化とは、文明の進歩を人間の安楽と、品位の進歩を智徳の進歩と結び付け、社会․国家の範疇において人間の権利の実現と関連づけていることが氏の著書『文明論之概略』内容から読み取れる事ができると思う。福沢が生涯の啓蒙活動の根本目標としたのは日本の文明化であったが、それは具体的には西洋世界が固有に生み出した精神的諸価値の日本への移植とその社会的育成の他ならなかったのである。 このように近代日本における文明化を唱える福沢は、明治以後の日本の思想家の中で数多くの分野で功績を残した者であり、同時に彼ほど多くの論文や著作で取り上げられている者もあまり多くないと思われる。そして、福沢は多様な分野への言及を通して自由․平等․独立などの近代西欧で形成された理念の紹介を通じて、日本の文明化と日本人の独立自尊を達成させようとした人物であることは確かである。 その際のテーマは日本社会の多方面におよぶものであるが、本稿は日本の近代化のはじめにおいて大きな影響力を持った福沢諭吉の『文明論之概略』を中心に氏の文明観に関して考察してみることで、近代日本の歴史における文明化概念の推移が把握でき、今後の日本近代の普遍的な文明観の考察のためのヒントを探ってみたいと思う。

      • KCI등재

        가열조리에 따른 올리고당 첨가 식품의 특성 및 당 안정성 비교

        신장호,이재은,장진희,한정아 한국식품과학회 2019 한국식품과학회지 Vol.51 No.5

        Three kinds of foods (strawberry jam, J; braised lotus root, B-LR; stir-fried anchovies, SF-A) containing fructooligosaccharide (FOS) or isomaltooligosaccharide (IMO) were prepared, and the changes of physical properties and sugar composition were compared with control (sample containing sucrose). For the samples contaning oligosaccharides, a* value increased, and b* value decreased after cooking. The sample with sucrose showed higher hardness than those with FOS or IMO. For sugar composition and stability of the oligosaccharides after cooking, the amount of IMO was almost remained in each food, however, that of FOS decreased from 47.2, 49.5, 48.9 to 20.5, 49.0 and 28.8%, for J, BLR and SF-A, respectively. Based on the above results, softer cooked food could be prepared with oligosaccharide than sucrose, and when considering to functionalitiy, IMO is more suitable for general cooking at home than FOS.

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