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      • Chlorella의 生長에 미치는 카드뮴 및 아연의 影響

        裵啓宣,崔震浹,孫賢秀 東亞大學校 大學院 1984 大學院論文集 Vol.8 No.2

        The study was carried out to examine effect of cadmium and zinc on the growth of Chlorella. The results obtained were as follows. 1. The chlorella cells damaged by heavy metals showed yellowish to milk-white symptoms at initial stage and died at later stage. 2. The cadmium has more inhibitory effect than on the turbidity cell number, chlorophyll contents and protein contents. 3. The chlorella cells were damaged more remarkably by the higher concentration of cadmium and zinc. 4. In conclusion, the minimum concentration of heavy metals to effect on the growth rate of chlorella cells were 2 ppm cadmium and 30 ppm of zinc.

      • 經濟性 藥用植物의 種苗 生産開發에 關한 硏究

        孫賢秀,安始榮,金正基,鄭大守 東亞大學校 1976 東亞論叢 Vol.13 No.1

        牡丹, 元杜仲, 五加皮 및 貝母等 經濟性 藥用作物의 種苗生産開發을 爲하여 이들 藥用作物의 生産過程의 體系化 및 汚染없는 良質의 藥材生産을 目的으로 實施된 本試驗에서 얻어진 結果는 다음과 같았다. 1. 牡丹은 揷穗調製型에서 踵揷木이 민짜 揷보다, 營養枝가 生殖枝보다, 그리고 IAA 處理濃度가 큰 것이 낮은 것에 比해 發根率이 높았다. 2. 元杜仲은 濕度 調節이 可能한 Viny床 露地보다 基部揷穗가 頂部揷穗보다, 그리고 IBA 處理濃度가 큰 것이 낮은 것에 比해 發根率이 높았다. 3. 五加皮의 綠地揷木은 基部가 頂部에 比해 發根率이 높았다. 그리고 營養枝가 生殖枝에 比해, 또 NAA處理가 無處理에 比해 各各 發根率이 높았다. 4. 貝母의 解莖分割揷植은 1個解莖에서 19±5個의 種苗를 生産할 수 있었다. Some factorial experiments on breeding production development of some medicinal plants, Paeonia suffruticosa Eucommia ulmodes, Acanthopanax spinous and Feritillaria thunbergii were carried out, and the results obtained were as follows, 1. On cutting of Paeonia suffruticosa the rooting rate of heel cutting was higher as compared with straight cutting in the terms of cutting types, and that of nutritive shoot was better than reprodnctive shoot, and also the rate is revealed higher at high concentration of IAA as compared with low concentration of IAA. 2. On Eucommia ulmoides cortex, the rotting rate of cutting at polyethylene frame was revealed higher as compared with field, and that of lower parts of cutting was convinced bettes than upper parts of cutting, and was also appeared higher at high concentration of IBA than at low concentration of IBA. 3. On Acanthopanax spinous the rooting rate of green wood cutting was revealed greater at lower parts of cutting as compared with upper parts, and that of nutritive shoot was higher than reproductive shoot, and was also appeared higher at NAA treated plots than non-treated ones, 4. Some 19 seedling production was capable of one Bulb in breeding production of Feritillaria thunbergii

      • 果樹害蟲(吸收式口)에 對한 浸透 殺蟲劑 中 Methyl Demeton Compound 의 殺蟲效力

        孫賢秀 東亞大學校 1963 東亞論叢 Vol.1 No.-

        (1) 藥劑의 葉面 撒布에 있어서는 植物體의 上部보다 中部 및 下部에 撒布함이 效果的이며 진딧물 類는 1000∼2000倍 응애類는 500∼1000倍가 效果的이었고 藥劑 撒布 後 1∼2日에 藥效가 出現하였으며 殘效期間은 2週日 問이었다. (2) 土壤 灌注는 진딧물類는 2000∼3000倍를 坪當 5升 比率로써 뿌리 둘레에 灌注함이 效果的이었고 葉面 撒布에 비하여 效力은 2∼3日 늦게 出現하였으며 殘效期問은 約 4週日이었다. (3) 樹幹 塗布는 5倍 稀釋液이 效果的이고 藥效의 出現은 葉面에 比하여 6∼7日이나 늦게 出現하며 殘效期間은 約 45日 問이었다. (4) 복숭아 果木에서는 1000倍稀釋液에서 撒布後 5日째부터 上部의 葉이 變色하며 若干 萎凋 現象의 藥害가 나타남으로 特히 留意할 点이라 하겠다. 1 In case of foliage spraying of the agricultural chemicals on the fruit-trees, spraying it in the central and/or lower parts of trees were further more effective than spraying it on the upper parts The most adequate concentration ranges of Methy 1 Demeton Compoud (M.D.C) solutions were 1/1000 1/2000 for aphids and 1/500 1/1000 for mites. It was noticed that spraying effect appeared in one or two days and the efficiency term for insects was two weeks after the spraying of the agricultural chemicals 2. The most efficient soil injection of agricultural chemicals in the ground of fruit-trees for aphids was 10 liters of 1/2000 1/3000 M.D.C. solutions per 2 square meters of ground around roots. The spraying effect appeared two or three days later than that of spraying of leaf and the efficiency term was four weeks 3. As for a trunk varnish of fruit-trees, 1/5 diluent of M.D.C was more effective than any other diluents. The spraying effect for insects appeared six or seven days later than that of spraying of leaf and the efficient term was generally retained for foully-five days. 4. As the result of spraying 1/1000 M.D.C diluent in peach trees, slight wilting phenomenon due to spray injury was noticed five days after spraying and this caused to discolor the leaves of upper part of trees.

      • 水稻의 營養狀態와 잎에 關한 硏究

        孫賢秀 東亞大學校 1967 東亞論叢 Vol.4 No.-

        Ⅰ水稻品種 水原82號, 振興 및 農林 6號를 供試하여 無肥, 普通肥 및 倍肥條件에서 出穗期에 그의 生存葉을 對象으로 形態的 形質의 變化를 알고자 試驗한 바 그 結果는 다음과 같다. 1. 葉身의 길이는 止葉의 가장 짧고 第2 및 第3位葉이 길었고 個體間變異는 止葉과 第2位葉이 第3位葉 및 第4位葉에서 보다 컸으며 第2位葉 以下의 잎은 施肥量이 增加해도 큰 變化가 없었으나 止葉은 無肥象態下에서 보다 施肥條件하에서 보다도 施肥條件下에서 個體間 變異가 顯著히 작았다. 한편 施肥量의 增加에 따라 止葉과 第2位葉은 葉身長의 增大가 顯著하였으나 第3位葉 및 第4位葉은 큰 變化가 없었다. 2. 葉幅은 上位葉이 下位葉보다 다소 넓었으며 이 差異는 施肥에 의하여 다소 작아지고 個體間의 變異度도 施肥量이 많아질 수록 작아 졌다. 한편 各葉의 幅은 施肥量의 增加에 따라 各葉 모두 增大하는데 그 程度는 無肥區와 普肥區間에서는 크지만 普肥區와 培肥區間에서는 顯著하지 않았다. 3. 葉面積의 變化 傾向은 葉身長과 大體로 同調的 傾向을 보였다. 4. 葉身長은 施肥에 의하여 增大하거니와 그 程度는 止葉과 第2位葉에 크고 第3 및 第4位葉은 顯著하지 않았으며 또 無肥區와 普肥區間에는 比較的 크지만 普肥區와 培肥區間에는 그 差가 僅少하다. 5. 葉面積係數는 大體로 0.83 程度였고 個體間 變異度는 작은 편이며 大槪 10% 未滿이였다. 6. 葉초長은 止葉에 있어서 顯著히 길고 第2 第3 및 第4位葉은 큰 差異가 없으나 施肥에 의하여 第2 및 第3位葉의 葉초長이 特히 길어지며 葉초의 乾物重도 葉초長에서와 大體로 同調的 傾向을 보였다. Ⅱ室葉의 施肥量을 달리 한 水稻에 대하여 出穗기에 있어서의 葉長切除處理가 登熟과 收量에 미치는 影響을 알고저 試驗을 實施한 바 그 結果는 다음과 같다. 1. 1株平均穗수는 室素의 施用量이 많을 수록 增大하였으며 登熟률 및 精租 千粗量으 一定한 傾向을 보이지 않았고 1.5培肥區에서 가장 높았으며 2培肥區에서 가장 낮았다. 精租重은 室素의 施用量이 많은 것이 높았으며 標準肥料區의 收量에 比하여 1.5培肥區는 約 30%의 增收를 보였고 約 46%의 增收를 보였으며 玄米收量은 精租重과 同一한 傾向을 보였다. 2. 葉長切除處理에 따르는 登熟率의 變異는 全葉의 葉長은 切除한 L??區가 64.56%이고 止葉만 存置한 L₁區 74.03%, 上位 2葉을 存置한 L₂區 79.65%, 上位3葉을 存置한 L₃區 83.23% 그리고 無切葉對照區인 L??區는 84.90%로서 處理區間에 高度의 有意差를 보였으며 葉長의 切除程度가 클 수록 登熟率이 顯著히 低下하였다. 3. 葉長切除處理에 따르는 精租 千粗量의 變異는 L??區 16.5g, L₁區 18.5g, L₂區 20.4g, L₃區 23.3g로서 處理區間에 統計的으로 高度의 有의差를 보였으며 切葉의 程度가 클 수록 精租 重은 顯著히 減少하였다. 4. 葉身切除處理에 따르는 3.3m₂當 精租重의 變異는 L ??區 711g, L₁區 947g, L₂區 1,158g, L₃區 1283g, L ??區 1489g統計的으로 高度의 有의差를 보였으며 切葉의 程度가 클 수록 精租 重은 顯著히 減少하였고 L ??區의 改量을 100으로 하였을 때 L ??區 는 47,75%에 불과 하였다. 5. 葉身切除處理에 따르는 製玄率 및 玄米重의 變異는 L ??區는 製玄率 52.9%로서 3.3m₂當 玄米重은 375g, L₁區 60.7%로로서 594g, L₂區69.4%로서 759g, L₃區 75.5%로서 963g 그리고 L ??區 는 79.6%로서 1,175g을 보여 處理區間에 統計的으로 高度의 有의差를 보였으며 切葉의 程度가 클 수록 製玄率과 玄米收量은 顯著히 減少되었다. 6. 出穗期에 水稻의 植物體地上部 잎, 줄기 및 이삭이 室素, 및 加里의 含量은 各部分에 있어서 室素의 施肥良이 많을 수록 3成分의 含量은 모두 增大하였으며 植物體 全體平均은 對照區에 있어서 室素 1.18%, 燐酸 44 p.p.m 및 加里 1.24%이고 1.5培肥區에 있어서는 室素 1.23%, 燐酸148 p.p.m 및 加里 1.27% 그리고 2培肥區에 있어서는 室素 1.28% , 燐酸153 p.p.m 및 加里 1.30%이었다. Ⅲ 土壤肥沃度가 中位以上인 논에 있어서 室素의 穗肥施用效果와 그에 따르는 葉身切除處理가 水稻의 登熟 및 收量에 미치는 影饗을 알고저 水稻品種 農林 25호를 供試하여 本沓10a當 堆肥 1,300kg 外에 室素 11kg 燐酸과 加里를 各各 10kg 그리고 珪酸苦土石灰를 75kg 施用하고 本試驗妻理를 한바 그 結果는 다음과 같다. 1. 穗肥區의 1株平均穗數는 18.2이고 1柱平均??花數는 1,434이며 登熟率은 82.4%, 精租千粒重은 22.7g 그리고 1m²當 精租重은 601g인데 比하여 對照區인 無穗肥區에 있어서 그들은 1株平均穗數 17.6, 1柱平均??花數 1,312 그리고 登熟率은 81.5%, 精租千粒重은 22.6g, 1m₂當 精租重은 558g로서 各數量構成要素에 있어서 모두 穗肥區가 높았다. 한편 玄米數量에 있어서 1m₂當 玄米重에 있어서 439g이고 對照區는 408g이며 製玄率은 兩區에 別差가 없었다. 2. 切葉處理에 따르는 登熟率은 L₁區 79.8%, L₂區 80.7%, L₃區 81.4%, L₄區82.9%, L??區 85.1%이고 精租千粒重은 L₁區 21.0g, L₂區 22.1g, L₃區 22.8g, L₄區 23.6g , L??區 25.5g이고 1m₂當 精租重은 L₁區 463g, L₂區 530g, L₃區 584g, L??區 684g이며 이들은 各各 處理區間에 統計的으로 高度의 有意差가 있어 除葉의 程度가 클수록 登熟率, 精租千粒重 및 精租重은 顯著히 減少되었다. 한편 玄米數量은 1m₂當 L₁區 252g, L₂區 367g, L₃區 447g, L₄區 517g , 그리고 L??區 는 574g로서 處理區間에 統計的으로 高度의 有意差를 보였으며 이와같은 結果 試驗 Ⅱ와 거의 同調的이었다. 3. 出穗期에 水稻 植物體 地上部 各部分의 室素, 燐酸 및 加理의 含量을 分析한 結果 穗肥區의 植物體는 各部分에 있어서 그들 3要素의 含量이 對照區보다 다소 높았으며 植物體 全體平均 含量은 穗肥區에 있어서 室素 1.26%, 燐酸 157 p.p.m 및 加理 1.34%인데 對照區의 室素含量은 1.21%, 燐酸 155 p.p.m 및 加理는 1.31%로서 穗肥區는 各 成分含量이 높았다. Ⅰ. To measure variations in the morphological characteristics of paddy rice leaves at heading time under different cinditions of fertilization, three rice varietie; Suwon No. 82, Jinheung, and Norin No. 6, were examined at three levels of fertilization; non-., conventional (8kg N, 5kg P₂O and 5kg K₂O/10 are). and heavly fertilization plot(16kg N, 10kg P₂O and 10kg K₂O/10 are). The results are summarized as follows: 1. Always the length of flag leaf blade was the shortest and the lengths of the 2nd and the 3rd leaf blades were longer than others. Individual variations in the length of leaf blade were larger at flag leaf and 2nd than at the 3rd and the 4th leaf, and individual variations of flag leaf were significantly decreased at fertilized conditions in contrast wit other leaves. Besides flag leaf and the 2nd leaf considerably increased their leaf blade lengths with increase in the amount of fertilizer application but the changes of the 2nd and the 3rd leaves were small. 2. The width upper two leaves were larger than the lower leaves but this differences was decreased with increase of amount of fertilizers and individual variations were also decreased. The width of each leaf was increased with increase of application amount of fertilizers but its rate of change was large only between unfertilized plot and the plots of conventioal fertilization. 3. Tendency of the changes of leaf area, on the whole, was similiar to that of the length of leaf blade. 4. Dry weigth of leaf was positively increased with the amount of fertilizers and its rate of change was large at flag leaf and the 2nd leaf, and between unfertilized plot and the plot of conventional fertilization but not at the 3rd and the 4th leaf, and between the plot of conventional fertilization and heavily fertilized plot. 5. As a whole, leaf area index was about 0.83 and the conefficient value of its individual differences was below 10%. 6. The length of leaf sheath was remarkably long at flag leaf and there was no significant differences among other leaves but the leaf sheath of the 2nd and the 3rd leaves were elongated considerably with application of fertilizer. Besides, bry weight of leaf sheath showed similar tendency to that of the length of leaf sheath. Ⅱ . To investigate of the effect of leaf blade cutting at heading time and nitrogen application on maturity and yeild in rice, an experiment was carried out. Results are summarized as follows: 1. Heavy application of nitrogen increased the average number of panicles per hill, but decreased the average number of spilkelets per panicle. There were no statistical differences among different nitrogen applications in the maturing percentage and 1,000 grains weight, but we can find some tendency which the maturing percentage and 1,000 grains weight were highest at nitrogen application increased 50 percent and lowest at nitrogen application increased 100 percent. The raw rice yield was increased by heavy the raw rice yield application. The raw rice yield was increased by heavy the raw rice yield application. The raw rice yield at nitrogen application increased 50 percent was higher than that of standard nitrogen application by 30 percent and at nitrogen application increased 100 percent was higher than that of standard nitrogen application by 46%. The heavy application also increased the brown rice yield as inthe raw rice yield. 2. The maturing percentage was decreased by leaf blade cutting at heading time. The maturing percentage was 64.56 percent by cutting of all leaf blades (L??), 74.03 percent by cutting of all leaf blades except flag leaf (L₁), 79.65 percent by cutting of all leaf blades except upper two leaves (L₃), 83.23 percent by cutting of leaf blades except upper three leaves (L₃) and 84.90 percent at non cutting (L??)control, respectively. 3. Leaf blade cutting decreased 1,000 grains weight, 1,000 grains weight of law rice was 16.5g at L?? 18.5g at L₁ 10.4g at L₂ 22.2g at L₃, and 23.3g at L?? respectively. 4. In the raw rice yield there were highly significant differences among the different treatments of leaf blade cutting. The averageraw rice yield per 3.3m²711g at L₃47.18 percent of L?? (control), 974g at L₁, 1,158g at L₂1,298 at L₃and 1,498h at L ?? respectively. 5. The brown rice/raw rice ratio and the brown rice yield were decreased by leaf blade cutting. The brown rice/raw ratio was 52.9 perent at L??, 60.7 percent at L₁, 49.4 percent at L₂, 75.6 percent at L₃an 79.6 percent at L?? respectively. The brown rice yield per 3.3.m²was 375g at L??, 594 g at L₁759g at L₂968g at L₃and 1,175g at L??, respectively. The more the leaf blades were cut, the lower the brown rice/rraw rice ratio was shown. The same tendency was found in total yield of brown rice. 6. The contnts of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium in laf blades, culm and panicle at heading time wer increased by heavy nitrogen application.The contents of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium in whole plant excluding root were 1.18 percent, 144 p.p.m and 1.24 percent at standard nitrogen application 1,.23 percent, 148 p.p.m and 1.27 percent and nitorgen application (15 . times of the standard) and 1.28 percent, 153 p.p.m and 1.30 percent at increased application (2.0 times of the standard) respectively. Ⅲ. To study the effect of leaf blade cutting at hading time with different nitrogen level of top dressing before heading on maturity and yield rice, this experiment was conducted. A variety, Norin #25 was grown in highly fertile paddy. Total application of fertilizers were 11kg of nitrogen, 10kg of phosphorus, 10kg of potassium and 75kg of silicen managenes -calcium per 10 are were applied. Besudes, 1m300kg of manure was applied as basic fertilizer. 1. At top dressing of nitrogen before heading, the average number of panicles per will were 18.2, the number of spikelets per hill were 1,434, the naturing percentage was 82.4 percent, 1,000 grains weight was 22.7g and the raw rice yield per 1m² was 601g, and those of control, non-top dressing of nitrogen before heading, were 17.6, 1,132, 81.5 percent, 22.6g and 588g, respectively. These results showed every yield components and yield were higher at top dressing of nitrogen before heading than those of control. The brown rice yield per 1m²was 439g at top dressing of nitrogen before heading and that of control was 408g. The brwon rice/raw rice ratio was not changed by top dressing of nitrogen before heading, statistically. 2.The leaf blade cutting decreased te maturing percentage, 1,000 grains weight and the raw rice yield. The maturing percentage was 79.8 percent at L₁, 80.7 percent at L₂, 81.4 percent at L₃82.9 percent at L₄ and 85.1 percent at L?? respectively. 1,000 grains weight of raw rice was 21.0g at L₁, 22.1g at L₂, 22.8g at L₃23.6g at L₄25.5g at L??. Raw rice yield per 1m² was 463g at L₁, 530g at L₂,584g at L₃, 635g at L₄and 684g at L??, respectively. These results showed that the severer the leaf blades were cut, the more significant the maturing percentage, 1,000 grains weight and the raw rice yield were decreased. The brown rice yield per 1m²was 252g at L₁, 367g at L₂,447g at L₃, 517g at L₄and 574g at L??, respectively. 3. The content of nitrogen, phosphrus and potassium in leaf blades, culum and panics at heading time were higer at top dressing of nitrogen before heading than those of control. The contents of nitrogen, phophorus and potassium in whole plant excluding root were 1.26 percent, 157 p.p.m and 1.34 percent at top dressing of nitrogen before heading and 1.21 percent, 155 p.p.m and 1.31 percent at control, respectively.

      • 카아네이션 잎마름병 (Alternaria dianthi Stevens & Hall)의 발생에 관하여

        文炳周,孫賢秀,金正基 東亞大學校 大學院 1984 大學院論文集 Vol.8 No.2

        The study has been carried to examine a new disease of carnation caused by Alternaria isolate, which was found in Gim Hae, Gyoungnam province and the suburbs of Busan City, recently. 1. The pathogen was identified as Alternaria dianthi Stevens & Hall which has not been described in Korea. The common name of the disease was given as IB Ma Reum Byung(carnation blight). 2. Morphological studies of the fungus have shown a wide variation in shape, size and septation of conidia. The size of conidia formed on carnation leaf lesions in field is 22.8-101.2μ(av. 60.4μ)×10.1-27.8μ(av. 18.6μ), which was larger than those on potato dextrose agar in vitro. 3. Of 13 carnation varieties tested, Boston, Linda and Red Alaska were highly susceptible, and Angel, Flamingo Sim, William Sim and Yo Soo were moderately susceptible whereas Brauns Yollw Sim, Colquate, Imp Sisney Little Field, Cardinal Sim, La Reve Salmon Sim and Safari were slightly susceptible to the fungus under the condition of artificial infection.

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