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        잠재프로파일 분석을 통한 고등학교 발달장애학생의 직업 전환역량 유형 연구

        배세진,배세진,박희찬 한국특수교육학회 2023 특수교육학연구 Vol.58 No.1

        The purpose of this study was to both classify the types of vocational transition competencies of high school students with developmental disabilities, and identify the characteristics of each profile. To this end, using the data collected during the primary survey of the transition competency assessment, a latent profile analysis on vocational transition competency was conducted using data from 900 high school students with developmental disabilities across the country. As a result, the latent profiles for vocational transition competency were divided into five types: ‘independent daily living transition group’, ‘work activity transition group’, ‘sheltered employment transition group’, ‘supported employment transition group’, and ‘competitive employment transition group’. Each profile was similar to the degree of overall support, extended support, limited support, and intermittent support; this is according to the support scale of the transition competency assessment in terms of vocational transition competency, and was shown in a graph in the form of not crossing each other. Furthermore, looking at the characteristics of each variable in each profile, the ratio of students placed in special classes was higher than that of special schools, and the percentage of students with intellectual disabilities was higher than that of autism in the ‘supported employment transition group’ and ‘competitive employment transition group.’ Based on these research results, the need for transition goals, as well as a curriculum suitable for the five latent profiles that exist in the special education field; the discovery of sub-areas of vocational transition competencies that require high support; and the need for educational support measures suitable for the type of placement and type of disability were all discussed. Futhermore future follow-up studies were presented. 이 연구는 발달장애 고등학생의 직업 전환역량에 대한 유형을 구분하고 각 프로파일별 특성을 파악하는데 목적이 있다. 이를 위하여 전환능력검사 본조사 실시 시 수집된 자료를 활용하여 전국에 있는 고등학교 발달장애학생 900명에 대한 직업 전환역량 잠재프로파일 분석을 실시하였다. 연구 결과 직업 전환역량에 대한 잠재프로파일은 ‘일상생활 자립 전환 집단’, ‘작업활동 전환 집단’, ‘보호고용 전환 집단’, ‘지원고용 전환 집단’, ‘일반고용 전환 집단’의 5개 유형으로 도출되었다. 각 프로파일은 직업 전환역량에 있어 전환능력검사의 지원 척도에 따라 전반적 지원, 확장적 지원, 제한적 지원, 간헐적 지원의 정도와 유사하였으며, 상호 교차되지 않는 형태의 그래프로 나타났다. 각 프로파일의 변인별 특성을 살펴보면, ‘지원고용 전환 집단’과 ‘일반고용 전환 집단’의 경우 특수학교보다 특수학급에 배치된 학생의 비율이 높았고, 자폐성장애보다 지적장애 학생의 비율이 높게 나타났다. 연구 결과를 바탕으로 특수교육 현장에 존재하는 5개의 잠재프로파일에 적합한 전환목표 설정과 교육과정 편성・운영의 필요성, 높은 지원이 필요한 직업 전환역량의 하위영역 발견, 배치유형과 장애유형에 적합한 교육지원 방안 등을 논의하였고 본 연구의 향후 후속 연구를 제시하였다.

      • Short Term variability of the Phytoplankton Populations in Masan Bay: I. Dynamics

        배세진,유신재,PAE, SE JIN,YOO, SIN JAE The Korean Society of Oceanography 1991 韓國海洋學會誌 Vol.26 No.1

        Masan Bay is infamous for its severe eutrophication, exemplified by frequent red tide incidences and anoxic conditions. We carried out daily observations for 16 days at one site immediately after the summer rainy season in 1988 on the basis that shorter observation intervals be necessary to observe a process with high turnover rate. in spite of the relatively short survey period, we could observe dramatic changes in abundance and composition of the phytoplankton populations. Cell densities and chlorophyll concentrations changed in the magnitude of 70 and 10 times, respectively, Skeletonema costatum, a diatom species, dominated the first peak of phytoplankton biomass and was followed by Prorocentrum minimum, a dinoflagellate species, which occurred dominantly in the second peak after about a week, form the viewpoint of time scale, we suggest that at least a weekly sampling might be appropriate in complex coastal environments as Masan Bay. While stratification enabled high production in the surface layer, it hindered the transport of silicate from bottom to the surface, which in turn limited the prolonged growth of diatoms. Ensued second peaks of silicate and diatom abundance in the surface layer suggest periodic flux of silicate from bottom across the discontinuity driven by tidal currents.

      • KCI우수등재

        현대 프랑스 마르크스주의에 대한 루이 알튀세르 이후의 포스트 마르크스주의의 견지에서의 재서술 - 에티엔 발리바르 그리고 자크 비데의 이론화를 중심으로

        배세진 비판사회학회 2023 경제와 사회 Vol.- No.140

        In the present study, we redescribe contemporary French Marxism by engaging with post-Marxism after Louis Althusser. In the introduction, we justify the attempt to redescribe contemporary French Marxism centering on Althusser’s philosophical and Marxist legacy and the attempt to redescribe post-Althusserian Marxism by exclusively treating Althusser’s true yet mutually opposing heirs, Étienne Balibar and Jacques Bidet. In the first section, we identify Althusser’s unique position within the history of contemporary thought, which is that he is simultaneously a Western Marxist who attempted to renew and transform orthodox Marxism and a (post-) structuralist within the tradition of contemporary French philosophy and French historical epistemology. In the second section, we excavate the core of Althusser’s theory of ideology, identify its logical conclusion as the deconstruction of Marxism, and redescribe Balibar’s approach towards the deconstruction of Marxism by means of radicalizing Althusser’s theory of ideology to the extreme. In the third section, we examine Balibar’s project of reinterpreting the theory of fetishism as a point of divergence not only in the process of inheriting and developing the theory of ideology from Althusser to Balibar but also in the project of deconstructing Marxism. Then, we analyze Bidet’s meta-structural Marxism, i.e. meta-Marxism, which is reconstructed by adopting the theory of fetishism with and against Balibar. In the conclusion, focusing on Balibar’s discussion of ‘Marx’s two discoveries’, we formulate the question that the post-Marxist triangle of Althusser-Balibar- Bidet poses not only to contemporary French Marxism but also to post- Marxism in general.

      • KCI등재

        발달장애인용 직업흥미검사도구 개발을 위한 예비연구

        배세진,송승민,박희찬 대구대학교 한국특수교육문제연구소 2019 특수교육저널 : 이론과 실천 Vol.20 No.3

        [Purpose] The purpose of this study was to determine the response tendency by conducting a preliminary test to develop the vocational interest test for students with intellectual and developmental disabilities. The individual item distribution biases, the normal distribution by occupation, and statistical differences in occupation scores by region, gender, and school courses variables were analyzed. [Method] The subjects of the study were 336 persons with intellectual and developmental disabilities. The research tool consisted of 118 items including 5 items for picture understanding, 3 items for exercise, and 5 items for consistency check. Each item of the test consisted of two pictures and a descriptor on one sheet. [Results] The major results of the study were as follows. First, the 14 items with biases, including relatively more in beverage occupation, were found. Second, the distribution of items by occupation was a normal curve. Third, there were statistical differences by occupations according to gender. These results were reflected in development of standardized test items. [Conclusion] This study is meaningful in that it provides preliminary statistical processing and analysis by items and occupations to develop vocational interest test for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. 이 연구는 발달장애인용 직업흥미검사도구를 개발하기 위하여 예비조사를 실시한 후 피검사자의 응답 경향성을 파악하는데 목적이 있다. 연구 문제로서 예비조사의 응답 경향성을 파악하고자 개별 문항 분포, 직종별 문항 분포, 변인에 따른 직종별 점수 차이를 살펴보았다. [방법] 연구대상은 지역, 성, 학교 과정 등을 고려하여 선정한 발달장애인 336명이었다. 연구 도구는 그림이해도 5 문항, 연습 3문항, 본문항 110개(일관성 문항 5개 포함) 등 총 118개 문항으로 구성되었으며, 각 문항별로 2개의 그림과 지문이 함께 제시되는 형태로 제작하였다. [결과] 연구결과는 다음과 같이 3가지로 요약된다. 첫째, 직업흥미검사의 개별 문항 14개에서 편포가 나타났으며, 음료 직종에서 편포가 높은 것으로 나타났다. 둘째, 직종별 문항의 분포 경향성은 정규 분포인 것으로 나타났다. 셋째, 성에 따라 직종별 응답 분포의 차이가 있는 것으로 나타났다. 이러한 예비조사 결과는 본조사용 도구를 완성하는 데 반영되었다. [결론] 이 연구는 발달장애인용 직업흥미검사 본조사를 실시하기에 앞서 문항구성 및 개발을 위한 통계적 확인과 방향성을 제시하였다는 점에서 의의가 있다.

      • KCI등재

        알튀세르의 철학적 유산을 상속받기 위한 필연적이면서도 불가능한 시도: 과천연구실의 집단저작 『알튀세르의 철학적 유산』(윤종희·박상현 외 지음, 공감, 2008)에 관하여

        배세진 경상국립대학교 사회과학연구원 2023 마르크스주의 연구 Vol.20 No.1

        This book review article recognizes the importance of The Philosophical Legacies of Louis Althusser, a group work of the laboratory Gwa-Cheon, in the history of studies of Louis Althusser in South Korea, and at the same time criticizes its limits. This article, starting from the fact that The Philosophical Legacies of Louis Althusser does not ask a question about the reason why we must read Althusser today, examines three issues for the philosophical legacies of Althusser. That is, the progressive privileging of the philosophical theme of the ideology in the evolution of the althusserian philosophy, the combination between the transformation of the philosophy and the science à topique in the Althusser of the “works of the crisis”, and the materialism of the encounter of the late Althusser or the theory of two bases of Étienne Balibar. By examining the theoretical position of The Philosophical Legacies of Louis Althusser about these three issues, this article clarifies the point that the laboratory Gwa-Cheon has a theoretical limit that it cannot fully accept the meaning of the theorizations of Althusser and Balibar, that is, the deconstruction of the marxism and the reconstruction of the post-marxism.

      • KCI등재

        정신지체 특수학교 전공과 투입요인과 교육과정 편성ㆍ운영의 관련성 연구

        배세진,박희찬 한국직업재활학회 2013 職業再活硏究 Vol.23 No.2

        The purpose of this study was to examine the impact of input factors on the developing and managing of post-high school curriculums in special schools for youth with mental retardation that offered post-high school courses. The subjects in this study were 12 lead teachers of the post-secondary education department in special schools. Data were gathered by having an semi-structured interview. The findings of the study were as follows:Screening method, student level and grouping that were the student factor had a relationship to the selection of subjects appropriate for student level and to the selection and education of what to teach. The arrangement method of teachers in charge of post-secondary education courses, which was the teacher factor, made it easier to cooperate with outside institutions. In terms of the facility and equipment factor, there were two different sorts of vocational education according to the form of operation: homogeneous ability grouping and outside field work practice. As for the finance factor, the item of budget for post-secondary education courses performed a supporting role for the management of the three input factors. In terms of the community factor, the schools joined forces with companies, public institutions, organizations related to persons with disabilities and other educational institutions. The findings of the study are expected to provide useful information on how each school could develop a successful post-secondary education curriculum by focusing on transition education in accordance with its own circumstances, as each school is authorized to develop and manage a post-high school curriculum in its own way. 이 연구는 전공과가 설치ㆍ운영되고 있는 정신지체 특수학교를 대상으로 각 학교의 전공과 투입요인과 교육과정 편성ㆍ운영과의 관련성을 분석하는데 목적이 있다. 연구대상은 경기도 소재의 정신지체 특수학교 전공과 부장교사 혹은 전공과 부장을 겸임하고 있는 전환교육부 또는 직업교육부 부장교사 12명이었으며, 반구조화된 면담을 실시하여 자료를 수집하였다. 연구결과, 학생요인은 학생 수준에 따른 교과목 선정, 교육내용 편성ㆍ운영과 관련이 있었고, 교원요인은 외부 기관과의 연계, 현장실습 및 취업 관련 교육의 전문화, 직업기능교과의 선정과 관련이 있었다. 시설ㆍ설비요인은 훈련실의 운영 형태에 따라 이동수업과 외부실습 수업으로 직업교육이 실시되는 것으로 나타났고, 재정요인은 전공과 예산 항목이 다른 투입요인과 함께 교육과정 편성・운영에 관련이 있는 것으로 나타났다. 지역사회요인은 직업교육 및 훈련, 업체개발 및 취업알선과 직무지도, 외주물품 하청을 통한 교내실습, 현장실습, 지원고용 및 취업 형태의 교육과정 운영과 관련 있는 것으로 나타났다. 이 연구의 결과는 각 학교의 실정에 알맞은 전환교육 중심의 전공과 교육과정을 개발하기 위한 기초자료로 활용할 수 있으며, 투입요인을 기반으로 정신지체 특수학교 전공과 교육과정을 효율적으로 편성하고 운영하는 방안을 모색하는 데 기여할 수 있을 것이다.

      • AI 기반 재난안전통신망 프로텍트 구현

        배세진(Se-jin Bae),안중현(Jung-hyun Ahn),이정수(Jung-soo Rhee),박정수(Jung-soo Park),백남균(Nam-kyun Baik) 한국정보통신학회 2021 한국정보통신학회 종합학술대회 논문집 Vol.25 No.1

        2021년 4월, 재난안전통신망 서비스가 개시되었으나 서비스 초기로 보안기능이 취약한 상태이다. 현재 Android 기반 APP의 보안방법은 구글 프로텍트(Google Protect)의 기술을 사용하여 악성코드를 탐지하는 것이다. 악성코드는 종류가 다양하고 많기 때문에 직접 탐지하기 어려우므로, AI와 구글 프로텍트의 기술을 합한 악성코드탐지 기술을 재난안전통신망에 적용함으로써 ‘AI 기반 재난안전통신망 프로텍트’를 구현하는 방법에 대해 연구한다. April 2021, Disaster Safety Communication Network services have been launched, but security functions are weak at the beginning of the service. The current security method for Android-based APP is using Google Protect's technology to detect malware. Malware is difficult to detect directly because there are various types, so by applying malware detection technology that combines AI and Google Protect technology to Disaster Safety Communication Networks, research on how to implement ‘AI-based Disaster Safety Communication Network Protect’.

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