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      • KCI등재

        자동차용 변속기의 치합전달오차에 의한 진동특성 연구

        배명호,박노길 한국소음진동공학회 2001 한국소음진동공학회 논문집 Vol.11 No.8

        The gear whine noise of vehicle transmission is directly correlated tilth the gear transmission error of mating gear The object of this study is to build up the synthesized countermeasure for the reduction of gear whine noire of vehicle transmission by developing the program which can be used to analyze and predict the vibrational characteristics caused by gear transmission error of mating gears of vehicle transmission. The developed mathematical models on the elements of transmission, for example, helical gear pairs, bearings and shafts are used and the modeling of the excitation forces are developed by the gear transmission error of mating gear which is defined by the amount of the elastic deformation of gear tooth & shaft and gear profile & lead errors. The mathematical system model of vehicle transmission developed by the substructure synthesis method Is also verified by the experiments.

      • KCI등재

        국유재산법상 일반재산 보상액 산정기준에 대한 법적 검토

        배명호 한국토지공법학회 2024 土地公法硏究 Vol.105 No.-

        Abstract General property is stipulated in the 「State Property Act」, and compensation standards are stipulated in the 「Land Compensation Act」. The issue is whether there is a problem with the regulation on the pricing of property to be disposed of as general property or whether a conflict or contradiction between the two laws is causing confusion in the interpretation and enforcement of an applicable law due to the absence of a comprehensive system between the two laws. In the process of examining the public interest of general property and the compensation standards that exclude betterments, this study attempts to find a solution to conflicts between the pricing of property to be disposed of as general property and compensation that excludes betterments. Unlike administrative property, general property includes public interest in its notional criteria, but public interest is not within the prioritized criteria. In principle, betterments or worsements must be excluded from public service projects. As legal bases for the conflicts between the two laws, the leading causes were found by comparing the compensation standards for state property before and after the revision of the Enforcement Decree of the 「State Property Act」 in 1994, 2004, and 2009. The provisions of the 「State Property Act」 and its enforcement decree differ in the definitions from the 「Land Compensation Act」 or the 「Inheritance Tax and Gift Tax Act」 causing confusion in the interpretation and enforcement of an applicable law due to conflicts or contradictions between laws. Such ratio legis should be retreated, because general property among state property does not prioritize public interest. Therefore, a legislative amendment is needed in consideration of the above-described matters at the sale price. However, this is the discretion of legislators. It should be noted that such legislative discretion cannot go beyond the scope of the principle of legal justification of system, which is a constitutional principle. 국문초록 일반재산은 「국유재산법」에서, 보상기준은 「토지보상법」에서 각각 정하고 있다. 일반재산의 처분재산의 가격결정 규정에 문제점 있는 것인지, 아니면 양법간의 통일적인 체계성의 결여로 인하여 양 법률 상호간에 충돌 혹은 모순(?)으로 법률의 해석과 집행에 있어서 혼란이 초래되고 있는지가 쟁점이다. 일반재산의 공익성과 개발이익배제 보상기준을 살펴보는 과정에서 일반재산의 처분재산 가격결정과 개발이익배제보상과의 충돌 문제 해결점을 찾고자 하였다. 일반재산은 행정재산과 달리 공익성을 어느 정도 내포하고 있으나 공익성이 크지 않다. 원칙적으로 공익사업에서 개발이익이나 개발손실은 당연히 배제되어야 한다. 양자 충돌에 대한 법적 근거로서 1994년, 2004년, 2009년 국유재산법 시행령 개정 전ㆍ후 국유재산 보상액 산정기준 비교를 통하여 원인을 찾았다. 「국유재산법」과 그 시행령의 규정이 「토지보상법」이나 심지어 「상속세 및 증여세법」과 의미가 달라 법률 상호간에 충돌 혹은 모순(?)으로 법률의 해석과 집행에 있어서 혼란을 초래하고 있다. 이러한 입법 취지는 후퇴되어야 한다. 그 이유는 국유재산 중 일반재산은 공익성이 크지 않은 만큼 그 매각가격에서 전술한 개정안으로 입법개선이 필요하다. 그러나 이는 입법자의 재량영역이다. 이러한 입법재량도 헌법원리인 법률체계정당성원리의 범위를 넘어 설 수 없는 점을 유념해야 할 것으로 보인다.

      • KCI등재후보

        도시개발사업에서 부패방지의 법적 재검토- 대장동 개발사업과 관련하여 -

        배명호 한국부패방지법학회 2023 부패방지법연구 Vol.6 No.1

        The corruption perceptions index (CPI) of our country has improved. It is difficult to define in a single word what the concept and range of urban development projects are. The laws related to the return of development profits encompass <the Act on Urban Development>, <the Act on Return of Development Profits>, and <the Housing Act>. Although anti-corruption laws have a criminal law nature in terms of the form. However, since legal ethics are considered important in terms of justice and the rule of law, they belong to the area of the crime prevention law. The main concern is focused on whether they have served as check laws to strengthen publicness for project operators in urban development projects, and whether they will be able to continue this function. This study was intended to review my study conducted about one year ago regarding the return of development profits and reinforcement of publicness in the urban development projects. This study examined the history of the Act on Urban Development Projects and reviewed the content of the return of development profits pursuant to <the Act on Return of Development Profits>. At the same time, this study dealt with the issues related to the Daejangdong development projectas the subtitle of this study as well as the conjoint development. While presenting the outline and progress of the Daejangdong urban development project, this study explained how the Daejangdong urban development project has been implemented in accordance with the Act on Urban Development Projects before the revision. Then, this study discussed the contents of revision of the Act on Urban Development Projects. The project operator claimed that a huge development profit of 550.3 billion KRW was returned through the Daejangdong development project. Therefore, this study reviewed whether this claim was a law enforcement act pursuant to <the Act on Urban Development>. As a result, different from the claim made by the project operator regarding the return of enormous development profits, the development cost is the due cost that must be borne by the principal agent of the development project according to the <Act on Urban Development> and it cannot be regarded as the return of development profits. The method of supplying the developed land by private project operators obeys the Article 26, Clause 2 of <the Act on Urban Development>. However, the competitive bidding under the Article 57, Clause 2 of the Enforcement Decree of the same Act corresponds to a binding rule. The Clause 3 is, in principle, a discretionary rule, but the proviso is the binding rule. The rules that can be supplied through a private contract (at-will contract) follow, in principle, the method of competitive bidding and drawing lots. Exceptionally, it is possible to supply the developed land based on a private contract. Considering that the method of competitive bidding, drawing lots, and private contract is a critical issue in which sharp conflicts of interest collide between the public-private interest and between private-private interests, 11 ways to reduce the room for discretionary intervention by the administrative body were established allowing the private contracts only in exceptional cases. The Daejangdong development project leaves a number of doubts about the legal basis for the private contract for the 5 lots secured by the project operator Hwacheon Daeyu through a private contract. This study dealt with the “Legal review of anti-corruption in the Daejang-dong development project.”As a jurist, I intended to approach matters related to legal principles. 우리나라 부패인식지수가 개선되었다. 도시개발사업의 개념과 범위를 한마디로 정의하기 어렵다. 개발이익환수 관련 법률은 「도시개발법」, 「개발이익환수법」, 「주택법」이 주요 법률이다. 부패방지 관련 법률은 외형적으로 형사법적 성격이지만, 정의와 법치주의차원에서 법 윤리가 중요시되어 범죄 예방 법 영역이며 도시개발사업에서 사업시행자들로 하여금 공공성을 강화하는 견제 법률로 작용했는지 그리고 앞으로도 이러한 자리매김을 할 수 있는지가 관심사이다. 약 1년전 발제자의 도시개발사업에서 개발이익환수 내지 공공성 강화차원에서 연구에 대한 재검토 차원이다. 도시개발사업법의 연혁을 살펴보고 「개발이익환수법」상 개발이익환수의 내용을 검토하였으며, 본고의 부제인 대장동 개발사업과 결합개발에 관한 쟁점을 다루었다. 대장동 도시개발사업의 개요 및 추진현황을 소개하면서 대장동 도시개발사업이 개정전 도시개발사업법에 따라 어떻게 행하여져 왔는지를 설명하였다. 이어 도시개발사업법의 개정 내용을 다루었다. 사업시행자는 대장동 개발사업으로 5,503억원이라는 막대한 개발이익금을 환원했다는 주장을 하였다. 따라서 이 주장이 「도시개발법」의 근거에 따른 법 집행행위인지 검토하였다. 그 결과 사업시행자의 막대한 개발이익금을 환원 주장과 달리 「도시개발법」에 따라 개발사업주체가 부담해야할 개발비용이라 할 수 있고 개발이익환수라 할 수 없다. 민간사업자의 조성토지의 공급방법에 관해서는 「도시개발법」 제26조 제2항이나 같은 법 시행령 제57조 제2항에 따른 경쟁입찰은 기속규정이며 제3항은 원칙적으로 재량규정이나 단서는 기속규정이다. 수의계약으로 공급할 수 있는 규정은 원칙적으로 경쟁입찰과 추첨의 방법으로 하고 예외적으로 수의계약의 방법으로 조성토지등을 공급할 수 있다. 경쟁입찰・추첨・수의계약의 방법 중 어느 방법에 의하는가는 공익과 사익간, 사익과 사익간 첨예한 이해가 대립되는 중대한 사안인 점에서 행정주체의 재량개입여지를 줄이기 위해서 11가지 예외적인 경우에 한하여 수의계약을 할 수 있는 규정을 두었다. 대장동 개발사업에서 사업시행자 화천대유가 수의계약을 통해 확보한 5개 필지가 수의계약에 대한 법적 근거에 대하여 많은 의문이 있다. 본고에서는 ”대장동 개발사업 관련 부패방지의 법적 재검토“를 다루었다. 법학자로서 법리에 관한 사항을 다루려고 하였다.

      • KCI등재

        정동적 콘관입실험 장비의 개발과 검증

        배명호,이종섭,유정동,김주한,사공명 한국지반공학회 2011 한국지반공학회논문집 Vol.27 No.1

        The advanced geotechnical information has been required to determine the accurate design parameters for complex construction. However, the Standard Penetration Test (SPT), which has low reliability, has been used to estimate the subsurface condition in the field. The objective of this paper is development and application of the Static-Dynamic penetrometer, which detects the resistances in soft clay, sand and rock. The energy losses according to the rod connection methods (perfect or non-perfect connection, and number rods) are experimentally evaluated. The reflection and transmission ratios are used to investigate the energy loss by a simulation. The static-dynamic cone penetrometer, in which the accelerometers and strain gauges are installed on the cone tip and the rod head, is used to estimate the energy loss during penetration by impacts. The experimental and simulation studies show that the transferred energy through rods with non-perfect connection dramatically decreases. Furthermore, the transferred energy on the rod head is not the same as that on the cone tip. This study demonstrates that the energy loss should be evaluated on the cone tip.

      • KCI등재

        Superconducting and Pseudogap States Studied by Using Interlayer Tunneling Spectroscopy on Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+x Single Crystals

        배명호,이후종,최재현,박기수 한국물리학회 2006 THE JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN PHYSICAL SOCIETY Vol.48 No.5I

        The existence of a superconducting gap and a pseudogap, and the correlation between them, in cuprates is believed to provide a key to understanding the mechanism of high-Tc superconductivity. In this study, constant-temperature interlayer tunneling spectroscopy measurements were made on stacks of Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+x intrinsic junctions, excluding the bias-induced self-heating effect. In a certain range of temperatures near Tc, the bias-dependent tunneling spectral distribution showed a peak-dip-hump structure, indicating the coexistence of superconducting and pseudogap states. In a Tesla-range c-axis magnetic field, the spectral weight of the coherence peak diminished, filling mainly the dip region, indicating a major contribution of the dip-region spectral weight to the superconducting condensation.

      • 차량변속기의 진동특성에 대한 연구

        배명호,이형우,박노길 한국소음진동공학회 2000 소음 진동 Vol.10 No.1

        The gear whine noise caused by tooth profile, elastic deformation, machining error, wear is directly correlated with the transmission error of mating gear. It is very important to build up the synthesized countermeasure by the modeling of the excitation forces and analyzing the vibratory characteristics. The mathematical models on the elements of vehicle transmission which is composed of helical gears, bearings, shafts and cases are developed. The elements are assembled by the substructure synthesis method. The cases of transmission are modeled by ANSYS. The system model of vehicle transmission is also verified by the experiments.

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