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        기후요소의 엔트로피와 그 순변화형에 의한 기후지역 구분

        박현욱 국토지리학회 2007 국토지리학회지 Vol.41 No.1

        The seasonal variation and frequency of precipitation phenomenon of the Korean Peninsula over a period of 10 days during summer show strong local weather phenomena because of its mathematical location and geographic factors. The data used for this study are daily precipitation over a period of 10 days of summer during the recent fifteen years (1991-2005) at 68 stations in Korea. It is divided into four class of no rain,1-10.0mm/day, 10.1-30.0mm/day, 30.1mm over/day. The purpose of this paper is to induce the entropy of climatic elements over a period 10 days during summer, clarify the variation patterns of their space scale, and study the classification of climatic region in Korea, according to the combinations of the entropy and variation pattern, using the entropy and amplitude coefficient (Rs) calculated on basis of the information theory and the principal component analysis. The characteristics of variation pattern over a period of 10 days during summer can be chiefly divided into four categories (Rs1, Rs2, Rs3, Rs4) and the accumulated contributory rate of this is 84.1%. The variation pattern of entropy during a period of 10 days in Korea classified into 9 types from A to j. And Climatic region established by the entropy of climatic elements during summer in Korea can be classified into 14 types. 본 연구는 한반도의 수리적 위치와 지리적 요인의 영향을 명확히 반영하여 우리나라의 날씨 및 기후특성을 잘 나타내는, 하계의 탁월일기 및 강수현상의 순별 다소 {강수 없음, 소우(0.1-10.0mm/일), 중우(10.1-30.0mm/일), 대우(30.1mm 이상/일)}와 그 변화에 대해, 정보이론과 주성분 분석법을 응용하여 기후요소의 엔트로피와 주성분 진폭계수(Rs)를 추출하고 적용하여 그 공간스케일의 시간적 변동을 살핀다. 이를 토대로 한국 내 68개 관측지점 별 하계 순(1991-2005)의 기후요소의 엔트로피의 기후대표성을 구명하고 기후지역 구분을 시도한 것이다. 그 결과, 기후요소의 엔트로피의 순변화의 전형적 특징은 상위 4개의 순변화형(Rs1, Rs2, Rs3, Rs4)으로 표현되며 그 누적 기여율은 84.1%이다. 또한 한국의 기후요소의 엔트로피의 순변화형은 A-j형 까지 9개가 추출되었고 기후지역은 14개 형으로 분류되었다.

      • KCI등재

        이집두의 「성시전도시」

        박현욱 서울역사편찬원 2014 서울과 역사 Vol.- No.87

        「Seongsijeondo」is a painting depicting landscape and everyday life of Seoul in the 18th century and 「Seoungsideongdo-si」 is a kind of poetry works about 「Seongsijeondo」. In 1792, King Jeongjo asked his courtiers to make poetic works about Seongsijeongdo. So far 12 different Seongsijeondosi(two of them were written by LEE Deokmu and PARK Jega respectively) have been well known. One significant evidence of another individual participation is in the collection of Suwon Museum, Gyeonggi-do, which was written by LEE Jipdu in a form of the official paper(Gwaji 科紙). By examining these examples, we can presume in which form(s) King Jeongjo’s men made their poems and how the King evaluate their works. LEE Jipdu describes constellations and 「Gupokyodo(九幅瑤圖)」 depicting ancient tales of China’s Nine States(Provinces) in the beginning. These are kinds of literary rhetorics to build solemn atmosphere, to praise Hanyang’s firm position and brilliant capital culture, and finally to bless the city’s peaceful reign. LEE Jipdu describes Hanyang’s natural urban atmosphere: from mountains(Mt. Inwang, Mt. Baegak, and Mt. Namsan), river(Han river), city walls through main streets, houses, markets, people as well as palaces, main institutional buildings, and Han river docks. However, apart from city markets, almost all items are not so specific and realistic. It seems that his work fully reflects his desire enjoying an age of peace and prosperity. In his poem, LEE twice reversed the issue of existence of 「Seongsijeondo」, which proves that the painting was not actually existed. Given that there were many differences in time, space and pictorial formats of the painting and that LEE Yuwon(李裕元) once mentioned that 「Seongsijeondo」 was not a painting, the painting was not existed when they wrote poems and not even afterwards. Numerous trials of painting 「Seongsijeondo」 could not produce outstanding works. Accordingly King Jeongjo’s men could not see the painting when they made the poems in 1792. Their works were made with individual knowledge and personal experiences related to Hanyang. In other words, each work fully reflects personal perspectives towards the city. 「성시전도시」는 1792년(정조 16) 정조의 명에 의해 「성시전도」를 소재로 신하들이 지어 올린 장편 고시이다. 지금까지 「성시전도시」는 이덕무, 박제가 등을 비롯하여 모두 12인의 작품이 알려져 있다. 그런데 경기도 수원박물관에 李集斗의 「성시전도시」가 試券의 형태로 소장되어 있다. 이집두의 시는 「성시전도시」에 관한 『내각일력』의 기록을 실증적으로 뒷받침해주고 있다는데 의미가 있다. 이집두의 「성시전도시」의 내용을 보면, 전반부에 30구에 걸쳐 「九幅瑤圖」를 자세하게 묘사하고 있는데, 이것은 장중한 시의 분위기를 이끌어 내기 위한 문학적 수사이며, 왕도로서 한양의 공고한 입지와 번화한 문물, 그리고 조선왕조, 특히 정조 대의 태평성대를 찬양하기 위함이다. 이집두의 시에 나타난 한양 성시의 풍경은 인왕산·백악산·목멱산·한강 등 자연환경, 성곽·대로와 가옥 등 도시경관, 시전, 거리 풍경과 사람들의 모습 등 생활상, 궁궐과 육조거리, 규장각·장용영·성균관 등 관아, 그리고 경강의 나루 등이다. 이중 시전을 제외하면 대체로 구체성과 사실성이 떨어진다. 이것은 이집두의 시 전반에 태평성대의 분위기가 깔려 있기 때문이다. 이집두의 시는 그림으로서 「성시전도」의 실체와 관련해서도 주목되는 바가 있다. 그것은 이집두가 「성시전도」의 실재 여부에 대하여 앞뒤 서로 반대되는 묘사를 하고 있기 때문이다. 이집두는 그림이 없어서 임금의 명에 어떻게 응할까 고심하는가 하면, 手作은 아니지만 그림이 있었다고 하였다. 그러나 마지막에는 없는 형상을 만들어서 있는 것으로 말하고자 시를 지었다고 하여 그림의 부재를 확인하였다. 각각의 「성시전도시」에 나타난 그림 속의 시간·공간·경물·그림의 형태 등의 차이, 「성시전도시」의 제진과 「성시전도」를 화제로 한 화원의 祿取才 시행 시점의 선후, 「성시전도」는 그림이 아니라 시라고 한 李裕元의 언급 등을 고려할 때, 「성시전도시」를 제진할 당시는 물론, 이후에도 그림이 없었던 것으로 보인다. 「성시전도」의 실체에 대한 이러한 논란은 「성시전도」를 여러 차례 그리고자 하였으나 得意作을 얻지 못한 때문이라고 할 수 있다. 즉 1792년 정조의 명에 의해 「성시전도시」의 제진에 참여한 신하들은 그림을 보고 시를 지은 것이 아니라 평소 익숙한 도성의 풍물을 떠올리거나 개인의 지식과 경험을 반영하여 시를 지었다는 것이다. 특히 박제가의 시전에 대한 묘사는 「청명상하도」에 나타나는 이미지가 투영되어 있다.

      • KCI우수등재

        南韓의 降水量 年變化類型과 降水地域

        朴鉉旭 대한지리학회 1986 대한지리학회지 Vol.21 No.1

        The purpose of this treatise was to induce the annual variation pattern of precipitation (that is one of the important elements of the precipitation characteristics), clarify the variation of its space scale, and study the subdivision of precipitation region in South Korea according to the combinations of annual precipitation amounts and annual variation pattern of monthly precipitation, using the mean values for the years 1954∼1984 at 70 stations of South Korea. The classified annual precipitation, and the principal component vector and the amplitude coefficent by the principal component analysis were used for this study. The results of this study can be summarized as follows: 1) The annual precitation of South Korea reaches the greatest in the southern parts below tat. 35.3°N, the high snowfall areas of east coastal region, and the eastern parts of the Kwangju mountains, and tile smallest in Yeongnam inland area of the southern part of the Soback mountains. The amplitudes of annual variaion becomes great where the precipitation is great. 2) The characteristics of annual precipitation variation can be divided into two pattern. One is that precipitation reaches its great amount in summer, small in winter, to which actually all of the areas of South Korea partains. The other is that precipitation reaches its great amount during July and August, and becomes greater when the winter comes, to which the heavy snow area of winter pertains. 3) 16 subdivisions (from Ⅰa_2 to Ⅲㅗ_3) were produced based on the above two characteristics and the volume of annual precipitation amounts, and resulted in 9 types of annual precipitation variation. 4) It can be divided the central east coastal area into Ⅱe_1, Ⅱe_2 sections and Cheiu island into Ⅱa_5, Ⅲa_2, Ⅲa_3, Ⅲc_1 Sections. This is one of the results of the principal component analysis of annual precipitation variation pattern, and suggest that annual precipitation and its characteristics of seasonal distribution can be the important index of climatic regional division.

      • KCI등재

        시각 유희론적 타이포그래픽 디자인에 관한 연구

        박현욱 커뮤니케이션디자인협회 시각디자인학회 1996 커뮤니케이션 디자인학연구 Vol.1 No.-

        Letter, which was used as a method of human communication, required prints in order to transmit accurate meaning of mass information. Further typographic design, a concept of lettering design which play the form of various methods and expressional style along with the history of design, became a methodological description of visual expression. Various changes have been brought to express not only the visual shape itself but also its meaning by the method to express language as a visual form, which is a new mode required by the time according to the development of graphic design. Now modern conceptual typographic design is interested in aesthetics and visual freedom, and is laying down a solid foundation as a new concept of design. Typographic communication, the most objective and precise expressional method in the visual communication, must be studied as an expressional approach based on the roles to transmit information as well as to draw attention and to give inner satisfaction through the visual expression in this rapidly changing world owing to the high-tech scientific culture such as computer, digital, and multi-media, etc. The desires which rise from the conscious changes must be completed, as our society is diversified owing to its development. Typographic factors such as function, shape, margin, arrangement, proportion, contrast, shade, geometry, visual form, harmony between content and form, rhythm, change, motion, optical illusion, etc have great influence on typographic expression, but this thesis is focused to study how to design those factors, that is, typographic design, and the effective and visually play communication.

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