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        최근의 보이스피싱 범죄수법 변화에 따른 대응방안

        박찬걸 한국형사정책학회 2024 刑事政策 Vol.36 No.1

        보이스피싱 범죄는 대체로 피해 규모가 대규모임과 동시에 다수 피해자가 단기간에 양산되는 경향이 크기 때문에 국민경제에 미치는 악영향이 엄청나다. 또한 보이스피싱 조직은 단속을 피하기 위해 해외에 근거를 두고, 악성프로그램을 유포하는등 범행수법이 갈수록 국제화·기업화·첨단화·지능화되고 있어 국민들의 피해가 심히 막대하다. 하지만 기소된 총책, 중간관리자, 전화상담원, 현금수거책, 전달책 등의 법정 선고형이 낮아 국민의 법 감정에 부합하지 아니하고, 엄벌 필요성이 높다는 여론이 형성되어 있다. 특히 그 처벌에 있어 현행 사기범죄 양형기준을 통해서는 엄벌에 한계가 있는데, 이는 종국적으로 형벌예고를 통한 일반예방효과를 실현하려는 형법의 기능에 심각한 장애사유로 작용할 우려가 있다. 한편 최근 보이스피싱 범죄수법의 특징 가운데 가장 두드러지는 것은 기존 비대면편취의 방식을 탈피하고 대면편취의 방식으로 변모하고 있다는 점이다. 기존에 우리나라에서 발생하고 있었던 보이스피싱 범죄의 주류적인 형태는 소위 접근매체를 이용하여 피해자에게 금원을 이체받는 형식이었지만, 30분 지연인출제도, 지급정지및 피해금환급제도, 신규계좌 심사 강화, 사기이용계좌의 명의인에 대한 전자금융거래 제한 등과 같은 정부 및 금융권의 접근매체에 대한 엄격한 관리․감독이 어느 정도실효성을 보임에 따라 2020년을 기점으로 접근매체가 범행의 수단으로 별도로 요구되지 않는 대면편취의 형식으로 급격히 변화되고 있는 실정이다. 이로 인하여 건당 편취금액이 증가함과 동시에 계좌에 대한 지급정지가 무용지물이 되는 결과가 초래되어 피해자의 고통이 배가되고 있는데, 이 역시도 동 범죄에 대한 향량강화의 논거로 충분히 작용할 수 있을 것으로 판단된다. 이에 본고에서는 위와 같은 보이스피싱 범죄의 최근 상황에 대처하기 위한 합리적인 개선방안을 도출하기 위하여, 우선 보이스피싱 범죄의 개념, 기본구조, 발생 현황을 검토한 다음, 실무에서 가담자 가운데 가장 많은 검거율을 나타내고 있는 접근매체의 전달책과 자금수거책에 대한 대응방안을 각각 살펴 보고, 다수의 경합사건으로 처리, 일반사기와 조직적 사기의 세부적인 기준 마련, ‘불특정 또는 다수의 피해자를 대상으로 하거나 상당한 기간에 걸쳐 반복적으로 범행한 경우’의 적극 인정 등을 중심으론 한 선고형의 강화방안을 차례대로 분석하며 논의를 마무리하기로 한다. Voice phishing crimes generally have a huge impact on the national economy because the damage is large and many victims tend to be mass-produced in a short period of time. In addition, voice phishing organizations are increasingly internationalized, corporateized, advanced, and intelligent, such as distributing malicious programs based overseas to avoid crackdowns, and the damage to the people is severe. However, there is a public opinion that the legal sentence of the accused general manager, middle manager, telephone counselor, cash collection book, and delivery book is low, so it does not meet the public's legal sentiment and that there is a high need for strict punishment. The method of voice phishing is becoming more intelligent, organized, and online, making it difficult to secure related evidence or arrest criminals, and even if the criminal is arrested, it is difficult to confiscate the criminal's profits at the source, making it difficult to rescue the victim. The sentence for the accused is also set too low, which is against public sentiment. In particular, the current sentencing standards for fraudulent crimes limit severe punishment. The current sentencing standards for fraudulent crimes suggest a smaller range of sentences than legal sentences in the form of norms, which will not prevent the gap from the legislator's legal sentence, which should be the starting point of the sentencing standard, even if it goes through some adjustment. The reason can be found in the fact that the current sentencing standards are based on the sentencing of conventional sentencing practices, which have been sentenced based on the lower limit of the statutory sentence, not the statutory sentence. However, the current sentencing standards, even in the most important weighting section of the middle classification, are likely to serve as a reason for obstacles to the function of the criminal law to realize the general preventive effect through notice of punishment. On the other hand, the most striking feature of the recent voice phishing crime method is that it is breaking away from the existing non-face-to-face method of defraudation and transforming it into a face-to-face method of defraudation. Previously, the main form of voice phishing crimes in Korea was to transfer money to victims using so-called access media, but it is believed that the government and financial sector's strict management and supervision of access media, such as the 30-minute delayed withdrawal system, payment suspension and damage refund system, the reinforcement of new account screening, and restrictions on electronic financial transactions to names of fraudulent accounts, have been effective to some extent. Starting in 2020, access media is rapidly changing into a form of face-to-face defraudation, which is not required as a means of crime. As a result, the amount of defraudation per case increases, and at the same time, the suspension of payment to the account becomes useless, doubling the victim's pain, which is also believed to serve as an argument for strengthening the sentencing sentence of the crime. Therefore, in order to derive reasonable improvement measures to cope with the recent situation of voice phishing crimes as described above, the concept, basic structure, and current status of voice phishing crimes are reviewed first. Next, we will look at countermeasures for the delivery of access media and fund collection measures, which show the highest arrest rate among participants in practice. We will conclude the discussion by analyzing the measures to strengthen the sentence, focusing on dealing with multiple competing cases and establishing detailed standards for general and organized fraud, actively acknowledging cases that target unspecified or multiple victims or repeatedly commit crimes over a considerable period of time.

      • KCI등재후보

        청소년유해매체물의 결정 및 유통 규제에 대한 검토 - 2012. 9. 16. 시행된 개정 청소년보호법을 중심으로 -

        박찬걸 한국소년정책학회 2012 少年保護硏究 Vol.20 No.-

        The purpose of Juvenile Protection Act is to regulate the distribution of harmful media materials and drugs, etc. among juveniles and their access to harmful entertainment establishment, and protect and rescue them from the injurious environment including harmful acts such as the abuse of and violence against them in order to help juveniles grow into the persons of sound character. Although the Juvenile protection law has been revised 27 times in total to date since it was enacted in order to meet rapid change of the environment, it is true that there are still many problems indicated in relation to decisions on materials harmful to juvenile and regulation on distribution. In this context, this paper aims to seek reasonable improvement methods by examining problematic situations found in managing the existing system of materials harmful to juvenile. For this, we first examine the decision process of materials harmful to juvenile, and investigate objects of the materials in relation to the concept of the materials harmful to juvenile, methods to make a decision and effects of announcement, the concept of harmfulness to juvenile and review standards, legal liability imposed when they are designated as harmful materials etc. For regulations of distribution of the materials harmful to juvenile, we'll finish our discussions after making an in-depth analysis focused on problems resulted from differences in age standards of juveniles, issues related to personnel composition of the deliberative body, a need to regulate banner advertising etc.

      • KCI등재

        7호 처분의 성과분석 및 개선방안

        박찬걸 한국소년정책학회 2019 少年保護硏究 Vol.32 No.2

        This article firstly looked at the current state of organizations related with medical youth training centers. And then the study moved to examine the current state of operation focused on foster care period, the state of foster completion, the state of transfer of juveniles requiring medical/rehabilitation treatment, the state by the handicap type, the state by age and gender. The study then examined the current state of actual education, focused on education of newcomers, classification of the target of education. process and organization of concentrated education. Following the solid understanding of the current operational state of medical youth training centers as such, the study sought to find futuristic methods for their development. For these, the study suggested several solutions by grouping; deletion of regulations related with treatment of 'hospitals and sanitariums', sorting out overcrowded accommodation, necessity for installing independent medical youth training centers, separate accommodation by the target and individual treatment.

      • KCI등재

        부동산 이중매매에 있어서 배임죄의 성립시기

        박찬걸 경희대학교 법학연구소 2013 경희법학 Vol.48 No.4

        With respect to the behavior of selling an object of purchase and sale to a third party after the seller received intermediate payment in sale of real estate, there established a precedent that such a behavior falls under a misappropriation as violation of cooperative duty on registration for purchaser. As to the conclusion that seller’s status is switched to a person who deals with other’s matters regulated by misappropriation from the time he or she received intermediate payment from the first purchaser in real estate double contract, however, criticisms have recently been raised in various aspects unlike the past. Especially, with respect to recent cases of movables double contract, in case seller of movables transfers ownership to the second purchaser after he or she received intermediate payment from the first purchaser, due to the rise of the supreme court decision that denied establishment of a misappropriation simultaneously with expressions of majority critical opinions about existing precedent that judged real estate double contract as a misappropriation, controversy over independence of seller’s misappropriation is considered becoming heated. It is possible to enter into the causes of such controversy from various aspects, of course, but because a legal problem related to the transaction of real estate, unlike other general criminal cases, is characterized that it is very hard to distinguish whether the problem is limited only to a simple civil case or concluded in a criminal problem, a risk that civil illegality is able to be limitlessly extended to a criminal illegality is always contained is considered premised. In making a final legal judgement in the area where such a risk exists at all times, it is necessary to access reminding a guidance ideology of last instrumentality or subsidiary of punishment which can be called the basis of the Criminal Law. In other words, damages caused by real estate transactions shall be solved as a civil case first if circumstances allow and restrictions through the state punishment power shall affect as the last step necessary for guarantee of peaceful social order and people’s benefit and protection of the law. Grounded on the critical mind, this article expresses criticism against attitude the Supreme Court that has punished seller with misappropriation in cases of real estate double contract by presenting specific grounds, and aims to make an attempt to postpone the time of establishment of misappropriation by making a strict interpretation of the composition requisites and elements of misappropriation in real estate double contract as well as accessing from the sphere of fairness as compared to the similar behavior patterns. 부동산 이중매매에 있어서 매도인이 제1 매수인으로부터 중도금을 수령한 이후 제2 매수인에게 처분하는 행위에 대하여 배임죄로 의율하고 있는 대법원의 태도는 민사사건의 형사화라는 측면에서 타당하지 않다. 최근 동산 이중매매와 관련한 대법원 판결의 다수의견이 지적한 바와 같이 기본적으로 자기의 사무에 불과한 계약상 채무의 이행을 등기이전 협력의무와 같은 작위적 개념을 이용하여 배임죄에 관한 형벌법규를 부당하게 확대해석하여 온 기존 판례의 태도는 반드시 시정되어야 한다. 또한 권리이전에 필요한 등기절차에 있어서 매도인과 매수인은 등기의 공동신청주의에 입각하여 상호 협력관계에 놓이게 되는데, 그 협력관계의 발생시점은 중도금 지급시가 아니라 잔금 지급시라는 점을 주목해야 한다. 舊민법이 적용되던 시절에 발생한 부동산 이중매매라는 동일한 행위에 대하여 자기의 사무라는 이유로 배임죄의 적용을 부정하였던 판결이 있었고, 현재의 부동산 이중매매사안에 대하여 배임죄를 적용하는 것은 개인의 사적 자치를 보장하는 사법의 영역에 국가형벌권이 개입한다는 점에서 시민사회의 자율적 영역의 핵심을 침해할 우려가 크다. 사회생활에서 발생하는 모든 배신행위가 형사처벌의 대상이 되는 것은 아니고, 배신행위 중에서 범죄의 구성요건에 해당하지 않는 것은 그 행위의 가벌성이 아무리 크다 해도 처벌할 수 없는 것은 죄형법정주의의 원칙상 당연한 일이다. 형사법의 개입은 필요최소한으로 그쳐야 한다는 보충성의 원칙에 비추어 보더라도 민사법의 영역은 최대한 사적 자치를 보장해야 한다. 그러므로 형사불법적인 요소를 내포하고 있는 배신행위에 국한된 형벌의 적용이라는 관점에서, 배임죄의 객관적 구성요건요소인 ‘타인의 사무’ 및 ‘임무위배행위’의 해석은 그 개념 자체가 모호하고 추상적이므로 부동산 거래에 적용을 할 경우에는 다른 영역의 문제와 비교하여 상대적으로 엄격하게 할 필요성이 있다. 사적 자치의 원칙이 지배하는 경제활동의 영역에서 민사적 수단에 의한 분쟁의 해결 이전에 형벌법규에 의한 규율을 강제하는 것은 자제되어야 한다. 이러한 견지에서 계약 체결 후 매수인의 소유권등기청구권을 보전하기 위한 가등기를 의무화하는 것도 부동산 이중매매를 사전에 예방할 수 있는 효과적인 방안이 될 수 있을 것이다.

      • KCI등재

        학교 밖 청소년 정보연계 강화를 위한 법률개정 방안

        박찬걸 한국소년정책학회 2022 少年保護硏究 Vol.35 No.2

        As about 50 thousand students drop out of school every year, support for them to continue study and enter society by linking with public support system even after they give up studies, but it has been regulated to like with ‘Out-of-school Youth Support Center’(hereinafter ‘Support Center’) only for those who agreed with provision of personal information so far, and by the demand for improvement of low rate of like, the 「Act on Support for Out-of-school Youth」(hereinafter the ‘Act on Out-of-school Youth’) was revised on March 23, 2021 and started to take effect from September 24, 2021, enabling link to support center without advance consent in case youths subject to compulsory education leave school. However, like on information of high school students who are not subject to compulsory education is allowed only in case they agree with provision of personal information, and according to 2021 Basic Education Statistics, high school students take 45.1% out of all dropouts, which is the highest percentage as compared with elementary and middle school students, and many students out of dropouts are still in blind spot, so improvement of the situation is considered necessary. Especially, all men have the right to receive education equally in accordance with Article 31 of the Constitution, and as free education to high school expanded with revision of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act on December 3, 2019, which provides a fair chance of education to every citizen through strengthened publicness of elementary, middle and higher education. Therefore, it is necessary to support youths who want to continue keep on studies or hope to get a job or career searching after giving up high school for preventing social gap caused by educational gap and enable them to realize minimum right to education by linking quickly and assuring rights and opportunities to receive adequate education within the public support system for youths in high school level and grow as a healthy member of society. According to the necessity of research, this manuscript aims to prepare a plan for revision of law for strengthening like of information of out-of-school youth by generating validity and effectiveness of law revision that establishes a legal basis to link with support centers without their consent in case it is unable to confirm consent of youth or parents at the level of high school for smooth link of information of out-of-school youth eligible for free education.

      • KCI등재

        간통죄 폐지의 정당성에 관한 고찰

        박찬걸 경희대학교 법학연구소 2010 경희법학 Vol.45 No.2

        Korean criminal law punishes for adultery and the public tend to regard adultery as a crime. In a related matter, The Korean government is getting down to work revisions to the Criminal Law. In this situation, the purpose of this article is to suggest concrete backgrounds for abolition of punishment for adultery in Korean Criminal Law. The concrete backgrounds for abolition of punishment for adultery is as follows,(1) First of all, The criminal law should be imposed as a last method when an offense violates important the benefit and protection of the law. (2) Also the benefit and protection of the law should be obvious. Generally, the benefit and protection of the law of punishment for adultery include good sexual morality, maintenance of monogamy and sound family life and sexual faithfulness between spouse, etc. However, it is doubtful that a definite concept as a foundation of punishment. (3) The greater part of scholars of criminal law argue for the abolition of punishment for adultery. Also Global trends show the tendency toward the abolition of punishment for adultery. (4) The punishment for adultery violates the right of choice concerning one’s own sexual activities. In conclusion, the punishment for adultery must be abolish in province of criminal law.

      • KCI등재

        사면제도의 적절한 운영방안에 관한 연구 - 사면심사위원회 등에 의한 통제를 중심으로 -

        박찬걸 한국교정학회 2011 矯正硏究 Vol.- No.51

        More than 2,490 people were pardoned under a special pardon August 15, 2010. Also a large number of people was grants amnesty and reinstated on national holiday. Because a general pardon and special pardon are the president's right under the Constitution. Specially a general pardon of these nullifies all sentences handed down for certain violations and needs parliamentary approval. But abuse of pardoning power, especially abuse of special pardoning power can demolish the basis of rule of law which is a important part of the constitutionalism. What is worse, in most cases involving chaebols and politician, experts say, the president eventually pardons the offense, resulting in them getting off scot-free from their crimes. A case in point is a proposal, Kim Hyun-hee, pinpointed as the culprit, is now living in Seoul under protection from the NIS, after being exempted from the death penalty in 1990. But the existing pardon law is specified just about contents and prescribe a few procedures with rational specifications which can limit and those who are pardoned. Therefore the purpose of this article is to study the contents and present condition of Korea pardon system, to analyze its problems and to suggest specific improvement measures to prevent the abuse of pardon power. Despite these developments, it is desirable that pardon committee is established to review appropriateness of pardon as a result of abuse of pardoning power at the time of revision of pardoning law in Dec. 2007. And then, it is necessary to revise pardon law as follows; for example, the pardon object restriction based on a pardon elimination regulation and a progress period restriction must prescribe according to the pardoning law. The ultimate purpose of these institutionalizations is to check the abuse of the pardon power of the president. 대통령의 사면권은 행사될 때마다 사회적․정치적․법적 이슈로 등장하였으며, 적정성 논란을 피할 수가 없었다. 특히 특별사면은 그 정치적 남용과 자의적 행사로 인하여 비판의 집중적 대상이 된 지 오래된 일이다. 이러한 문제의 원인은 우선 사면권자가 사면의 합목적성의 측면에서 재량의 자유를 갖기 때문이다. 현행법상 구체적인 사면허용사유 내지 사면불허사유가 존재하지 않는다는 점, 사면결정의 정당성 여부를 판단할 수 있는 구체적인 기준이 명확하지 않다는 점, 사면결정의 사전통제방안이 몇 가지 존재하기는 하지만 형식적으로 운영되고 있다는 점, 사면결정에 대하여 사후적으로 심사하는 제도 자체가 존재하지 않다는 점 등이 이를 말해준다. 따라서 법치국가의 원리에 입각하여 사면권자가 가지고 있는 재량의 자유를 축소하기 위하여 구체적인 제도를 통하여 그 기준을 입법화하는 작업이 절실히 요청된다. 예를 들면 세부적인 사면절차 규정의 정비의 일환으로서 사면허용요건으로서 일정 형기 이상의 수형기간 요구, 사면불허요건으로서 일정한 제외사유의 규정, 사면대상자의 개인적인 특수성 고려, 삼권분립의 원칙과 관련하여 보충성의 원칙 관철, 보안처분에 대한 사면의 허용 등을 고안해 낼 수 있으며, 사면심사위원회제도의 내실화를 위하여 위원구성권의 분산화, 외부위원의 다수화, 회피제도의 적극적인 활용 등을 제안할 수 있을 것이다. 마지막으로 사면권의 남용은 현행 사면제도의 입법적인 미비에서도 그 원인을 찾아 볼 수 있겠지만 보다 더 근본적인 원인은 사면절차에 관여하는 자들의 사면에 대한 인식의 부족에 기인한 바가 크다. 교정관련 공무원, 검사, 검찰총장, 법무부장관, 사면심사위원회 위원, 대통령 등에 이르기까지 사면에 관련된 모든 자들이 실제 사면에 앞서 사면제도의 본질을 제대로 파악하고 있어야 하며, 과거의 남용된 사례 및 잘못된 관행에 대한 자기성찰을 하여야만 사면제도가 반복되는 불신의 대상이 아니라 국민으로부터 기다려지는 환영의 대상으로 변모될 것이다.

      • KCI등재

        성매매 조장 사이트와 이에 대한형사법적 규제 분석

        박찬걸 홍익대학교 법학연구소 2020 홍익법학 Vol.21 No.1

        According as patterns of prostitution become diversified and smart these days as shown in the case of 'War in the Night', we need to urgently prepare nationwide measures to prevent prostitutions using IT technology and internet. That said, discussion so far has onesidedly focused on police-wise countermeasures related mainly with offline prostitutions and indeed studies at home and abroad related with regulation of prostitution-promoting sites stays currently no more than in the beginning stage. Prostitution-promoting sites include 'information with contents for the purpose of prostitution or inciting or aiding it' that is harmful not merely to the youth but adults. And so, discussion must be expanded intrinsically from the standpoint that its distribution itself should be prohibited, to protect the youth and also in consideration of its being illegal information. This study made clear definition on the concept of these sites by showing the background of the emergence of prostitution-promoting sites and then examined the actual state of its operation. Thereafter, it sought to work out criminal restrictions each for the opening and operation of prostitution-promoting sites, posting of advertisements within sites of sexual traffic places, the behavior of posting postscripts on the bulletin boards. And the study completed the discussion by suggesting measures for the purpose of legal regulation of prostitution-promoting sites. ‘밤의 전쟁’ 사례에서 보는 바와 같이 성매매의 형태가 다변화되고 지능화됨에 따라 IT기술 및 인터넷을 활용한 성매매에 대한 범국가적인 대책마련이 시급한 상황이지만, 기존에는 주로 오프라인 성매매와 관련된 정책적 대안에 편중된 논의가 진행되어 왔기 때문에 현재 성매매 조장 사이트 규제와 관련된 국내․외 연구는 걸음마 수준에 불과하다. 성매매 조장 사이트의 경우에는 청소년뿐만 아니라 성인에게도 유해한 성질의 내용인 ‘성매매를 목적으로 하거나 교사 또는 방조하는 내용의 정보’를 포함하는 경우이기 때문에 비단 청소년 보호의 시각에서 뿐만 아니라 불법정보로 파악하여 유통 자체를 금지시켜야 한다는 점에서 논의의 장이 확대될 수밖에 없는 구조를 취하고 있다. ‘밤의 전쟁’과 유사한 형태의 성매매 조장 사이트가 2010년대에 접어들어 우리나라에 처음 등장한 이후 우후죽순처럼 늘어나고 있는 반면에 이에 대한 단속 및 처벌의 수준은 미미한 실정이라고 할 수 있다. 하지만 여기서 중요한 것은 이러한 현상의 원인이 주로 단속의 어려움에 기인하는 것이지 결코 현행법의 미비에 기인하는 것이 아니라는 점이다. 비록 직접적으로 성매매 조장 사이트를 다루고 있는 대법원의 판결이 아직까지 등장하고 있지는 않지만, 하급심에서는 이에 대한 형사처벌이 실제로 이루어지고 있는 것을 쉽게 찾아볼 수 있다. 이러한 현상은 당해 하급심에서 이루어지고 있는 법리의 적용이 적절한 것이라는 점을 방증하는 것이라고도 평가가 가능할 것이다. 본고는 이에 착안하여 성매매 조장 사이트에 대한 효과적인 단속의 필요조건이라고 할 수 있는 현행법상의 법적 규제를 분석하는데 주안점을 두고자 한다. 이러한 목적을 바탕으로 이하에서는 우선 성매매 조장 사이트의 등장배경을 통하여 이러한 사이트의 개념정의를 명확히 정립한 다음 실제 운영의 구조를 분석해 보고, 성매매처벌법 및 정보통신망법상의 관련 규율체계를 검토하여 ① 성매매 조장 사이트의 개설 및 운영행위, ② 성매매업소의 사이트 내 광고게재행위, ③ 후기 게시판의 글 작성행위에 대한 각각의 형사제재를 어떻게 할 것인지 고민해 봄으로써 성매매 조장 사이트에 대한 형사법적 규제를 분석해 본다.

      • KCI등재후보

        소년형사사건의 심판에 있어서 특례조항에 대한 검토- 소년법 제56조 내지 제67조를 중심으로 -

        박찬걸 한국소년정책학회 2012 少年保護硏究 Vol.18 No.-

        The court, prosecutor and police must consign that the investigator of the juvenile case investigate necessary matters related to criminal cases involving a juvenile. And in the event a criminal case involving a juvenile is related to other criminal cases, the trial procedures of the juvenile case shall be conducted separately from the other case if such treatment does not obstruct the trial. Death penalty or life sentence to a juvenile who was less than 18 years old when the crime was commited, shall be reduced to 15 years of imprisonment. But the revised legislation dated in April 15, 2010 on sentence for imprisonment for a definite period could be the maximum term shall not exceed 30 years. So dath penalty or life sentence to a juvenile who was less than 18 years old when the crime was commited, will have to revise the upward realignment. Also, In case where a juvenile commits a crime punishable by imprisonment of a limited term of two or more years, a sentence shall specify the maximum and minimum terms within the scope of such term of punishment. Provided, That the maximum term shall not exceed ten years, and the minimum term shall not exceed five years. A sentence of detention in a labor house under provisions of Article 70 of the Criminal Act shall not be rendered against a juvenile who is less than 18 years old. Provided, That when detention is served prior to sentencing the judgement or measures as stated in Article 18 (1) 3 have been taken, the period corresponding to the period of detention or consignment shall be regarded as days of detention in a labor house at a workhouse and the provisions of Article 57 of the Criminal Act may be applied thereto. A juvenile who has been sentenced to imprisonment or imprisonment without prison labor and who has served the following periods may be provisionally released. 1. Five years in case of life sentence, 2. Three years in case of imprisonment for a limited term of 15 years, and 3. One third of minimum term of an indeterminate sentence. When Acts and subordinate statutes on qualification are applicable to juvenile, if their sentnece has been executed or discharged, it shall in the future be presumed that no sentence has been rendered.

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