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      • KCI등재

        장기요양시설 돌봄인력의 노인 구강관리 경험과정 탐색: 근거이론적 접근

        박지아,한솔,진보형 대한예방치과·구강보건학회 2022 大韓口腔保健學會誌 Vol.46 No.4

        Objectives: This study aims to explore the experience of caregivers in oral health care of the elderly in long-term care facilities, identify the problems, and collect opinions, and to seek improvement directions for strengthening competency and improving services of oral health care for the elderly. Methods: Data on the experience in oral health care of the elderly were collected through focus group interviews (FGI) targeting caregivers in long-term care facilities. The grounded theory method was used. The interview content was categorized by open coding, and a paradigm model was presented by identifying the relationship between the categories through axial coding. Selective coding found core categories. Results: As a result of categorizing the caregivers’ oral care experience of the elderly, 15 categories, 40 sub-categories, and 125 concept/phenomena codes were derived. The central phenomenon was the difficulty of implementing sustainable oral health care. The deterioration of the mental and physical functions of the elderly, the work characteristics of caregivers, and the lack of linkage with internal and external resources of the facility acted as causal conditions for the central phenomenon. The caregiver’s oral health education experience acted as an intervening condition. In an effort to improve the problem, an interaction strategy was derived. Conclusions: It is possible to seek delivery of sustainable oral health care services by caregivers by improving the quality of oral health education and establishing an oral health care service system for the elderly.

      • KCI등재

        적응 유연성과 영적 안녕 및 부모 애착 간의 관계

        박지아,유성경 한국상담심리학회 2003 한국심리학회지 상담 및 심리치료 Vol.15 No.4

        In the present study, we compared the resilient(N=30), the at-risk(N=39) and the competent (N=40) adolescents in their spiritual well-being and parental attachment. Data were collected from 344 adolescents and classified them into the three groups with a consideration of two criteria; being exposed to one of the family risk factors and their level of adjustment. Their adjustment was rated by themselves, homeroom teachers, and peers. The questionnaire was composed of Demographic questions, Spiritual Well-Being Scale, Inventory of Parent Attachment and Adaptation Scale. Results indicated, as expected, the resilient adolescents showed higher level of existential well-being and parental attachment compared to the at-risk adolescents. But there was not a significant difference in religious well-being's difference among the three groups. And there was a significant positive correlation between spiritual well-being and parental attachment. Implications for future study and counseling for at-risk adolescents were suggested. 이 연구는 가정 환경적 위험요소에 노출되었음에도 불구하고, 평균 이상의 적응 수준을 보이는 적응 유연한(resilient) 청소년들의 심리내적인 특성을 영적 안녕 및 부모 애착의 측면에서 살펴보았다. 초, 중, 고등학생 344명을 대상으로 위험요소에 노출 여부와 교사, 또래, 자기 평정에 따른 적응 수준을 고려하여 적응유연 청소년(30명), 고위험 청소년(39명), 유능 청소년(40명)의 세 집단으로 분류하였다. 그리고, 이들 집단 간에 영적 안녕(종교적 안녕, 실존적 안녕)과 부모 애착에서의 차이를 분석하고, 각 변인들 간의 상관계수를 산출하였다. 연구결과 적응 유연한 청소년들은 고위험 청소년들에 비해 실존적 안녕과 부모애착에서 높은 수준을 보여 이들 요소가 보호요소로서 작용했을 가능성을 시사해 주었다. 또한 종교적 안녕, 실존적 안녕, 부모 애착 간에 각각 통계적으로 유의한 정적인 상관관계를 보이는 것으로 나타났다.

      • KCI등재

        대학생의 부모화 경험과 대인관계문제의 관계에서 기본심리욕구의 매개효과

        박지아,김완일 한국청소년학회 2017 청소년학연구 Vol.24 No.6

        본 연구에서는 대학생의 부모화 경험과 대인관계문제의 관계를 기본심리욕구가 매개하는지를 알아보고자 하였다. 이를 위하여 대학생 253명을 대상으로, 부모화 경험 척도, 기본심리욕구 척도, 대인관계문제검사 단축형을 실시하고, Baron과 Kenny(1986)의 매개효과 검증과 sobel test를 하였다. 연구 결과, 기본심리욕구는 부모화 경험과 대인관계문제의 관계를 부분매개 하는 것으로 나타났다. 특히 기본심리욕구의 하위요인 중에 자율성과 관계성은 부모화 경험과 대인관계문제의 관계를 부분매개 하는 반면, 유능성은 매개하지 않는 것으로 확인되었다. 이러한 결과는 부모화 경험을 한 대학생이 대인관계문제를 호소할 때, 자율성과 관계성을 통해 대인관계문제에 접근할 필요가 있음을 시사해준다. 마지막으로 본 연구 결과에 대한 논의와 추후연구를 위한 제언을 제시하였다. This study aimed at finding out whether the students' basic psychological needs mediates in the relationship between their parentification experience and interpersonal problems. For this purpose, the study administered parentification experience scale, the Basic Psychological Needs scale and interpersonal problems scale with 253 students, and analyzed the data through mediating effect verification by Baron and Kenny(1986) and sobel test. The results showed that basic psychological needs mediates partially in the relationship between parentification experience and interpersonal problems. Among the sub-factors of basic psychological needs, autonomy and relatedness turned out to play role of partial mediation, while competence didn't. This finding suggests that when a university student who has parentificaton experience complains of interpersonal problems, the problems can be reduced by raising autonomy and relatednees. Finally, the discussion and suggestions for future study are presented.

      • KCI등재

        筑紫大宰 성립에 대하여 - 외교 교섭 및 불교 수용을 중심으로 -

        박지아 부산경남사학회 2016 역사와 경계 Vol.98 No.-

        Tsukushi-dazai(筑紫大宰) was regarded as the predecessor of Dazaifu(大宰府) in 8C. There were a lot of perspectives for the background of Tsukushi-dazai’s establisment. But this paper focused on the diplomatic contacts with the Wa(倭) and Korean peninsula’s three countries, especially Baekje(百濟). In the existing perspectives, the diplomacy between Zui(隋) and Wa during Suiko period(推古朝) has been emphasized. However, the diplomatic contacts with Zui(隋) was only twice. But Three Kingdoms(三國) on the Korean peninsula, especially Baekje had maintained the close relationship with Wa, and accredited the diplomatic delegations frequently to negotiate for mainly military purposes during the sixth century. Because of the tensions on the Korean peninsula, Baekje needed military supports as troops, arms and foodstuffs from Wa. For the benefits in return, Baekje sent the Confucian scriptures, Buddhism and advanced civilization. During this period, Goguryo(高句麗) and Silla(新羅) often sent the diplomatic delegations to Wa. This paper pointed out that the frequent military diplomacy between Three Kingdoms and Wa was one of the factors to establish Tsukushi Dazai. The term 'Mikotomochii(宰)', included Tsukushi Dazai(筑紫大宰) in Bidatsu period(敏達朝), originally was used for the delegaitons from Wa to Korean Peninsula to negotiate several pending issues. Instead of the temporal and occasional delegations, Tsukushi-dazai was established as permanent and constant organization. Mikotomochi(宰) meant an envoy dispatched to the Korean peninsula as the carrier of king’s commands. ‘Tsukushi-dazai(筑紫大宰)’ is Ohomikotomochi(大宰) in Tsukushi(筑紫). The term of Mikotomochi(宰) clearly illustrates the relevancy between the establishment of Tsukushi-dazai and the diplomacy of Three Kingdoms. On the other hand, Wa’s active acceptance of Buddhism, sent by Baekje to facilitate the military diplomacy, can bee one of the factors to establish Tsukushi-dazai. 본고에서는 大宰府의 전신인 6~7세기의 축자대재가 어떻게 형성되었는지 그 주요 요인을 탐구하고자 했다. 축자대재의 성립과정에 대해서는 여러 관점이 있었지만, 필자는 왜와 한반도의 외교교섭 특히 백제와의 교섭을 중시하였다. 종래 推古朝 對隋 외교에 비중을 두어 축자대재라는 관제가 성립되었다는 주장이 있었지만, 실제로 수와의 교섭은 2차례였고, 한반도 제국, 특히 백제와는 빈번하게 교섭하였다. 백제는 6세기를 통해서 군사적인 목적으로 빈번하게 왜와 교섭을 하였다. 한반도의 긴장 고조로 말미암아 왜로부터 군사지원을 필요로 한 백제는 그 반대급부로 유교경전과 불교 등 선진문물을 왜로 전수하게 되었다. 이 시기에는 고구려와 신라도 왜와 다양하고 빈번한 외교 교섭을 가졌다. 한편 군사외교를 원활하게 수행하기 위하여 전래한 불교를 왜가 적극적으로 수용하게 된 것도 축자대재 성립의 한 요인으로 지적해 보았다. 敏達朝에 ‘宰’(미코토모치)라는 용어가 나타나며, 한반도와의 외교교섭에서 활동하고 있었다. ‘宰’는 대왕의 命을 받든 자로서 한반도로 파견되는 사신을 칭했다. 축자대재란 筑紫의 ‘大宰’(오호미코토모치)이다. 한반도에 파견되어 외교적 직무를 수행하였던 ‘宰’와 마찬가지로, 중앙에서 축자지역에 파견된 사신이 정비·발전된 것이 ‘筑紫大宰’일 것이다.

      • KCI등재

        한국 공중보건 치과의사의 직무 기술서 개발

        박지아,박덕영,유현준,이병진,한솔,박희철,진보형 대한예방치과·구강보건학회 2023 大韓口腔保健學會誌 Vol.47 No.3

        Objectives: This study addressed longstanding issues in Korea’s public health dentist system bydefining and standardizing job duties. A practical job description was drafted based on job analysisresults to promote work efficiency and lay the groundwork for future educational programs. Methods: The job description elements were selected and drafted based on previous studies. These drafts were revised and refined with expert panel validation. Results: The main job duties of public health dentists encompass community oral health, dentalpractice, public oral health research, and special oral health, tailored for institutions such as healthsub-centers, health centers, health clinics, national health organizations, and correctional facilities. For community oral health at public health subcenters involves 12 key duties including projects,education, and community engagement. Public health centers/clinics focus on 16 key duties mainlyaround health project planning and evaluation. Dental care across both settings has 15 main duties. Public oral health research emphasizes community surveys and epidemiology. Special oral health incorrectional facilities covers 11 main duties including education and external resource linking. Conclusions: It concluded that for the development of public health dentists in South Korea, it isnecessary to develop public health dentist education programs to promote the performance ofpublic health dentists and to equip them with the competencies necessary to perform such duties,focusing on job descriptions organized around the characteristics of workplaces and major tasks.

      • KCI등재

        요양 시설 내 요양보호사의 구강 관리 향상 방안 제안

        박지아,한솔,진보형 대한예방치과·구강보건학회 2022 大韓口腔保健學會誌 Vol.46 No.4

        Objectives: This study aims to suggest ways to improve the oral care competencies of caregivers by strengthening oral care services for the elderly with mobility difficulties in long-term care facilities. Methods: Through a web survey, 215 caregivers were invited, their actual situation was identified, and necessary educational tasks were listed. We developed 16 types of card news, two types of songs, and four types of video clips that can be used in the field for the listed educational topics. Several meetings with expert developers resulted in developing the components and design of an oral health management platform for caregivers in long-term care facilities. Results: As a result of the web survey, many caregivers in long-term care facilities needed education or information on oral care methods, and many people felt difficulties in oral care for the elderly. About 40% of the caregivers had no experience in oral health education, and many learned how to care through unsystematic apprenticeships. Most of the education content that caregivers prioritized were brushing teeth and denture management, but there were also needs such as management of dementia and bedridden patients, non-cooperative oral care, nutrition management, and oral auxiliary products use. Conclusions: In conclusion, this study reviewed and suggested digital platforms such as strengthening caregivers’ competency in long-term care facilities, providing customized educational information, discovering oral problems of the elderly, and reporting oral difficulties to experts.

      • KCI등재

        설계 능력 향상을 위한 시각화 중심 설계 모형 개발

        박지아,최준섭 한국기술교육학회 2015 한국기술교육학회지 Vol.15 No.3

        이 연구는 기술교육에서 설계 능력 함양을 위한 시각화 중심 설계 모형을 개발하는 데 있다. 기술적 문제해결을 목적으로 설계 모형 개발을 위해 설계 및 시각화관련 문헌 고찰 및 사례 분석을 통하여 설계 모형 개발 준거의 하위 요소로 설계과정, 시각화 과정, 단계별 시각도구를 도출하였다. 여기서 시각도구란 내재적 이미지를 외재적으로 표현하기 위한 도구를 말하며, 시각화 과정이란 내재적 이미지와외재적 표현이 교류하는 과정을 말한다. 이러한 하위 요소를 바탕으로, 아이디어 창출과 구체화에 핵심을 두고 시각화의 강조를 통해 설계 능력을 함양하기 위한 설계모형을 개발하였다. 개발된 설계 모형의 타당도 검증을 위하여 전문가 집단의 설문지 조사를 통해 수정․보완하여 개발된 설계 모형을 완성하였다. 또한 시각화 중심설계 모형을 기반으로 수업 과제를 개발하고 수업에 투입하여 학생들의 설계 능력에 유의한 변화를 미치는지 검증하였다. 적용 대상의 수업 사전․사후 t 검증 및 학생들의 서술형 수업 평가를 실시하여 학생들의 설계 능력 변화를 분석하였다. 이 연구를 통해 얻은 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 설계 모형에 적용할 시각화 과정 및 시각도구의 준거를 통해, 설계 능력 함양을 위한 ‘시각화 중심 설계 모형’을개발하였다. 둘째, 고등학교 기술․가정과 ‘기술 혁신과 설계’ 단원에서 개발된 설계모형을 적용한 수업 과제를 투입한 결과, 학습자의 설계 능력 평균 변화값이 향상된 것을 확인하였다. 특히, 아이디어 창출과 교류 영역에서 크게 향상되었다. The purpose of this study is to develop the visualizing-based design model for the improving the ability to design in Technology·Home Economics subject. The visualizing-based design model emphasizes visualizing by applying the visualizing process and placing visual tools in the design process. The study was conducted in the three stages. In order to cultivate the ability to design in technology education we confirmed the necessity of design process and visualizing in the design. According to this, the existing design models and visualizing elements used mainly in technology education were analyzed. The derived visualizing-based design model were modified through the expert’s verification. The projects which visualizing-based design model applied to were developed to identify the effectiveness of the developed design model. After the developed projects were carried out. After analyzing the result of the one-group pretest-posttest and descriptive learning evaluation. The results of this study are as follows. First, the visualizing-based design model was developed to emphasize visualizing to improve the ability to design. The design model was focused idea generation and embodies the core emphasis of the visualizing. Second, the developed visualizing-based design model was tested in the field. In the unit of ‘Technology Innovation and Design’ on high school. It was confirmed that it significantly effected the improvement of the learner’s ability to design. It was also confirmed to greatly improve the ideation and communication stages in the design process.

      • KCI등재

        중추신경계 질환의 진단과 치료를 위한 엑소좀의 활용

        박지아,최윤식 한국생명과학회 2023 생명과학회지 Vol.33 No.9

        Exosomes are a type of extracellular vesicle containing proteins and messenger and microRNAs; they are secreted by all cell types. Once released, exosomes are selectively taken up by other cells adjacent or at a distance, releasing their contents and reprogramming the target cells. Since exosomes are natural vesicles produced by cells as small sizes, it is generally accepted that exosomes have a non-toxic nature and non-immunogenic behaviors. Recently, exosomes have elicited scientific attention as drug delivery vehicles to the central nervous system. The central nervous system has a blood-brain barrier that makes it difficult for drugs to penetrate. Thus, the blood-brain barrier has been a major obstacle to the development of drugs for treating neurodegenerative diseases. However, accumulating evidence suggests that exosomes can cross the blood-brain barrier primarily through transcytosis. Consequently, exosomes are expected to become a new delivery vehicle that can cross the blood-brain barrier and deliver drugs into the brain parenchyma. In addition, since different types of exosomes are secreted depending on the cell type and disease state, exosomes can also be utilized as biomarkers for the diagnosis of diseases in the central nervous system. In this review, we summarized recent research trends on exosomes, including clinical trials as biomarkers and treatment options for diseases in the central nervous system.

      • KCI등재

        The effect of bee pollen and its flavonoids on immune-modulating in mice

        박지아,정일경,최윤식 한국응용과학기술학회 2023 한국응용과학기술학회지 Vol.40 No.5

        Bee pollen is a valuable apitherapeutic product and has been known to have diverse biological activities, including antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, and even anticancer activity. However, its effect on the immune system is not well studied and is rather controversial. This study intended to elucidate the biological activity of bee pollen on immunity. For this purpose, we used lyophilized bee pollen after wet grinding, which shows increased extraction of bioactive components and enhanced biological activity. First, lyophilized bee pollen after wet grinding significantly increased the proliferation of splenocytes isolated from normal mice. On the other hand, lyophilized bee pollen after wet grinding dose-dependently reversed splenocyte proliferation by concanavalin A or lipopolysaccharide. To clarify the activity of bee pollen on immunity lyophilized bee pollen after wet grinding was administered daily to mice for five weeks and isolated splenocytes. In this study, there was no significant difference in the population of immune cells and the size of spleen between bee pollen- and sterile water-treated groups. However, proliferation of splenocyte isolated from bee pollen-administered animals was boosted by both concanavalin A and lipopolysaccharide. Finally, kaempferol, a well-known flavonoid from bee pollen, dose-dependently increased splenocyte proliferation by both Con A and LPS. On the other hand, naringenin, another flavonoid in the bee pollen, dose-dependently inhibited the proliferation of splenocytes by Con A and LPS. Together, these data indicate that bee pollen may be able to prime the immunity to boost immune reaction after inflammation.

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