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        박장규,노하석,김태원,이증훈 충남대학교 의과대학 지역사회의학연구소 1997 충남의대잡지 Vol.24 No.2

        Many patients have worried about side effects of drugs which prescribed for skin problems, so this survey was performed to examine the cognition of patients about drugs for skin diseases using questionary. 1. Out of 182 respondents, 67.55 have heard that dermatologic medications were noxious, 49.5% believed it, and 28.65 experienced side effects of drugs for skin diseases. 2. The cognition that dermatologic medications were noxious was related to anti-inflammatory drugs, antibiotics and abuse of corticosteroids. The number of patients who complained of drowsiness and dizziness decreased after development of nonsedative antihistamics. 3. In Korea, many non-specialists, general physicians and pharmaceutists have treated skin diseases. They have prescribed corticosteroids for skin problems without strict principle and education the patients with prevention of side effects of it. So many patients with skin problems gave suffered from peptic ulcer, weight gain and puffy face after being treated for skin problems were noxious. Therefore, doctor should prescribe corticosteroids for skin problems with strict indication and the Ministry of Health and Welfare might estabilish the rule that corticosteroids should not be delievered to the patient without doctor's prescription for keeping peoples mental and physical health.

      • 자극성 물질이 첩포시험 결과에 미치는 영향에 대한 연구

        박장규,이우재,김경훈,서기범,이증훈 충남대학교 의과대학 지역사회의학연구소 1993 충남의대잡지 Vol.20 No.2

        We studied the effects of irritants on the positive patch test sites in 6 volunteers. We firstly performed the patch test with 2, 4, 6, 8, 10% sodium lauryl sulfate on the back of 22 volunteers. Allergens (thimerosal, mercury ammonium chloride) were applied in duplicate, and 24 hours later they were removed and sodium lauryl sulfate was applied for a further 24hours to one set of patches. Response of allergen alone were measured at 24 hours, 48 hours, 72 hours, 120hours, 140hours and the degree of inflammation of the other site(allergen + irritant) was graded 30 minutes, 24, 48 and 72 hours later according to International Contact Dermatitis Research Group. The results were as follows 1. Twenty volunteers(90.9%) showed irritation sign on the patch sites with 6% sodium lauryl sulfate. 2. In the results of patch test in 6 cases with positive allergen sites, 5 cases showed the similar results with those of previous patch test (reproducibility = 83 %) 3. When we assessed the patch test results according to ICDRG, the results of patch tests after application with irritants on previous positive allergen slites did not show stronger responses than those of positive allergen alone 4. The results of patch test after application with irritants on previous negative allergen did not show erythema. It seems that the effect irritant application of lower concentration than irritant dose not influence the response to the allergen concentration than to cause erythema, on the response of allergen

      • 접촉성 피부염 환자와 정상인의 첩포검사에 관한 연구

        박장규,성열훈,성범진 충남대학교 의과대학 지역사회의학연구소 1989 충남의대잡지 Vol.16 No.2

        Numerous studies on epidemiological aspects of contact dermatitis due to various causative antigens have been reported n recent year in Korea. However, degree of sensitization in healthy persons was not reported till now in Korea. We have performed the patch test on patients with contact dermatitis and healthy persons. The study results were as follows; 1. Percent of positive reaction in patients with contact dermatitis was 45.9%. The common allergens of positive reactions were nickel sulfate(21.6%), potassium dichromate (10.8%), neomycin sulfate (8.1%), Balsam of Peru (8.1%), mercuric chloride, ammoniated (5.4%), p-phenylenediamine(5.4%), cinnamic alcohol(5.4%), ethylenediamine dihydrochloride (2.7%), formaldehyde(2.7%), wool wax alcohol(2.7%), thimerosal (2.7%), mercaptobenzothiazole(2.7%), imidazolidinyl urea(2.7%) in order of frequency. 2. Percent of positive reaction in healthy persons was 10.3% and the common allergens were mercuric chloride, ammoniated(5.2%), nickel sulfate(3.1%), cinnamic alcohol(2.1%), ethylenediamine dihydrochloride(1.0%), formaldehyde(1.0%), epoxy resin(1.0%), in order of frequency. We conclude that allergens associated with metals and drugs seem to be the dominant causes of contact dermatitis and healthy persons.

      • 206 정상인의 첩포검사에 관한 역학적조사

        박장규,성범진,김영호,이증훈 충남대학교 의과대학 지역사회의학연구소 1991 충남의대잡지 Vol.18 No.2

        206 medical students as being healthy and without a history of contact dermatitis were patch tested with the Hollister-stier standard batteries from February 1989 to March 1991. Men were 184(89.3%) and women were 22(10.7%). Of these, 15(7.3%) reacted to patch test allergens, among whom 8(53.3%) reacted with single substance and total number of sensitizer was 23. The most frequent sensitizers were : mercury chloride ammoniated 9 cases(4.4%), nickel sulfate 4 cases(1.9%), thimerosal 4 cases(1.9%), cinnamic alcohol 2 cases(1.0%), ethylenediamine. Balsam of Peru. benzyl alcohol and epoxy resin 1 case each(0.5%). Most reactors(65%) including all female reactors showed weak reaction(+1). These results gave two informations. One was that popular sensitizers were related with medicaments and metal, and the other was that data of contact sensitization in healthy control should precede those of contact dermatitis for correct evaluation of patch test data of contact dermatitis group.

      • 여드름양 발진에서의 말라쎄지아 포자 검출 빈도에 관한 연구

        박장규,이웅재,김연수,서영준,김경호,이증훈 충남대학교 의과대학 지역사회의학연구소 1998 충남의대잡지 Vol.25 No.2

        Steroid acne and pityrosporum folliculitis have similar clinical manifestations. So it was not casy to do differential diagnosis of these two diseases. We have tried to find out the different points between these diseases in clinical characteristics, positive rate of the malassezia spores, and their response to antifungal agents. We studied 21 patients with acneiform eruptions which were distinct from acne vulgaris. Patients were divided into two groups by steroid treatment history. Among 21 patients, 6 were administered steroid just before eruption and 15 were free from steroid within 6 months. We have examined malassezia spores with 10% KOH/Parker blue black ink mount from papules, pustules and comedones according to the patients skin lesions. The malassezia spores detected in 5 paticnts(83.3%) in the former and 9 patients(60%) in the latter. In malassezia folliculitis, the frequency of which showed above the (3+) score of malassezia spore under microscopy was higher than in steroid acne. Mean duration of the disease was 70.4 weeks in latter group, which was longer than 5.2 weeks of the former group. And there were some differences between two groups in the distribution of the lesions. Mean treatment duration was same in two groups (4 wks, 3.5 wks). Steroid acne patients would be treated better with antifungal agents than with acne regimens.

      • 태권도 선수들의 대퇴 등속성 근기능에 관한 연구

        박장규 한국스포츠리서치 2005 한국 스포츠 리서치 Vol.16 No.2

        The purpose of this was to analyze for the study on trait of thigh isokinetic strength and muscle endurance of soccer players. Subjects were regular group(n=8) and regular reserver group (n=10). They were measured and evaluated the strength of 60o/sec, 180°/sec work speed and muscular endurance of 240°/sec work speed after 50 time(extension/flexion exercise). The finding of study were as follows: 1. Regular group on peak torque strength at the lower work speed, 60"/sec, was extensor 165.1Nm, flexsor 85.2Nm which was significantly(p<.01) reserver than peak torque of high school group. However, each group in ratio of extensor to flexor at the same work speed showed imbalanc below to 60%. 2. Regular group on peak torque strength at the medium work speed. 180"/sec. was extensor 150.4Nm, flexsor 79.4Nm, which was significantly (p<.01) higher than peak torque of reserver group. However, each group in ratio of extensor to flexor at the same work speed showed imbalanc below to 60%. 3. Regular group on total peak torque at the high speed, 240"/sec. was extensor 118.2Nm. flexsor 119.1Nm, which was significantly(p<.01) higher than peak torque of reserver group. Reserver group on total work was extensor 1220.92J, flexsor 1225.21J, which was significantly (p<.05. p<.01) higher than total work of regular group. 4. Regular group on mean power at the high speed, 240"/sec. was extensor 146.3Watts flexsor 122.6Watts, which was significantly(p<.01) higher than mean power of reserver group. Reserver group on fatigue index was extenser 86.77%, flexsor 82.24J, which was significantly (p<.01) higher than fatigue index of regular group. Within the results of this study, the tindings have suggested the following conclusions for the advancement of strength. muscle endurance in Tae Kwon Do players : the exercising of Tae Kwon Do players to develop muscular strength. power, and endurance. should be aimed at the peak torque Improvement and balanced development of muscle strength for hamstnng strength.

      • KCI등재

        한국 민간경비 자격제도의 현황과 개선방안 연구 : 경비지도사 및 경비원 자격을 중심으로

        박장규,김남중 한국융합보안학회 2013 융합보안 논문지 Vol.13 No.5

        한국의 민간경비 산업은 발전하고 있지만 영세한 업체들의 난립으로 인해 결국 저가입찰을 할 수 밖에 없다. 그 결과경비원은 낮은 보수와 후생복지의 취약 등으로 인해 업무 숙련도가 떨어지고 사기가 저하될 뿐더러 양질의 서비스를 기대하기 어려운 것이 현실이다. 또한 민간경비 분야의 전문 인력 양성체재에 대한 교육 및 훈련과 전문 인력에 대한 자격인증제도도 미흡한 실정이다. 이러한 문제에 적극적으로 대응하기 위한 방안 중의 하나로 자격제도를 활성화시키는방안을 들 수 있다. 따라서 주요 국가 및 한국의 민간경비 관련 자격제도들의 현황을 조사한 후 문제점을 분석하여 다음과 같은 개선방안을 제시하고자 한다. 첫째, 경비지도사 자격제도는 경비지도사의 직무와 직접 관련성이 높은 과목을검정하고, 실기시험을 추가하며, 경비 업무별 실기 위주의 교육과 정기적인 보수 교육 등이 필요하다. 또한 민간경비 산업에서 실질적으로 필요한 인원을 정확히 파악하여 검정하며, 1차 시험 면제 대상의 축소가 요구된다. 둘째, 경비원 직무교육 과목은 법적으로 명시되어야 하며, 경호·경비와 관련된 학력 및 경력자들에게 경비원 교육 과목을 일부 면제 해주거나 평가만을 통한 이수방법이 필요하다.

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