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      • KCI등재

        모의 실험을 이용한 여러 합치도들의 비교

        한경도,박용규,Han, Kyung-Do,Park, Yong-Gyu 한국데이터정보과학회 2012 한국데이터정보과학회지 Vol.23 No.1

        두 평정자간 평가의 일치정도를 나타내는 합치도로 Cohen (1960)의 ${\pi}$, Scott (1955)의 H, 박미희와 박용규 (2007)의 등 많은 통계량이 제안되어왔다. 모의실험을 통하여 균형적 주변분포에서의 명목형과 순서형 합치도, 두 가지 역설이 발생하는 불균형 주변분포에서의 명목형 합치도들의 편의, 표준오차, 평균오차제곱 분산, 변이계수를 비교한 결과, 모든 경우에서 AC1과 H의 표준오차와 변이계수가 가장 작게 나타났다. Many statistics, such as Cohen's (1960) ${\kappa}$, Scott's (1955) ${\pi}$, and Park and Park's (2007) H have been proposed as measures of agreement to represent inter-rater reliability. This study compared bias, SE, MSE, and CV of the measures of agreement with nominal and ordinal categories in the balanced marginal distributions, and those with nominal categories in the two paradoxical situations. As a result, in all cases, AC1and Hhad smaller SE and CV.

      • KCI등재

        박정희 정권 시기 언론인의 직업적 정체성의 변화

        박용규(Yong-Gyu Park) 서울대학교 언론정보연구소 2014 언론정보연구 Vol.51 No.2

        5·16 쿠데타 직후부터 박정희 정권은 탄압을 가해 비판적 언론활동을 위축시키는 한편 특혜를 제공해 신문사가 하나의 기업으로 성장하도록 했다. 신문의 기업화 과정에서 경영진의 내적 통제가 강화되었지만, 언론인들은 여전히 저임금과 고용 불안에 시달렸다. 이런 외적, 내적 통제의 강화로 비판적 논조가 소멸되면서 독자들의 언론에 대한 비판적 인식이 형성되었다. 외적·내적 통제 속에 언론활동이 위축되고 직업적 권익도 보장받지 못하면서, 자신들이 ‘샐러리맨화’되고 있다고 자조하던 언론인들은 현실 타개를 위해 ‘노조결성 시도’와 ‘전문직화 모색’ 움직임을 보여주었다. 이런 두 가지 시도들은 정권 및 경영진의 탄압과 언론인의 역량 부족 등으로 인해 별 다른 성과를 거두지는 못했다. 비록 실패로 끝나고 말았지만, 박정희 정권 시기의 이런 경험들은 ‘권력에 대한 비판과 저항’이라는 지사적 언론인 전통의 긍정적 유산을 계승하면서도, 언론노동자로서의 철저한 의식과 전문직주의에 대한 체계적 인식을 종합해 언론인의 바람직한 정체성을 형성해 나가야 하다는 의식을 갖게 해 주었다. Immediately after the 5·16 coup, the Park Chung?hee regime started trying to constrict any critical activities of journalists and they were willing to support the press to grow as an enterprise. This industrialization of newspaper only intensified the internal control of owners, and that eventually led the journalists to be suffered from low wages and job insecurity. Such of those external and internal controls drove any critical contents out, and that caused the development of readers’ critical ideas about the press. As they always got watched for their journalistic activities and were never been guaranteed for occupational rights and interests, the journalists sneered at themselves for becoming one of those ‘salaried men.’ That consequently encouraged them to make attempts to ‘form a labor union’ and to ‘search for professionalization.’ However, those attempts did not make it to any satisfactory result because of the suppression from the government and the owners of the press, the journalists’ lack of competence. But, despite the failure, what the journalists went through during the Park Chung?hee regime did have an influence on the journalists’ trying to build a desirable identity.

      • KCI우수등재
      • KCI우수등재

        1920년 조선어 민간신문 창간의 배경과 과정

        박용규(Yong-Gyu Park) 한국언론학회 2018 한국언론학보 Vol.62 No.5

        In the aftermath of the March 1 Independence Movement, the Japanese Imperialist was forced to implement ‘cultural politics’, allowing some freedom of speech. In order to assuage the Korean people`s discontent, the Governor-General of Korea approved the publication of newspapers in 1920 and tried to grasp public sentiment or manipulate public opinion. The Governor-General gave permission to publish newspapers by forming the overall structure, even considering the right number of newspapers to cause division and competition. Various groups and individuals of Koreans applied for permission to publish newspapers with political or economic intentions. The Governor-General approved the publication of two of the active collaborators and one of the passive resistance forces. The authors of the magazine were consistently critical of Shisa-Shinmoon and Chosun-Ilbo. However, there was mixed opinion that Dong-A Ilbo was relatively nationalistic or that Dong-A Ilbo was not much different from the other two newspapers at the time of the foundation.

      • KCI우수등재

        최남선의 현실 인식과『소년』의 특성 변화

        박용규(Park Yong-Gyu) 한국언론학회 2011 한국언론학보 Vol.55 No.1

        The initial purpose of the magazine called So-Nyeon(The Boy) was to send modern new knowledge to non-specific boys in Korea. Of course, the word boy was included in all running stories in the magazine at the initial period, and it highlighted boy as the main character. Accordingly, the contents of the early So-Nyeon consisted of various exciting knowledges. However, despite these efforts, So-Nyeon failed to reach many subscribers. When considering that the subscribers were only dozens, it seems that the publishment was too early to reach many subscribers, or it failed to meet the demands of the young boys' requirements. After Choi Nam-Seon joined the Youth's Student Association, So-Nyeon became the official magazine of the Association, showing efforts to participate in national movement, focused on competence enhancement through this magazine. The word boy was changed to youth, and the need for participating with other youths were raised. Naturally, there were many poems emphasizing the national spirit and moral training discourses. These changes reflected the newly appeared subscribers' demands along with the members of the Youth's Student Union, teachers, and middle school students. It had also provided an opportunity to reach out to more subscribers.

      • KCI등재

        초등영어 문화교육 연구 분석

        박용규 ( Yong Gyu Park ),박주경 ( Joo Kyung Park ) 21세기영어영문학회 2010 영어영문학21 Vol.23 No.3

        The purpose of this paper is to examine teaching culture in Korean elementary English classrooms from a critical point of view based on the results of the research analysis and to suggest an appropriate direction for the elementary English language and culture education. To this end, one hundred and thirty two research papers published from 1997 to 2009 on teaching culture in elementary school English classes were analyzed by the publishing year and the contents. It was found out that 30(22.7%), 78(59.1%), and 24(18.2%) papers were published during the 6th, 7th, and further revision periods of national curriculum respectively. The largest number of papers were about culture teaching programs(33%), teaching material analysis(39%) and the effects of teaching culture(34%) in each of the three periods. The results show that there is a gap between curriculum rhetoric and the classroom reality and that more cultural component needs to be incorporated in teaching English language.

      • KCI등재

        한국 텔레비전 음악버라이어티쇼의 성쇠

        박용규(Yong-Gyu Park) 한국콘텐츠학회 2014 한국콘텐츠학회논문지 Vol.14 No.10

        이 논문은 TBC-TV의 ‘쇼쇼쇼’를 중심으로 한국의 음악버라이어티쇼가 어떻게 성장하고, 쇠퇴했는지를 살펴보려는 것이다. KBS-TV로 통폐합되기 전까지 토요일 저녁 8시 경에 방송을 했던 ‘쇼쇼쇼’는 온 가족이 주말 저녁 한 때를 즐겁게 보낼 수 있도록 해주었다. ‘쇼쇼쇼’는 다양한 장르의 음악들을 다루었고, 음악외에 무용, 코미디는 물론 각종 마술이나 묘기들도 선보였다. ‘쇼쇼쇼’는 1970년대 말까지 모든 세대에게 인기를 누린 프로그램이었다. 그러나 ‘쇼쇼쇼’는 점차로 음악버라이어티쇼다운 특성을 잃으며 음악 위주의 프로그램이 되었다. 또한 갈수록 성인 취향의 음악이 상대적으로 더 큰 비중을 차지하게 되었다. ‘쇼쇼쇼’는 통폐합의 영향으로 위축되기 시작하다가, 결국 시청행태 변화와 음악적 취향 분화의 영향으로 사라지고 말았다. ‘쇼쇼쇼’의 종영은 가족이 함께 보는 음악버라이어티쇼의 종말을 의미하는 것이었다. This paper deals with how Korean television musical variety show rose and declined focusing the Show Show Show. Show Show Show was a Korean television musical variety show that ran on TBC-TV every Saturday night at 8pm. until TBC-TV was absorbed into KBS-TV in 1980. Its musical acts, of various kinds, were interspersed with comic turns and special items including dancing, mime, magic, and acrobat. Korean television musical variety show worked on what audiences had in common across generational divides till the late 1970s. Show Show Shows catchall format didn’t cross the demographic lines like it used to. But the young generation demanded music program that spoke to their own condition in the early 1980s. ‘Show Show Show’ ended on KBS-TV in July 1983 through the influence of the absorption of TBC-TV into KBS-TV and the changes of cultural circumstances. The decline of the television musical variety show was attributable to the fragmentation of musical taste and the change of viewing behaviors.

      • KCI등재

        1960년대의 언론 노동운동

        박용규(Yong-Gyu Park) 서울대학교 언론정보연구소 2017 언론정보연구 Vol.54 No.4

        이 글은 1960년대 한국 언론 노동운동의 전개 과정과 그 특성을 논의하려는 것이다. 4월 혁명의 여파로 1960년에 최초로 신문 노조가 결성되었다. 그러나 신문기업의 영세성으로 인해 임금 인상이나 고용 안정 같은 목표를 달성할 수는 없었다. 그럼에도 신문 노조 결성의 경험은 1960년대 초반 이후 언론인, 경영진, 그리고 정부에게 모두 영향을 주었다. 언론인들은 노조 결성의 필요성을 인식했고, 경영진과 정부는 노조 결성을 막으려고 시도했다. 1960년대 말에 언론 자유에 대한 탄압이 강화되고 노동 조건이 더욱 악화되면서 언론인들 사이에 노조 결성에 대한 논의가 활발해졌다. 그러나 정부와 경영진의 압력과 언론인의 의식의 한계로 실제 노조 결성이 이루어지지는 않았다. This paper attempts to explore the development of the press labor movement and its characteristics in the 1960s. Journalists founded their unions for the first time in the wake of the April Revolution of 1960. But press unions were unable to aggressively pursue issues such as wage increase and job security because newspaper publishers were small and unprofitable until the early 1960s. Nevertheless, the experience of founding a press union influenced journalists, publishers and the government after the early 1960s. Journalists recognized the need for the union, while publishers and the government tried to prohibit the formation of press union. The idea of unionization captured the attention and interest of journalists in the late 1960s because of the regimeʹs increasing suppressing of free press and the alarming deterioration of working conditions. However, those attempts did not make it to any satisfactory result because of the suppression from the government and the owners of the press, the journalists’ lack of competence.

      • KCI우수등재

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