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        Dimmesdale 의 구원문제 : "By karma is this world led." - Atthasalini What they are in common and different

        박영의 한국호손학회 1994 미국소설 Vol.1 No.1

        A typical Christian interpretation of The Scarlet letter sees Dimmesdale's revelation of his secret sin before the town's peoples as a sign of his salvation, while it sees Chillingworth's cold revenge as a sign of damnation. But such naive Christian interpretation does not give fair explanation to the final fate of any of the three major characters-Dimmesdale, Hester, and Chillingworth. Such Christian interpretation overlooks the fact that Dimmesdale is a Puritan minister, and one of the famous Five Points of Calvinist theology explicitly states on $quot;unconditional election$quot; that $quot;God, under no obligation to save anyone, saves, or 'elects' whom he will, with no reference to faith or good works, Since all things are present in the mind of God at once, He knows beforehand who will be saved : and thus elution or reprobation is predestined. According to this doctrine, Dimmesdale's confession of his sin is no proof of his salvation. Dimmesdale's following absurd praise of God's mercy is dying man's desperate wish, not the proof of his salvation : God knows and He is merciful i He hath proved His mercy, moat of all, in my affliction. By giving me this burning torture to bear upon my breast ! By sending yonder dark and terrible old man, to keep the torture always at red-heat ! By bringing me hither, to die this death of triumphant ignominy before the people ! Had either of these agonies been wanting, I had been lost for ever ! Praise be His name ! His will be done ! Farewell ! On the other hand, Chillingworth is not so devilish as he seems. At least he is not a $quot;fiend$quot; sent by God to save Dimmesdale as the dying minister believes. His devilish revenge must have been beyond God's $quot;infinite$quot; mercy. But Dimmesdale's death brought him back a little humanity that was left in him and leaves all his great fortune to Pearl. This surely cannot be a devil's work. If it does not win God's pardon, it does at least win the reader's sympathy. As revengeful Captain Ahab still retained a drop of tear that contained more $quot;wealth$quot; than $quot;all the Pacific,$quot; Chillingworth didn't lose all his humanity which prevented him from becoming the final fate of Ethan Brand and Richard Digby who never reflected on their evil doings. Lastly, Nester leaves us least room, among the three, for any Christian interpretation. She is, from the beginning to the end, remains to be earthly woman longing for the happiness on earth, not in heaven. And it is very interesting to note, for us Orientals, that these three characters represent three poisons (tri-dosapaha) in Buddhism : raga (貧 = covetousness or craving = Hester), dvesa (瞋 = malice or anger = Chillingworth), moha (痴 = delusion or ignorence = Dimmesdale). These are the root of all human miseries. To avoid these pitfalls, one should abstain from any kind of obsession, even with God ox faith. Dimmesdale, Hester, and Chillingworth were obsessed with God, love, and revenge, respectively. Hester and Chillingworth were released of their obsession by Dirnmesdale's death. But Dimmesdale failed to achieve Enlightenment by casting off his obsession(his blind faith), which is the only way to Nirvana in Buddhism.

      • KCI등재

        The Scarlet Letter 에 대한 다양한 접근 방법

        박영의 한국호손학회 2000 미국소설 Vol.7 No.1

        The objective of this paper is to introduce diverse approaches to the analytical study of The Scarlet Letter: anti-Christian lion, moral-Philosophical interpretation, psychological, interpretation romantic and femanistic interpretation, dialogic and deconstruction theory lion, formalistic interpretation including symbolism, irony and ambiguity, and the Lest is the reader-response interpretation, including reception theory and a comparative study with different cultural backgrounds and tradition such as Eastern philosophy and religion. Due to the limited space of the paper, the analyses of the text with these are rather brief. It is hoped that the examples of this study may serve a general guideline especially for the students of English literature. The guideline of the analyses of the text may be applied to the other texts of interest.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        The Mirror of Seon (4)

        박영의 동국대학교 불교학술원 2012 International Journal of Buddhist Thought & Cultur Vol.18 No.-

        “There is One-thing that is pure and sublime from its birthless birth, and as it has neither beginning nor end, there is no way to be named or described.” This is the opening line of ‘The Mirror of Seon’ by the Most Venerable Seosan. He then asks himself, “What is it that is the One-thing called?” and answers his own question quoting a passage from an ancient sage: “There was a circle even before the arrival of Buddha, which not even Sakyamuni could describe. How then was it possible for Mahakasyapa to transmit it?” This is the theme and the essence of the work: finding our true nature and original face, which is without form and indescribable.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        " The Minister`s Black Veil " : 죽음의 모호성

        박영의 한국호손학회 1996 미국소설 Vol.3 No.1

        "The Minister's Black Veil"에 둥장하는 Hooper목사의 얼굴에 드리워진 검은 두건이 목사가 숨기고 있는 어떤 죄를 상징한다는 데는 비평가들 사이에 큰 이견이 없으나, 그가 숨기고 있는 죄가 과연 무엇이냐는데 대해선 아직 만족스러운 해답이 나오지 않고 있다. 특히 H. J. Lang은 Hooper목사의 검은 두건 사건에 있어서 문제의 핵심은 Hooper목사가 숨기고 있는 죄 자체 보다 목사의 지나치게 예민한 성격에 있다고 주장하고 있으나, 필자의 주장은 이사건의 근본문제는 Hooper목사의 지나치게 예민한 성격에 있는 것이 아니라, 그들 스스로 하나님애 의해 택함을 받았다고 자부하고 있는 청교도들의 교만한 믿음과 잘못된 교리에 있다는 것이다. 바꾸어 말하면, Hooper목사의 지나친 과민한 성격은 문제의 결과이지 문제의 원인이 아니라는 것이며, 따라서 Hooper목사의 검은 두사건의 문제를 해결하기 위해서는 그 당시 청교도들의 예정론과 구원론을 철저히 연구할 필요가 있다는 것이 본 논문의 핵심이다.

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