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        명승 제1호 「명주 청학동 소금강」에 대한 지명 재고(再考)

        노재현,김현,Rho, Jae-Hyun,Kim, Hyun 한국전통조경학회 2014 한국전통조경학회지 Vol.32 No.4

        국내 명승 제1호 "명주 청학동 소금강"의 지명 유래와 변천과정 등에 대한 오류 검토의 일환으로, 관련 고지도, 지리지, 유산기 등의 고문헌 그리고 바위글씨의 분석과 해석을 통해 확인된 본 연구의 결론은 다음과 같다. 지리지 분석 결과 '소금강'이란 지명은 17세기 중반의 "여지도서"에서 처음 등장한 이래, 20세기 초반 발간된 "증수임영지"에서 재현되고 있으나 고지도에서는 청학동 청학산 청학사 등의 지명 이외에 소금강이란 지명은 발견되지 않는다. '청학산'이란 지명이 최초로 발견되는 문헌은 "신증동국여지승람"이지만, 지명으로서의 최초 기록은 율곡의 "유청학산기"로 이 기록에는 소금강'이란 지명은 찾아볼 수 없고 단지 '청학산'이란 지명만 확인될 뿐이다. '이후 이순인의 "고담일고", 허균의 송별기, 허목의 "청학동구룡연기", 윤순거의 "파동일기" 그리고 이원조의 서간(書簡) 등을 볼 때 약 3세기 이상 이곳은 '청학산' 또는 '청학동'이란 지명으로 불려온 것으로 보인다. 반면에 '소금강'이란 지명이 확인되는 최초 기록은 18세기 중반 작(作)인 강재항의 시이다. 또한 금강사 앞 이능암(二能巖)에 새겨진 '소금강(小金剛)'이란 바위글씨의 주체는 크기, 서법, 전체적인 배치구도와 마모 정도 그리고 지리지의 기록 등을 고려할 때 1870년 또는 1930년에서야 동일한 주체인 이능계원(二能契員)에 의해 새겨진 것으로 보임에 따라 이곳 지명 유래의 탄탄한 근거였던 '소금강(小金剛)' 바위글씨를 율곡의 글씨로 단정할 만한 근거는 없다. 이상의 결과를 종합할 때, 율곡의 "유청학산기" 이후 이곳은 줄곧 '청학산 청학동'으로 불려왔으며 '소금강'이란 지명은 18세기 중반 이후 "입재선생유고" 중 "오언고시조"와 "여지도서"를 시작으로 "동유일기" 등 유람기 등에서도 발견되는 것으로 보아 조선후기 소금강이란 이칭(異稱)이 일반화되면서 혼용되었음을 추론할 수 있다. 요컨대 기존 명승 제1호 지명에 큰 오류가 있다고 보기는 곤란하지만 율곡의 유람과 관련된 명소로서의 장소성을 부각시키는 측면에서는 '청학동 소금강'보다는 '청학산 청학동'이란 지명이 보다 합당한 지명인 것으로 판단한다. 아울러 본 연구과정에서 확인된 1664년 윤선거 일행이 현 식당암에 각자한 '청학산(靑鶴山)', '경담(鏡潭)'의 지명 바위글씨는 고전적 유람 텍스트로서의 "유청학산기"의 영향력을 살필 수 있는 증표이자 기호학파 선비들의 율곡에 대한 숭모와 추념의식이 고스란히 담긴 표식으로 보존이 요망된다. As part of reconsideration on naming of the scenic site No.1 "Myeongju Cheonghak-dong Sogumgang," this study attempts to identify whether there is any mistake with reference to place naming of Korea's No.1 scenic site and if so, to correct the problem by examining the origin of the name and its transition progress through analysis and interpretation of old maps, ancient documents such as traditional geographic books, Yusangi(遊山記) and Letters Carved on the Rocks. The findings of this study are as follows: In traditional geographic books, a term of 'Mt. Cheonghak(靑鶴山)' was first found from "SinjungDonggookyeojisungram(新增東國輿地勝覽)" and after a place name, 'Sogumgang(小金剛)' first appeared in "Yeojidoseo(輿地圖書)" in the middle of the 17th century, it was reproduced in "Jungsuimyeongji(增修臨瀛誌)", which was published in the early 20th century. However, as a result of analyzing old maps, the place name, Sogumgang cannot be found in any local or national map except place names such as Cheonghak-dong, Mt. Cheonghak and Temple Cheonghak. Even though 'Biseonam,' 'Cheonyudong,' 'Gyeongdam' and 'Mt. Cheonghak' appear in Yulgok's "Yucheonghaksangi(遊靑鶴山記)", any part in which 'Sogumgang' was referred is not found. Later, Cheonghak-dong Sogumgang seemed to had been called 'Mt. Cheonghak' or 'Cheonghak-dong(靑鶴洞)' for more than three centuries as seen in Lee Sun-il's "Godamilgo(孤潭逸稿)", Heo Geun's farewell records, Heo Mok's "Cheonghak-dong Guryongyeongi(靑鶴洞九龍淵記)", Yoon Sun-geo(尹宣擧)'s "Padongilgi(巴東日記)" and Lee Won-jo's letters and a poem composed by Gang Jae-hang in the middle of the 18th century is the only record in which the place name, 'Sogumgang' is shown. Meanwhile, 'Sogumgang' carved on Inung Rock(二能巖) in front of Temple Gumgang is presumed to be carved by Inunggyeoone(二能契員) in the 1870s or in 1930s, considering the size of each character, calligraphy, overall layout, wear extent and records in Jiriji. Therefore, no evidence can be found to say that each character of 'Sogumgang' was written by Yulgok because 'Sogumgang' has strong evidences of the origin of its place name. To sum up the findings stated above, since Yulgok's "Yucheonghaksangi", this place seems to have been referred as 'Mt. Cheonghak Cheonghak-dong' and as it is confirmed that the place name, 'Sogumgang' first appeared in "Ohyeongosijo(五言古時調)" of "Ibjaeseonsangyugo(立齋先生遺稿)" and "Yeojidoseo" in the middle of the 18th century, it can be inferred that the place name, Sogumgang had been partly mingled as an another name of Mt. Cheonghak. Therefore, even though it is difficult to say the existing place name has a significant problem, it is thought that it will be better to name 'Mt. Cheonghak Cheonghak-dong' rather than 'Cheonghak-dong Sogumgang' in order to stress on this place's traditional identity as a scenic site related to Yulgok. In addition, as confirmed in this study process, it is said that each character of place names, 'Mt. Cheonghak' and 'Gyeongdam(鏡潭)' and name 'Yoon Sun-geo' carved in Rock Sikdang stated in Yoon Sun-geo's "Padongilgi" in 1964 is a pledge showing the influence of "Yucheonghaksangi" as an ancient travel literature as well as a mark of the Giho school scholars' respect and spirit to honor Yulgok.

      • KCI등재

        제주 정의읍성 벽면식생에 근거한 벽면식재용 식물 선정에 관한 기초연구

        노재현,오현경,최영현,김영숙,Rho, Jae-Hyun,Oh, Hyun-Kyung,Choi, Yung-Hyun,Kim, Yung-Suk 한국조경학회 2014 韓國造景學會誌 Vol.42 No.2

        본 연구는 제주도를 비롯하여 온대남부지방 성벽 벽면녹화에 적절한 식물종 선정을 위한 기초자료 제시를 목적으로 시도되었다. 제주 정의읍성 외곽 성벽의 식생을 조사 분석하여, 그 벽면식생의 가치특성과 문제점을 진단한 본 연구의 주요 결론은 다음과 같다. 성벽에 자생하는 식물은 총 52분류군이며, 이 중 방가지똥, 약모밀, 주홍서나물, 개망초, 자주광대나물 등 5분류군은 귀화식물로 분류되었다. 한편, 조사구별 출현종수는 3~14분류군이며, 평균 자생식물은 7.1분류군으로 나타났다. 상재도 III등급 이상의 식물은 말똥비름, 하늘타리, 송악, 모시풀이었으며, 종조성표 조작 결과, 정의읍성 성벽에 자생하는 식물종은 군락구분종 11분류군, 수반종 41분류군으로 총 52분류군으로 밝혀졌다. 자료 고찰 결과, 성벽 벽면식재를 위해 활용성이 높은 식물은 송악, 왕모람, 줄사철나무 등의 상록성 만경식물과 담쟁이덩굴, 하늘타리, 계요등 등의 낙엽성 만경식물로 밝혀졌다. 특히 왕모람은 남향의 성벽에 더욱 유용한 법면식생 재료로 추천한다. 이밖에 으름덩굴, 푼지나무, 가새잎개머루, 장딸기, 사위질빵 등의 목본식물과 각시마, 단풍마, 부채마, 거지덩굴 그리고 좁은잎계요등 등의 초본식물은 남부지방의 성벽을 비롯한 벽면식재용 재료로 활용 가능성이 높은 것으로 판단된다. 이밖에 콩짜개덩굴을 비롯하여 봉의꼬리, 도깨비 쇠고비, 실고사리 등의 양치식물은 제주도를 비롯하여 남부지방 성벽 고유의 지역성 반영을 위해 매우 유용한 식물로 판단된다. The purpose of this study is to examine vegetation of the outer walls of the Jeongyi Town Wall in Jeju and analyze the characteristics and problems identified, for suggesting preliminary data for selecting species of plants appropriate for the greening of the walls in the southern temperate climate region, including Jeju. The result of this study is as follows. The number of plants growing naturally around the walls of the town was identified to be 52 taxa. Based on the list of naturalized plants, there are 5 taxa; Sonchus oleraceus, Houttuynia cordata, Crassocephalum crepidioides, Erigeron annuus and Lamium purpureum. The number of species by district was from 3 to 14 taxa with 7.1 taxa on average. Analyzing by the constancy class, plants in class III included Sedum bulbiferum, Trichosanthes kirilowii, Hedera rhombea and Boehmeria nivea. Manipulation of the species composition table shows that the number of plant species growing naturally around the walls of Jeongyi Town Wall is a total of 52 taxa, including 11 taxa by differential species of community and 41 taxa by companion species. The types of plants very useful for the covering of the walls are evergreen climbing vine, such as Hedera rhombea, Ficus thunbergii and Euonymus fortunei and deciduous climbing vine, such as Parthenocissus tricuspidata, Trichosanthes kirilowii and Paederia scandens. In addition, Ficus stipulata is identified as a vegetation more appropriate for the southern-ward lattice-blocked walls. Woody plants, such as Akebia quinata, Celastrus flagellaris, Ampelopsis brevipedunculata for. citrulloides, Rubus hirsutus, Clematis apiifolia and herbaceous plants, such as Dioscorea tenuipes, D. quinqueloba, D. nipponica, Cayatia japonica and Paederia scandens var. angustifolia are highly useful materials for climbing plants for covering the walls of the southern province. Pteridophyte, such as Lemmaphyllum microphyllum, Pteris multifida, Cyrtomium falcatum and Lygodium japonicumare suggested as very useful for increasing unique regional characteristics of the southern province, including Jeju.

      • KCI등재

        모악산도립공원의 산쓰레기 발생특성

        노재현,허준,Rho, Jae-Hyun,Huh, Joon 한국조경학회 2007 韓國造景學會誌 Vol.35 No.5

        This study investigated the types, forms, and origination of litter found along one hiking course in Moaksan Provincial Park, 'Jungin-ri Course'(entrance-ridge-valley-peak). In addition, a survey was conducted to understand hikers' litter control awareness in order to determine possible backcountry litter control measures. The following are the results of this study: 1. For the litter Sequency investigation, 199 recyclable pieces of litter were found on the mid-slope(61.6%), 89 by the entrance(27.6%), 19 in the valley(5.9%) and 16 on the peak(4.9%). A total of 323 pieces of litter were found. Paper materials were the most common, followed by plastic containers such as PET bottles and yogurt containers. Of particular interest, 288 papers and cans were found on the mid-slope(46.9%). By the entrance, more plastics and bottles were found. 2. There were 614 pieces of flammable litter collected and only 19 pieces of non-flammable. Most of the flammable litter, including snack pacts, plastic bags, processed lumber, cigarette butts, tissues, cigarette boxes, and fabric was found on the mid-slope. 3. Very little food waste was found throughout the whole site proving that the policy prohibiting hikers from cooking and eating at the designated sites has been effective. However, food waste is difficult to find because it naturally decays with time. 4. $X^2$-test was used to find different types of litter and their verified origination frequency. It was found that recyclable litter, and food waste took about 1%. In addition, recyclable litter, especially bottles, was found relatively frequently by the entrance. Flammable litter was found most often at the peak. 5. The questionnaire results showed that 48.2% of the respondents "shorten their hiking journey and purchase food outside the entrance" and 29.6% said that they "bring a packed meal from home". Only 8.2% said that they "cook something when an appropriate location is found". At the Jungin-ri course, a few hikers brought their own food to eat or cook, but most hikers purchased something to eat onsite. 6. The results of the question about having experience littering while hiking showed that 19.3% litter and 79.2% do not. Those that responded "yes" gave various reasons for littering. 63.6% claimed, "there are no designated trash containers". 15.9% said they litter subconsciously. Finally, 3.2% insist that they litter "because food naturally decomposes". 7. As a result of the overall satisfaction according to the Likert scale and the analysis with an average of 14 variables, it was found that the average "toxic litter control convenience" was 2.41 with very low satisfaction. Thus, the results indicate the importance of providing appropriate back country litter control facilities.

      • KCI등재

        탐라십경과 탐라순력도를 통해 본 제주 승경의 전통

        노재현,신병철,한상엽,Rho, Jae-Hyun,Shin, Byung-Chul,Han, Sang-Yub 한국조경학회 2009 韓國造景學會誌 Vol.37 No.3

        "탐라십경도"와 "탐라순력도"에 표현된 경관내용과 그 의미를 파악하여 현재 제주의 대표적 전통경관으로 인식되고 있는 영주십이경과의 관령성 및 변천과정을 밝힘으로써 제주 승경의 정체성과 전통을 조명하고자 한 본 연구의 결과는 다음과 같다. 제주 집경(集景)의 시원이 되는 탐라십경 중 백록담과 영실은 제주 신화 형성의 장(場)이자 상징체이며 해안에 포진된 조천진, 서귀진, 명월진은 강역 사수의 요충이로서 역사문화성을 함축한다. 그리고 성산 일출봉과 산방산, 취병담, 천제연폭포는 자금도 대표적인 제주 경승이자 영주십이경으로 자리잡고 있다. 한편, 탐라순력도에서 보이는 제주마를 비롯 감귤 진상과 관련된 5장의 봉진 그림 속에 담겨진 '방어'와 '조정 진상'은 정치적 색채가 강한 제주 풍물경관이다. 특히 '고원방고'나 '귤림풍악'에서 볼 수 있는 바와 같이 '감귤림을 배경으로 한 풍류'나 '산장구마'나 '교래대협' 등에서 볼 수 있는 '방목된 제주마와 수렵생활' 등은 제주 고유의 풍물상으로 꾸준히 전승되었다. 탐라십경과 직접적으로 관련 있는 영주십이경은 이형상목사의 순력회랑에서 벗어난 백록담과 영곡을 배제한다면 '성산일출'의 성산, '백록만설'의 백록담, '영실기암'의 영곡, '산방굴사'의 산방, '용연야범'의 취병담 그리고 '서진노성'의 서귀소 등 총 6개 경승이다. 그밖에 탐라순력도의 '우도점마'와 '산장구마' 등을 통해 영주십이경의 제 10경인 '고수목마'의 경관이미지가 고스란히 표현되고 있다. 또한, 탐라십경의 10개 경승은 순력회랑에서 배제된 백록담과 영곡을 배제하고는 모두 탐라순력도에 직간접적으로 집중 조명되고 있다. 탐라십경과 탐라순력도에서 공히 강조되고 있는 공간 및 장소 그리고 경물은 제주의 위정자 등 선인들에 의해 꾸준히 전승되는 가운데 첨삭과정(添削過程)을 거쳐 오늘의 영주십이경으로 정착된 것으로 보인다. 따라서 영주십이경은 제주의 아름다운 경관에 대한 탐구와 향토애에 대한 시적 표현을 빌려 오랜 절차탁마(切磋琢磨)의 과정 속에서 이루어진 유산경관이자 전통경관이 아닐 수 없다. This paper attempts to look at the identity of the traditional famous sceneries of Jeju Island by investigating the relationship between 'Yeoung Ju-Sipikyung(瀛州十二景)', which are the representative beautiful scenes of Jeju Island, and two paintings 'T'amna-Sipkyungtdo(耽羅十景圖)' and 'T'amna-Sullyokto(耽羅巡歷圖)' by a grasp of the contents and meanings of these two paintings. The following are the results of the study. In the 'T'amna-Sipkyung', which is the origin of today's 12 beautiful sceneries of Jeju Island, Baekrokdam and Youngsil are both symbolic places and the backdrops against which Jeju's myths were formed. Jocheonjin, Seogwijin and Myoungwoljin, located near the seashores, are strategic footholds in protecting the territory of the island and connotatively contain its culture and history. Seongsan Ilchulbong, Sanbangsan, Chwibyeongdam and Cheonjeyeon Pokpo are not only the quintessentially beautiful scenes of Jeju but also belong to 'YeoungJu-Sipikyung'. And 'T'amna-Sullyokto', which describes the Jeju horses and tangerines that were presented to the king as tribute, offers scenic elements with a strong political tone and is related to the five scene of 'T'amna-Sullyokto', showing that 'defense' and 'tribute' are motives in choosing the sceneries of people's daily lives here. Jeju's daily scenes in particular have been continuously transmitted: 'Idyllic lives with the background of a tangerine orchard' are shown in 'Kowon Panggo' and 'Kyullim P'ungak', and Jeju horses grazing on pastures or being ridden in hunting trips are presented in 'Sanjang Kuma' and 'Kyorae Taeryop'. Besides Baekrokdam and Youngsil, which do not belong to Sunyeok(巡歷) corridor of minister Lee Hyoungsang, 'Yeoung Ju-Sipikyung', directly related to 'T'amna-Sipkyung', has six beautiful sceneries: Seongsan of Seongsan Ilchulbong, Baekrokdam of Baekrokmanseol, Younggok of Youngsilgiam, Sanbang of Sanbanggulsa Chwibyeongdam of Yongyeonyabeom and Seogwiso of Seojinnoseong. The image of 'Gosumokma', the tenth landscape of 'Yeoung Ju-Sipikyung', was expressed as it is, through 'Udojeomma' and 'Sanjangguma'. The ten beautiful sceneries of 'T'amna-Sipkyung' were also especially described in 'T'amna-Sullyokto', besides Baekrokdam and Youngsil, which do not belong to Sunyeok corridor. As the places and landscapes emphasized on 'T'amna-Sipkyungto' and 'T'amna-Sullyokto' in common have been transmitted by the politicians and ancestors of Jeju Island, they have become established as today's 'Yeoung Ju-Sipikyung', passing through correction processes. When considering this process of development, 'Yeoung Ju-Sipikyung' are worthy of heritage and traditional landscapes accomplished in a long difficult period based on investigation into beautiful Jeju Island and the love of the island people for their home.

      • KCI등재

        국내 아파트브랜드 명명(命名)에 담긴 조경지향적 설득언어 - 유형 및 어휘소 분석을 중심으로 -

        노재현,Rho, Jae-Hyun 한국조경학회 2010 韓國造景學會誌 Vol.38 No.1

        본 연구는 기호학적 분석과 해석을 통해 아파트브랜드 명명(命名)에 담긴 의미와 가치를 살피고, 브랜드가 지향하는 조경적 관점의 설득 메시지가 무엇인가를 밝히고자 시도되었다. 명명 조어분석 결과, 조합과 접합 그리고 혼성방식의 경향이 강한데, 이는 주거문화의 다양한 가치를 담기 위한 시도로 판단된다. 명명 발상법은 문자의 상징성 강조 방식이 강하며, 다의적 메시지를 전달하고자 하는 중의법적 경향과 건물에 인격을 부여하기 위한 의인화, 고유어 및 한자를 적절히 섞어 이용함으로써 자연과 인간의 조화 및 전통적 주거관을 현대적 감각으로 되살리고자 하는 실험성도 동시에 발견된다. 어휘소의 빈도 분석 결과, ville, nature, beauty(미(美)), human, park, hi, green, palace(궁(宮)), nobility, centre(tra) 등의 순으로 설득언어의 등장 비중이 높음을 알 수 있는데, 이는 대부분 조경 및 전망, 자연성 그리고 품격 등을 설명하는 어휘소로 판단된다. 또한 아파트브랜드 포지셔닝 등 기존 연구동향을 바탕으로 한 분석틀에 의한 어휘소 유형화 결과, 국내 아파트브랜드의 지향점과 가치를 좌우하는 가장 비중 있는 외적 개념 축은 '환경지향성'과 '감성지향성'이며, 내부적으로 '기능지향적' 특성이 강화되는 추세로 볼 수 있다. 또한 '환경지향성'을 표출하는 대표적 설득언어이자 브랜드 어휘소의 순위가 정원 및 공원, 전망 그리고 자연성 등임을 볼 때 '조경적 설득 메시지'가 브랜드 명명에 팽배되어 있음을 엿볼 수 있다. 또한 palace, nobility, class를 주요 어휘소로 하는 '품격축'과 human I, you 등을 어휘소로 하는 '자부심축' 등의 감성지향적 설득언어 역시 브랜드의 차별화와 고급화를 선도하는 중요 가치개념이자 설득언어로 활용되고 있다. 더불어 환경지향적 관점으로 유형화한 전망축의 어휘소 중 hi, hill, tower, view, mark, heights 등의 어휘소는 주상복합아파트 등 조망을 주요 가치개념으로 한 초고층아파트가 지향 트렌드와 중복되고 있음을 비추어볼 때, 당분간 고층지향적 설득언어 역시 국내 아파트브랜드의 동향을 지배하는 요인이 될 것으로 예견된다. This study was intended to analyze and interpret the pattern of naming the domestic apartment brand from a semiologic viewpoint in a bid to review the meaning and value of apartment brand, while on the other hand, evaluating the characteristics of persuasive message pursued by current apartment brand in 2010, and consequently, the conclusion of the study is outlined as follows. 1. As a result of analyzing the coinage of branding naming, the words such as combination, joint and blending pattern tended to dominate, which seemed to attempt to represent the variety of values of the housing culture. Brand ideation tends to stress the character symbolism and polysemic message using syllepsis, and the experimental attempt to revive the traditional dwelling concept in a modern sense in a way of combining the archaic word with the Chinese character was found as well. 2. As a result of analyzing the frequency of verbal identity and lexeme of domestic apartments, those frequently used are in order of ville, nature, beauty(美), park, hi, green, palace(宮), nobility and center(tra), which are the lexemes representing the landscape, view, nature and dignity. 3. As a result of identifying the pattern of lexeme using analysis frame based on existing researches such as apartment brand positioning, the most important external core concepts controlling the direction and value of apartment brand are 'environment-orientated' and 'emotion-orientated', and internally, 'function-oriented'. Given the persuasive language expressing the 'environment-oriented' feature and the priority of brand lexeme are garden, park, view and the nature, a landscape-oriented persuasive message is seen to be surging in brand naming. 4. An emotion-oriented persuasive language such as dignity axis having major lexeme represented by palace, nobility, class and a pride axis having major semantic elements represented by human, I and you are used as major value concepts and persuasive language that lead domestic apartment brands to differentiation and upgradation. 5. Among the lexemes focusing on view from environment-oriented standpoint, hi, hill, tower, view, mark, heights are the trend pursued by high-rise apartment aiming at the view such as residential-commercial apartment, and thus the persuasive language focusing on high-rise concept is expected to become the element dominating the trend of apartment brand for the time being.

      • KCI우수등재

        도시공원 야간이용의 공공안전성 제고를 위한 요인 정합성 평가

        노재현,허준,안득수,Rho, Jae-Hyun,Huh, Joon,Ahn, Deug-Soo 한국조경학회 1995 韓國造景學會誌 Vol.23 No.2

        To increase the night use level, this study was analyzed perception of users about the public safety, and extracted main variables which were influencing public safety. The public safety was evaluated by the actual (on site) and nonactual users (off site) and the Delphi method. The night users of female and the elders were relatively more than male and the young respectively as compared with day. Walking was predominant in approaching means. In public safety ratings, $\boxDr$vuknerability to violence$\boxUl$varied accoding to sex, income, education, marriage, job, age. $\boxDr$crowding, $\boxDr$noise$\boxUl$ were important variables in satisfying users at night. $\boxDr$Lack of surveillance, $\boxDr$harassment of other person$\boxUl$, $\boxDr$rowdy behavior in poorer visibility$\boxUl$, $\boxDr$fear in lower intensity of light$\boxUl$ and $\boxDr$vulnerability to violence$\boxUl$stood high , so it is required guarantee of security guard to enhance the park use at night Although the ratings between field and indoor evaluation were somewhat different the variables had so similiar rant.

      • KCI등재

        '열린경관'과 '가려진경관'의 이미지와 선호도 비교 - 패럴랙스(Parallax) 효과 유무를 중심으로 -

        노재현,Rho, Jae-Hyun 한국조경학회 2007 韓國造景學會誌 Vol.35 No.4

        The purpose of this study is not only to compare between 'Opened Landscape' and 'Filtered Landscape' image and preference but also to suggests a guide line of planting design for progressive realization. For this, the image structures of photo-sketch simulation for parallax landscape have been investigated by Semantic Differential scale(S.D. scale) and the Factor analysis. The results could be summarized as follows. The results of S.D. scale values for landscape through parallax were greater than non-parallax landscape. The scenes through parallax were better preferred to direct view. Thus the results of photo-sketch simulation test support the expected hypothesis that the visual environment of complexity and variety is closely correlated with the parallax effect and monotonous or non-parallax environment, and parallax effect on close view more bigger than the distant view. Factors covering the spatial image of parallax landscape were found to be seven and Total values were 60.35 %. The most important factors determining the parallax effect were Factors I 'depth of space' and VI 'expectation of space and interest'. An outstanding view must be handled properly to be preserved or accentuated. In this sense, the parallax spatial beauty with tree could be improved through the visual aspects of plan arrangements and the progressive realization appeared to be one effective design technique for landscape planning and design.

      • KCI등재

        제주 방선문(訪仙門)의 선경(仙境)적 이미지와 명승적 가치

        노재현,신상섭,Rho, Jae-Hyun,Shin, Sang-Sup 한국조경학회 2010 韓國造景學會誌 Vol.38 No.1

        방선문(訪仙門)은 한라산의 옛 이름인 영주산을 신비롭게 하는 신선사상의 흔적이 가장 역력한 명소로 한천계곡에 자리잡고 있다. 영주십경의 하나인 '영구춘화(瀛丘春花)'의 대상장으로 널리 알려진 방선문(訪仙門)과 들렁귀(등영구(登瀛丘))는 문자 그대로 '신선이 사는 곳으로 들어가는 문'이라는 뜻이며, 신선의 산 영주산으로 이르는 통로이자 속세와 탈속의경계로 그려지고 있다. 조선조 선비들은 신선의 고향 한라산을 무대 삼아 방선문, 환선대, 우선대 그리고 등영구의 제액(題額)을 바위에 각자(刻字)함으로써 신선의 문에 들어, 신선을 부르고, 신선을 만나, 신선의 세계로 오르는 선경의 이미지를 방선문에 구축해 왔다. 이는 세속의 번거로움을 털고 한라산 신선이 되는 풍류 행위의 시적 표현이며, 도교적 이상세계에 대한 염원으로, 방선문 4승경의 장소 정체성을 이루는 핵심이다. 방선문이 갖는 선경적 장소성뿐만 아니라 계곡 및 하천경 관을 이루는 지질지형학적 특성과 식물생태학적 가치는 방선문이 '자연경관으로서 명승'으로도 부족함이 없음을 보여준 다. 고찰 결과를 종합할 때 방선문은 마애각에 새겨진 제영의 의미가 갖는 장소정체성과 선경적 의미 그리고 영주십경의 대상장이자 '영구춘화'의 시점장으로서는 물론 방선문 계곡의 자연적 아름다움을 바탕으로 선인과 자연과의 만남을 통한 교감의 장소로 유전되어 왔다. 지금도 제주민과 호흡하는 문화공간으로 지속되고 있음은 생활명승의 전형성 또한 동시에 보여주고 있다. 따라서 현재 문화재보법의 명승적 가치와 기준으로 보았을 때 제주 방선문계곡은 명승의 조건에 가장 부합되는 전형적 장소이자 공간이라 할 만하다. Bangseonmun(訪仙門) is the attractive spots where Shinseon(神仙: Taoist hermit) ideas that makes Mt. Younju(瀛洲山) or the current Mt. Halla mystique has still remained and situated at Hancheon(漢川) Valley. Bangseonmun, which is known as 'Landscape Setting Here($L_{SH}$)' of Youngguchunhwa(瀛丘春花), which is one of ten famous spots in Youngjusipkyung(瀛洲十景), and Deulreonggui refer to 'the gate to the place where Shinseon is living.' It is described as the path to Mt. Youngju for Shinseon and the boundary between the mundane world and the world beyond the mundane. The old scholars at Mt. Halla entered the gate and met Shinseon, carving the word or picture of Bangseonmun, Whanseonmun, Wuseondae or Deungyounggu so as to structure the enchanting image on Bangseonmun. It is the poetic expression of the taste for the arts, breaking from the troublesome mundane world and riding the white deer to become the Shinseon, the desire for the ideal world in Taoism, and the identity of four famous scenic spots of Bangseonmun. Besides its enchanting meaning and the locational value of Bangseonmun, geological features of the valley and river and ecological value prove its unique value as a natural scenic beauty. Not to mention the locational identity and enchanting meaning of the poets carved in Meeaegak of Bangseonmun and the scenic view of 'Youngguchunhwa' as the subject of 10 famous scenes of Youngju, it is the place for communing with nature with the natural beauty of Bangseonmun Valley. As the cultural place for being together with Jeju people, it simultaneously shows the typical model as a scenic spot in our living. Viewing the scenic value and standard from the aspect of the Cultural Properties Protection Law, Bangseonmun Valley in Jeju must be the typical place and space that meet the requirements to become scenic sites.

      • KCI등재

        실경산수화에 담긴 '같은 경관' 그러나 '다른 풍경', 그 의미 찾기 - 18.19C 총석정 그림을 중심으로 -

        노재현,장일영,Rho, Jae-Hyun,Jang, Il-Young 한국조경학회 2008 韓國造景學會誌 Vol.36 No.5

        본 연구는 18 19C 진경산수화에 담긴 경관과 풍경의 표상과 의미를 찾기 위해 '같은 경관'이 '다른 풍경'으로 인식되고 묘사되는 과정에 주목하였다. 총석정을 대상으로 한 실경산수화 총 25엽을 대상으로 그림의 시점과 내용 그리고 표현방법 등을 분석한 결과, '총석정다운' 이상적 경관의 표현을 목표로 모방과 재현을 통해 특정한 표상을 기저에 둔 일종의 기호론적 풍경의 전승이 자연스럽게 이루어져 왔음을 엿볼 수 있다. 이는 총석정의 고유 이미지가 특정한 기표로 정착되고 오랫동안 유전되고 왔음을 보여주는 것으로 '우뚝 솟아 물보라로 부서지는 기괴한 사선봉과 솔숲'이라는 의미적 표상은 총석정의 '그것다움'으로 전수되어 왔으며, 이는 총석정의 원풍경 요소로 집단 표상화 되며 전형성을 갖추게 되었다. 겸재와 단원의 그림을 통해 특정 화가의 그림이 변용되는 과정은 매우 흥미로울 뿐 아니라 그림 속에 표현된 경관은 수차례의 장소 경험과 사생을 통해 그들만의 정서와 추억이 덧칠된 풍경이었음이 분명하다. 또 그들의 그림은 경험을 통해 얻은 '특정 경관' 즉 개인적 정조(情調)에 따른 심상이 부여된 풍경의 개념으로 설명될 수 있다. 똑같은 경관에 대한 동일 시점에서 조차 다른 모습으로 표현된 그림은 경관 주체의 인식을 통해 재해석된 결과로 관조와 인지과정을 통해 경관 대상의 형태 변용은 다채로울 수 있었다. 변용되기 이전의 객관적 실물 재현이 경관에 가까운 모습이라면 취사 선택과 생략 및 강조를 통해 새롭게 인식된 경관 그것은 마음속의 '특정한 경관'으로 '풍경'에 더욱 가까워진 모습이다. 따라서 단순히 '감각적으로 포착된 객관성을 띤 자연'이 경관이고 '미적인 향수 방식으로 성찰되어 문화성을 획득한 주관적 현상은 풍경'이라는 개념은 매우 설득력이 있어 보인다. This research focused on the process in which 'the same scenery' is recognized and represented as 'a different landscape' to determine the symbols and meaning of the scenery and landscape included in real-scenery landscape paintings of the 18th-19th centuries. As a result of analyzing the visual points, the content and expressions of 25 real-scenery landscape paintings of Chong Seok Jeong(叢石亭), it can be seen that the transmission of a kind of semiotic landscape on the basis of a specific symbol was accomplished naturally through imitation and representation for the purpose of the expression of Chong Seok Jeong-like idealized scenery. This shows that the unique images of Chong Seok Jeong have long been passed down after taking root as a unique benchmark The meaningful symbol of 'a strange Saseonbong(四仙峰)', which is broken by the spray after rising high, and 'a pine forest' have both been transmitted as being in the manner of Chong Seok Jeong. This has been equipped with the stereo-type scene by being a collective symbolization as the psycho-scenes in memory element of Chong Seok Jeong. Through the pictures of both Gyeomjae(謙齋) and Danweon(檀園), the process by which a specific painter's pictures become acculturated is highly interesting. The scenery expressed in these pictures was clearly that of a landscape of which its particularly emotions and remembrances were repainted through the experience of several places and original sketches. This can be explained as the concept in which the image from 'a specific scenery' gained through actual experience, that is, a personal feeling, has been expressed. The picture that was expressed as a different figure even at the same visual point for the same scenery is the result that was redefined through the scenery subject's recognition. Also, the modification of the scenery object can be colorful through meditation and Sachu(邪推: guessing with wicked doubt). The scenery recognized newly through adoption, omission and emphasis, it is 'the specific scenery' in the heart and is a figure having been more similar to 'a landscape' if the objective life reproduction before being acculturated is a figure similar to the scenery. So, the concept looks like being very persuasive that 'the nature with objectivity captured sensuously' simply is the scenery, and that 'the subjective phenomenon having acquired the cultural nature by being introspected in the method of aesthetic nostalgia is a landscape'.

      • KCI등재

        통시적 관점에서 본 한벽당(寒碧堂)의 변천과정

        노재현,신상섭,Rho, Jae-Hyun,Shin, Sang-Sup 한국조경학회 2008 韓國造景學會誌 Vol.35 No.6

        This study first attempted to catch the transformational affairs and motives of the representative pavilion, Hanbyeok in Honam after its construction. Especially, it re-illuminated the morphologic, significant and functional change process of a pavilion after the early Joseon Dynasty by taking the local scenery, Hanbyeokdang as a sample, and considering the space and scenic characteristics, and diachronically understood its creation process and rebuilt its inherent positional meaning to reach the following conclusion. 1. Weoldanglu, at its early foundation, seems to have stressed the function of a private banquet and lecture hall to train younger students, and served as a reception space. Then the reception function gradually increased, and up to before 1530, it seems to have been called Weoldanglu(月塘樓) or Weoldangwon(月塘院). 2. In 1619, Governor Yoo Saek changed the pavilion name to Hanbyeokdang through the subject of a poem. 200 years after Weoldang's death, it became a public space called Hanbyeokdang, an amusement place in which scholars cultivated great morale, and participated in the sending-off and welcoming of predecessors and successors. This seems to have taken a foothold as a public event or entertainment space for the local administration, Jeonjuboo(全州府) through the remodeling process sponsored by the public. 3. Scenic language such as its indicating name, expression type and surrounding view through old map and so on, the shape of Hanbyeokdang evolved and changed to diverse types after the foundation of Weoldanglu, at the heart of which Hanbyeokdang with its two legs standing at a rock was located. 4. During the late 18th century, Hanbyeokdang seems to have been a wing corridor connected closely to the left corridor of the Jeonju stream bed, whose pattern is presumed to have existed even during the early 19308. Such changes in scenic language make us assume that diverse auxiliary space, a wing corridor, was erected for use as a public banquet and amusement spot of Jeonjuboo Castle, the inherent function of Hanbyeokdang after the mid 18th century. 5. Penetration of Hanbyeokgool and the erection of Hanbyeokgyo caused the change of the ancient shape of Hanbyeokdang. Specifically, a great Hanbyeokgyo passing by the pavilion changed the relative scale, so the pavilion image of pursuing unity with nature has lost the old inherent refinement and visual character.

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