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        AI Technology and Distribution Industry: Focusing on the Case of Coupang

        김소형 한국비즈니스학회 2024 비즈니스융복합연구 Vol.9 No.2

        The emergence of AI in the distribution industry has brought changes to many distribution companies. The scope of use of AI is continuously expanding, including recommending products, optimizing delivery routes, and planning marketing events. This paper selected the case of Coupang and attempted to examine whether Coupang achieved first place in Korea despite being a latecomer and the changes and development of the distribution company. For this purpose, various secondary data and interview data were used. Using AI technology, distribution companies decided and predicted sales items. It is expected that sales forecasting and inventory management using AI technology will become possible. When selling a product, it is also expected that it will be possible to predict how effectively sales volume, promotions, and marketing activities will be able to promote sales, and based on this, help companies achieve the best performance. This paper examines the development and changes of distribution companies through the case of Coupang. This case is expected to have many implications for other retailers.

      • Pattern of reference types and impact factors of journals in the Korea Citation Index according to academic discipline

        김소형 한국과학학술지편집인협의회 2015 Science Editing Vol.2 No.1

        The Korea Citation Index (KCI) is a citation database for scholarly journals from Korea, the number of journals of which is 2,168 in January, 2015. This article aims to analyze the pattern of reference types and impact factors of journals in the KCI according to academic discipline. Journals of the KCI were classified according to academic discipline: humanities, arts and sports, social science, science, and multi-disciplinary science. Science journals were sub-classified as natural science, engineering, agriculture & fisheries, and medical health. The pattern of reference types was classified as journal article, book, report/thesis/internet, and others. Changing patterns of the two-year impact factor were described according to the publication year of journals in each discipline. The reference type of each discipline in 2010 showed different patterns. In humanities, the portion of books out of cited literatures was 51.1%, while the portion of books in natural science, engineering, medical health, and agriculture & fisheries fields were 11.0%, 10.0%, 7.0%, and 11.0%, respectively. In social science, the portion of journal articles was 53.1% and books 27.3%. In medical health, the portion of journal article was 87.6%. Journals’ average impact factors in 2011 were 0.9 for social science, 0.8 for arts and sports, 0.55 for interdisciplinary, 0.5 for agriculture and fisheries and humanities, 0.45 for natural science, 0.32 for engineering, and 0.3 for medical health. Researchers in humanities in Korea use books as a primary source of references, while those in other disciplines use journals as a major source of references. Higher impact factors in social science journals and lower ones in science journals mean that social scientists in Korea deal with mainly domestic topics, while scientist deal with global topics.

      • KCI등재

        어린이박물관의 유아 체험전시 프로그램 연구 - 창의성 발달을 중심으로 -

        김소형,조희연 한국문화융합학회 2023 문화와 융합 Vol.45 No.11

        The purpose of this paper is to discuss the development of a creativity development exhibition program in connection with the Nuri curriculum through a case analysis of an infant experience exhibition program at a children's museum that performs a complementary function to school education. For this purpose, independent children's museums in Korea were selected and the characteristics of children's experiential exhibitions were analyzed. Based on the results, we sought an exhibition program plan to support the development of children's creativity in connection with the Nuri curriculum. The direction for developing exhibition programs to improve creativity is as follows. First, lifestyle topics based on the Nuri course are organized as exhibition topics, and ‘Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter’ and ‘Life Tools’, which are reported to contain many creative elements, are mainly considered. Second, the cognitive and affective aspects of creativity are improved by applying experiential exhibition techniques that provide complex interactions that combine emotional thinking and physical activity. Third, we actively develop exhibition content with sustainable themes that can produce diverse experiences.

      • KCI등재

        디즈니 애니메이션의 캐릭터 강화전략에 관한 탐색적 연구

        김소형,최향미 한국상품학회 2018 商品學硏究 Vol.36 No.5

        The purpose of this study is to examine Disney 's character enhancement strategies and its success factors through the analysis of Disney's history and character development of 'Mickey Mouse' and 'Frozen'. Firstly, this study aims to explore the relationship between Disney's resorts park business and character realization and secondly, it analyzes Disney's past and current character strategies that have enabled Disney to keep its position as the market pioneer after its establishment. We chose Disney's most classic character ‘Mickey Mouse’ and ‘Frozen’ which is a new record of all existing characters. Disney has been successfully implementing character realization in Disneyland with steadily changing characters and breaking away from the existing formation. Disney has a strong character relationship among charming characters, which has created not only children customers but also empathy of all ages. Furthermore, Disney has succeeded in carrying out character business by one source multi use (OSMU) strategy based on its enhanced characters. Disney also has distinguished itself from other contents providers in the field of OST that matches the theme of the characters. This study will provide insightful implications for many character-based contents companies in the contents industry. 본 연구는 콘텐츠 산업의 발전과 함께 애니메이션 산업의 대표기업으로 자리잡은 디즈니의 역사와 현황을 살펴보고, 대표 캐릭터 ‘미키마우스’와 ‘프로즌’의 캐릭터 분석을 통해 디즈니의 캐릭터 강화전략과 성공요인에 대하여 탐색해 보고자 한다. 이를 위해 디즈니의 사업 부문과 캐릭터 강화전략의 관계를 살펴보고 디즈니의 과거 대표 캐릭터와 현재의 대표 캐릭터를 비교함으로써 디즈니가 이용해온 캐릭터 전략을 분석해본다. 분석대상으로는 디즈니 작품 가운데 가장 고전적 캐릭터인 ‘미키마우스’와 2014년 기존의 모든 기록을 깨버린 ‘프로즌’의 캐릭터를 선택하였다. ‘미키마우스’는 탄생 이후 30여년이 지난 지금까지도 캐릭터 시장에서 높은 매출을 이루어내고 있어 디즈니의 대표적인 성공전략을 증명하는 캐릭터이며, ‘프로즌’은 컴퓨터 애니메이션의 발전과 매체의 다양화를 거치면서 최근 가장 큰 성공을 거둔 작품이다. 특히 영화용 애니메이션이 한편의 완결성을 갖는 것에 비해 ‘프로즌’은 메인 캐릭터가 아닌 서브 캐릭터로 관점을 옮겨 2017년 ‘올라프의 겨울왕국 모험’을 발표하면서 애니메이션 산업의 캐릭터 비즈니스를 서브캐릭터로 확장하는 시도를 이어가고 있다. ‘미키마우스’와, 엘사 및 올라프를 중심으로 한 ‘프로즌’의 캐릭터를 살펴보고 디즈니의 캐릭터 강화전략을 분석해본 결과, 디즈니는 디즈니랜드를 통한 캐릭터의 현실화(realization)전략을 통해 캐릭터화를 더욱 공고히 수행하고 있었으며, 기존의 정형성을 탈피하고 꾸준한 캐릭터의 변화를 지속적으로 수행하였음을 확인하였다. 또한 매력적인 캐릭터와 탄탄한 인물 관계도를 통해 어린이 뿐 아니라 전 연령층의 공감대를 형성할 수 있었고 이러한 캐릭터에 기반한 OSMU(one source multi use)전략으로 캐릭터 비즈니스를 확장할 수 있었다. 마지막으로 캐릭터 주제에 맞는 OST로 타 분야에서까지 외연을 확장시킬 수 있었다는 점은 향후 더욱 성장할 것으로 예상되는 캐릭터 기반 콘텐츠 기업들에게 유용한 시사점을 제공할 수 있을 것이다.

      • Korea Citation Index and Its Macro Bibliometrics

        김소형 아시아기술혁신학회 2013 Asian Journal of Innovation and Policy Vol.2 No.2

        This paper introduces the Korea Citation Index (KCI) and also some macro statistics of KCI. KCI started service since 2008 by the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF), but the data has been gathered from 1998. Our findings are as follows: heavy reliance on books in humanities, but papers as the main reference in all other disciplines. Impact factor is an increasing trend in all disciplines. Social science has the highest impact factor among all fields. In some fields even in science and engineering areas, there are more KCI papers than Korean JCR papers and impact factors of the KCI are higher than JCR. As for the distinction between nationally and internationally fields or journals, some disciplines in social science are clearly nationally oriented. NSE journals listed in both KCI and JCR, however, are not clear in terms of impact factor, but clear in terms of the numbers of papers.

      • KCI등재

        항공사 승무원의 직무불안정성, 직무스트레스, 일-가정갈등 간 관계 : 조직내부인 지위인식의 조절된 매개효과 연구

        김소형,김희경,류성민 한국기업경영학회 2021 기업경영연구 Vol.28 No.5

        본 연구는 항공사 승무원 대상 직무불안정성이 일-가정갈등에 미치는 영향 관계와 이러한 관계를 매개하는 변수와 조절된 매개효과를 갖는 변수를 규명하는 것을 목적으로 하였다. 4차 산업혁명으로 인한 신기술 도입과 코로나19 팬데믹 장기화 등으로 인해 항공사 승무원의 직무불안정성은 전반적으로 가중되고 있는 상황이다. 이렇게 높아진 직무불안정성이 직무 및 가정에 미치는 부정적 영향을 직무요구-자원이론(JD-R Theory)을 토대 로 검증하였으며, 이런 직무불안정성을 완화할 수 있는 기제를 도출하고자 하였다. 가설을 검증하기 위해 국내 7개 항공사의 기혼 승무원 362명의 표본을 대상으로 실증분석하였다. 분석결과로 첫째, 항공사 승무원의 직무 불안정성은 일-가정갈등과 유의미한 정(+)의 관계가 있는 것으로 나타났다. 둘째, 항공사 승무원의 직무불안정 성은 직무스트레스와 유의미한 정(+)의 관계가 있는 것으로 나타났다. 셋째, 항공사 승무원의 직무스트레스는 일-가정갈등과 유의미한 정(+)의 관계가 있는 것으로 나타났고, 이러한 관계를 통해 직무스트레스는 직무불안 정성과 일-가정갈등 간의 관계를 매개하는 것으로 나타났다. 마지막으로, 조직내부인 지위인식의 조절된 매개 효과 검증을 통해 직무불안정성이 직무스트레스를 매개하여 일-가정갈등에 미치는 부정적인 영향을 조직내부 인 지위인식이 조절하는 효과를 확인하였다. 다만 조직내부인 지위인식의 조절된 매개효과의 방향은 예측과는 다른 것이었다. 이러한 연구 결과를 바탕으로 시사점, 한계점, 추후 연구과제에 대해서 논의하였다. With the advent of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, the spread of new technologies and the prolonged COVID-19 pandemic, the job insecurity of airline cabin crew is getting elevated. Most of the previous studies related to job insecurity were attempts to verify the negative effects of job insecurity, such as job satisfaction, organizational commitment, turnover intention, and organizational citizenship behavior. On the other hand, research on the effect of job insecurity on the family is still limited, and there are not many studies on how job insecurity affects the family. In addition, only a few studies have presented the theoretical basis for the process of job insecurity negatively affecting organizations and families. Job insecurity perceived by airline cabin crews who directly deliver services to customers at the service site can hinder service quality. Therefore, airline crew members’ job insecurity needs to be managed importantly in airline industry that is highly dependent on human services. In particular, it is necessary to review the effects of job insecurity and to study what mechanisms can be used to alleviate job insecurity. Therefore, this study examines the relationship between Airline Crew’s Job Insecurity and Work-Family Conflict. This study also investigates the mediating role of Job stress and moderated mediating role of perceived insider status in that relationship. The negative effects of job insecurity on jobs and work-family conflict is verified based on the JD-R (Job Demand-Resource) Model. For this purpose, a survey is conducted on 362 married cabin crews of 7 domestic airlines. According to the results of the research, first, it is confirmed that job insecurity has a significant positive(+) effect on work-family conflict. Second, job insecurity has a significant positive(+) effect on job stress, and third, job stress has a significant positive(+) effect on work-family conflict. Fourth, job stress is found to mediate the relationship between job insecurity and work-family conflict. In other words, it is confirmed that job insecurity perceived by airline cabin crews causes job stress in the process of performing the job, which negatively affects the family. Lastly, it is examined that the perceived insider status moderates the effects of job insecurity on work-family conflict through job stress. Contrary to predictions, it is found that job insecurity mediated job stress and strengthened the effect on work-family conflict. In other words, even if airline crew members are aware of job insecurity, the higher the level of recognition of status within the organization, the stronger the negative effect of job insecurity on the family through job stress. The causes of the results different from the prediction are as follows. According to the social exchange theory, members who aware their status high within the organization can be also highly aware of the obligation to return the favors that the organization has done to them. There is a possibility that they can perceive stress more on job insecurity. Therefore, more in-depth research needs to be conducted later on the possibility of the dual effect of perceived insider status. Practical implications through the empirical results of this study are as follows. First, job insecurity was found to be one of factors that cause stress during work and conflict at home. Therefore, there is a need to minimize and manage workers' job insecurity at the organizational level. Second, forming a sense of belonging to the organization as a job resource may be a way to alleviate job insecurity. In other words, airline cabin crews who perceive themselves as important members of the organization may have a lower negative effect on them even if they feel job insecurity. Therefore, it is necessary to seek ways to increase the various sense of belonging of airline cabin crews at the organizational level. Limitations of the research and future research tasks are also discussed.

      • KCI등재

        가정폭력 피해 아동의 정서적 안정을 위한 놀이 활용 집단 통합예술치료 프로그램 연구

        김소형 한국문화융합학회 2022 문화와 융합 Vol.44 No.4

        이 연구는 가정폭력으로 피해를 받는 아동들의 몸과 마음 그리고 정신의 회복에 도움을 주고자 놀이를 활용한집단 통합예술치료 프로그램을 개발하는 것이다. 총 12회기로 개발된 프로그램은 매회기마다 놀이와 음악 미술영화 문학 예술 매체를 적용하였다. 초반부 1∼3회기는 정서적으로 불안하고 위축된 아동이 안전하고 편안함을 느끼며 프로그램에 대한 흥미를 갖도록 구성하였다. 중반부의 4∼9회기는 가정폭력으로 피해를 입은 아동에게서 나타나는 불안정한 정서 중 우울과 불안을 완화시키기 위하여 긍정적인 표현을 강화하고 의사소통을 개선하는활동으로 구성하였다. 10∼12회기의 후반부는 아동 스스로가 정서적 안정을 느낌으로써 주위 인물과의 건강한 관계를 형성하는데 목적을 두고 프로그램을 구성하였다. 전체 프로그램의 주요 활동은 게임, 인형극, 즉흥극, 노래부르기, 노래 만들기, 악기연주, 음악 동작, 점토 만들기, 영화 감상, 글쓰기 등이며 회기당 열기 15분, 만나기 35 분, 닫기 5분, 적용하기 5분 총 60분으로 구성하였다. 이 연구에서 개발한 프로그램은 가정폭력 피해 아동에게 적용한 뒤 그 효과를 검증받음으로써 통합예술치료 연구의 기초자료로 그 역할을 하게 될 것이다.

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